Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Poor dude, he just wanted to feel awesome for a minute.

    What? Oh my god was he THAT desperate for that name? Time to get the baseball bat. @Wolfenus54 Thanks for telling me pal!, I can trust you!

  • enter image description here

    i believe in you!

    What? Oh my god was he THAT desperate for that name? Time to get the baseball bat. @Wolfenus54 Thanks for telling me pal!, I can trust you!

  • No, he's my arch nemesis since we've been babies. And now he decided to join this thread...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I just noticed that I added 3 'b' instead of 2, my bad x'D

  • Thanks Hellfish, you're a real bro!

    HellFish posted: »

    Fight to the death? Good luck, SirFish! I'm sure you'll teach him not to mess with you! Just...

  • And I like entertaining myself with stupid jokes like this one, so thanks :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I just noticed that I added 3 'b' instead of 2, my bad x'D

  • His time of fame is over! Time to get serious!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Poor dude, he just wanted to feel awesome for a minute.

  • You're welcome...? xDD

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    And I like entertaining myself with stupid jokes like this one, so thanks

  • Thanks pal!I'll be sure to give that baseball bat to you after I'm done.

    As a gift.

    i believe in you!

  • Hahaha, no ;^)

    I'm your arch nemesis. =')

    No, he's my arch nemesis since we've been babies. And now he decided to join this thread...

  • I trust you seriously now post a side that you've got.

    Tell you what, give me all your items then I'll flip a coin. If heads then I'm not joining, tails then I will. Totally fair

  • enter image description here

    aww, that's so sweet of you :)

    Thanks pal!I'll be sure to give that baseball bat to you after I'm done. As a gift.

  • Should I be worried lel?

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    when daddy comes

  • This. Is. AMAZING! :O

    enter link description here

  • K whatever floats your boat.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hahaha, no ;^) I'm your arch nemesis. =')

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    SmolGui posted: »

    Should I be worried lel?

  • It's been a couple of weeks since she first allowed herself to accept a certain degree of intimacy with him.

    It's strange how things change -- he doesn't need to invite her in anymore and, before she knows it, she always finds herself underneath the covers he deliberately leaves hanging to his side so she can step in comfortably.

    They'll need to leave this place soon, she makes a mental note, but Fiona really does wonder if they're gonna be keeping this up even when it's not necessary anymore.

    An unpleasant twist in her gut tells her she doesn't really want the answer.

    Now, as his chest is pressed against her back and she can his breath puff in her ear, she admits she doesn't want to let go of something she was reluctant about accepting not too long ago.

    She opens her eyes, drowsiness long gone after her musings, and peeks at the alarm clock before letting a sigh escape her lips. They don't have long before they have to keep moving but the notion of half past six still makes her tire and she allows herself to rest her eyes for a few seconds before attempting to pull Rhys' arm from around her waist.

    A slight sense of guilt tells her she probably shouldn't allow these things when they're not even a thing -- not yet, anyway -- but she decides that's a talk for another time as she's trying to pry his metal fingers from her.

    The cool from the metal feels nice today, the temperatures never staying constant in the area, and she knows she can pull them away if she applies enough strength but an irritating part of her just hopes he wakes up and does what she subconsciously doesn't really want to do.

    The movement ends up getting to him, eventually, and he's coughing when he realises their predicament.

    She usually wakes up before him -- she's seen and felt how cuddly he tends to be and it makes her wonder if he'd been the type to sleep with teddy bears before deciding that yes, definitely -- but it's the first time he's caught himself doing it and even the dim light coming from the mostly closed curtains can't hide his blush as well as he'd probably like.

    "Uh, good morning."

    He's wearing a goofy grin (a facade, she amusedly thinks to herself) and she can see from the corner of her eye that he's flexing his fingers carefully. She doesn't know if he's reprimanding himself or if he's simply recalling the situation but it makes her smile in spite of herself and she finds her own hand ruffling his terribly unkept hair before she can even register what she's doing.

    "Get up," she demands but her tone's light enough that he doesn't wince at the order, "we have to get moving soon or we miss our ride."

    It takes a few seconds for him to obey and by the time he's even up, she's already headed to the bathroom to fix herself.

    She can hear Rhys fumbling around with his own wardrobe before silence takes its place and she finally feels like it's safe to open the door, the wood creaking after her forceful push.

    Taking a peek, he's definitely ready but it still feels as if he'd just gotten up.

    "Fix your hair," Fiona offers him an eyeroll, "you look like a caveman."

    Whatever he replies is jumbled and he's definitely stuttering when he goes to comb it up but it makes her shake her head and she can't resist letting the word 'cute' come to mind.

    He's back soon enough but, as she gestures to the door, he slips a hand in her own before she can even take a step forward and she suddenly has a very vivid flashback of the last time something like this happened. It's different now, lighter and gentle, and she can tell something's changed.

    When she spins around to face him again, she's not wrong.

    He's looking at her with the same flustered expression he's so adept at keeping in her company these days but there's something different as he steps forward, closer, and she knows she's accepting this the moment she lets her hand close around his own.

    She beats him to it, she muses, like she's done far too many times before and he's definitely surprised when she pulls him down by the collar of his shirt so she can reach him but it doesn't take him long to catch up and kiss her back and she knows then that she's made the right choice.

    He's too tall, she decides, because she's not used to staying on the tip of her toes this long but he somehow catches on and supports her with one arm. It's endearing, she thinks, but she worries how she's going to reach him next time without her heels.

    When they break apart, they really don't because he pulls her against his chest in a hug she really can't describe; she's not used to these things but she can't say she doesn't like them anymore. She would have, years ago, her priorities being simply getting off the planet and getting a better life -- but what do you wish for when you have everything already?

    It feels like a natural progression and she doesn't regret that they've taken things slow so far.

    She does regret that she's fairly sure they'd just missed their ride, however.


    this is a sequel to that last story cause I can't leave anyone hanging amirite

    sorry for any typos or anything, you guys know how it is on a tablet.

  • I know I know I'm just like Santa Claus.

    Besides, I'm a hero baby.

    aww, that's so sweet of you

  • Lmao

    whatever floats your boat.

    Looks for Kenny pictures.

    K whatever floats your boat.

  • Welp.

    I just spent ten minutes making my own Rhyiona profile pic. God I need to pay for a better Photoshop app. For some reason it isn't letting me post the image here even though I have it saved. I'm gonna have to switch to it later. (:P)

  • Hehe hey Paul! (^^,)

    Honesty I'm surprised I'm only a couple pages behind, usually I'm left in the dirt, must be a slow day. (˚-˚)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    What's going on?(゚ヮ゚) Your guess is as good as mine. :v

  • Welcome back, "daddy" ~

    enter image description here

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    when daddy comes

  • Nice fanfic mate.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's been a couple of weeks since she first allowed herself to accept a certain degree of intimacy with him. It's strange how things chan

  • Such lewdness. With no tags...

    It's, exhilarating ;)

  • My god, that gif tho :O

  • awesome work <3

    p.s: make a damn ff.net account already and start posting ur fanfics there

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's been a couple of weeks since she first allowed herself to accept a certain degree of intimacy with him. It's strange how things chan

  • Wait, lemme grab MS paint for you.

    SmolGui posted: »

    Welp. I just spent ten minutes making my own Rhyiona profile pic. God I need to pay for a better Photoshop app. For some reason it isn't letting me post the image here even though I have it saved. I'm gonna have to switch to it later. (:P)

  • My dream from last night was a day at work gone wrong :/

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    tfw all these "sweet Rhyiona dreams" wishes are thrown but you never actually get rhyiona dreams

  • Nah I got Sai its cool.

    Most of the editing is done on my iPad mini anyway.

    Wait, lemme grab MS paint for you.

  • Beautiful... great read!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's been a couple of weeks since she first allowed herself to accept a certain degree of intimacy with him. It's strange how things chan

  • edited October 2015


    Items first, then I flip the coin. ;)

    An inventory to surpass Gabe Newell.

    I trust you seriously now post a side that you've got.

  • Wait I can link it lmao.

    I could probably make a few of these for people. If anyone does want one. Best wait until I spend some of my money on some better editing tools first though.

    Kinda shoddy edit which I am pleased with:

  • yea i ship them hard i guess lol. they just fit together so well. and thanks :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Well shit. But if she did it for him then at least she was still the, uh, normal-ish Sarah from before! It's kinda cute how they save each o

  • Wait, I'mma give all my items to John.

    (Just imagine those weapons of him to be unusuals and australiums)

    Ahem. Items first, then I flip the coin. An inventory to surpass Gabe Newell.

  • edited October 2015

    Nice profile picture! It looks great, better then something I'd make.

    SmolGui posted: »

    Wait I can link it lmao. I could probably make a few of these for people. If anyone does want one. Best wait until I spend some of my money on some better editing tools first though. Kinda shoddy edit which I am pleased with:

  • It looks great


    Nice profile picture! It looks great, better then something I'd make.

  • edited October 2015

    Welcome back, "daddy" ~

    enter image description here

    Glad to be back!

    Daryace posted: »

    Welcome back, "daddy" ~

  • enter image description here

    Wait, I'mma give all my items to John. (Just imagine those weapons of him to be unusuals and australiums)

  • Oh, no inventory for you then

    @John_Smith13 we are victorious once agian.

  • GOT is already confirmed to have a Season 2.

    And seeing as MC:SM Ep.2 got released today, it'll probably be over before we know it...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Or a second season of TWAU or a second season of GoT

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