The graphics of The Walking Dead Game

The game "The Walking Dead" has a special painting, such as comics. But in my opinion, it was much more successful if it was three dimensional like "The Last of Us', the animation has to be renewed more and no glitch ... This is what is most disappointing. I saw "The Last of Us" and envy ... why the characters are so good! You can see the sweat, the tears better ... rope Walking Dead comics like animation has, in my opinion it's not as pretty realistic.
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Because the last of us had a way bigger budget?
The walking dead looks so awkward at times as that is what they have to work with, also their aim is to have a more comic book feel
Telltale wanted to use the style that the comics used, Telltale likes to stay true to the source material so it makes sense that they didn't use LoU it would be very costly too.
Telltale = Indie
Naughty Dog = AAA
This game worked, because the art style in the game fit both the comics and the Telltale engine.
Depends how long you want between episodes. For graphics anywhere near those of TLOU, it'd be months upon months for the animation work and environments and so on.
Like others have said Telltale based the graphics off the Walking Dead comic books which was the games source material, at one point they even considered making the whole game black and white as the comics are in black and white but they decided colour looked better.
I personally like the comic style and don't think a game needs ultra realistic graphics to look good, it would likely take them longer to make the game with more advanced graphics and require more recourses.
but it is more pretty
Good luck waiting 6 months inbetween episodes then
They could of made it look like that other game. It's called an art style. It's not hard to make games look realistic it doesn't take more time in fact the way they made the game look as it currently does takes more time simply because there are very few things like it out there. They have to design each part textures ect to make it fit. It would be simpler and cheaper to make it look like the last of us because you just code for that engine and use the textures that have already been created. Doing it in a comic book style is much harder to do and it's a story that is ment to make it seem like your choices matter when they don't. Video games have simply come to a point of how realistic do you want it to look do you want something real or do you want something inbetween or do you want something out of this world style. It's an art style if fits the game and story and that's what they're going for not O it looks so real. Yes it could be easyier to make it look real to lure people in even more but luring people into the story when it's more like a comic is much harder to do as it takes better voice actors ect.
Cel-shading is just another art style. Even if TellTale had a huge team I think they would still stick with this. I doubt it comes under budget and such...look at Borderlands, it uses the same art style and is a huge game.
IMO the comic book art style is better.
I prefer the unique style that TWD has over that of TLoU
Now sure, TLoU looks fantastic, no one's doubting that, but that doesn't mean TWD has to follow suit and try to do the same thing
TWD's has these unique, stand-out visuals that set it apart from other games, and I personally like it better that way. I like when games try to establish their own unique personality via the aesthetics/art style, rather than try to follow in the footsteps of another good-looking game just because it worked for that game.
Not to mention that having your own style that doesn't have to conform to realism gives you a lot more creative freedom in what you can accomplish, and in a story-based setting, having that extra elbow room can really help.
Then of course, there's the fact that budget-wise, Telltale doesn't really have the resources to pull all of this off. And yeah, they've made a lot of money and all that, blah blah blah, but that doesn't change the fact that not only do they work off an engine that couldn't possibly accomplish that level of graphic fidelity in it's current state, but it'd be an expensive process if you're factoring in mo-cap and all of the individual systems you'd have to program into the engine. Then of course, there's the problem of optimizing the game to run well on just about every system. We can't forget that Telltale has been open-ended about availability; they have their games on just about every device imaginable. And then there's the fact that if they did do all of this, it'd likely slow down production considerably. With every other roadblock in the way (namely with their engine), the time it would take to release an episode would be much longer. Then you have to factor in whether or not they're doing concurrent series or if they only have one running at a time. And of course, the time it would take to make new models and environments between episodes, new textures to go with said models and environments, and do extensive animation/mo-cap sessions for all of it. Then setting up or coding in any additional systems needed for the episode (such as, let's say, particle systems and new particle effects for a specific scene)
For a company whose thing is episodic games, I don't think it'd be worth all the trouble it'd take to get their games to look and play like the usual AAA release. The way they do things now works in their favor both ways: mechanically/technically, it allows them to make them at a fairly quick rate, and it allows them creative freedom from a graphical standpoint, as well as adding an extra layer of uniqueness and personality to their games. TWAU is a fantastic-looking game for example, and I can't imagine it being anywhere near as good as it is if it was done in another style.
this has to be one of the most child like responses i have ever seen when it comes to this topic....
It would be great if in say 20 years, perfect lifelike CG was so cheap that they just took all the voice work and music and literally rereleased the game with real life visuals for fun. It's probably going to be one of those games people remember for a long time so it's perfectly possible.
The Last of Us was developed by an AAA company with a bigger budget and more of a wider range of options.
Telltale, who at the time was an indie company when Season 1 came out (not sure if it still is), had a way smaller budget. Also, since the game takes place in the comic book world, they needed to make it look somewhat similar to comic book characters.
Ōkami is an excellent game. One of my favourites of all time...and to be honest, the art style is what caught my eye. Stunning game.
I didn't have to search about their graphics since it looks like an animated comic book. You're right on that. It makes it even better to play TWD