Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • lol im surre nothing bad will happen.......

    -glances around nervously-

  • im sure someone is lurking around watching

    I'm in the Midwest! Lol, right in the middle. There's usually only five or six people active on the thread during this time of night, anyway. Kinda sucks.

  • You said this wasn't a horror movie...

    -still not convinced-

    But yeah, I'm sure there are people still online, just not really participating.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    im sure someone is lurking around watching

  • Soooo am I the only person that didn't know that Rhys's tattoo(s) were suppossed to make us think he was a siren?

  • I'll post this again when more peeps are online :)

    Soooo am I the only person that didn't know that Rhys's tattoo(s) were suppossed to make us think he was a siren?


    How does

    that doesn't even

    why would we think

    there are no male sirens, why would we think he is one (especially if we know Borderlands lore)?

    Soooo am I the only person that didn't know that Rhys's tattoo(s) were suppossed to make us think he was a siren?

  • lol well if it is take comfort i would be first to die and the rest of yall would have time to run.

    You said this wasn't a horror movie... -still not convinced- But yeah, I'm sure there are people still online, just not really participating.

  • -salutes-

    Such a trooper, taking one for the team like that.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    lol well if it is take comfort i would be first to die and the rest of yall would have time to run.

  • peanut is right its outright said a many of times that sirens are female and there is only i think 7 of them 3 have already been shown.

    I'll post this again when more peeps are online

  • I remember earlier in the game, like around the time episode 3 was released, people in different forums were trying to figure it out. Cause his tattoo looks pretty similar to a siren's. Telltale staff confirmed that they were trying to do this. Like oh my god he is a male siren! But how? Is this important to the story?!

    WHAAAAAAAT? How does that doesn't even why would we think there are no male sirens, why would we think he is one (especially if we know Borderlands lore)?

  • Yeah I get that, but I think telltale was just trying to throw people off. And they still didn't know how they were gonna finish the story then either. Logically, it doesn't make sense anyway.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    peanut is right its outright said a many of times that sirens are female and there is only i think 7 of them 3 have already been shown.

  • as the happy go lucky guy I would be taken out early anyways might as well go out as the hero ~salutes back~

    -salutes- Such a trooper, taking one for the team like that.

  • That would be pretty freakin' awesome, not gonna lie. And their tactic certainly worked, cause a lot of people are still convinced he is.

    The design isn't quite right for a siren, though. Siren tattoos (which, are they really tattoos? I mean, they're born with them...we assume...) are swirly-er and thinner than what Rhys has going. Yeah, they're blue, and yeah, they're on his chest, but the similarities really stop there, as far as we can tell.

    I just really want to see the whole design and not just because I want shirtless Rhys so bad it hurts.

    Hey, maybe we'll all be thrown for a loop and it turns out he is a male siren. That would be crazy. But then why doesn't he make more of a deal out of it? Naturally, he'd want to lay low, being (hypothetically) the only male siren ever, but....his powers could have accidentally kicked into action when he was stressed or something. And at almost 30 years old, you'd think he'd know and be comfortable with his power.


    I remember earlier in the game, like around the time episode 3 was released, people in different forums were trying to figure it out. Cause

  • There can only be six at a time in the universe (or galaxy? I forget) and yeah, we've actually seen four of them.....

    Kennybadger posted: »

    peanut is right its outright said a many of times that sirens are female and there is only i think 7 of them 3 have already been shown.

  • GOOD POINT about the design of the tat. And yeah I don't think they were paying that much close attention, especially if they intended to throw us off.

    That would be pretty freakin' awesome, not gonna lie. And their tactic certainly worked, cause a lot of people are still convinced he is.

  • edited October 2015

    I bet the real reason is because he's a dweeb and wanted to pretend to be as cool as a siren, so he got the tats done.

    Or something like that.

    ...we know your secret, Rhys, you insecure little nerd-pie....

    GOOD POINT about the design of the tat. And yeah I don't think they were paying that much close attention, especially if they intended to throw us off.

  • I was thinking Rhys would turn out to be a clone of Handsome Jack. As a effort to be immortal kinda of

    That would be pretty freakin' awesome, not gonna lie. And their tactic certainly worked, cause a lot of people are still convinced he is.

  • That was a popular theory. I didn't like it too much, just because I adore Rhys' character and don't want him to be anything like Jack.

    But...I mean, there are parallels. He owns Atlas now. He kinda dresses like Jack (at least with the vest thing)...

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I was thinking Rhys would turn out to be a clone of Handsome Jack. As a effort to be immortal kinda of

  • edited October 2015

    Really, Rhys a siren I can picture it now XD

    Soooo am I the only person that didn't know that Rhys's tattoo(s) were suppossed to make us think he was a siren?

  • Hopefully the universe is smart enough not to give Rhys that kind of power. I mean, we all love him, but....c'mon, he's...uh...

    He'd end up tripping over something and accidentally killing someone.

    Really, Rhys a siren I can picture it now XD

  • oops forgot Steele was confirmed as a siren

    There can only be six at a time in the universe (or galaxy? I forget) and yeah, we've actually seen four of them.....

  • enter image description here

    I think you're referencing this scene.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "We both got eyes in our pockets, wanna do it?" "Meh, okay."

  • its nature vs nurture he may be jack physically but thinks and has different world views

    That was a popular theory. I didn't like it too much, just because I adore Rhys' character and don't want him to be anything like Jack. B

  • She's always the one people forget about.

    Lol, my dad didn't know she was and my sister and I just kind of pointed and went, "uh...dad...blue tattoos? she's a siren."

    Did you know Steele's design was originally going to be what Lilith would look like?

    Kennybadger posted: »

    oops forgot Steele was confirmed as a siren

  • lol he would have a phase-charm power to make everyone like him

    Really, Rhys a siren I can picture it now XD

  • Pfft, he already has charm....

    Kennybadger posted: »

    lol he would have a phase-charm power to make everyone like him

  • just ewwww Lilith looks waaaaaay more awesome and cute to boot

    She's always the one people forget about. Lol, my dad didn't know she was and my sister and I just kind of pointed and went, "uh...dad...

  • Exactly. He hasn't gone through half the crap that Jack did. Yeah, he's been through some tough stuff, but Jack's life honestly sucked. Rhys has a better chance at being what Jack wanted to be, but never was.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    its nature vs nurture he may be jack physically but thinks and has different world views

  • Whoah stop spreading rumors, he gave Fiona a 9/10 ;o

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    He is an evil wolf (who ships Rhysha) @ABigBadWolf Still like him?

  • you just proved my point. His charm is almost a super power

    Pfft, he already has charm....

  • Check this out. Everything was so different. The art style, the character design, the class descriptions...

    enter image description here

    Kennybadger posted: »

    just ewwww Lilith looks waaaaaay more awesome and cute to boot

  • He can charm the pants off m--ahem. Uh...

    ....so.....Siren Rhys confirmed?


    Kennybadger posted: »

    you just proved my point. His charm is almost a super power

  • Wow, I'm tired. Again, it's been fun discussing stuff tonight, but I've got to get at least a little sleep if I want to be able to come back and keep doing this in a few hours. Peace out, everyone! See you soon!

  • And no Brick what the heck just no.Glad they did what they did

    Check this out. Everything was so different. The art style, the character design, the class descriptions...

  • edited October 2015

    lol you make me smile peanut. your Rhys crush is as adoreable as Gortys

    He can charm the pants off m--ahem. Uh... ....so.....Siren Rhys confirmed? Lol.

  • Night Peanut sleep well

    Wow, I'm tired. Again, it's been fun discussing stuff tonight, but I've got to get at least a little sleep if I want to be able to come back and keep doing this in a few hours. Peace out, everyone! See you soon!

  • well guess its time to get back to work night people

  • you fool. How dare you not know of the goddess that is Inori Yuzuriha! Your blasphemic ignorance can not be forgiven! I herby sentence you to die!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    no need I have my own animu perfect girl ok

  • yay school holiday for 5 days im sooo happy sooo i got some spare time how yu all doing?

  • soo quiet very very quiet

    yay school holiday for 5 days im sooo happy sooo i got some spare time how yu all doing?

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