This photo on Kenny and Clementine! please!

Anyone know how to design in Photoshop? Or other software? This picture just for Kenny and Clementine! This can be a really good picture of season 3! If anyone can design, I would be very happy.
I guess there are people who know how to edit in Photoshop or something
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I can do it
Looks more like Solid Snake than Kenny. And why is he carrying Clementine in his arms like she's a baby hahaha
Kenny, talk to me! Kenny?! KENNNY!
It protects Clementine. What baby? You can pick up any child or even an adult ...
um ... not little clem and old kenny ,,, but thank you?
His is the only game that has made me cry and i never cry best game ever i hope they make a season 3 with clem and kenny plz inform me if season 3 is going too come out
i hope so!!!!
How's Kenny supposed to pose like that after I put a bullet in his head? :P
Well it's possible to shoot him in the head if you let him kill jane and then shoot him.
Oh really? I had no idea.
Yup. You just get the alone ending. It kind of made me mad that now there will likely not be any sort of scene with Walker kenny.
It's Solid Snake and Sunny Emmerich.
That's actually "young" Kenny. He's older in S2 of course. XD
ur welc
I could see them doing three scenes to twist the knife
Shoot Kenny: Scene of walker Kenny lurking around near the rest stop
Look Away/Do nothing: Scene of walker Jane with a knife in her chest lurking around near the rest stop
Kill them both: Scene of walker Jane eating Kenny's corpse
it's the best
Thank you