Stop hoping she will be adult in season 3

Season 3 (if she was there), she will be at the age of 12, 13 or 14. Because of the comic! She can not be 15+
If she will be protagonist in season 3, clem still be a kid. So stop hoping.
(bad english)
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Most of us know that.
Not adult Clem, but maybe a teenage Clem would be interesting. But probably won't happen because of the Comics. Gotta stay in the same span, so no time skips.
she's still little.
I don't think this thread was really necessary.......
I know, right? Has any one even consider the possibility that there will not be a time skip of any kind?
There's conflicting evidence from the devs. Some say the games are canon with the cmics, some say they have their own separate canons. So it is possible she will be an adult in season 3.
"You gotta consider her a living person, that's it! You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive." — Chuck
i don't think so. i think she will be 12 - 14
unless they would pull some "time skip shit again." who knows.. they still haven't tweet any updates of the upcoming season..
18 year old is still a kid to someone my age.
Clem will be 13 ... i think
Let people hope for what obviously isn't going to happen lmao
Everything you seem to post always seems being controversial or to start arguments. People can hope for whatever they want.
They might have meant they view the comics as canon, but not in the sense that what happens in the games are canon to the story. Michonne may be an exception, but we should wait for more details from Telltale on that.
When I opened up my confession thread I noticed that you would lash out at other people who confessed they didn't like Clementine. And then my feed would be spammed with drama.
At the end of the day people have a right to open up about their opinion, whether they like the idea of Clementine being older or not. There is no need to shit on people for it.
If their opinion was a serious matter (things such as sexsim, racsim and such) then that would be understandable, but this is a video game character and the only thing we should say people are wrong for thinking, it’s okay shipping that character with a 27 year old man.
What happens to her in the comics? Or is it because the comics haven't covered that much time?