How To Bring Back Lee (from season 1)
So i think i might've found a way so we could bring back Lee from season 1.
•Lee never got bit on S.1 Ep.4, he got scratched by the walker, giving him an infection that makes him sick (reason why it seems as he is turning.) l
•When lee has the choice to cut the arm off in S.1 Ep.5, all this is cut his arm and make him only have 1 arm throughout the game. (Maybe he get a prosthetic arm?)
•at the end when Clementine has the choice to shoot or leave Lee, neither of the choices kill Lee. When you pick "shoot lee" what happens is its a scene that clementine shoots but you never see the bullet enter his body. What TellTells can do is make it as clementine missed on purpose because she couldn't shoot lee so when she fires the bullet, the bullet misses and enters the wall instead. Lee then opens his eyes and sees clementine crying and running away. So Lee is still handcuff to the pole so later on a group of survivors stumbles into him and helps him. Give Lee medicine and Lee gets better and he is now out looking for Clementine and anyone else that survived.
this is my way on seeing how TellTellGames can bring back the hero everyone wants, Lee. Let me know what you guys think. -Nick
He's dead jim
This gets funnier every time.
Stop it! just stop... please just stop it.
Lee is dead, move on.
If I had a nickel for everytime someone created a "Lee is still alive" thread.....
I've only been here since September 30, but even I know this topic's been done to death. If you're going to post a "Lee Isn't Dead" thread in October 2015, you can't just go with the same old "He was only scratched" or "Clementine missed". No, you've gotta try to be original! Here - off the top of my head - are three ways you can bring Lee back that haven't been posted in at least the past month:
Lee was never bit at all. That bite mark we saw on his arm was just a stupid tattoo he had gotten when he was a kid. He's regretted the tattoo ever since, which is why he was holding his arm and muttering "No" repeatedly at the end of Episode Four. That's probably what he does every time he catches a glimpse of his stupid tattoo. That's also why he was so eager to have his arm amputated as well. He was literally that determined to get rid of that damn tattoo once and for all. As for why he was feeling so sick during episode five? Lee probably gorged himself on that bag of dog food we saw in the mansion kitchen and it gave him a nasty tummy-ache. Lee probably ordered Clementine to leave him at the end because he didn't want to embarrass himself by throwing up in front of her. As for why he kept telling everyone he was bit? Lee was trying to keep the group's spirits up with a zany practical joke. Unfortunately, it wasn't getting the laughs he thought it would, and he just didn't know when to drop it.
Lee wasn't a human at all! He was really a cyborg sent from the future to protect Clementine at all costs! When he was bit, it only killed off the protective layer of living tissue surrounding his metal endoskeleton. All of his robot parts, including his computer brain, were perfectly fine! He's probably spent the past two years looking for Clementine, and I would be shocked if the two of them weren't reunited at the beginning of Season Three!
Lee is really our next Lord and Savior! He died for our sins at the end of Episode Five, but he shall arise once more in Season Three - ready to vanquish the undead and lead humanity into a new age of understanding and prosperity!
There you have it! Three new and different ways to bring Lee back! Just pick your favorite, cross your fingers, and when Season Three arrives there's a microscopically small chance you'll be back in Lee's shoes once more!
enter link description here
It was bad enough that they brought back Kenny.
He's dead. It's better this way. Bringing him back would ruin the narrative credibility of the entire franchise. S1 works very well because of this ending. You just can't mess with that.
"He got shot in the cheek"
Yeah good idea. I think it would be awesome also if Lee met Elvis in season 3. Lee would stumble out of that hell hole and find the house where Elvis (who is obviously also still alive and in his prime) is staying. Elvis would be in the middle of singing King Creole when he is interrupted by Lee, who explains the situtaion with the zombies and how they are going to find Clementine and Christa.
Just stop...
What about tupac and biggie?
Im sorry but that would ruin this series. Lee is dead, move on with your life. I loved Lee but him giving his life to protect Clem was one of most heart touching moments in video game history. So quit trying to recon it.
Only way to bring Lee back is if he is chained and his arms/jaw have been cut off. He could help Clementine walk through herds.
He's fucking dead.
Rest in Pasta
Rest in spaghetti never forgethetti
Fucking RIP
I hope Lee is looking down from the big meatball in the sky at this thread right now...
Because he's dead!
It's always good to hear peoples views on bringing back Lee, but there is one thing you need to know.
He is dead.
Proof Tupac is alive:

I really want .....
But it is impossible.
I wonder if Telltale knew there would be a 2nd season when they wrote S1.
Makes you wonder if they would still have killed Lee off or if they'd gone for some other emotional ending. I'd rather have had the game remain Lee's journey, regardless of what happened with other characters etc.
The way they would ever bring back Lee is as a walker. (Imagine in Michonne Mini Series, Lee is one of the chained walkers.)
I decided to go back to this side of the forums because is been a while. And of course what do i see? Another "Bring back Lee" post. I got 2 words to everyone who is writing these posts: HE'S DEAD!!! And he isn't coming back. And if he does, it would just ruin everything. Because he was bitten, and some people shot him on the ending of S1. If he comes, it will be stupid.
This will be another reason I will not play TWD ever again. Bringing Lee back will be the most disappointing choice of the franchise.
Lee its dead i am tired about this topiks
That's... actually pretty genius.
YOU SPEAK IN LIES! LIIIIES! But in all seriousness, though it is... an interesting way to do it, Lee will not come back. Sorry, but it's not possible. And even if EVERYTHING in your post happened, One thing could never happen. If Lee was scratched, it still would have infected him. That's how it works. Whether you're biten, scratched or even god damn digested the infection, the infection in your body will start to spike, your immune system will fall, and the virus that's already in the air, added with the virus in you, will kill you. The end.
He's dead. There is no reason to bring him back at all, no one needs him, his story is over. When Clementine shoots him blood literally splashes onto her.
Nice crack pot theory though.
He's dead.
He got rekt a loooooong time ago.
If Telltale wanted to keep him alive, they would of at least made cutting off his arm matter.
They did know. Season 2 was confirmed right after the first episode of Season 1 came out.
Sweetheart, he's not coming back. He's in a better place.
[How to bring back Lee from Season 1]
Clementine: Lee! Lee I borrow this magical pocket-watch from this pretty lady, she said that it'll heal you!
Lee: [a skeleton]
Clementine:....shit =_=
Clementine is Sasha confirmed
I don't know if that's cute or scary. I'm conflicted.
So, scute.
How to bring Lee back in three easy steps:
Step one: Don't
What are the other two?