The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Not at all .

    If course I don't have any actual evidence . It's just something I've always believed .

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    What? Trying to have a civil and respectul discussion with you? I was just asking for you to present evidence to support your claim, otherwise I don't see why you'd believe that... I'm just really curious. Did I offend you or something? :P

  • Yeah he can be a bit of a douche, well actually quite a huge asshole sometimes but he's still a decent person and at the very least he does realize what a huge asshole he can be and tries to do something about it, which is not something you can say about all assholes, still he definitely doesn't deserve that and it sucks that he was diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer.

    You know at the very least the guy is one of the few people that actually talks about how well games work on PC which is super important when buying PC games, hope he gets better somehow.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I don't really like the guy, he's a bit of a cunt sometimes, and I'm not a fan of his vids, however, I do hope he gets through this, would suck pretty bad if he died.

  • The PS3 issues were because of the PS3's unusual architecture and it was legendary infamous for being ridiculously hard to program to, while the PS4 has more traditional architecture (Main reason why it can't just emulate and run PS3 games and why it's not backwards compatible) and is fairly well regarded by both indie and triple a developpers as being very accessible and easy to program to, so I don't think there's going to be much in performance troubles because of that, I mean obviously there will be some but that's because Bethesda and not PS4, in any case, yeah go for the PS4 it's likely to work as well as Fallout 3 did for the Xbox 360 or maybe better, that depends on Bethesda's QA though.


  • Oh, I see then. I myself never understood how someone can believe in something with no basis, but go figure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Cope49 posted: »

    Not at all . If course I don't have any actual evidence . It's just something I've always believed .

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited October 2015

    Well now I'm offended.

    Once Hillary's in office we'll officially find out then won't we .

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Oh, I see then. I myself never understood how someone can believe in something with no basis, but go figure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • The only reason I ever act annoyed at puns is because I’m horrible at them. You could say I’m…

    t-terripunble… Terrible, with- with ‘pun’ stuck in the middle of it.

    ...Wow. It’s really punbelievable how bad I am at this.

  • It's an amazing game. I'm glad you played it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just completed Valient Heart best 15 euro I ever spent the game is an absolute masterpiece 10/10 my feels what a beautiful representation

  • I don't doubt that Fallout 4 will be glitchy, if not extremely glitchy, upon release.

    Thanks for the info Kale.

    kaleion posted: »

    The PS3 issues were because of the PS3's unusual architecture and it was legendary infamous for being ridiculously hard to program to, while

  • edited October 2015

    Why are you offended? You said that you have nothing to support your argument, all I said was that I don't understand how you or anyone can believe in something without any basis/evidence. I did not say anything to offend you.

    Oh, and let's not get into America politics cause that's not really the point of what I'm saying here. If she does a good job, certainly it's not because she's a woman. But here's the thing cope, I honestly don't expect to change your opinion or anything like that, but don't you think that those statements of yours are kind of... sexist?

    Sexism is a two way street. Women are affected by sexism, and so are men. Do you honestly believe that the best way to combat sexism is with more sexism? I'm not trying to start a gender war here, I just really would like to know why you think that sexism against women is bad, but sexism against men should be supported.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Well now I'm offended. Once Hillary's in office we'll officially find out then won't we .

  • edited October 2015

    Just finished watching Tales finale. It was awesome, one of the best final episodes for an episodic game. So glad i can add Handsome Jack to the list of REALLY evil characters i spared in video games. Tbh i even without my 'spare code' (Yes that i seriously what i'm calling it) i wouldn't have done it. Incase anyone is interested who else is on the list here you go:

    1) The Crooked Man

    2) Tweedle Dum

    3) Both St.John brothers

    4) Tazal

    5) Cicero

    6) Every Evil guard in Dishonored (Especially the ones who brag about massacre and rape)

    7) All the conspirators in Dishonored

    8) Delilah Brigmore

    9) Finch

    10) Mark Jefferson

    11) Ramsay Snow (even if i couldn't actually kill him i still made the choice not to)

    12) Handsome Jack

    13) Hundreds of guards in AC games

    Yeah it's pretty long.

  • edited October 2015

    Puns that bad merit severe pun-ishment.

    mirashade posted: »

    The only reason I ever act annoyed at puns is because I’m horrible at them. You could say I’m… t-terripunble… Terrible, with- with ‘pun’ stuck in the middle of it. ...Wow. It’s really punbelievable how bad I am at this.

  • I just realized I've been up for the past 40 hours, I really should get to sleep.

  • You on the meth or sumthin?

    I just realized I've been up for the past 40 hours, I really should get to sleep.

  • Jesus, and I nearly slip into a coma when I get less than 8 hours of sleep

    I just realized I've been up for the past 40 hours, I really should get to sleep.

  • edited October 2015

    Apparently, humans can survive without sleep for 11-12 days.

    I just realized I've been up for the past 40 hours, I really should get to sleep.

  • Free on Xbox live but that's none of my business

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just completed Valient Heart best 15 euro I ever spent the game is an absolute masterpiece 10/10 my feels what a beautiful representation

  • That's fascinating and pretty cool! Tbh I'm not a huge gamer so I've never really played so many of those games like Assassin's Creed, but I think it's really cool that a mentality like that can be born from playing a video game. Awesome.

    And Morgan is supremely awesome too. =D

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Welp it's been a long time since i posted anything here so might as well post something that i been meaning to share. On sunday i watched

  • Thanks :)

    And yes hes badass :)

    sialark posted: »

    That's fascinating and pretty cool! Tbh I'm not a huge gamer so I've never really played so many of those games like Assassin's Creed, but I

  • Nope, just couldn't sleep the previous night, slept like a fucking log last night, felt great.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    You on the meth or sumthin?

  • One of my friends died today.

    I hate life.

    Life sucks.

  • Damn, sorry for your loss.

    One of my friends died today. I hate life. Life sucks.

  • Seems like this year is when people I know are dying off.

    Aside from that, my uncle died 2 days ago as well.

    What did I do to deserve such pain?

    Damn, sorry for your loss.

  • edited October 2015

    You didn't do anything, people just... die, everyone's gonna die, be it young be it old. Just gotta hope that an afterlife exists and those people are now happy.

    As cheesy as this sounds, the best thimg you can do for them is keep going and have them in your thoughts.

    Seems like this year is when people I know are dying off. Aside from that, my uncle died 2 days ago as well. What did I do to deserve such pain?

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    You've never done anything to deserve it... things just happen out of nowhere. I'm really sorry you lost two loved ones.

    They'll always be alive in your memories, so they'll still be with you. Good luck, and be strong. You still haves others around you, so you'll always have someone to talk to. Even here too. You have my condolences. I'll be on at times today, if you want someone to talk to.

    Seems like this year is when people I know are dying off. Aside from that, my uncle died 2 days ago as well. What did I do to deserve such pain?

  • Sorry for your loss, you have my sympathies.

    One of my friends died today. I hate life. Life sucks.

  • I'm really sorry for your loss Meg, I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. My sympathies.

    One of my friends died today. I hate life. Life sucks.

  • I'm sorry to hear that and sorry for your loss.

    One of my friends died today. I hate life. Life sucks.

  • My favorite rapper is Big Pun.

    Puns that bad merit severe pun-ishment.

  • I am so sorry for you loss, that is just horrible.

    One of my friends died today. I hate life. Life sucks.

  • It's Thursday. Critical Role is on tonight. I am excited.

  • Time for a nice snack I'm off.

  • enter image description here

    That is horrible news I hope your ok stay strong I'm sorry for your loss

    One of my friends died today. I hate life. Life sucks.

  • enter link description here

    ahhhhhhhh pmfg PATD just keeps reeling me in

  • I'm really sorry for your loss Meg :( Stay strong ♥

    One of my friends died today. I hate life. Life sucks.

  • edited October 2015

    Well today i got a horrible head ache and slept for 3 hours. You guys?

  • Kinda wanted to upload sketches tomorrow but my aunt forgot to pick me up to go to her place to scan today, now I have to wait till tomorrow to scan them. -.-

  • Damn, that sucks. Feeling any better?

    Anyways, I'm just finishing up a school project, listening and fanboying to P!ATD music lol.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well today i got a horrible head ache and slept for 3 hours. You guys?

  • Hi the Coming. Yeah im cool :).

    Hey i wanted to ask you. Are you still posting your character on my's been 6 months.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Damn, that sucks. Feeling any better? Anyways, I'm just finishing up a school project, listening and fanboying to P!ATD music lol.

  • Treasure your memories of them, and they will be with you forever.

    You are in our thoughts.

    One of my friends died today. I hate life. Life sucks.

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