Let's talk about THAT decision [Episode 5 spoilers]

I'm really curious about the keeping/crushing AI thing. I like Jack so I thought I'd keep the AI with me incase I ever need his help for something but when you see your choices it says that "You and 57.1% of players kept AI Jack imprisoned." So what was this decision about? Keeping it is like imprisoning Jack forever and crushing it means he wont have to suffer from something?



  • You kill him or don't pretty much.

  • I crushed it because it seemed a perfect ending for his chraracter arc. After getting chances to redeem himself from the lunatic he became he tried yet again and again to kill me. Knowing if he were to be able to get out of the eye one day he would try the same again, I crushed it. The end.

  • I crushed the AI thing. For me, it felt like a conclusive ending for Handsome Jack and the final push for Rhys to get out of Hyperion's shadow and become his own.

  • Another thing is that he begged, and he didn't want to go back to what he referred to as 'there.' Jack is 'there' but not permanently. Besides, Jack is such a great villain, and he was considered great after only one game. We got an origin story, and what happened after his death with more interaction with him. Jack is a legend in gaming IMO. This also is an acceptable way for him to end however. Crushing it is a good option, especially the way others who've commented have put it

  • I think I sort of pitied AI Jack in his final moments, and in the end decided to keep him imprisoned, sort of as a memento, I mean its not like there's going to be a Season 2 and that this decision will carry over or not.

  • I couldn't do it...

    Hell, I flat-out refused to remove my brain/eye cybernetics but eventually realised it was my only ways of progressing forward.

    I'm obviously heart-broken, but I think Telltale did wonderful justice to the character, and that it was a wonderful way to end his arc (though, there's still part of me that holds out some faint bit of hope).

    More than anything, though, I'm glad they stayed true to the character and didn't try to pull a cheap redemption arc. I mean, how long did we get into ep 4 (if we chose to rule) before he horrendously betrayed us? I swear it was less than 2 minutes... And I didn't expect anything less!

    Jack... Jack is a bad guy. And I'm glad he died a bad guy (again).

  • edited October 2015

    True, Telltale did stay faithful to his character, the Handsome Jack we all know and love to hate.

    Still, did anyone feel sort of sad with how he begged not to be deactivated in his final moments, even though he's insane and tried to kill you?

    I couldn't do it... Hell, I flat-out refused to remove my brain/eye cybernetics but eventually realised it was my only ways of progressin

  • Despite the fact that he tried to kill Rhys. I actually felt sorry and teary when the last dialogue option with him appeared. I actually said sorry to him. It was definitely a far more conclusive death scene to him here rather what he got in Borderlands 2.

    I will definitely miss HJ.

    I couldn't do it... Hell, I flat-out refused to remove my brain/eye cybernetics but eventually realised it was my only ways of progressin

  • I apologised too - it honestly broke my heart.

    Despite the fact that he tried to kill Rhys. I actually felt sorry and teary when the last dialogue option with him appeared. I actually sai

  • 5)Saying goodbye to the devil on your shoulder.

    Handsome Jack was finally subdued, so you and 95.9% of players told him that you were sorry.

    I apologised too - it honestly broke my heart.

  • I somehow missed that!

    That warms the cockles of my cold, broken heart...

    Tolispro posted: »

    5)Saying goodbye to the devil on your shoulder. Handsome Jack was finally subdued, so you and 95.9% of players told him that you were sorry.

  • I pitied him, but he is still someone who can't be trusted. He didn't learn from his mistakes, and that is why he deserved the punishment. There's nothing to be gained by having a maniac in your head

  • In the heat of the moment I thought keeping the eye was like keeping memento. I HAD NO FRICKIN' IDEA THAT WOULD MEAN KEEPING JACK AS WELL ;-;

  • Yeah. To be honest, I didn't find that out until I read this thread. But, still happy that I crushed it anyway

    Quiff posted: »

    In the heat of the moment I thought keeping the eye was like keeping memento. I HAD NO FRICKIN' IDEA THAT WOULD MEAN KEEPING JACK AS WELL ;-;

  • I really liked that, at the end when he'd finally lost it all, he kind of sort of learned humility. All praise to the VA (and the script!) for making me actually feel bad for Jack. The way he talks about Angel makes you really realize that, while what he did was sick and wrong, he truly did love her above all else.

    Despite the fact that he tried to kill Rhys. I actually felt sorry and teary when the last dialogue option with him appeared. I actually sai

  • Believe me, I wanted to crush the cybernetics. I knew that Jack dying was a guarantee that Rhys wouldn't be hurt from him again, but...

    I couldn't. I kept him imprisoned, I couldn't bring myself to end Jack.

  • I couldn't bring myself to do it. Ha, much like @HandsomeJack above, I also was ignoring the prompts in hopes that there was a slight chance of not having to yank out the cybernetics. I don't care how many times Jack tries to kill me, I will always love that asshole. :P

    I still have slight hope that he could be back in the future via the keep/imprisoned choice. But I'd want his involvement to stay minor.

    If this is the end, he had one hell of a send off. Really did feel sorry for him, too.

  • Yeah, I killed him. Rhys couldn't reach his own happiness if he didn't do that. As much as I love to hate HJ, this has to be done.

  • Well, I´d like to see about next adventure of Fiona and Rhys, please Telltale Games, make another game with this great protagonists...¿pretty please?...Really it would be amazing...like a lot.
    About the decition: Crushed him; He lied to Rhys just for doing the same sh*t: He didn´t learned his mistakes, he didn´t. Besides, now Rhys can be his own hero, his own leader, he can still be growing up than being a puppy dog of that irresponsable, egomaniac Jack... [Though he was a good villain]

  • Man I dunno how I feel about that whole scene. I felt to wishy-washy about it...1 minute I was on his side, then I hated him, then I felt pity, then I wanted to punch him but then I felt bad for him again. That scene felt too short or somethin. So does this mean Jack is officially gone?

  • Killed him, Throughout the game I went from loving him to hating him over and over lol

  • My Rhys couldn't crush the AI. Rhys still saw a piece of himself in AI Jack, and couldn't entirely get rid of him

  • I actually really liked that Jack expresses fear (and even falls to his knees) before he dies. it's much more dynamic and interesting route to take his character, as opposed to an edgy "go ahed.. kil me n see what hapens kid ;)" scenario.

  • Even with all of his murderous intentions, I couldn't bring Rhys to kill his hero, at least on the pro-Jack file. That one line really sealed it though. Something along the lines of "This the part where you say we're the same.....Nah, you're way better at killing people than me." Rhys committed his first genocide, even if accidental.

  • Rhys kinda started to do it himself, which Im fine with considering thats what I wanted to do, but Jeeze, that eyeball wire was, ugh.

  • I didn't even think that handsome jack was imprisoned in there, I just thought that if you kept the eye you could upgrade it or something, and jack was gone when you removed it.

  • I crushed it as fast as I possibly could. I like Jack as a character, but I didn't want to risk him coming back. Ever.

  • Really? That scene was my favorite in the game.

    Man I dunno how I feel about that whole scene. I felt to wishy-washy about it...1 minute I was on his side, then I hated him, then I felt pi

  • I kept the eye. Like Jack said, Rhys was standing on a mountain of corpses for "doing what needed to be done". He walking in Jacks footsteps, betrayals and all. I felt that he needed a physical reminder of what lies down that path so he will always seek an alternative. Or at least feel bad about the choices he has made.

  • I crushed him. That man cannot be trusted. And he threatened me... right up until the point that he begged for his life. No way I'm trusting that.

  • This. My response was an automatic "Hell no" when I saw the option to keep it.

    Courtenay posted: »

    I crushed it as fast as I possibly could. I like Jack as a character, but I didn't want to risk him coming back. Ever.

  • i figured i should keep him, maybe you can make him into a tamagotchi or something

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    A tamagotchi that will call you names, turn its display into a middle finger, and at some point find a way to strangle you

    i figured i should keep him, maybe you can make him into a tamagotchi or something

  • jackagochi will be the new craze on pandora, everybody will want one

    Deltino posted: »

    A tamagotchi that will call you names, turn its display into a middle finger, and at some point find a way to strangle you

  • That.....Is fricking awesome! Jackagotchi, would buy one!
    enter image description here

    i figured i should keep him, maybe you can make him into a tamagotchi or something

  • I'm with you, despite how much I hate Handsome Jack, I also love him too much to kill him and couldn't bring myself to do it, even with all the shit he's done. It was a fantastic end to Jack's arc, he is and always will be one of my favorite fictional characters, and Telltale did him justice.

    I couldn't do it... Hell, I flat-out refused to remove my brain/eye cybernetics but eventually realised it was my only ways of progressin

  • I crushed him.

    He was too far gone even as Data and this is the Age of Rhys, he cannot be held back by ghosts of the past.

  • I crushed Jack. I was no way having that asshole come back to cause problems.

  • enter image description here

    i figured i should keep him, maybe you can make him into a tamagotchi or something

  • edited October 2015

    Uhu, I don't want him lingering around anymore. So I'm prob gonna replay this episode.

    Someguy12 posted: »

    Yeah. To be honest, I didn't find that out until I read this thread. But, still happy that I crushed it anyway

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