Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Yes. Good.

    We'll be waiting for you...

    enter image description here

    Well then. I'm going all in. Let me get my bags so I can move into your love nest.

  • ;-; cya later tho

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    thx Paul c: and good morning too Good morning!... I gotta go now anyway, but thanks.

  • Hello! After a few days gone I'm back but sadly It's about 1 AM here and I'm heading to bed, so good night my pretties and I shall make my triumphant return tomorrow after an exhilarating week of adventure. Here's two old Rhyiona pictures to brighten your day/night/afternoon!



    (Both were posted by @ABigBadWolf at the first few pages of the thread, I think. I'm seriously running out of Rhyiona content to post when I go to bed every night ;-;)

    Anyway, I'm heading to bed, until then.


    ...for the night

  • ;-; cya later tho

    The same goes for you, too. ;)

    ;-; cya later tho

  • ;>

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    ;-; cya later tho The same goes for you, too.

  • Bags are inside. I'm ready to rumble.


    No but seriously, this fanfiction was fantastic. I laughed so hard at the end. Thank you @OfficalSheriffMaybe

    Yes. Good. We'll be waiting for you...

  • Thx side hoe #2

    Bags are inside. I'm ready to rumble. No but seriously, this fanfiction was fantastic. I laughed so hard at the end. Thank you @OfficalSheriffMaybe


    How's that?

    Mawula posted: »

    We must make sure noone misses it!


    Mawula posted: »

    If you haven't read Strange love by clottedcurls (I may be mistaking in spelling), you should. The last chapter is breathtaking. I'm now a m

  • I love how most of the Rhyiona fandom

    Shots fired! XD

    I love how most of the Rhyiona fandom is full of quality material like this story. It warms my heart.

  • edited November 2015

    Eyy, it's also 2 a.m. here and I still need to do some assignments. -dies a little inside-

    So I'll be heading out (for about five hours) until I wake up again.

    Also, I don't think I have any more right to talk about things being off-topic around here. I managed to talk about man-eating peanuts and end up in a threesome with @OfficialSheriffMaybe and @FionaDeWinters in addition to fangirling about Rhyiona. So I apologize for all the times I passive-aggressively scolded people for being off-topic.

    And I will also honor Green's wishes and keep the off-topic to a minimum.

    Before I embarrass myself further with my sleep-deprived rambling, I'll go ahead and take my leave for the night. So long and thanks for all the Rhyiona, everyone! You are all wonderful, beautiful people and I will see you tomorrow! Or...today, technically. SOON.

    EDIT: It's 4 in the morning and I'm still not asleep. I'll be getting two hours of sleep guys. should i be worried or....

  • Obviously everyone here belongs in the "quality" group.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I love how most of the Rhyiona fandom Shots fired! XD

  • bai side hoe #1 :^)

    Eyy, it's also 2 a.m. here and I still need to do some assignments. -dies a little inside- So I'll be heading out (for about five hours)

  • edited November 2015

    Good night, lover.

    bai side hoe #1 :^)

  • Next comment's a little something (okay yeah it's pretty long) I'm writing about an alternate version of what could've happened after the whole Gortys/rocket launcher thing. What if there was a choice right at that moment before it goes back into the present, like "go back to Hollow Point" or "search for Rhys"? Yeah, Helios is huge and they wouldn't realistically find him, but what if they did in Jack's office? :D I also like more realistic Rhyiona so hopefully I can somehow put that in here...if not, oh well. Still mainly about the relationship between Rhys and Fiona, so it fits here.

  • edited November 2015


    It was over.

    Pieces of the robot crashed around them, causing tremors throughout the valley. Dust filled the air, even more than it already had. Her hand gripped the core tighter. Fiona could hardly even see Sasha, though her sister was standing not three feet away. She coughed, vaguely wondering if she should really close her eyes, as she stared out over the chasm where the Traveler appeared. It was gone. The vault was gone.

    And so was Gortys.

    In just a matter of minutes, everything had ended.

    Sasha looked over at her, her eyebrows scrunched behind the hand trying to shield her eyes. It was a wordless question, to which Fiona nodded. Together, they turned their backs to the valley and carefully—wordlessly—made their way back to the caravan. They stepped over the rocket launcher (murder weapon?), its red color still reaching through the dust. They passed the body of Finch, whose hand was pried open by Sasha to retrieve what was rightfully hers. They stepped over the uneven terrain until the caravan came into full view. And, stepping inside, they closed the door.

    August was inside, perched in the driver's seat, working with a medical kit open in front of him. He didn't acknowledge the two as they entered. The sisters ignored him too, and simply sat down on two chairs, facing each other. Sasha pulled her goggles onto her neck, fingering the strap gently. She looked down at the ground. Fiona played with the core.

    They stayed this way for several minutes. But then, August broke the silence.

    "Well. This has been fun."

    He slowly stood up, his hand clutching his side. He had bandaged his side poorly, the material bunching up in a few places. He didn't seem to notice.

    "I wouldn't use those exact words," said Sasha. She stopped playing with her goggles and instead studied August. "That doesn't look great."

    "Doesn't feel great, neither." He winced as he made his way down the steps, finally managing to sit in a seat nearer to the girls, allowing his head to loll against the backrest. He was facing away from them both. It was the seat Scooter had used to co-pilot Fiona, in a time that felt so long ago.

    She didn't even want to think about Scooter. It still sent small pangs through her chest.

    "How serious is it?"

    "Not really sure. If I don't move, it's kinda okay."

    Shouts sounded from outside the caravan. Fiona faintly realised that people had probably been shouting the entire time they were outside, yet she hadn't heard any of them in the moment. Adrenaline, she supposed. And beside the yelling outside, everything remained quiet between them all. Talking felt strange after everything that had happened.

    August brought his hand away from the bandage, muttering a curse under his breath. He began to undo the bloody bandage around him, a fresh roll in his lap.

    "No, no," Sasha said, jolted out of her reverie. "You're doing it wrong. If blood is soaking through, you just wrap another layer. No, that's wrong too, you're not spacing it—ugh, just let me do it."

    "It's hard to wrap it, okay!?" he snapped.

    "Yeah, that's why I'm helping."

    She took the roll of gauze from August and had him lean forward as she bent down and wrapped it around his middle. After a few layers, she pinned it and stood straight.

    "It's not a serious wound, in case you were wondering. You just wrapped it like shit. Wasn't tight at all."

    August frowned at her, but nevertheless agreed. "Yeah."

    Sasha crossed her arms, turning to stare out the front windshield at the orange-grey mess outside.

    "It's getting better outside. There's not as many bandits, either. The caravan still seems to be okay, so it'll probably be safe to leave in a few." She paused. "Look at that giant, H-shaped...thing." Her voice was quiet. "It's all gone, Fi. What're we gonna do...what now?" She was the first to voice it, but it seemed to be the question on all three of their minds since entering the tiny space.

    "Hollow Point, I guess," she replied. "What else is there, anyway?"

    Sasha seemed to fidget, perhaps disappointed in the answer. She probably had hoped that Fiona would have a different idea—a better idea than simply going back to the usual. But she held her tongue. "...I guess you're right."

    "Yeah," she said, emotionless. "I am."

    "...I wish we'd gotten that vault."

    "Yeah...whaddaya think was in it?"

    "Millions of alien guns," Sasha laughed.

    "Of course you'd hope it was that." Fiona smiled at her sister. "Always about the guns."

    "Mhmm...what do you think was in it?"

    "A diamond pony."

    "A what!?" she laughed.

    "You heard me. In fact, I think I can hear one clopping outside."

    "Suuuuuure ya do, Fi. Actually, you should probably check it out—I mean, t-the outside part, not the...diamond horse part."

    Fiona chuckled, and opened the door.

    Stepping outside, she could see that the dust had cleared substantially—she could now see the entire valley fully...could see the mess of Hyperion tech scattered across the landscape. Whatever mood that had been lightened by Sasha was now jammed right back to melancholy at the bleak sight. The landscape was devoid of life; no bandits remained, aside from all the dead ones. No cute robots, either. All that remained was Helios, a pathetic sight in the distance, a smoking monument to everything which had gone wrong. How often had Fiona looked up at Elpis, wishing for an escape, and cursed that gaudy obstruction? How many times had she plotted with Sasha to finally get off this rock? And now, there was absolutely nothing. They had missed out on their ten million dollars, and now their hopes at ever opening a vault were gone too. It seemed as if any chance they got just slipped through their hands. Now it was nothing but rubble—rubble, and dead bodies, she supposed...and one diamond pony.

    Smoke curled through the humid desert air. Stray bursts of electricity still intermittently pulsed throughout the space station. She thought about what had lead her to be standing here, to be staring out at this mess—a conman's fake vault key, a stupid idea; two idiots in stupid suits, who have no idea what they're doing, yet still manage to derail the plan; two floating pieces of metal (one grasped by an idiot), a rakk hive, an idiot's shoe, a cute robot; a plan coming together, days in the caravan, a trip off Pandora; an idiot who she'd last spoken to under a nearly-closed door on a crashing space station...an idiot who had caused said crashing space station.

    Fiona still held her half of the core. It was the smaller half. She traced the section which was meant to be enveloped by its mate. She remembered when they'd pushed the button together, revealing the secret which had lead them on this journey for so long. This stupid, dangerous, fruitless...wonderful journey. All caused by a salaryman's ECHO eye and a still-wet fake vault key. Her eyes were drawn back to the remnants of Helios. Somewhere nearby was hopefully an idiot (maybe even both of the idiots!). She needed to thank somebody for the crazy ride, and the most likely location to find that somebody was standing—crumbling—directly in front of her.

    Considering it again, Hollow Point was the last thing on her mind when Fiona thought of what was left for them. And for the first time since she landed back on Pandora, Fiona thought of only one person:



  • I.....

    .....I can't.

    There are no words.
    This is absolutely gorgeous.

  • oh no I feel bad for her now ;-;

    Gortys will never know the sweet sweet feeling of binge eating...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    This little project has been collecting dust in my folder for too long now.. It's time to show it already! I'm not quite happy with these b

  • edited November 2015


    enter image description here

    I just felt like there was a lot of missed potential in the gap between the past and present. Like, you're tellin' me they searched so much for Rhysie yet never once found any sign of him? Riiiiiight. I love the thought of either Fiona or Vaughn finding his robo-arm and freaking out about it. Hah.

    I..... .....I can't. There are no words. This is absolutely gorgeous.

  • I bet Rhys and Fiona are having a big pizza party somewhere in the universe, right now :^)

    Mawula posted: »

    "Okay, it's my turn to drive!" Sasha's voice cut the air, and Rhys shuddered from his half-slumber. "O-okay." He agreed, straightening hi

  • I think it's too late, for all of us now...

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    please edit that before more people suffer please oh god my eyes

  • I know..it's such a terrifying idea. She will never experience the sweet taste of chocolate!! ;__; Now I also feel so bad for her..

    Quiff posted: »

    oh no I feel bad for her now ;-; Gortys will never know the sweet sweet feeling of binge eating...

  • I just replayed the whole game again and this is really good to read after, I really love the details you put into it ;w;

  • Drawing Rhyiona

  • I proclame myself your official Fiona, so...

    , *she kisses her Rhysie deeply * <3

    rhonu posted: »

    but i want kisses

  • Life really is a mixed bag for robots :/

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I know..it's such a terrifying idea. She will never experience the sweet taste of chocolate!! ;__; Now I also feel so bad for her..

  • I just wanna say... Merry Christmas guys

    only 52-53 days left :^)

  • Welcome aboard! :D

    Narraya posted: »

    Hey guys! How are you today? I'm going through the old pages now (started at 1310) and, wow, I gotta say: you guys are amazing! I've r

  • enter image description here

    Yea I'm bringing the roasted duck :^)

    Quiff posted: »

    I just wanna say... Merry Christmas guys only 52-53 days left :^)

  • Then I'll bring the snaps

    enter image description here

    Yea I'm bringing the roasted duck :^)

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She thinks she might've gone mute for a few seconds. It's either that or she knows this has to be some sort of hilariously twisted dream

  • IDK what to type that's not off-topic. If I type something about Rhyona lemons, it's gonna be considered off-topic.

  • Well Rhys is enthusiastic, and Fiona does like her white hat! :D

    Fun facts: "Rhys" is a Welsh name, that means "enthusiasm" "Fiona" is a Gaelic name, that means "white" or "fair"

  • I didn't eat any

    Kennybadger posted: »

    what kinda of Banana's you been eat bro????

  • Rhys becomes a Jedi to impress Fiona but Order 66 gets executed

  • I'm Harry (real name Henry) nice to meet you :)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So I have an idea,everyone say their real name so we could enforce our relationships a bit,we did this before in the Rhysha chat and it turned out to be good I'll start by saying I'm Adam,nice to meet you too

  • HEY!!

    Anyone miss me? ... No :O

    Did my Brother, Ray, miss me at all?! ...... No? :(

    I was really busy.... I- I had no time I.... I, I....


  • enter image description here

    Rhys becomes a Jedi to impress Fiona but Order 66 gets executed

  • Hey, guys. I'm back from school ^-^

    How are you all today? <3

  • I'm a Potatoe, and I'm good

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, guys. I'm back from school ^-^ How are you all today?

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