Im crying ... it's so beautiful ...

From Wikipedia:
"Good... good. This is the right decision. Okay... right. When he's grown, you tell him about his mommy and his daddy and all the people who tried to keep him safe... you tell him. Okay? He deserves to know. I got... Oh, here... here... take this. When he... when he's old enough, you make him wear it. It'll... it'll keep the sun out of his eyes. That's important. All right. Good. Keep an eye out for 'em... please. Now... you take care of Alvin here... you... you live a good life, okay? Don't waste this. Okay? Now... I'm gonna go... I'm gonna go before one of us... before one of us changes their mind. Now... I'm gonna walk away and... I might not look back... not 'cause I don't want to. I'm real glad to have met you, Clementine. ."
—Kenny saying goodbye to Clementine at Wellington. (Determinant)[src]
Kenny is kind and caring towards Clementine when they first meet, and has formed a friendship with her. Kenny states that he cares about Clementine as much as he does for his family. Kenny is grateful to Lee when he gives food to his family, and states that Lee and Clementine are welcome to come along with him and his family if he leaves the motor inn one day. Depending on Lee's actions, Kenny volunteers to help Lee look for her when she goes missing.
After Kenny's disappearance and presumed death, Clementine keeps the picture she drew of Kenny and his family, indicating that she misses them very much. When Kenny and Clementine reunite they are both dumbstruck and overjoyed. Clementine can hug him upon seeing him him and if she chooses any other option Kenny will wipe a tear of joy from his eye. It is clear that they have a strong friendship from their time together and is willing to trust the group based on her opinion, as well as surrendering to Carver when he threatens Clementine. It is also shown that he may even think of Clementine as his own child, demonstrated when he accidentally refers to Clementine as his son, Duck, which causes Clementine to worry for his mental health. Kenny also served as the only living reminder Clementine had of Lee (and her for him). As such, Kenny took over Lee's role as Clementine's protector and mentor. Throughout the rest of the game Kenny took his role as Clementine's guardian very seriously both to honour Lee's sacrifice for her and out of genuine affection.
In "In Harm's Way", Kenny show his protectiveness and trust toward Clementine. He entrusted her with the vital task in order to escape and selflessly took the blame for the stolen radio in order to protect her, which made Carver beat Kenny and causing him to lose use of his left eye in the process. He didn't blame Clementine for his injuries and told her that it wasn't her fault.
In "Amid The Ruins", Kenny's friendship with Clementine becomes greatly strained after Sarita's death. Kenny acts aggressive towards Clementine, blaming her for causing Sarita's death (regardless if you did or did not cut off Sarita's forearm) and loses his temper towards her. Clementine becomes emotionally hurt though it makes her worried for Kenny's mental health due to the severe losses around him. After isolating himself from the others, whether ending Sarita's suffering (if Clementine did not cut off her arm) or wanting to be alone, Kenny forgives Clementine though would never forget her actions. During the crisis with Rebecca going into labor, Clementine witnesses him take his anger out on a walker he repeatedly strikes beyond its death, and she has the option to defend his actions.
In "No Going Back", Kenny protects Clementine during the firefight. After its close, Clementine can convince him to let Arvo live or not, but Jane and Bonnie will talk him out of it regardless. Kenny later apologizes to Clementine for the way he reacted to her during "Amid The Ruins" over Sarita's death. Later on, he lets her treat his eye wound after refusing to let Bonnie do it, showing he still trusts Clementine more than the others in the group. Later that night, while at the power station Kenny decides to take the first watch. Clementine joins him and Kenny starts to reminisce about his life with Katjaa and Duck and how much he misses them. He also comments on whether or not Clementine had a drink of rum with Jane and states that he thinks that Jane is a bad influence on Clementine, or that he told Clementine not to have a drink, showing he is protective of Clementine. Clementine can later save his life from a hidden walker while walking through the forest. When trying to help Luke or break the ice, Kenny will yell at her to stop, concerned for her safety. At the unfinished house, if Clementine decides to physically intervene whilst Kenny is beating Arvo, Kenny will accidentally hit Clementine instead, resulting in Kenny ceasing his violence, shocked at what he had done. The two share a close conversation about their hopes and past while fixing the truck. Clementine can verbally defend Kenny against Jane while talking about Carver, or agree with her about Kenny's dark nature. She and Kenny will reminisce about Lee in the truck. When Arvo shoots Clementine in the shoulder, Kenny rushes outside to help her. His desire to keep her safe outweighing his desire for vengeance, Kenny chooses to save Clementine by getting her into the heated car rather than kill the traitors. At end if Clementine shoots Kenny, she will break down in tears and hold his hand one last time as they share a final, emotional talk.
If Clementine doesn't shoot Kenny and allows him to kill Jane, they could travel to Wellington together, depending on her choice of whether or not he's too dangerous to be around safely. And as they made it there, Kenny begs for them to take Clementine in. This shows how deeply he cares about her safety. As they say they their last goodbyes, both of them start to break down in tears. If Clementine chooses to stay in Wellington, they will embrace and Kenny then tells Clementine that he's glad to have met her, before going their separate ways. If Clementine refuses to stay in Wellington, she will tell Kenny that there's no way she would stay without him, showing that she has the same affections towards him as she had for Lee. Before they leave Wellington together, Kenny looks at Clementine and says "You're as stubborn as a damn mule." To which Clementine replies: "Yeah? Wonder where I got that from?". The two then smile at each other and take off together with Alvin Jr.
It is so exciting ... I love this game !!!!!!
In before people calling Kenny the devil and refuting all of these points.
Seriously though, someone took their time to write all of this on Wikipedia, that's pretty impressive.
Ain't nobody got time to read that!
yea ...
"In "In Harm's Way", Kenny show his protectiveness and trust toward Clementine. He entrusted her with the vital task in order to escape and selflessly took the blame for the stolen radio in order to protect her, which made Carver beat Kenny and causing him to lose use of his left eye in the process. He didn't blame Clementine for his injuries and told her that it wasn't her fault."
That always cracks me up.
Step 1 Force someone in situation where they could get hurt
Step 2 take the blame for it after shit hits the fan
Step 3 Hero
He redeemed himself by taking the fall, if he didn't care, he wouldn't do that.
well i'd call it not being complete cunt, since he did take the blame, but you shouldnt put someone you supposedly cared about in situation like that in the first place, thus the "protectiveness" is rather funny.
But this is nothing new really. Even year ago people were interpreting his actions the way that would not make him look bad, even if they obviously did.
What if Kenny wasn't around if Clementine was caught smuggling the radio? Say if Troy found her carrying the radio if she went to meet up with Luke and decided to give her a nasty beating right there and then? He had no qualms with trying to crack her skull open with the butt of the rifle if Clementine tries to stop Carver from beating Kenny to near death.
While Kenny taking the fall was good and all, he still put her in a very dangerous position by forcing her to take incriminating evidence, whether she wanted to or not.
In situations like getting something from point A to point B, you don't really focus on the negatives. You keep in mind what you have to do. Now it's not like Clementine's anywhere near incapable of doing that, and Kenny knows that. He, or Clementine weren't expecting Luke to be found. She was supposed to go in, pass it to him, (maybe some dialogue w/ Luke for story development), and get out. He was also expecting to be close by her and know when she was going to give it to Luke, which would have been a good time for Kenny and Mike to make a distraction so Clementine could get back easily.
But like I said, he redeemed himself by taking the fall. It's not the like situation guaranteed certain and painful death.
EDIT: Also, it's not like no one else putting Clementine in dangerous situations. She was constantly thrown into them by other people (and for the sake of the plot, I guess) and even Luke.
I'll just quote what I said to the other user:
I'm not saying it was a smart idea to make Clementine to person of interest, but it was the most reliable considering her age and height, she'd be more undetectable than Kenny or Mike. But it's not like Kenny doesn't care about her because of it.
Also, she's the least suspicious of the three at that point. Try to look at this from Troy's perspective: Kenny and Mike get into a fight and inadvertently cause a breach. Obviously, leaving them unsupervised is now out of the question, seeing as they nearly got themselves killed, and could have potentially put other people in danger as well.
Clementine didn't play a role in that breach happening, she was just bringing them nails. Ergo, he has no reason to suspect Clementine of anything in particular (other than being a dumb kid, at least in his eyes), and would have his sights on Kenny and Mike for the most part.
Boom. Go Deltino.
Getting from point A and B requires careful planning, not improvising on the spot and hoping for the best. If Clementine can have a say on whether she has to smuggle the radio or not, then the whole improvised plan has already fell apart, because she can refuse to smuggle the radio, which some players have done so.
Kenny then forcing the radio on her possessions whether she wants it or not also shows his blatant disregard for her safety, because he couldn't come up with a better alternative of smuggling a radio without involving an unwilling participant. If he really cared for Clementine, then he wouldn't have placed her in unnecessary danger just because he wanted to escape from the community faster. 'Not focusing on the negatives' means that Kenny is deliberately ignoring the possibility that Clementine could have be killed getting caught smuggling a stolen radio, a possibility that almost happened if Troy was smart enough to do a strip-search on her right there and then. Seems to me that he cared more about getting out faster than caring for an old friend.
And who to say that there was no other participants? Mike stayed for much longer in the community and would know more with how to act and where to go without being detected. As for Mike being suspicious, I believe that Troy would focus more on Kenny due to him being a newcomer, instigating the fight, and refusing to do what he was told. Mike was also a willing participant, so if anyone should smuggle the radio, it was him.
But suppose if Kenny and Mike couldn't do it? Then the radio plan was a failure from the start, as it wasn't possible to carry out the plan without being caught out, especially by the least suspicious participant, Clementine. Don't forget that she was also present in the fight between Kenny and Mike, and was known to have wandered and staying in the comic store for a long period of time and thus arousing suspicion from Troy, which was why he returned quickly to catch her in the act. She may have appeared to be the least suspicious, but she was still suspicious nonetheless.
Throwing someone in lions den and then saving them doesnt make you a hero.
But ive had this debate already long time ago and theres nothing new to add so no point to continue this.
Just got back and already living up to my expectations.
You know, there wasn't much of a reason to continue this either, but that didn't seem to stop you
i was away for a year. Was just giving my reply.
Could say the same for how you feel about Jane.
Unlike Kenny fans, im not trying to make Janes actions look prettier than they are.
You still bumped an old thread that was a year old. There really wasn't a point.
Except it wasn't a lion's den. It was a simple go-giver mission, it's not like she was walking straight into a herd of walkers.
Then simply don't reply? lmao
Are you surprised?
Nope, far from it.
Simple go-giver mission which lead to someone getting beaten half dead. You are making this too easy. Carver already killed someone using berries as excuse, what makes you think that mission involving stealing items would not be very dangerous?
It's always bound to happen. But at least it's not as bad as it used to be.
Yes, it got someone beaten half to death, but that wasn't even considered in the possible out comes for people, let alone for Kenny. I'm not trying to say it was a smart or non-dangerous idea to do, but it wasn't a stupid one either. There was push and pull factors for the idea. No plan isn't dangerous in the ZA.
It wouldn't of mattered who did it. Whether is was Kenny himself, Mike, or hell- even Jane. Someone either way was going to get punished, and Kenny stood up to the plate to take it. We can't entirely blame Kenny for determinately making Clementine deliver the radio when he just wanted to get everyone out of Carver's community. And if that involves taking risks, then he surely didn't mind facing the consequences just to spare another.
Step 4: profit!?!!??!?!!?
So you use the excuse of "nothing is safe in za" to invalidate the fact the Kenny forces Clementine to do dangerous mission against her will?
Lol Kenny is a dipshit but there's no need to beat the dead horse.
It's so good when you live to our expectations...
Want to clarify a bit more?
You're clearly not getting the point, so I'm going to stop trying.
That was some read.
Yeah . Kenny was more in the way in my playthough.
Better not...
Smart choice.
Is this a fanfiction?
:looks closer:
Oh it's from Kenny's wiki. No wonder it reads like a badly written fanfic.
I guess I have been wrong Kenny is just a lovable hobo and not someone with a sick face smashing fetish.
I'd suggest doing some edits to it to better reflect the truth and increase the overall quality, but the people on TWD wiki have a tendency to be really stingy bastards about that stuff
I tried editing a small part of his page related to his death to fix something they got wrong once, and they reverted it all like "no way that's not how it happened" so I just gave up before it got worse
The fanboys be crazay.