What could go wrong?
Okay so Season 3 was announced a longggg time ago and since then everyone has their own view of what it should be like. The entire S3 wait thread is people talking about what they want in the game and what would work well ^-^.
But I wanted to make a thread where everyone can share what would actually ruin the walking dead game franchise in one swift blow by telltale, by making a 'what could possibly go wrong?' thread so we can all argue together for example~~
~Jane/Kenny/Clem is killed at the start of Season 3 in a stupid way
~They bring back Kenny if you killed him for the second time!
~None of the season 2 choiceS EVEN MATTER
~You see lee as a zombie or dead because I can't handle the feels
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Yeah, it would totally be a shame if they kill off Kenny/Jane at the start of S3 IMO. It would also mean our endings don't matter at all or even our choices. Also I think the franchise would be ruined if:
That would be worse that if the last sentence of Harry Potter had been 'and then Harry woke up in his cupboard under the stairs'
None of it happened! Everything was a dream of Clementine! XDDD
Hehe, how many choices from S1 matter?
S3 will be ruined for these reasons:
Omg that Harry Potter ending would've killed our childhoods. XD
Good point
If the first sentence is 'I really miss Kenny/Jane I wish they hadn't been eaten by walkers' I will riot >_<
Kenny or riot XD
Like, you know how hard I worked to keep this character alive I have killed people and done things for Kenny I'm not proud of ^-^
It's going to be tough, alright. I don't think they can get away with Kenny/Jane from dying right away. So maybe they'll need to have alternate dialogue and such, which would be difficult because there's the third option of neither. But that will be very tough for them to do, so, I dunno, it will be hard.
The differing locations would be okay. It would be pretty easy for all three to lead to the same path pretty quick. I think that's fair, I wouldn't expect three different settings in the game, that's crazy. Though now that I'm thinking about it, the locations are largely based on who you end up with. So there's a good chance Jane and Kenny will only be seen early on before Clem is supposed to leave and begin her S3 adventure. It sucks but, that's life. That hardly makes the game automatically bad. Maybe Jane and Kenny can occasionally appear or have conditional moments like in Tales.
With all the money they've made with this game, you'd think they could afford to make amazing experience with more complex dialogue options and variations on character interation.
Literally every walking dead ever
You forgot city from episode 4.
Clem for S3 or nah? I'd like her to come back but not as the protagonist like she was in season 2
I'd be pretty bummed out if it went the "everything's shit" route of last season. There were maybe two happy moments in S2! Everything else was "They're dead. He's dead. I killed him. Dang. I'm dead. eh"
S3 is just a black screen
The End.
Well, first of all, I LOVE your profile picture, May is my favorite Pokemon character of all time.
Second, A while back, I watched GameCareNetwork do an everything wrong with the fifth episode, and while GamingSins and CinemaSins fans usually leave before the credits, I always watch the end. So, the narrator for GamingSins had a discussion with the viewers regarding Season 3, how they can save it, and what people want to see, and I honestly took a lot of my opinion from the awesome Ideas he had, but most of all what I recognized is that the Narrator, along with everyone else I've met has one common wish for Season 3, and that's for Clementine to be not only something major, but become herself again. And while I'm not completely opposed to seeing Clem come back, I think Clem as the protagonist would ruin Season 3, but that's not what I think out of everything that would completely ruin it.
If Clem is the main character, no big deal. A few personality fixes, and Clem can fit the role. But while I was thinking about Clem being the destroyer of good games, I then suddenly realized something. Lee is dead, purely because everyone stole from the Station wagon in S1E2, "Starved for Help", but when declining the offer to rob them, the man still takes it out on Lee. And that really made me feel one thing, is that I don't matter, my decisions don't matter.
A few weeks ago, I played a game called "Until Dawn", I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's a game, (Episodic if you play it right), that COMPLETELY focuses on choice, and the Butterfly effect. If you insult someone, climb a rock wrong, miss a QTE, or even throw a SNOWBALL at a damn bird, the entire game could change, right then and there. That's what was so awesome about it, they completely made multiple paths for everything you did, and choosing the wrong path, or even failing a QTE even will KILL the character you're playing as. No revert to the last save, your character dies, and the game moves on without them. Everything you did mattered. Not only that, but everything later in the story would be different, and you never end up in the same area, or the same situation, and when you do, some parts of it are still different. Where as the Walking Dead just made one thing happen, and you'd always end up right back on the games set course.
So if you ask me, The one thing that would ruin Season 3 is your choices being irrelevant, if my choices didn't matter, and were completely pointless, in turn, making ME, the player, feel pointless, then it's not gonna be a good game. I hate games where you feel worthless and where you're just on a set ride without any say where it goes, That's why I hated Ocarina of Time so much, it's just a set path, unlike Link to the Past, where you can play your way.
Please telltale, Stick to your slogan. Don't say choice matters, Make choice matter.
I made a similar argument about choices mattering in response to everyone wanting a Season 2 of Tales from the Borderlands. The thing is, once you realize that the series will go on, you have to realize that things will eventually branch back together! I'm still iffy about a Season 2 of TFTB just because I don't want MY Rhys or MY Fiona to turn into EVERYONE'S Rhys and Fiona, because everybody's characters are eventually the same if the series goes on long enough. And that's why games like Until Dawn and Heavy Rain work so well! They're solitary stories with no sequels or anything, so that gives the developers the freedom to make all these endings different and based upon your choices! I'd love to see Telltale do their own original story that is JUST one season, just to see how far they can go with choice and consequence.
As for TWD Season 3, the worst case scenario is what I expect: Kenny/Jane dies in the beginning, Clementine dies in the same place for everybody (That is, if Clementine is the main character, although I'd like a fresh start). If the story weren't based around her this time, but ties in with her story in like the 3rd or 4th episode, that could work! And our choices could still matter! But I guess we'll just have to wait and see!
100% yes
I just finished playing Until Dawn (which I totally ruined btw, I didn't even notice all the totems until halfway through the game XD) and it's so amazing because I feel like I could go back and do it again and it would feel like a totally different game
That's what I want season 3 to be like so I don't feel like the same dialogue is being repeated again and again.
As for Clem, I completely agree but I feel as though no matter what, people are still going to complain about her being/or not being there
Telltale need to make our choices matter a lot more in season 3, imagine what would happen if Kenny/Jane/Clem died at the start (following the events of S2) because telltale couldn't work out how to fit multiple endings into the game o_0
p.s Thanks, I'm glad I chose this profile pic, May is my favourite trainer and Eevee my favourite pokémon
This made me laugh
I wish there had been more happy moments like the shopping scene in 28 days later or the brief TS-19 thing in The Walking Dead TV show. The happiest moment in season 2 was AJ's birth and after that his mother became a walker, he was out in the cold, everyone died and Kenny went mad.
I'm more of a Bulbasaur fan myself, but Eevee is pretty sweet. 
I lost interest in this game TBH. Other than for lols, its just another game to me.
Clementine picked up an entire city?
Man, Clem's super strength is just going too far now
Massive random time skips - these bother the crap out of me.
No parts in the game to get to know your group. These moments really made the game for me. Plenty in S1, but not enough in S2. Getting rid of them all together would just make me flat out not care about anyone.
This bothered me aswell in season 2, because I barely knew the backstory and I didn't even mind when some of the cabin group died as long as Clem lived >_<
That's why I loved the little campfire scene in Eisode 4 or 5 of Season 2. It was such a breath of fresh air, and maybe the only part other than Episode 1's beginning that made me feel like I was playing Telltale's The Walking Dead.
Kenny jumps out of the snow being all like "lol just kidding I'm still here".
True, but that lasted like four minutes.
[Shoot Kenny in the face]
Clementine- Not anymore
Play as Clem again.
Yeah pretty much, or if you play as a new group Clem is with and she dies is the first episode >_<
[Nervous laughter descends into broken sobbing]
The death of hubs.
The death of widdle Clemmy.
The death of the plot baby for plot reasons.
The death of characters just for some death.
Are you stupid? By far, the happiest moment was when Alvin gave her juice box. That scene was just beautiful.
IKR? I cri evrytiem.
Here's what would make me turn off from Telltale's Walking Dead series, if all of this was played out in Season 3. Though I will still give them the benefit of the doubt, I won't be happy if these happen:
Telltale: Bring back Luke....
for one episode only to have him cruelly die in the most horrific way possible until our fans are left emotional wrecks on the floor crying
They would probably be that cruel too.
This made me so mad before, if telltale put different groups of writers on different episodes it makes the whole thing seem inconsistent, like one episode might be soft and happy and another sad and angry which makes hardly any sense of the story is the same. Also about ill/disabled people, If they survive it almost seems unrealistic and if they die it feels stupid and kind of predictable, seeing as its been done sooo many times
Speaking as a disabled person, I don't particularly care for stories who hammer this point home without come degree of consideration or tact for their conditions, which is one of the reasons why I rank Amid the Ruins as the worst episode of the series.
I get that ill/disabled people will have a harder time surviving in a zombie apocalypse, but this is the zombie apocalypse we're talking about, 'anyone' can die, it's not just the ill/disabled that are at risk of dying.
Lee was a healthy man in his thirties with no illness or disability, and he didn't even make it past the first year. Hell, Carley or Doug might not even last the first week of the zombie apocalypse depending on your choice, and Sarah, Arvo, the Cancer Group, and others have lasted longer than 'normal' people. And plus, it's kinda silly to see ill/disabled people surviving as unrealistic when the entire zombie apocalypse story is itself unrealistic as well.
And what most tend to underestimate about the ill/disabled, is that they're generally stronger in willpower or attitude than 'normal' people. They were built to cope and accept their conditions since they had the condition either from birth or at a young age, and they know how to adapt and focus on their stronger qualities instead. That's why I don't care for stories who treat them less as people and more as stock-villains or weaklings.
Me neither, I hate it when writers kill people just as you get to know them, especially Ill/disabled people because it is only ever to drive a point home that 'they could never hope to survive' without any thoughts about the actual character and how much it de-humanises them. Also, like you said, often disabled people are a lot stronger in willpower which hasn't really been shown in character in the walking dead (Sarah e.t.c) and I don't really know why >_<
I know, It was one of those episodes where you felt like no matter what choice you made it still ended badly, when I saved Sarah and she died anyway I felt like it was pointless