Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I know that feel man. I was really sad (and a liiiiittle bit pissed off) that we couldn't really ally with jack, that he tried to kill us anyways. but honestly...I mean, what did we expect? we're talking about handsome jack here

    I know right. Handsome Jack fans need to get more love.

  • rhys looks a little bit like anakin skywalker from ep 3 in your picture. I mean...I'm not the only one who sees it, right?

    But this one has to have the most friendliest and fun community

    I can confirm this. I've never met a thread this awesome since...well, ever :D

    I love each and every single one of you (even the ones I haven't met yet)

    aw you...stop that :3

    Your friend, comrade, and shipper till the end.

    I salute to you, comrade, and you shall know that your wish is already fulfilled: Neither the people or the thread itself will ever really change.

    enter image description here

    Hey there ladies and gentle Jims, it's 10:16 PM for me, on a Monday groan and Halo 5: Guardians is dropping tomorrow and I gotta head outta

  • We never had love.

    Only lewdness ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Eryka posted: »

    Oh. My. God!?!?!??! It was a joke the whole time!?!??!?!

  • edited October 2015

    Gotta leave this thread for good. Farewell.

    Only ONE person can solve this problem. I know who. But, I can't tell.

  • Why are you leaving this thread for good?

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Wait why are you leaving?

  • There's no artworks of me during my birthday!

    Why are you leaving this thread for good?

  • There's no artworks of me during my birthday!

    Wait why are you leaving?

  • Well the problem is everyone is sleeping i blame timezone differences but happy birthday mate

    There's no artworks of me during my birthday!

  • Thanks you cupcake!!! <3

    Quiff posted: »

    Myees I see it now :^) It's very cute

  • We love you too!!!!

    Hey there ladies and gentle Jims, it's 10:16 PM for me, on a Monday groan and Halo 5: Guardians is dropping tomorrow and I gotta head outta

  • Thanks, bro.

    Well the problem is everyone is sleeping i blame timezone differences but happy birthday mate

  • edited October 2015

    Trying to study in the train.... .... ..... .... Starts to think about Rhyiona. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    ...... .....

  • Okay, so in the meantime I did listen to said audio, but unless you have additional information about its context, I don't actually think that proves anything... I'm assuming this is related to Rhys being out cold after falling off the elevator. If so, I can't really picture Fiona seriously suggesting to try and kiss him awake. What is this, Tales from the Disneylands? :D

    I think it would make more sense if Fiona was trying to mess with Sasha, with them having had that romantic scenery tour before and whatnot. Or maybe she was making fun of Vaughn, because of the bromance between him and Rhys? Either way, I think it would be quite a stretch to assume she actually thought trying to kiss him awake might be a good idea. I'd say it would be more fitting if she slapped him awake afterwards or something...

    Brawl posted: »

    You know when it comes to talk about the stuff in episode 5 , it's really complicated to explain , I've tried to work my head around this bu

  • Awesome! ^^

    Daryace posted: »

    Trying to study in the train.... .... ..... .... Starts to think about Rhyiona. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ..... . OH GOD WHY ARE THEY SO FUCKIN' CUTE? I HAVE A LOT OF RHYIONA IDEAS ON MY MIND.

  • I'm glad you do ^^

    Green613 posted: »

    LOL sorry about that :P I like it alot though ^-^

  • heh ^^ I hope you like your design.. I kept it like your avatar XP

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    I haven't been online on the thread for a few days and I'm so glad I didn't missed this, really excited now! (I'm gonna catch up later)

  • edited October 2015

    Well the design are the easy part of the project... also i kinda had to ditch the project for a while cuz of my driving exam thing... but now I'm back on track X3

    Edit: shhh you'll be there too miss prez ;D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I remember you telling us about a secret project and using members months back! Excited to see the end result!

  • More to come ^^ rolls around in excitement

    Woah that looks really cool! I always love it when there's fanart of the group!

  • I'm glad I didn't left it ditched... also this is only the easy part ;D

    buntingsir posted: »

    Ohhh, Julie, this is siiiick! I thought you wouldn't continue this project, I'm so glad I was wrong Damn, it's so difficult to keep track of what's happening here, could easilly miss this. Can't wait to see the results c:

  • Morning all.

    I had a weird set of dreams and Rhyiona thoughts. K brain do what you want to.

    Anyway I got a fresh set of TFTB memes in my head and that. So, I can make those later.

  • enter image description here

    Klowbi posted: »

    Hello Friends I am new I totally agree with what this's all about And wanted to pop in

  • Haha, I actually recently got a kitten a few months ago, the little snot sleeps with me every night so I do frequently end up dreaming of kittens.

    Thank you for the sweet wishes though, I appreciate it.

    Farauna posted: »

    This is exactly how I feel as well and, while I read your post + Music, I cried a little T.T .... Have sweet Rhyiona dreams plus Kittens, Fiona DeWinters! (〃・ω・)ノ~☆・゚+。*゚・.+ ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

  • I salute to you, comrade, and you shall know that your wish is already fulfilled: Neither the people or the thread itself will ever really change.

    I salute you too. Thank you my friend for reaffirming my beliefs.


    Dracu98 posted: »

    rhys looks a little bit like anakin skywalker from ep 3 in your picture. I mean...I'm not the only one who sees it, right? But this on

  • We love you too!!!!


    Daryace posted: »

    We love you too!!!!

  • Thank you! I spend some time looking at fanart before I head to bed.

    (Also yeah, I woke up early to go pick up my H5: Guardians!)

    You gonna play halo 5 guardians as well same here i also gotta pick it up from the stores i'm a halo fan but anyway back on topic nice fanart you found

  • Well, you guys are my silver lining, haha.

    Life is a huge puzzle when we come right down to it, being around good company just makes your life a trillion times much more fun, you guys are good company and make my life just a trillion times more fun.

    Everyone in this thread is important to me even though I've only been here a few days.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    And we are all glad to have you! In a way you're right -- we're more a group of friends hanging out and chatting about what brought them tog

  • edited October 2015

    Suplex a Train!
    Sorry i saw train and needed to post this

    Daryace posted: »

    Trying to study in the train.... .... ..... .... Starts to think about Rhyiona. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ..... . OH GOD WHY ARE THEY SO FUCKIN' CUTE? I HAVE A LOT OF RHYIONA IDEAS ON MY MIND.

  • Oh hell yes. Hugs time!!!! hugs her hard as fuck <3333

    We love you too!!!!

  • Today I'll start with my Rhyiona's AMV!

    Awesome! ^^

  • Tell us about those dreams!

    SmolGui posted: »

    Morning all. I had a weird set of dreams and Rhyiona thoughts. K brain do what you want to. Anyway I got a fresh set of TFTB memes in my head and that. So, I can make those later.

  • Well it was me falling constantly in a loop. Then I somehow teleported to a top of a building or something. Then I fell again. And those Rhyiona thoughts were slightly dirty lmao.

    Daryace posted: »

    Tell us about those dreams!

  • Er, since that one person might have a hard time recognising themselves in a sea of people, it would be mutually beneficial for you to point them out.

  • Your username really reminds me of something but I can't think of what. It's infuriating.

    Zeratuel posted: »

    Sorry i saw train and needed to post this

  • edited October 2015

    For Adun
    Its from Starcraft. Zeratuel praetor of the Dark Templar and bad ass extraordinaire

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Your username really reminds me of something but I can't think of what. It's infuriating.

  • Ha, I knew it! Oh man, it's been a long while... I only ever played the original, courtesy of my father.

    Zeratuel posted: »

    Its from Starcraft. Zeratuel praetor of the Dark Templar and bad ass extraordinaire

  • He and Jim Raynor are my favorites. Love that game, first rts i ever played

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ha, I knew it! Oh man, it's been a long while... I only ever played the original, courtesy of my father.

  • Good morning, guys ^-^

    How are you all today? <3

  • edited October 2015

    well i haven't passed out yet, so im doing quite well. How about you sir? :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, guys ^-^ How are you all today?

  • I'm good, just came back from school, thank you for asking =3

    Zeratuel posted: »

    well i haven't passed out yet, so im doing quite well. How about you sir?

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