If lee were to return controversy
This is just question for some of the members who have said they would be upset, and even quit the game if Lee came back because it would make their choice at the end of season 1 meaningless..... Well isn't that what telltale has done with every decision you have made in the game when it comes to saving one character over the other? I mean when has your choice of saving someone resulted in them actually surviving? Never.
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It wouldn't make your choice meaningless, it would make the plot post episode 4 meaningless.
How would he even come back? He dead mang
Just a question I had. I don't expect him to come back.
Because reviving characters for the sake of fans is stupid. I mean, just look how shit s2 was because of they revived Kenny and made him plot device.
Some characters survive based on your choice.
Even so, as I do agree they do this often, precedent isn't an argument for why this would be acceptable. Why do people seem intent on this? He's dead. It's sad, because it was supposed to be sad. TWD is supposed to be grounded in heavy realism in spite of the zombies. People don't come back to life in the real world. And anybody who understands this series (like say, the writers) is going to know that bringing Lee back would instantly invalidate the realism. I mean, what about the people who shot Lee in the head? It's irrational.
As has been pointed out, Kenny's return was very cheap and they couldn't get away with doing this twice. It would be hack writing at it's worst. It would make any death lose impact for the rest of the series. It's a bad idea. Can we please just drop it?
Lee was a great character, and I can understand that people don't like the fact that he died since they became emotionally attached to him. However, you didn't choose whether to save or kill him at the end of the first season. You chose to give him a death without becoming a walker, or to let him turn. His death is certain, as his sickness was shown on screen, and in The Walking Dead universe the sickness from a walker bite infection always leads to death if you don't cut off the limb quick enough (and Lee getting sick and being near death is proof that it didn't work).
Telltale can't bring Lee back alive because the game design is overseen by Robert Kirkman to make sure the story stays true to the universe of The Walking Dead. Lee was seen dying from the effects of the walker bite. In The Walking Dead universe, everyone has the virus within them that turns them into zombies after death, but if you're bit by a zombie, the infection makes you ill until you die. There is no cure for the virus in the universe of The Walking Dead, and there is no cure for zombie bite infection. The only way to stop an infection is to cut off the affected limb before the infection spreads past it into other parts of your body. This didn't work for Lee, as evidenced by the fact that he was sick and dying. Since Lee can't prevent his death, as there's no cure, once he dies, he'll turn into a walker. The only way this won't be the case is if Clementine succeeded in shooting him at the end of the first season, in which case, he's simply dead, and he won't turn. That's the way the universe of The Walking Dead works, and Telltale has to stay within the rules of that universe, not just due to the principles of their studio, but they're contractually bound to do so as part of their deal with Robert Kirkman.
Do people actually think Lee should come back? That's just dense xD
They didn't revive kenny, you never saw him die. I will agree that him making it alive out of that situation is pretty much impossible but he was never really dead plus i like kenny so i was very happy to see he was back despite it being a huge plot-hole how he made it out alive
it would Make zero sense. I have noticed that if a character can die (in a episode thats not 5) they will NOT make it to the end. I hope they break this trend in season 3.
I don't s2 was shit. I know some preferd s1 but I mean, they are just different ya know? s1 was very "normal" while s2 was a mess, something you would actually expect in a zombie apocalypse.
Why did you do this?????????? For the past years I've dreamed (and I'm talking serious) about Lee coming back. Not alive obviously, but maybe zombie Lee and Clem would have a cure and now.... Now you just come here and harshly spit out those words.... man, that hurt. You could have said that earlier. I'm really broken now....
I'm ded
So with same logic, Lee didnt die either, because we didnt see it? Kenny was as dead as you can be, they just revived him.
I wouldnt call messy writing and silly plot good things.
Kenny was supposed to die at first, but that was changed before ep5 release. So back then, he was already meant to be in S2. He was alive, he wasn't revived. And then at Comic Con was announced that "his fate will be explored". I don't know why people thought he was dead in the first place, we never see him dying and doesn't hear him screaming. While Lee was bitten, which means death, plus if Clementine shoot him, she mentioned that in S2.
I agree with most of you on here. The ending of S1 was so great because Lee died selflessly. Bringing him back would feel cheap.
I must've been blind, because i could swear he was trapped in an alley with no possible escape route and he was surrounded by walkers.
He could break through the window with his gun, he could hide in the container or he could just fight his way through the walkers(Lee did it and he was weak at the moment). In Christa's scenario we don't see anything at all, he could just ran away.
Lee can do it because he's already infected.
Addressing above comments about Kenny:
He didn't magically come back to life. You didn't see him die or be bitten in Season 1. It's entirely possible he could've gotten away. Lee was turning into a Walker when Clementine either killed him or walked away. It was death or Turning for him no matter what.
Addressing the original post:
No. If Lee came back , it would defy all logic. Plus , how would he get out of the handcuffs?
I don't think walkers give a shit about infection, they still attack him.
That's not what I meant.
I meant was Lee can still go through the horde of walkers because he's already infected, so being bitten again isn't a problem for him.
There was clearly no way out that alley, no matter what you say.
Kenny is dead on that episode, but Telltale thought it would good to do a fanservice season, so they brought him back to life and used him as a plot device — on that, they repeated Kenny's story arc from Season 1 but with russian bandits and snow.
How is being bitten not a problem? Lee getting weaker through the episode and he could possibly be without hand. And despite that he could pass through the herd. Being bitten again for him not a problem, but being eaten is.
Lee has plot armor.
Doesn't mean he fucking died tho it just means that it's a PLOT HOLE he wasn't dead. Anyways bringing back kenny was one of the smaller mistakes they made in season 2.
I would laugh so hard if they brought Lee back. It would be the ultimate troll to everyone on these forums apparently.
Rule number one : Never assume someone is dead until you see the body.
You don't think people would lose their minds if Lee came back. I'm a little devil, and you know me, I would totally do it just for the LOLS.

On the subject of the alley: if I was Telltale, I would have released a patch that added a sewer or open window to that scene in order to properly retcon it in preparation for S2. Maybe update it the same day All That Remains comes out so no one suspects anything and thinks "maybe they just updated it for S2 compatibility or something"
Sort of like how Valve updated the ending for Portal in preparation for the sequel in order to wrap it into the story
Then you could watch the speculation of people asking what this patch was about, then people posting pictures of a sewer/window and asking if that was always there, then people freaking out about it... and then the annoying wave of Kenny confirmed gifs, but uh... let's not think about that part.
Lee is DEAD or he became walker, which is basically the same thing. He is DEAD, GET OVER IT!
How about no. Bringing Lee back destroys the integrity of the entire game.
i love how people just say he is dead without proof or even knowing it themselves i believe there is a possibility that Lee could return and it would be the most epic thing in the world and would bring a fans and players to tears seeing Lee and Clem reunited i am with you Kennyftw
Kenny's survival was very stupid a cramped ally full of walkers coming in both directions is impossible to survive so if Kenny can do the impossible why not Lee? and have you forgotten about Molly? she is still in Savanna and could find him and save him no matter what ending you chose she could come into the jewelry store scavenging and find Lee see if he is ok and just break the cuffs in half with Hilda any way you left Lee he could be saved and begin his journey in season 3 to find Clementine
Clem either shot him, or we watched him die. Nobody would be happy that Lee was back, sure they'd smile for one moment, but then they'd have more questions than answers. We know he's dead because it's been confirmed, we saw the body, if you chose to shoot Lee, Clem CLEARLY states she killed him when asked about him in Season 2, and There was no possible way out of that. Lee's gone.
My god... Just... jesus... This thread...
...and the bite? Or the bullet in the head? And as for Kenny's insane resurrection, I've asked this before, but I'll ask again, at what point in your life has two wrongs ever made a right?
I think it's time to let this one go, guys.
It burns my brain but I can't look away.