Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • The struggles of being a Rhyiona shipper.

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  • edited October 2015

    I need a Rhyiona profile pic as well. Gonna do one later on Photoshop and stuff.

    I need this too.


    Brawl posted: »

    The struggles of being a Rhyiona shipper.

  • I'm gonna go play through all the episodes again now, so I can at least have a save file that is to do with Rhyiona. I could also advertise this thread on Google+ if you guys wanted?

  • enter image description here

    also, good luck with your playthrough :)

    SmolGui posted: »

    I'm gonna go play through all the episodes again now, so I can at least have a save file that is to do with Rhyiona. I could also advertise this thread on Google+ if you guys wanted?

  • Sweet, more advertising would be terrific :)
    Have fun playing again, you're in for a hell of a ride!

    But of course you already knew that ;)

    SmolGui posted: »

    I'm gonna go play through all the episodes again now, so I can at least have a save file that is to do with Rhyiona. I could also advertise this thread on Google+ if you guys wanted?

  • edited October 2015

    dank ep5 finnaly done and i have the rhyiona ending too do you guys proud of me <3<3

    edit: episode 5 is realy good by the way 10/10 but im little disappointed about not having some kiss..

  • edited October 2015

    Welcome to the 0.7%!

    dank ep5 finnaly done and i have the rhyiona ending too do you guys proud of me <3 edit: episode 5 is realy good by the way 10/10 but im little disappointed about not having some kiss..

  • edited October 2015

    The advertising is here btw.

    Ye so I advertised to 775 people, a few friends on there might come join the thread. Anyway, I'm off to continue playing the episodes again. Ciao!

  • I love your banner.

    SmolGui posted: »

    The advertising is here btw. Ye so I advertised to 775 people, a few friends on there might come join the thread. Anyway, I'm off to continue playing the episodes again. Ciao!

  • Thanks.

    I love your banner.

  • Oh wow, you found my art again lol. I appreciate it getting so much attention though :3

    Ayy look at what I found

  • thanks.

    Welcome to the 0.7%!


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    Looks through comments Dang it guys already found my art? XD


    We'll start with the requests... I've worked on some

    1st request

    @98Elliottchin - Draw Fiona flirting with Rhys.

    enter image description here

    If you'd like to give it a thumbs up it's posted on my DA >Request

    2nd request (unfinished)

    @CrazedRabbit - How about Rhys and Fiona in the supermarket with the kids? And loaderbot is in the shopping cart, while gortys is pushing it or the other way around idk.

    enter image description here

    3rd request (unfinished)

    @RhyionsIsLife - And I know the clishce thing with Fiona carrying Rhys, but no one has had a Rhys carrying Fiona bridal style.

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    ALSO OMG asdfadsga THIS

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  • Kurva přestaň už mluvit sprostě. Kurva.

  • edited October 2015

    Time for some smooth Rhys :) @ABigBadWolf inspired

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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  • edited October 2015

    :) :D Great art pieces :D

    EDIT: I like the supermarket idea :D

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I'M BACK BICHEESSSSS AND I'VE GOT PRESENTS Looks through comments Dang it guys already found my art? XD ANYWAYSSS We'll

  • Together we can take over Tumblr!

    I'm a white, cis anti-feminist! I'll probably join you!

  • edited October 2015

    Edit: whoops wrong reply

    but good job :')

    god, i missed these pokemon pickup lines

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Time for some smooth Rhys @ABigBadWolf inspired

  • brothaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3 <3 <3

    enter image description here

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I'M BACK BICHEESSSSS AND I'VE GOT PRESENTS Looks through comments Dang it guys already found my art? XD ANYWAYSSS We'll

  • Sooo......

    It's almost 6:00 in the morning where I live.....and I haven't slept at all because I've been listening to music and writing and thinking about writing and planning more writing...

    All in the name of Rhyiona.

    This is terrible.

    And I love it.

  • Are you going to sleep? Good night or good day.

    Sooo...... It's almost 6:00 in the morning where I live.....and I haven't slept at all because I've been listening to music and writing a

  • Night night, sleep tight. Don't let the anti-Rhyiona Tumblr-ists bite.

    Sooo...... It's almost 6:00 in the morning where I live.....and I haven't slept at all because I've been listening to music and writing a

  • Lol both.

    Eryka posted: »

    Are you going to sleep? Good night or good day.

  • Good dayght

    Lol both.

  • Just finished Episode 1 with Rhyiona-ish choices.
    An hour used for this ships purposes.
    Time well spent.

  • HandsomeChefHandsomeChef Banned
    edited October 2015

    Nothing is wasted if its for the Rhyiona thread.

    SmolGui posted: »

    Just finished Episode 1 with Rhyiona-ish choices. An hour used for this ships purposes. Time well spent.

  • True that.

    Nothing is wasted if its for the Rhyiona thread.

  • Yeah, definitely! Episode 5 is like a rich soil for the fanart and fanfiction blooming on it!

    m-more rhyiona smut?

  • This.

    Also, I read your last sentence in Rhys' voice, from that dialogue option before the opening sequence in episode 2: "We got all the plot armour we need."

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Well, if we think about it logically, if Telltale did what you've just written there, THAT would cause a huge backlash. Not only would it

  • Hey @Green613,I just got to play episode 5 last Friday and I must admit,Rhyiona turned out to be not so bad afterall ;)

    So,what was your reaction at the vault scene?

  • New suitable profile pic. Thank you DeviantArt for a good range of Rhyiona stuff.

  • Nice avatar ;^)

    SmolGui posted: »

    New suitable profile pic. Thank you DeviantArt for a good range of Rhyiona stuff.

  • Also, I read your last sentence in Rhys' voice, from that dialogue option before the opening sequence in episode 2: "We got all the plot armour we need."

    Finally, someone caught onto it!

    enter image description here

    Navoc posted: »

    This. Also, I read your last sentence in Rhys' voice, from that dialogue option before the opening sequence in episode 2: "We got all the plot armour we need."

  • Nice ;)

    SmolGui posted: »

    New suitable profile pic. Thank you DeviantArt for a good range of Rhyiona stuff.

  • You gonna go back and fix it for Rhyiona? :P

    GreyKnight posted: »

    I didn't choose "Stay away from my sister". FML SO HARD

  • I love how you always post some art before you leave, I always see some I never saw before <3

    Alright ladies and gentle Jims, it's almost four AM, I'm about to crash as per usual and I leave you with a few Rhyiona pictures drawn by fa

  • enter image description here

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I'M BACK BICHEESSSSS AND I'VE GOT PRESENTS Looks through comments Dang it guys already found my art? XD ANYWAYSSS We'll

  • So uhhhh, you swappin over pal, I think you know you wanna <3

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Hey @Green613,I just got to play episode 5 last Friday and I must admit,Rhyiona turned out to be not so bad afterall So,what was your reaction at the vault scene?

  • Okay Dokey! :D

    i don't want payday, but still... add me up http://steamcommunity.com/id/johncro/

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