Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Fair enough :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh. Still, though... xP Well, everyone can be easily bored with Mira's story cause politics were always boring. I actually enjoy Mira's story cuz after episode 2, it actually got better IMO. And also I like GoT politics LMAO x)

  • YEESSS!!!! The official OTP pairing!!!! XD
    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lol. Surely I'm not a legend xP Truth be told, I ship Snigby, too

  • Yep. I found The Order of the Stone really great. I'm pretty sure when GoT ends as well, people are gonna hang on the community just for that too.

    enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    God has MC gotten that popular already? I have to play Ep.1 still (tomorrow most likely)

  • Awwww <3

    just a lil' something to cheer everybody up

  • Wow that's tasty ;)

    And Fiona got de boobs!! XD

    Some more of Rootka97's work

  • "What...are your intentions with my sister?" Fiona asked.

    What? Why is she asking me that?

    "We're just friends. Besides...there's someone who I'm interested in..." His cheeks turn slightly red.

    "How cheesy." Fiona commented, a tad bit annoyed she can't find out who.

    If you only knew...Then it would be really cheesy.

    The two come across the vault long after their banter.

    "Wow...it's beautiful." Fiona commented.

    Not as beautiful as you. He eyes Fiona, who's eyes are lit up from excitement. He smiles, but deep down, he has a feeling that this could be the last time he'll see that expression.

    "Would...you like to do the honors?" He asks, ignoring that sad lingering feeling. She is the Vault Hunter, after all.

    "It's the last one...it's only right we open it together...it's the best part." She turns to look at him with a smile.

    Together? Did she just say that? Together. The word Rhys thought about when he wasn't being forced to tell a story about his adventures. A word he often associated with Fiona. Can it become a reality or will it just remain a thought?

    It's now or never, right?

    Rhys takes a hold of her hand, and smirks. "Together."

    Fiona looks at him, slightly surprised. "This won't be our last by the way, even if I'm not a vault hunter."

    "...You really are cheesy." Fiona sighs, but shows off a small smile.

    "Don't act like you don't like it."

    Fiona doesn't respond. Instead with hand in hand, the two open the vault, together. Like Rhys said, this won't be his last and he's going to make sure of it.

    Based off the audio and screens (thanks @Vernaya!) from episode 5 and did my 'magic' on it. I'm glad Rhyiona is seemingly implied from Rhys' response to Fiona's question. I haven't seen the episode, so I have no clue if there's more to it. Anyway, hope you all enjoy episode 5. (Please don't disappoint me like Life is Strange did)

    I'll be at school anticipating to fangirl about that moment into my microphone later.

  • IT'S HERE AT LAST!!!! :'D

    @nohuhhuh and @GrumpyDof Thank both of you so much for making this masterpiece!!! XD

    I see me, I see Nick, bidding his time, waiting for the right moment to slaughter them all >:D
    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hello Rhyionas! I'm happy to tell you guys that the long wait is finally over! :> Sadly Tales is coming to and end and Grumpydof and I

  • Morning all.

    Sadly TFTB Ep.5 has not been released in the UK yet. But I have LiS Ep.5 to keep me company until it does :D

    Finished LiS Ep.4 last night and... What a rollercoaster. I was sad, and I cried a little at the beginning scenes...

  • Beautiful speech my friend :')

    Sad to see you departing us, but to know you'll always be around the corner is a joy to hear :D

    I would also like to add you on Steam.

    Green613 posted: »

    Alright my beauties, time for the big speech. (Gonna have some music throughout the speech so listen when the opportunity arrives) (O

  • aw thats great!
    Maybe you will emm... write extended version when you finish episode?
    So i would translate that for russian Rhyiona shippers xP

  • And thank you Kristi :')

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Everyone seems to be doing speech, let it be a farewell or a simple thank you. I feel like I have to do one. It's hard to believe that

  • I remember that moment with the Fables cover :D

    SnowxBigby and RhysxFiona 4 lyfe!

    All these speeches lmao I joined the forum for TWD. I started to lurk on the forums for about a week after the release of TFTBL ep 1 (

  • Me too brah!! XD

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    tfw u have a day off when the episode releases fak... having nothing to do until the episode releases makes the wait so much harder than it already is.

  • Of course! :D

    Vernaya posted: »

    aw thats great! Maybe you will emm... write extended version when you finish episode? So i would translate that for russian Rhyiona shippers xP

  • edited October 2015

    TODAY HYPE!!!!

    enter image description here

  • so i lookin forward for it

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Of course!

  • tfw you're still in school when it releases

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    tfw u have a day off when the episode releases fak... having nothing to do until the episode releases makes the wait so much harder than it already is.

  • So many speeches last night. :') This ship really is amazing.

  • That was awesome. I love it.

  • My Body Is Ready.

    TODAY HYPE!!!!

  • Don't forget it's community. Without the community the ship would never exist. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    So many speeches last night. :') This ship really is amazing.

  • I can't deal with my heart meanwhile I'm waiting

  • edited October 2015
    Although episode 5 hasn't been released yet, I have to say that time spent here was amazing and worth it. This thread has allowed me to meet *so* many new, cool af, people, and I am, ofc, glad. Hopefully we'll get at least a little Rhyiona moment, but I won't be *that* disappointed if we do not. It's incredible what one ship, pairing, whatever you fancy, has done. Wow, this is pretty emotional. It has also inspired a lot of people, who have made gorgeous drawings, stories, videos, edits etc. The most important thing is, that it [Rhyiona] has united all of us and made this an unforgettable experience.

    ![enter image description here](http://33.media.tumblr.com/34518a64366200d23e2b6bf80273b6dd/tumblr_nfc2xaKDL21qgsgxro2_500.gif)

    # Long Live Rhyiona Ayy Baby
  • edited October 2015


    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Although episode 5 hasn't been released yet, I have to say that time spent here was amazing and worth it. This thread has allowed me to meet

  • edited October 2015
    I just noticed.

    (EDIT: Image doesn't work)
  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I just noticed. (EDIT: Image doesn't work)

  • stop bullying me


  • edited October 2015

    Or does she leave a bad taste in your mouth?

    choice... confirmed?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • Rhysha tastes like a Grand Slamwich when all I want is my damn Rhyiona Pancakes

    enter link description here

  • hopefully..

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Or does she leave a bad taste in your mouth? choice... confirmed?

  • spoiler tag this or we'll be getting more rule34 stuff soon

  • I love Sasha as a character, but... damm, as Rhys, she leaves a really bad taste...

    ...not like our favourite professional Pandoran con artist <3

  • spoiler tag this or we'll be getting more rule34 stuff soon

    enter image description here

    k. no spoiler tag for u

    spoiler tag this or we'll be getting more rule34 stuff soon

  • I'm going to drop this here....

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here


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