

  • ACT 1, Chapter 4; Cold Blood

    Free Cities

    ,,We could raid them..'' Briana says and looks at Gareth expecting his sarcastic grin to come again.

    ,,Maybe..'' Avalon says, ,,We could even slaughter the men, and take the women''

    People call Avalon the Ramsay Snow of the free cities. Amazing fighter, but shit personality, shit mercy and shit emotions.

    ,,Mate, lets just steal from them, alrite?'' Gareth says the most serious way he ever had.

    Gareth doesn't like either of them, but Avalon is just nonsense. He likes the feel of warm and fire, and the feel of hitting women.

    ,,Joffrey Of the Free Cities'' Gareth whispers to himself.

    ,,What is it you bloody mammot!'' Avalon says

    ,,If it wasn't because you can help me raid this shit, both of you will be dead!'' he says in a hard tone

    ,,Yeah.'' Briana says to shut him up.

    The little village contains of a fair bit of small children enjoying their playday, women who washes, and average men who works. No one is deadly in any kind of way, and there is no protection. Its an easy target for a cold heart.

    ,,Ready?'' Avalon says and is about to make a countdown.

    ,,WAIT!'' Gareth shouts.

    ,,Whats the plan?!'' he asks.

    ,,Murder all of them and take their stuff.''

    Gareth thought it was sarcasm, and its just the "take their stuff" part that is realistic. He took his dagger for threat, and begins to run. Briana runs with him

    The first thing the people did was no self defence. They ran away, but Avalon countinued.

    ,,AVALON?!, What are you doing?!'' Gareth screamt, but Avalon countinued. He got one child on his hand, and sliced its throat. ,,hehahehaheahahea'' is his laugh as he looks directly into Gareth eyes. ,,Give me everything you get, or hah. Look at this kid.''

    Talk some sense into Avalon


    Run away with Briana


    ,,This is it then. I never expected to go to Kings Landing ever again, but if the king really wanted us..''

    ,,Its his seal after all'' Jon adds.

    ,,You can say your goodbyes to Cynthia now, Jon'' Wagner says, and Jon gives him a confused look.

    ,,What?!'' Jon coughs

    ,,I'm sorry. Its me and twenty good men. We can't risk things here''.

    ,,How about the Brutalizer?''

    ,,He stays here'' Wagner says.

    ,,He will get bombed by everyone in Kings Landing if they see him.''

    ,,Hey, beautiful.'' Jon says to Cynthia and smiles with a look into her eyes.

    ,,Hi..'' she says in a shy way.

    ,,I did it Jon..''

    ,,What?..'' Jon begins..

    ,,Dairon is sent to the wall..''

    ,,He is no problem for us any longer. He will get a better life there.''

    ,,How about Frank..?''

    ,,He accepted it. There is nothing else he can do about it. My father is getting weakend every single day, and me and Gandar are supposed to take the throne after my father.''

    ,,Yes..'' he says silently as he gives her a quick kiss. He leaves the room.

    ,,Which route is safe for us?'' Wagner asks.

    ,,My lord..'' the rider says.

    ,,The forest is safest, but the road is fastest. There is a 6 hours difference.''

    ,,Fair enough. Forest it is then.''

    ,,GET THE HORSES!'' Wagner shouts.

    The people who is going is Wagner and his daughter, with 19 men and Harmond Sarlick, one of their greatest fighters. All others are staying for the safety.

    The forrest is obviously filled with trees and darkness. Squirrels is everywhere, and the smell of Lannister is already there. Kings Landing is not far away. Words can hardly describe the smell of death the forrest contains. Many people died there, it was popular during the war. Wagners only problem now is that Jakob Seas hasn't returned yet from the Twins. There is no excatly hope, as Wagner heard what has happend to Robb Stark and Gregor Forrester.

    Though, the forest should be silent, a little music playing is heard in the distance. Wagner feels like its coming closer and closer, and louder and louder.

    Its House Stoke's song.

  • Run away with Briana

    I don't think he can be talked through and attacking a village is awful :( Good part. ;)

  • edited August 2015

    Run away with Briana


    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    ACT 1, Chapter 4; Cold Blood Free Cities ,,We could raid them..'' Briana says and looks at Gareth expecting his sarcastic grin to come

  • Run away with Briana

  • Attack

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    ACT 1, Chapter 4; Cold Blood Free Cities ,,We could raid them..'' Briana says and looks at Gareth expecting his sarcastic grin to come

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited August 2015

    Run Away With Briana

    Avalon is crazy, so he'll probably fight dirty. Better to run.

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    ACT 1, Chapter 4; Cold Blood Free Cities ,,We could raid them..'' Briana says and looks at Gareth expecting his sarcastic grin to come

  • Can't wait for the next chapter, I love this fic already.

  • Submitted one more character, if that's alright with you. The more the merrier, right?

  • i think u will attack avalon and not the village if u go to attack

    Crips posted: »

    Run away with Briana I don't think he can be talked through and attacking a village is awful Good part.

  • Submit as many as you'll like :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Submitted one more character, if that's alright with you. The more the merrier, right?

  • Act 1, Chapter 5; Coward


    ,,So you've sent men after House Seas?'' Lady Stoke asks, and the Commander is excited than ever.

    ,,Yes m'lady, 30 of our best, after Cynthia and Wagner.''

    ,,Where do you know excatly where they are, and how?''

    ,,They are in the forrest. I have a contact in House Seas, he is helping me. He is also a new guy from them. He looks very loyal.''

    ,,What is his name?'' Lady Stoke asks, and before he could come with an answer a shout is heard in the distance.


    Lady Stoke runs down, with the commander down her tails, into the gate. She saw her nephew, Martin Stoke, smashed.

    ,,oh god.. my martin..'' She cries as Maester Korin runs down.

    ,,COME ON YOU FAT FUCK!!'' Lord Stoke screams as the measter is struggling to run.

    The guards are taking him, and setting him on a table. They're trying to stop the bleeding, buts its too late.

    ,,I.. will take a look.'' Maester stutters.

    ,,Do something, you useless bitch.'' Lord Stoke whispers hard to Maester Korin.

    As the Maester begins trying to fetch, he realizes its too late. He just want to tell Lord Stoke it later.

    ,,Mi'lady, mi'lord, Lady Corea wants a word..'' the Servant says as Lady Stoke goes up to see her daughter.

    Lady Corea is said by many to be one of the pretties in the realm. She has blue eyes, yellow long hair, skinny and very girly voice. Her mother smiles at her.


    Corea gives her another smile. She takes up a letter from Margaery, the future Queen. ,,She has invited me to the wedding.''

    ,,Good. Only you?''.

    ,,Yes mother. She writes that ,,We would like our Dear Lady Corea to the weeding. She is a good friend of mine''.

    ,,Its what it is then. Is it her seal?''

    ,,Yes mother..'' as her maidens are ready to do her hair, she is excited.

    Lady Stoke goes down to the commander.

    ,,Who killed Martin Stoke?''

    ,,It doesn't look natural. Not even from a sword or a weapon, it looks like its a giant who smashed him''


    ,,Any idea who the smasher is?''

    ,,I have an idea, but i'm not too sure. You exiled him, didn't you?''

    ,,DO not question me.'' Lady Stoke says and gives him the killer eye.

    ,,No My Lady, I wouldn't dare.''

    ,,Anything else?'' She asks him, ,,Actually, a young girl called Lyria or whatever came here. She doesn't want to come with her backstory, and rarely speaks. I don't know what her intentions are.''

    ,,Find it out. Lets just hope Wagner gets killed.'' she says.


    Dorian sits on his little horse with a soldier and is waiting to be welcomed in the wall. There is still a long way. He has heard the stories about the wall, how hard it is, and how its only killers and theifs that are there. He still doesn't know why he is going there.

    ,,You're gonna be one of the youngest.'' The soldier says as he can see Dairon looks depressed. He wants to focus somewhere else by starting a random conversation.

    ,,How long am I supposed to stay there?''

    ,,Forever, is my best guess.'', ,,One time in the night watch, forever in the night watch. Unless you wanna die''

    Dairon sighs, in the feeling on being in the wall forever. He knows its hard, and he knows no one would like him. He doesn't see himself as a strong person, more like a caring one. And he also knows that will be useless.

    ,,You may even start out as a steward, then a ranger''

    ,,I've heard that as a steward you're supposed to whip the arses, litteraly.''

    The soldier looks confused, as how can a 11 year old know such words. He laughs anyways.

    ,,Its just a story for kids, ey?''. ,,Its to scare them away, to never do something stupid.''

    ,,I didn't do anything stupid.'' Darion sighs.

    The soldier kept his silence, and his smile was taken down. He knew Dairon was right, he hasn't done anything.

    After 1 hours silence, Dairon finally speaks again.

    ,,Look..'' he says as he points at a deer.

    ,,No we can't. Its Stoke place. We can't shoot it, its by the law.'', ,,Though, I am hungry...''

    Take down the deer

    Let it go and stay hungry

    Free Cities

    ,,BRIANA! WE have to go!'' Gareth screams, and Briana runs away with him.

    Avalon looks at them, and runs after them. They have stuff in their hands Avalon would love to have.


    Behind him, there is a bigger problem. 13 men, all with some kind of weapons come closer and closer. He sees a dad who looks angry and devastated.

    Briana and Gareth countinue their running until they see a tree where they can hide a bit.
    They get there, and sits down to see what they get.

    Gareth got; Some food, Crowbar, Fruit.

    Briana got nothing, as when she tried, Gareth screamt at her. She saw Avalon, and how he killed the poor child.

    ,,Why don't you talk?'' Gareth asks, and Briana keeps her silence.

    ,,We should do something..'', ,,Like, getting a normal job or serve for someone.''

    Briana stops her silence, ,,Mother of dragons?''

    ,,You respect her?'' he asks,

    ,,Yes I do. Daenerys Targaryen..'' she smiles.

    ,,Well I've heard she likes Dragons.'' Gareths giggle. Briana giggle with him. Its the first time Gareth have seen Briana giggle.

    ,,I do have some coins. Not that i'm an whore, but its enough for the both of us to travel there. In a few days or weeks or months, we will be there. To help her.. i guess''.

    Briana smiles at him, and is thankful for getting an easy pasage for The Mother Of Dragons.

    Save the coins, but take longer to get to Mereen

    Use the coins, and go there faster


    The music only gets louder and louder.

  • Take down the deer

    Save the coins, but take longer to get to Mereen

  • Save the coins but take longer to get to Mereen

    I mean...If we have no coins in Mereen, it will probably end worse :P

    Take downthe deer

    Lol, fuck the Stokes.

  • Take down the deer

    Save the coins, but take longer to get to Mereen

  • [Take down the deer] & [Save the coins]

    I'm pleased by Maester Korin's utilisation for now. ^^ Good job. :D

    And I've FINALLY submitted the character I was talking about and who would be interested in going to King's Landing. It took me that long because I've tried to make him not as "cliché" as he was planned yesterday. I don't know if it worked though. :p

  • take down the deer

    use the coins, and go there faster

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 5; Coward Stoke ,,So you've sent men after House Seas?'' Lady Stoke asks, and the Commander is excited than ever. ,,

  • edited August 2015

    Take down the deer and save the coins, but take longer to get to Meereen

  • take down the deer Don't want to starve

    Save the coins

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 5; Coward Stoke ,,So you've sent men after House Seas?'' Lady Stoke asks, and the Commander is excited than ever. ,,

  • Take down the deer

    Save the coins, but take longer to get to Mereen

  • well..

    Hello people. I'm sorry for this long break, but then family happens. Sorry. We may now countinue.

    Act 1, Chapter 6; Ambush and whores


    ,,Mi lord...'' Hanri, a sworn man of the Guard, recogonizes the sounds of the music. Around his eyes is becoming red, and he takes up his sword. The music can only be up to a mile away, and in the middle of the forest, there is no way out. ,,Take Cynthia and run while you can.'' Wagner says calmy as he is trying to control the situation. He tries to hides his inside pain, as he knows his life is over. Lord Stoke. The almighty man, Tywin Lannister kicked out of Duskendale. Ever since he've tried to come back to one of the largest cities in the kingsway, he've tried to killed the Lannisters enemies. Though, not the real enemies, just the peasants, and of course, House Seas.

    Wagner knows Jake Stall's, better known as Lord Stoke, plans, as he isn't about the honor. He likes to kill his enemies dirty, and hitting them in a bad situation. Killing children, or dwarfs is okay, as long there is gold to get. He likes wine, and never fights his own wars. They call him Piggy Lord in Seas and almost everywhere in Kings Landing, and the rest of Westeros where he is known. ,,All Men!'' Wagner shouts. ,,Fight for your family!'', ,,No Mercy!'' everyone screams in a cherry way. Wagner looks at Henri as he takes Cynthia and goes. He took some peasent clothes, and went to a nearby farm. Henri sees the massacre the Stoke men are about to do, as they come closer, with fire and sword.

    ,,Cynthia don't look.'' Henri tries to say, but cannot do it right, as he is as panicky as she is. Screaming, shouting and the sound of blades cutting through the skin of men. ,,Lets go. Fast. Kings Landing!'' Henri says confidently, but Cynthia denies him. ,,We can't! We must return to the castle! Send more men to save my father!'' she looks around and is confused. Henri wants to say something to her, but he doesn't want to make her more sad, to tell her father probably got killed during the ambush. The screams countinues as Henri takes Cynthia by arm, and runs to a horse nearby.

    Wagner takes his trusty sword ,,The Dark Pirate'', but the slaughter cannot be stopped. Theres no survivors. Wagner sees his own men beg for mercy, as their head is sliced over. Wagner tries to save Gilbert The Old, but he gets killed as well. ,,For last.'' the Stoke man says, as he looks at Wagner like he is some dessert to be eaten. Wagner smiles, and tries not to fall down of being unbalanced. He wasn't hurt, but in his old age, there is much he can do. The smile on Wagner makes the stoke man, Karan Stoke, mad. He is a young man with blonde hair, and alot of confidence. ,,Beg for mercy!'' he demands, as two of his guards pushes Wagner on his knees. Instead of Wagner's head looking down, he looks up as a sign of honor. ,,Pathetic asshole!'' Karan screams, as he takes Wagner's sword and began molesting Wagner with it. Wagner tries not to scream, but the pain is incredible. After 1 minute of slicing in Wagner's body, Karan leaves with a smile on his face.

    ,,We must go to Kings Landing'', Henri desperatly tries to take Cynthia, but she demands to go to Seas. ,,Its suicide! They know you're not there during the ambush, so they will know you are headed back home! As well as King Joffrey commands you to head there! Cynthia can't think. ,,We need to see my father!'', ,,Not right know. He is fine, I know it.''

    Go to Kings Landing

    Head home

  • edited October 2015

    Might as well finish what you start go to kings landing. Nice story read all of it at once :)

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    well.. Hello people. I'm sorry for this long break, but then family happens. Sorry. We may now countinue. Act 1, Chapter 6; Ambush and

  • edited October 2015

    Act 1, Chapter 7; Volantis

    Briana and Gareth

    2 weeks later

    ,,Wow..'' Briana says in excitement, as she sees the beautiful city of Volantis. ,,This is our way to Meerren.'' Gareth says with a smile on his face. To get to Meeren they'll have to sail from Volantis to then Meerren. ,,Can't we just walk over there?'', Briana sighs, and indicates her sail-sickness. ,,Its the safest way.'' Gareth says confidently, ,,My father used to say that to get to the Pyramid you'll have to sail. Else something bad would happend to you.'' Gareth smiles. ,,Your dad is pathetic'' Briana tries to create an joke, but Gareth's smile turned to a sad one. Briana thought for a second that this is because of the joke, but Gareth's focus is somewhere else. ,,Do you see that?'' Gareth says with a chok on his face. His focus is on a board where it says; ,,SAIL TO MEEREEN! 4000 GOLD COINS! ONE WAY!''

    Everything turned to black. It wasn't easy as they thought, Briana's pocket was only filled with 300 gold, and as they didn't have any food nor supplies, they'll have to stay in Volantis, atleast for a while. ,,Westeros it is then..'' Gareth says with a sad atmosphere. ,,Are you insane!?'' Briana screams in anger. ,,Westeros is thousand of miles from here!'', ,,Do you have any better ideas?!'', Gareth became angry after Briana's screaming. ,,No'', she says confusely calmy as tears come down her cheeks. ,,Whats the fuss about?'', ''That woman conquered Meereen, with stupid dragons that don't even listen to her.'',,What do you know about Meereen?'' Briana said. ,,We must meet her. I don't even care if you come or not.''

    A man behind them heard the whole story. ,,Meereen.'' he says proudly. ,,You wanna go there?'', Briana gives him a deadly eye, as she thinks he may be a predator. He is old, and have blue eyes and very rinkled skin. ,,I'm a merchant of Volantis.'' he intoduces himself. ,,I go by the name Jaquar El Herrean, but please call me Jerren.'' he smiles. He puts his hand on Gareth, Gareth refuses him and hold his hand over his sword. ,,You're in Volantis. The King doesn't like people walking around with swords'' he says seriously as Gareth removes his hand from the sword.

    ,,Heres my proposal.'', ,,I know a man called Jas. He owns the boat "Happy Dreams", which sails to Meereen every few days.'', he countinues: ,,Now, his brother got caught by a band of bandits just outside Volantis. You must get him back, by force or negotiations. They're outlaws, which means the negotiations doesn't work unless you have gold. My 3 men will join you during the battle.''. ,,I'll make him give you a journey to Meereen as a thank you.''

    Go with the mercant proposal

    Deny him, and try something else

    In the next one we join Cynthia as she arrives to Kings Landing, with Joffrey's eye on her.

  • Remember to submit characters, right now i'm in need of a POV.

    The most interesting gets the role :D

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 7; Volantis Briana and Gareth 2 weeks later ,,Wow..'' Briana says in excitement, as she sees the beautiful city of V

  • Where would you like this Pov to be in a place other than where the other Pov characters or is that O.K

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Remember to submit characters, right now i'm in need of a POV. The most interesting gets the role

  • Go with the mercant proposal

    It's cool to see this thread back, I am eager to see it go on. :D

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 7; Volantis Briana and Gareth 2 weeks later ,,Wow..'' Briana says in excitement, as she sees the beautiful city of V

  • Yes. Thats actually what I want

    Where would you like this Pov to be in a place other than where the other Pov characters or is that O.K

  • Go with the mercant proposal

  • Act 1, Chapter 8; A meeting with the King

    The east side of Kings Landing shows the beautiful castle, and the not so beautiful villager homes. The septon is not far from where Hanri stands, the Faith of the Seven main area. To break the silence, Hanri comes up with a question. ,,Which religion do you belive in?'', ,,Why do I care?'' Cynthia says rotten, and ignores Hanri for the rest of the journey. The gate that seperate the castle and the city is not far, and some Lannister guard stands there and is welcome to take them in. ,,Serre.'' Hanri nods to the guard that comes over to them. He has black armor, and Hanri knows he is a gold cloak. The men that protect Kings Landing. The man stands up with a hand on his sword. ,,Who are you?'' he says.

    ,,I am Cynthia Seas. Representant for House Seas. My.. father couldn't make it here.'' she tries hard not to sob. Hanri takes over, ,,We are here for the wedding. I'm her guard.'', ,,Cynthia.'' the guard smiles. ,,What a funny name.'', ,,Cynt. Thats very funny - and delicious.'' the two other guards beside him laughs. ,,How dare you!'', Hanri mans up and walks infront of Cynthia. He holds his sword, and demands the one in charge to come. The guards are ready to take Hanri on, but behind him, an arrow hits the guards back. The guard tries to breathe, but he falls down with blood. The two men, in panic, looks behind them to only see Prince Oberyn Martell with a smile on his face. ,,Come on in!'' he shouts, as the guards now smile to Cynthia and takes her in. Oberyn nods and shows her the way into the castle, and his own room.

    Oberyn points at a chair, and Cynthia uncomfortable sits on it. Oberyn takes a glass of wine and hands it over to her. Oberyn nods to Hanri, as he goes out. ,,You see, me and you have alot in common.'', Oberyn smiles. ,,I guess, my lord'' Cynthia looks strange at the dornish prince. ,,We both hate the lannisters.'', ,,You see, the reason i'm here is because I want to get down with the killer of my sister'', ,,You've heard the stories.'', Cynthia nods along, ,,Now, I have an proposal.'' Oberyn takes a piece of paper out. ,,When the war will happen, when Gregor Clegane confesses his crimes, you will sign this. This will give us, secret, allowance to send armies of men to Kings Landing, using the sea, and who is the best of the Seas? House Seas!'' Oberyn laughs at his own joke, and Cynthia makes a fake giggle. Oberyn gives her the paper, and then he goes outside without notice.

    Hanri standing right outside, admiring the halls, notices fears in Cynthia. ,,My lady?'' he says, but Cynthia ignores him. ,,I'm no real negotiator..'' she tells to herself. She then ignores it and goes outside to the large balcony where people like Cersei and Margeray is. Hanri goes right beside her, but get denies by the guard standing next to the balcony. Hanri stays, but Cynthia countinues. A hand is touching her shoulder, and when she looks back, she sees the one and only King Joffrey Baratheon. ,,Your grace'', she says surprisingly, as the king countinues to touch her. He then runs his hand down her pants. ,,I have a room for you tonight.'' he says. ,,Trant will escort you. Don't worry, you won't have to do anything.''. A chok on Cynthia face, as the king leaves to meet other women at the balcony.

    Trying to hold her tears, she countinues down the line to see both Queen Regent Cersei Lannister and Queen-to-be Margaery Tyrell standing. Both of them smiles and indicating they want to talk to her.

    Go to Cersei

    Go to Margaery

  • Who are you guys more interested to hear about next?

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 8; A meeting with the King The east side of Kings Landing shows the beautiful castle, and the not so beautiful villager ho

  • Go to Margaery

    I am currently creating a new character, I hope you'll like it :D

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 8; A meeting with the King The east side of Kings Landing shows the beautiful castle, and the not so beautiful villager ho

  • Well, I am interested to see what is next for Cynthia and Hanri :D

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Who are you guys more interested to hear about next?

  • edited October 2015

    Go with Margeryand i am interested in Briana and Greth with that quest

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Who are you guys more interested to hear about next?

  • Act 1, Chapter 9; Siege

    House Seas

    The emotionless septon, talking infront of the Seas family and the high noble men, and a big man with an axe. Kraz came in without and invitation, and sat in the back behind Frank Saggoth and the other men from the council. His eyes focused on the smashed Wagner body found by Jon Serenah's men in the middle of the forrest to find Cynthia. ,,By the seven.'', ,,Wagner was a great man.'' the septon began and countinued his long speech about the great things Wagner had done. No one heard the septon talking. everyone was eager after revenge. What the Stokes has done in a brutal way. And with Jakob Seas haven't returned from the twins, the young Gandar is the new Lord of Seas.

    ,,My father was indeed a great man.'', ,,He fought the evil, he murdered everyone that got in his way. But to kill him like that, to cheat on a war.'', ,,We will get our revenge!'' Gandar says confidently as he takes his paper and goes out. Everyone, speechless goes out. Jon calls for a council meeting. ,,Where is Saggoth?'' Gandar asks fouriously. ,,He is still mad about that whole Darion thing. He isn't glad for a 11 year old being sent to the wall. ,,Any reports on him?'' Gandar asks, ,,Yes. He is not far from Moat Calin. He may be there in 1-2 months. ,,Why so long?'', ,,The cannogmen likes to steal from poor little boys like him. Therefore he is being sent to Barrowtown to go with a nights watch recruiter.''

    ,,Now. What are we supposed to do with the Stokes?!'' Gandar asks, and no one wants to answer. In the back the door some knocked on the door, though not normal knocking, hard knocking so the door is close to be opened by itself. Who comes in is Saggoth with Kraz the Brutalizer. Kraz sits on the chair and everyone looks strangely on the man. ,,What is this?!'' Gandar asks furiously. ,,The Stokes are planning on a siege. Some of my spies saw an army of them incoming. Around 800 men where marching with ladders and gold cloaks.'' Frank Saggoths says with tears in his eyes. Everyone is in chok beside Kraz. He is sitting and drinking of the wine that was on the table. ,,How.. many men do we have?'', ,,250. Not enough to keep them away to destroy our castle. They are not even planning on taking it, just destroying it.''.

    From out of nowhere Kraz began laughing. Everyone looked at him, and he began talking; ''Give me 50 men. I'll make sure they go home with something destroyed.'', ,,50 men?'', ,,Who are you kidding?!'' Jon says. ,,Do you ever wanna fuck your wife again?'' Kraz says aggresively. ,,IF YOU WANT TO, GIVE ME 50 MEN!'' he screams and bangs his fist in the table, destroying it.

    The sound of a man screaming ''SIEGE!'', and the scream of villagers running to safety, something must be done.

    Rely everthing on Kraz


    Try to use own defences

    Sorry for this one being too unexiting, but I haven't made an update on House Seas for a while. Don't worry, these next few will be insane.

  • Rely everything on Kraz

    I have finally submitted a new character. :D I don't know if this was actually what you wanted exactly, but I'm kinda proud of this new character. ^^

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 9; Siege House Seas The emotionless septon, talking infront of the Seas family and the high noble men, and a big man wi

  • Act 1, Chapter 10; A claim for the King


    The hall that contains pictures of the great victory of Robert Baratheon during the war. Hanri remembers there to be a fair bit more, when he last was there. His love of his life, Odette, the handmaiden of Cersei. He got caught for making love in her bed, and got sent away from Kings Landing. He wants to know if she is alive, or got killed/sent away. Hanri makes his way to the Great Hall and the Iron Throne. Meryn Trant is standing infront of it with a glass of wine on his hand. Not far away, Varys the Spider is standing in the corner of one of the large posts. Varys makes eye contact, indicating he wants to talk with him.


    The queen to be, Margaery Tyrell is standing smiling to Cynthia as she walks over to her. Beside her, Cersei Lannister makes a disgust face at her, and give her the eye of death. ,,Cynthia.'' Margaery says, ,,Nice to meet you.'', Margaery takes her hand and Cynthia bows down and kisses it. ,,You don't have to be like that.'', ,,I'm your friend.'' Margaery smiles once again, as Cynthia is some child. ,,Yes, your grace.., I mean friend''. Both of them laughs. Cynthia still has in her mind that Joffrey would like to rape her, though Cynthia still has a husband. She wants to talk to Margaery about it, but then she is reminded, she is the queen, he is the king.


    The sun is shining on Varys' bold head. He pours a glass of wine to Hanri, but Hanri indicates that he need to be on guard. Varys laughs. ,,Y'know, in here you're safe.'', ,,They say that you used to serve the mad king'', Hanri diss, but the guard beside him reminds him that he should know his place. Varys hushes the guard away. ,,Odette. She was beautiful, right?'' Varys says. ,,How do yo--'', ,,They say i'm the spider. They're right. I sneak to every corner, in the whole of Westeros, and I know everything. I even know where she is'', Varys' gives him a disgusting smile, but he wants to know more. ,,Now, I know what you may ask, but theres a price. You need to deliver this message to Griff. A man in Bravoss. I have the ship and everything. Talk to Jaquar Le Hall, and say the phrase "I know that One". He'll know who you are. He'll know where to find "Griff", and i'll give you the location of your woman, and a fair bit of goal.''..

    .... Hanri takes the letter and goes outside.


    Cynthia's bedchamber is luxerious. Theres flowers and delicious food. She throws herself to bed, but a knocking on the door stops her. He couldn't even get up, before the door got opened. Meryn Trant and two guards are awating. The guards take her by force to The kings bedchamber.

    he raped her

    he raped her when her father was dead

    he raped her when her own husband is worried about him

    he raped her

    THIS IS, the end of Cynthia's story for act 1. Act 1 isn't done, as there is around 5 more chapters. I hope you have enjoyed her story line. Thanks

  • oh my, such a sad chapter for Cynthia, maybe some "Beauty" can help her family lol

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 10; A claim for the King Hanri The hall that contains pictures of the great victory of Robert Baratheon during the war.

  • I agree :/ Cynthia has lost many things in this act. But it was some good job, and I'm now looking forward for the other chapters in this first act. :)

    AstroZombie posted: »

    oh my, such a sad chapter for Cynthia, maybe some "Beauty" can help her family lol

  • Oh where not talking about this guy ?

    enter image description here

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