The dog was setting us up for Kenny
The dog in "All that Remains" that attacked Clem was setting us up to shoot Kenny. Think about it, it was a rabid beast who couldn't control emotions and acted off of instinct. TellTale you are geniuses.
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Well this totally won't lead into more arguments.
WOW ... it's true
Is that a joke?
Sigh... That reaction is called "hunger".
I don't quite understand how this is offensive. I think it's an interesting parallel; the same could still be said for all the other characters. Everybody has a great deal of being pushed over the edge in The Walking Dead series as a whole.
There is no connection between those events. They both can be killed thats all.
Lol. Sure.
Yeah, yeah you don't like Kenny i get it. But serioulsy where is the connection?
There is a connection. Kenny was out of control and over the top in some ways, not unlike a rabid dog. So was Carver, so was Nick, so was Lily, and you can be too based on your actions in either seasons. I don't dislike Kenny, and I don't see where I implied that here.
Of course, if the negatives of the dog analogy apply to Kenny, so can the positives- I mean if anything, he's certainly loyal to Clem :P
I think I can see where the OP is trying to come from, but Kenny's character and his problems with other characters are much more complex than a starving dog. So much so that the two situations are not really similar in the slightest imo.
Wow. Unless you're trolling, you really are the definition of a blind Kenny fan.
Hey now, may I please request we not insult one another over this nonsense? We've all been through the argument more than we've needed to, and the fact of the matter is that there was no right choice to make. The people who sided with Kenny could relate to all of his traits, both good and bad, and the same could be said about the fans of Jane.
I apologize if I come off as rude at all. That would be my bad.
Nah you're not being rude. I just find it surprising people honestly don't see the analogy being made here....
I would call it the Old Yeller effect. You like Kenny but he is too dangerous and has to be put down. I fortunately thought Kenny was murder crazy since Season 1 and blew him away gladly.
Seriously fan or not there is no conection, Kenny never atacked Clem, neither did Jane (yeah I dont like her but that doesnt mean im going to realese my hate for her with this kind of "theory") the dog did something NATURAL, he saw food and attacked, Kenny reaction was also NATURAL, in fact he would have been a monster by not going crazy on Jane, I would have gone crazy too, and you too, and most people who cares for a baby, that my friend is why I think Kenny is human.
I really couldn't care less. I don't have the energy for this anymore.
Though actually...I do have to point out. You've proven my point for me, so thank you.
Yeah. So, they both have the natural instinct to attack with little to no thought about it. Chew on that.
It sounds less like you're trying to discredit the analogy, and more like you're trying to prove Kenny's innocence by absolving the dog of any blame.
It also sounds like you're saying that anybody whose first reaction is not that of violence and blame is not human.
In other words...
The starving dog behaved as a starving dog, which is only to be expected. It's a starving dog.
Kenny behaved as a drama whoring moron, which is only to be expected. He's a drama whoring moron.
Is that it? Lol.
Its not just about them attacking Clem. Its about them reacting blindly to the things around them without thinking. You either killed the dog or let it suffer. Same goes for Kenny. You either killed him or let him suffer with previous events.
ITs the fact that they both react blindly. You had to put it down. Same goes for Kenny. That's the connection
Kenny is turning into a Werewolf confirmed.
I don't see it.
I don't really see the similarities between him and the dog.
The dog behaves through desperation and instinct due to being starved for a long period of time before meeting Clementine. Kenny is a grown man who can think for himself, but makes poor choices, have poor control of his emotions and behaviour, and knowingly gambles with his protectee's life when he really should be protecting them from danger.
Ok, what i wanted to say is that game doesn't imply that those two events are connected, i don't even think that writers at this point knows for sure, that they gonna kill Kenny at the end or how he dies. You may see here connection, but i guess you just trying to see meaning in that scene, while there just hungry dog that you can kill out of mercy.
p.s.And part about disliking Kenny wasn't for you).
Lol I'm not blind, you're biased.
You do understand that Clem is 11 years old, and she already lost her parents, father figure, friends...maybe put her down? Why to make her suffer more?
I don't know how it sets up for Kenny, but the dog and Kenny are kind of similar. Though, Kenny wasn't biting Jane over beans.
Maybe it was a set up for Jane, because their both bitches.
when you think to deep
Then thank you for specifying.
The game doesn't straight out imply it, no, but the two events are there and can be left up to interpretation. Being able to draw parallels like that doesn't imply anything bad, it just means that the game has depth, and has a lot of things which can be left up to interpretation.
It's a device to tell a story. It's an analogy, and analogies aren't literal. (I don't know why you guys are implying that an analogy has to be literal for it to make sense, because that's not how they work....) But here are the parallels between Kenny and Sam. I thought of a suprisingly large number of them, once I sat down and thought about it:
That's also backed up by the fact that the camp had toys, for a kid. Namely a doll, for probably a girl.
Maybe that's why Sam even follows Clem around; maybe she reminds Sam of his old owner who was also a young girl. Not unlike how Clem reminds Kenny of Duck.
7 . Both the dog and Kenny dwell on the past. The dog hasn't even left the campsite where one of his former owners still remains (the walker tied to the tree--he's the man in the photo; they both have red wrist sweatbands and the white shirt).
8 . You have to put one of Sam's loved ones out of his misery, just like you have the option to put Duck out of his misery. Duck and this man with the red sweatbands are both even sitting up against a tree when they have to be killed!
9 . Kenny really loves beans, just like Sam!
It makes sense from a writing perspective too, in how the story of Sam the dog ties in with the main plot. It's a superb analogy, and it's actually really good writing. Having Sam's story tie in with Clementine's story on another level like this is a concept called "unity of action," where every scene and everything that happens in the plot happens for a reason--there's nothing extra that's seemingly just tacked on. If you look at it your way, then the whole subplot with Sam seems to be just that--a subplot completely unrelated to Clementine's story in the rest of the season, that has very little to do with the other characters, thematically speaking. However given all of the above, there is no doubt in my mind that the writers brought in Sam's plot to be a parallel to Kenny's, and Sam is absolutely supposed to be symbolic of Kenny.
"let them come, Kenny hungers"
-lich king
Some of your points makes sense, some of them not. I agree with first 4 points, but only if Clementine would be the one who lost child and Kenny starts to attack her. Then yeah i can see analogy here. But you shoot Kenny not because he suffers, you shoot him because you want stop him and protect other person. With dog its different, you kill it or you let dog suffer until it dies.
Kenny wasn't the only one who loyal to Clem, there was Luke, there was Jane(she abandonded the group, but she still came back for Clem, that how loyal she is, considering she's loner type that's something). But maybe it just me, who don't understand "loyal like a dog" thing.
Almost everyone lost their families in ZA, it's like saying that Clem is like that dog because she lost her family too. But your point about why dog follows Clem makes sense. It wasn't street dog, dog lived in family so its has sense that it didn't attack her, because dog get used to live with people.
Dog get used to live here, it remember that here lived her owners, here dog was fed. It's animal and it's live by her instincts. Where is connection to Kenny?
And here you totally wrong. Scene is reminder about Lee, not about Duck. You remember the last choice of episode 1? Who you gonna save: bitten Pete or Nick? This scene remind you that cutting hand(in Pete's case leg) may not work. That why this scene is here.
No comments.
And you absolutely right. Dog scene is important, because of the bite. About 1/3 of episode rely on that.
If i'm going to say that racoons are symbolize Mike,Bonnie and Arvo(they was scared and they running away), it will never be the truth.
I think they are similar only if you ignore all the ways they are different.
1) Yes both attacked viciously, but the circumstances and reasons why they attacked is completely different, which I will talk about in point 3.
2) Ok this is true more or less, but it seems a bit too oversimplified.
3) The baby is deliberately taken away from Kenny because Jane wanted to prove to Clementine that Kenny was unstable. The food was (possibly) taken away from the dog because Clementine was hungry and needed food. They are not similar.
4) Kenny needs the baby for his mental health. The dog needs food for his physical health.
5) Lmao, Kenny was loyal to Clementine, but I don't think it was anything like a dog and owner relationship.
6) I think too much of an oversimplification again. Everyone has lost loved ones in the apocalypse.
Nope im not discrediting it I never said that, the guy who said it gotta be smart, what im just saying is I don't really find a conection between those events, I mean, you could say the same thing about Kenny beating Carver, usually I try to stay away from Kenny topics because well, we know how they end up, most of those discussions are pretty inmature, but I couldn't resist to comment, Sam was suffering from hunger, the only thing on his mind was "I need to eat now" while Kenny was thinking about many things, "wheres AJ?" Is he ok? How could she do that? Both Kenny and Jane acted like Sam but we must agree even though Kenny is emotionally unstable that Jane started the whole thing, im not saying you are not but most people gotta be a little sympathetic, I honestly would have reacted the same if I knew someone put my children in danger and don't say you wouldn't because we all would, its our instinct, Jane had her reasons to do that but that was not the right way to prove her right. Even Clem knows that was messed up.
Basically you are saying you could compare yourself with a dog when you get angry right? Chew on that. And seriously I didn't mean to be rude or anything with my opinion so don't be sarcastic just say whatever you need to say. Both events have nothing to do one with another, Lee lost his temper many times just like Sam did, Lilly did too, are they also related? No and we all know why, but whatever im not putting more branches to the fire. Be sympathetic.
Have in mind Kenny warned Jane, also Jane told clem to stay away, they were both thinking and they knew what was gonna happen so I wouldn't say they acted blindly, this is why I think there is no conection beetween those 2 events. The thinking was pretty smart though congratulations im not trying to discredit you, its just my opinion, so everything cool? i may be Kenny's fan but I know he has issues, is just that I don't really see a conection pretty much because they knew what they were doing.
But you did say it as if it were fact. And in a literal sense, yes, the scenario is different, but it's arguing semantics. Hungry or not, bloodlust or not, the dog was a wild animal; and yes, you are right, Jane didn't think it through either, so it can apply to her too.
I will say my piece. There was no right answer, as I've said. I did not side with Kenny, because Jane is younger than Kenny, and even after just meeting her, she changes immensely. She's not so set in her ways, and the thing is, with the A.J. thing, it seemed like one mistake, whereas Kenny had made millions of mistakes prior, as an effect of his erratic behavior. It was not right of her to prove a point that way, but my first reaction was not "See, now I have to murder you." like Kenny's was, mine was of confusion, and grief, and wanting to have an answer, before deciding what to do with her. It's not about who was right or wrong, it was about whether you as the player were more okay with being brutally honest to a fault, or lying to someone if you thought you were acting in their best interests. Yes, what she did was wrong, but that doesn't make Kenny right by default either.