Genius idea for Season 3! Please tell me your opinion

Clementine bite at the end of the story, but she will not turn walker, why? Because to have a specific antibody in the body. An antibody that prevents it from becoming ... then people will realize that the girl has got the solution apocalypse, so be mad scientists who want to dissect her body ... and then Kenny will save the Clementine!
I know it sounds silly, but it's a stroke of genius in my opinion anyway. what do you think? You can develop it In more directions.
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Robert Kirkman says there is no cure. I don't think he will allow Telltale to change that.
It would be Pretty cliché. Would be like TloU.
Screw Kenny. He's had enough story in this game and he's absolutely gotta go.
Also you should go play "The Last of Us" if you haven't already.
thank you
i love kenny and clem
I think you have to recognize that there are players who are not like you, who do not like Kenny and who do not like Clem (even though I think she's fine.) The fact is Kenny's had more screen time than Lee at this point, with about five different "goodbyes" and "deaths" from both season 1 and season 2 (more than any other character), and frankly I'm just plain sick of Kenny. I want him out of the game completely, just so I don't have to hear about him anymore from anyone, jesus.
ok ..
Yeah, not going to happen, Kirkman said no cure and no immune.
That's sounds cool. But what if instead Clem(and Kenny/Jane) encounters a former scientist. The guy is calm and nice, but is secretly really crazy. And he somehow believes that Clem has the cure in her blood and wants to dissect her. Then Clem(and Kenny/Jane) has to fight and escape him.
On the other hand, I do like the general idea, sort of. There was a thread someone made about it a long time ago; maybe you'd be interested in seeing it: If you take the right steps, it could be a good story. Just please for the love of god leave Kenny out of it.
you are very evil
i hate this game
What if Clem was bitten,but then Rick Grimes appears in the time machine from Back to the Future. They go back to prevent the bite from ever happening, but get stuck by lightening and get hurled back to biblical times. Clem dies but then resurrects as a zombie. Rick manages to escape to the present, but when he does he finds out that there is no such thing as Christianity, instead Clem is a religious figure. The timeline is so badly distorted that in the new timeline.... Lee is alive!! Together they must travel back together to rescue Clem from the past.
It pretty much writes itself really.
this great idea XD
Well, TLOU's plot is basically the plot you just described. :P
No, just no.
Sorry, there's no cure and no one is immune.
Kenny is the man!
Lol! Did you make an account just to say that to me? What is the world coming to. :shaking my head:
So... The Last of Us?
This is a stupid idea that goes against the Walking Dead Universe. STUPID STUPID STUPID
you are love the last of us more the walking dead?
It's hard for me to say, since I didn't play TLOU (I just watched it on youtube), in terms of graphics and gameplay TLOU is better, but when it comes to writing/storytelling (which is the most important thing in my opinion) TWD is better.
What would your favorite part of TLOU be?
Not sure if I have a favorite part, I liked the game as a whole, but if I had to choose I'd say Sara's death/the ending, since they were the most emotional scenes.
You do know everyone didn't go with Kenny?
Dude, if I had a day I still couldn't list all the reasons why this is impossible.