I'm confused ... this Kenny ...

Does he really love Clementine? He really cares about her? And how much?
Wikipedia says that really care about her and love her as if she were his own daughter.
But he sent her dangerous missions, not all that worried her when she fell into the water, every day is around the baby ... do not show feelings for the girl, barely holding her ...
Forgetting Clementine? The baby made him forget the little girl. Is his light, his hope to continue ... Clementine puts him in the darkness of the past. (Wikipedia says) when the baby allegedly died, he lost the hope to live, why does not it continue! But what about Clementine? She air?
He trusts on Clementine, sharing everything with her, respect her ... but sorry, I do not see love here. Dad is not supposed to send his daughter missions death, then where is fatherhood?
Clementine loves Kenny, she almost died for him (Troy gun) Carver beat him. I have not seen Kenny's worried about the little girl! Wikipedia is wrong, he does not like her father. Or the creators of the game, do not know how to behave father. Sorry.
And I know that he will take care of the security of Clementine (and baby) in Wellington ... but still, during the game, except the end! He was not a father, there was no love for Clementine.
(bad english)
Gonna stop you right there, Wikipedia doesn't matter, anyone can edit those pages to whatever they want.
ok ...
Actually Kenny's, Jane's, and I believe Luke's pages are locked, and have been locked for some time now. No one can edit them anymore. Go ahead and try it yourself.
This is probably so because people kept changing them all to change the facts of the game. And also because people changed Luke's page to say nothing but "penis penis penis penis" repeating over and over, for whatever reason. -.-
However, what some biased people originally wrote is still locked in place. Sentences like, "Kenny loves Clementine like his own daughter" were never explicitly stated in the game, and this is a statement that is not a fact from the game but rather a statement that is up for interpretation. So yes, the wiki can still be biased, even if it's locked.
I like you, CuteClem. You don't accept everything that Kenny has done as unquestionably right. You actually question Kenny in a healthily skeptical way. Good for you.
They're only locked for guest editing, I believe. I have an account there and have done a few small clean-up edits, as well as rewriting portions of the episode summaries (namely for In Harm's Way and No Going Back, but it looks like people already re-butchered them) in order to improve the writing quality and make the articles more neutral/impartial
The problem is that not many people can seem to agree on anything, especially when it comes to editing character pages in particular. Touching the pages for the main characters (Lee, Kenny, Clementine, Luke, etc) tend to get reverted if someone decides they don't like it. There's a fair amount of bias there, and attempts to remove said bias doesn't tend to last.
He loves Clem, that's the reason he told her it was ok to kill him, thats the reason he gave up his chance to enter wellington, thats why he got the beat from Carver, yeah AJ came and I will agree with you he focused more in AJ but thats it, he did not do it because he didn't love Clem, of course he did! But a baby needs more attention, they are vulnerable and can easily die, its natural he wanted to protect AJ, right now Kenny and Clem/Jane and Clem/Clem will focus on AJ but that doesn't mean they stop caring about Clem. Its just that right know AJ is the most vulnerable member of the group and he needs protection.
You know, I think I've made it clear enough that I'm a fan of Kenny. And despite that fact, I still don't understand how people actually think like this
People who defend every single action Kenny takes actually tend to be pretty annoying, to tell you the truth (most, not everyone. I'm not trying to single anyone out when I say this)
Especially when it comes to arguments, since they usually break down into tossing around a bunch of ad hominems at the expense of another character. I don't think I've ever seen an argument involving Kenny where one side doesn't accuse the other side of being a Lilly/Jane/etc fan, or just saying something like "Lilly was mean to us and shot Carley/Doug" as if it refutes anything
I mean granted, sure, there are some reasonable and rational Kenny fans out there able to hold a worthwhile discussion, but they seem like a dying breed nowadays. Then again, even back in this forum's heyday during S1/S2 there still weren't a whole lot of reasonable fans, either.
Here is the thing. I think the writers have done something smart. They have left that up to the person playing the game. If you strongly believe he loves Clementine, he does. If not, he doesn't. The creators of the game have designed it in such a way that differing beliefs are supported. Some can see him as selfish, angry, and dangerous. Others can see him as protective, hurt, and misunderstood. I see him as a shades of gray type person. I believe he is like most human beings, and falls into both. He can be selfish, angry, and dangerous but he also is someone who is in great pain with the loss of his loved ones, and people misunderstand some of his comments, and actions because they don't know what it's like to lose their loved ones in the manner he has while at the same time living in an end of the world type situation. I believe he is protective, and loves Clementine, and AJ too.
Well yeah, but at the same time i've seen people take the other extreme where they seem to despise him and blame him for anything and everything and exaggerate things, find any kind of way to ridicule him.
As for the question, I think he did love and care for Clementine but he was not mentally ok. He sends her on dangerous missions because it's a dangerous world and because he feels it necessary for their well being. Lee done the same when they had to escape the St Johns. I don't think the baby made him forget about Clementine exactly, but rather he gave it more attention because obviously it needed more attention.
Quick question, are we talking about the Wikia or Wikipedia?
Well, I'm glad there are fans like you around at least, Deltino.
I agree. But actually, I think it's more like this. I think that fans of characters (be they Kenny or Jane or Luke or Lilly) do indeed recognize (for the most part) that their favorite characters have done wrong, but they don't tend to actually externally admit on these forums that their favorite characters have done wrong. I think that internally, fans have forgiven their favorite characters for the mistakes said characters have made, and then these fans try to defend them, but instead it comes across as fans defending every single action that a character has made, even when their arguments lose steam and start to not make sense.
At least, that's what I find has been the truth for myself in the distant past (like a year ago) with Jane (though I try to be more careful with my words and my arguments these days), and that's what I like to think is the case for some Kenny fans out there. I recognize that Jane has done some awful things, and some of those things I frankly can't (and won't) defend because they're so awful, but I still have forgiven her, and I'll still defend her on certain things when I feel the need arises.
Nevertheless there's people who can't discern the facts of the game from their own opinion (such as some of the editors on the wiki who claim that everything they have written is absolute, unquestionable fact when that's clearly not the case), and it is these people who annoy me to no end.
ignore his posts then.
Are we not on twdg forums?
Well I was referring to the the wikia. And @Deltino It's funny, because I did make an account in the past and tried to edit it before not as a guest, but it wasn't working at the time. Now it is though, huh. :shrug:
It looks like anyone can edit the separate wikipedia easily without even an account. And of course, there's still bias on the wikipedia as well lol. Like this:
In the red, obviously Jane and/or Luke were already in a relationship with a different person at the time, and had an "affair." Yeah...no.
And in the blue, Jane does help Clementine, and not everyone's Clementine will lose trust in Jane at this point.
Bias, bias, bias. Now excuse me as I go change those things so they actually reflect what had happened in the game, in everyone's playthroughs. (I can't wait for someone to change them back!
-.- )
The section on wikipedia in particular is completely half-assed, to be honest. Even a copy/paste from TWD wiki would be better than what's currently on there.
Then you are correct @sialark
What you're really saying: "Hush the person questioning Kenny!"
But he's so blame-able and despisable!
I think Kenny said it best at the fire place scene. He was alone for a long time and it, I don't know because he gets all goofy and starts saying how good it is to see Clem. I think all the time alone is what did Kenny in and it was doing the same to Jane she will say so at the end if you refuse to leave with her she will say she can't do it alone anymore.
kenny not love clem ... he love only AJ
No, Kenny love only himself.
I just want to say that you can't trust everything Wikipedia says. It can be written by anyone and often times is bias.
But to answer your question I do think Kenny cares about Clem, despite some of the questionable things he's done.
Of course he cares for Clem... You can question Kenny for anything, but you can't deny he cares for her. Absolutely.
...and boats.
He cares about her, AJ and Clem are all he has left. I think Kenny pretty much thinks Clem can handle her self and would gladly give his life to save her if he had too.
No, you're wrong I'm sorry to say. You think because Kenny didn't coddle Clementine that he doesn't love her?