The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited October 2015

    My phone just smashed. And I'm not on about a small crack, I mean completely smashed. I was told I could get an iPhone 6 if I could take care of this one, but I only lasted about a month :( I feel like a fuckin' dumbass now.

  • I can't d/l updates on my phone because it only has 1 gigabyte internal memory and apparently it won't allow me to d/l straight to the micro SD.

  • What do you expect with things like social media on the rise. People are being raised as sheep. No thought to themselves.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Stupidity at its finest Over 30,000 People Think CNN’s Don Lemon Should Be Fired CNN’s Don Lemon

  • I feel your pain, I want to throw away my phone it's so damn slow... but I can't afford a new one x)

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I can't d/l updates on my phone because it only has 1 gigabyte internal memory and apparently it won't allow me to d/l straight to the micro SD.

  • The new update messed up my Borderlands 2 copy. Now I have to download everything again...

  • I feel so lame. I started to work at a new place only a week ago (+2weeks of learning some shit there) and I already have a crush. The first time I saw him I knew I have to get to know him because he's awesome. I'm absolutely not the type of person who falls in love with someone at first sight, don't judge me but I think it's a stupid thing to fall for someone when you don't even know the person. But now I have this feeling, that I only had once before (my asshole ex-b like 2 years ago).

    It's corny, but he's literally everything that I'm not, but I'd like to be(come). An optimistic, cheerful, strong person with an incredibly kind heart. (even though he went through some damn serious illness).

    I'm so unfortunate in love, i've always been the lone wolf type (never had a long lasting relationship), and I'm sure I'm either gonna mess this up, or it's gonna hurt pretty badly. Can't wait to see him again, but I also want to keep some distance. I overheard from a colleage that he started to date someone (2 days ago more or less), and there was some drama with another colleage before, and it just pissed me off, didn't want to hear that.. x)

    Sigh...I'm stupid I should rather focus on my work.

  • I'm so sorry. I know how it feels when you know deep inside that you should stop caring, and break a relationship, but you just love the other one too much to do that. Believe me you're better off without her.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    So.. some backstory.. I've never technically dated anyone. I've been close, but the question was never asked. Or... so I thought I was close

  • Fallout 4 is coming out, its the only boyfriend you will need, at least for the next few months.

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    I know how you feel. I don't get crushes very often, I've only ever had 1 major crush in my entire life, and all my attempts at love have failed miserably.... So you're not alone. lol

    But recently I got a pretty bad 'crush' on someone, whom is way more than unavailable, married with a kid to be specific. I'm happy for them, really, but I am upset because I knew the moment I realized that I liked him, that there was some sort of catch. That's how it always works for me... -_-

    But, I've learned something through going through another situation where I have a huge crush on someone but know that they are unavailable. I have had 2 other guys whom have shown interest in me, and while I appreciate the sudden interest in me, I can't get myself to give either of them consideration as a major romantic partner. Mostly because they just aren't motivated, they're not very smart, and they're both pretty boring... They just don't make my heart go aflutter like my crush does. And instead of settling, I'm going to hold out for finding that person whom makes me feel like that. I won't settle anymore when it comes to love.

    I don't want to advise that you have your heart set on someone else's man, as I imagine how upset I would be if some other girl was crushing on my husband/boyfriend. And that's kinda something you gotta consider, but, if you are really sure that you love him, and want to be with him specifically, all you can do is be his friend. If she is right for him, then you will need to move on. If he moves on from her, you're an option because you stayed his friend, right?

    Good luck! And know you're not alone when it comes to being unlucky in love! ;A; lol

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I feel so lame. I started to work at a new place only a week ago (+2weeks of learning some shit there) and I already have a crush. The first

  • I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant.

    Thankfully this isn't about my History class and the students in it, but instead one of my English Classes and the little jerks in it.

    The professor starts off each class with a question for all the students, and we all answer before getting into the lecture part of class. Today the professor asked us, "What is the #1 thing on your bucket list?" I walked in late and immediately upon entering, the professor asked me the question. I panicked because everyone was already staring at me, and without any time to really think I just said the generic, "Travel Europe."

    Immediately this little stupid kid (a boy who's probably only like 18 and loves talking crap and acting like a high school prep still) asked condescendingly, "You can't just say Europe, that's too broad."

    I was like whatever, they all sound good. So I just said, "Oh, well Poland, Germany, Italy, Greece, y'know."

    And some stupid girl (whom is totally disrespectful of others, she constantly interrupts people when they're talking to interject her own stupid opinions because she thinks she's some self proclaimed literature genius) scoffed and said, "Well you might as well list them all off."

    WTF people? I just said Europe, someone bitched because it was too broad a statement, then someone else bitched because they think I am going on for too long? So I was pretty pissed because people were backing them up, and I immediately went into defensive mode, since I know that both of these people have talked crap about me before class on a few occasions. I know on one occasion, they were talking crap about my wardrobe. I am a college student, I wear my yoga pants and work out clothes everyday because going on 2 hours of sleep every night during the weeknights is my norm, and throwing on my yoga pants its comfy and easy! They literally ragged on me, whispering on about how I had no business wearing pants like those, and then said "I bet she can't fit into any other clothes cause she's so fat."

    So, I was pretty pissed at this point, and now I'm convinced the entire class hates me and is ganging up on me. So I popped off and said, "Oh well I wouldn't go to many Eastern European nations or Russia. So there not everywhere in Europe."

    The stupid girl, immediately turns around and glares at me, "What the hell is wrong with Russia? What have you got against them?"

    I am like steaming at this point. "Because it's fucking cold and shit goes down in those places and I don't want to be kidnapped. Whatever, happy now?"

    The professor laughed because she thought people were funny for ganging up on me, and moved onto to the next person. 2 people later, one girl says, "Oh, I want to backpack across Europe." This girl is nice, and she looked at me and said, "So we can go together!" I knew she was being nice and not literal. But, the class backed her up and were like "Ohh such a good idea!"

    What. The. FUCK? I was getting even more upset, so I said, "Okay, but why is everyone down for you when you want to go but rag on me when I say the same thing?"

    The stupid guy from before goes, "Oh, well, you didn't say backpack."

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    WTF? WTF WTF WTF? Are people that fucking petty? Because I'm fat you're going to constantly rag on me for whatever I say in class? Make fun of me because I wear yoga pants every day?

    My only consolation was that when the professor asked him what was on his bucket list, he said, "Oh, pass this class."

    Everyone laughed...

    No bitch, you're fucking dumb as shit if you can't pass a SOPHOMORE LEVEL ENGLISH COURSE.

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    I hate people like them. I don't get it, how a class can just all turn on me like that. Is it because I'm fat and ugly? Is it because I actually answer the questions out loud in class? Am I supposed to just sit there and act dumb to fit in?

    I've been growing increasingly frustrated with people, I know I'm still really sensitive, and I'm working on getting over the crap that will be people's pettiness and immaturity, and overall rudeness. Does anyone have any advice on how to get over crap like this? I normally don't let this get to me, but this class has consistently been one in which a lot of people are pretty rude to me and talk crap about me before and after class, sometimes even during.

    Ugh. I need a hug and some ice cream... or some alcohol...

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  • edited November 2015

    "I bet she can't fit into any other clothes cause she's so fat."

    Wow, what the hell? People are so stupid -.- Yoga pants are freaking comfortable, there's nothing wrong with them. They just sound like a bunch of insecure assholes to me. If they wanna squeeze their ass into tight little can't-even-breathe jeans everyday then they can go ahead, doesn't mean you have to.

    Is it because I'm fat and ugly?

    Like I said, they're just insecure. They're trying to make themselves feel better by putting you down. All I can say is, just ignore them. By replying to them, you're giving them what they want. People are shitty. Be better than them.

    Good luck ♥

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    I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant. Thankfully this isn't ab

  • edited December 2021


    I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant. Thankfully this isn't ab

  • It looks like Welcome_to_Woodbury provided the hug and ice cream. I guess it's up to me to provide the alcohol then, huh? Well, virtual alcohol. That must be legal in Texas.

    I learned a long time ago that when a group starts hurling insults at you, the way to deflect it all is to go into full Improv mode. That is, have a sense of humor about the whole thing, and try to make everything they say set up a joke. This takes a lot of practice, but it's quite rewarding when you get it right. If they're literally trying to bug you, then they see it isn't working, and they'll cut it out.


    "You can't just say Europe, that's too broad." Answer: "Oh, there's this one little corner in Athens with some red paint that's just a little off, and it's been bugging me my whole life, so I'm going to go there and touch it up a bit, as soon as I can afford the international travel. I just didn't want to bore you with the details."

    "I bet she can't fit into any other clothes cause she's so fat." Answer: "Do you really want me to show up in my ballerina outfit next time?"

    Basically just make stuff up, and make it at least seem like you don't take things too seriously. Even when you do. Just try to get the rest of the class laughing, and it will all work out in the end.

    Have a virtual drink on me!

    I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant. Thankfully this isn't ab

  • They were trying to get a reaction from you, and it worked. This is how I became a stubborn jerk. If I said I wanted to travel Europe and people gave me shit for 'Europe' being too broad, I would have shrugged and been done with answering their question. "You can't just say Europe, that's too broad." Well, I just did. Deal with it, whiner.

    I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant. Thankfully this isn't ab

  • Yeah. I've seen some disturbing shit in those ads.

    I don't know about your country, but here in Australia, the Anti-Smoking advertisments by the Quit Helpline are blunt, shocking and sometimes gruesome.

  • :))) Thank you, I feel a little less lame.
    Just like you when I have a crush, I don't give a chance to anyone to approach me. I just feel like I WANT that one specific person, why would I settle with someone else? But maybe this is a bad thing. But yeah at least I can be his friend, anything can happen.

    I hope you'll be luckier too in the future ;)

    I know how you feel. I don't get crushes very often, I've only ever had 1 major crush in my entire life, and all my attempts at love have fa

  • edited November 2015

    I don't want to delve into it to much because it will just piss me off more, but I freaking hate people that constantly sh** on Bioware and even EA to a degree just because of the ending to Mass Effect 3 (which in my opinion wasn't even that bad to begin with, but ethier way was better after extended cut.) People in the gaming community act like it's the greatest tragedy in gaming history and thinks the ending automatically ruins how awesome the trilogy is. Also on a related note I hate when I see people hate on DA:I. People act like it sucks also and I'm not saying it was even close to as good as Origins, but it was still a great game.

    P.S: The reason I bring this up is because I've been keeping an eye on news for Andromeda and every site I go to the comments and 90% of the people are constantly complaining about the endings even though its been 3 f***ing years.

  • edited November 2015

    Just found out that my sister and her boyfriend unknowingly hired and trusted a rogue builder who ran off with the money he was supposed to use to build a bedroom for my niece in the loft, and she's expecting another baby next year on top of that, who will be living in her daughter's old bedroom. He supposedly did half of the work at first, then pops into the house every now and then to do a little more or nothing at all, and now has stopped working and done a runner, blocking my sister's calls and all.

    On top of that, her boyfriend's parents donated some money towards the funds for the bedroom loft, which he probably owes them back at some point. And now my sister and her boyfriend is left with a big sum of money having been completely wasted on a rogue builder, and there won't be a finished bedroom for my niece anytime soon, especially when her baby sister will be born next year.

    And let's not get into how my sister has to put up with the usual 'you should have known better' lessons from everyone, and in hindsight she and her boyfriend could have been smarter, but what good does it do now when they're left with an unfinished bedroom loft for their daughter, a lot of money wasted, and with so much stress and misery over the entire ordeal, and then there's their baby who will be born next year?

    And thanks to legal procedures, the rogue builder probably have gotten away with it all. Bastard.

    UPDATE: Turns out that he didn't even do a good enough job on the roofing. Worst case scenario is it could come loose, fall, and crush my niece to death. So now my sister's daughter is not even safe to go up to her new bedroom anymore. And instead of doing everything in his power to fix it, the builder does a runner instead.

    The coward has done nothing but put my sister, her boyfriend, and my parents through months of unneeded stress and misery, and his incompetence would have got my niece killed and give my sister enough stress to suffer a miscarriage.

    Just how does this guy sleep at night?

  • I hope you'll cope with that. Just try to minimize the stress by planning things up, not being late etc. 2 hours of sleep is way too little time. You'll be more calm and concentrated if you sleep more. Give yourself a break, you deserve it.

    And... believe me, noone is gonna kidnap you in Russia. And it's freaking hot in summer (+35 Celsius), that's what you call continental climat.

    I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant. Thankfully this isn't ab

  • Mom thinks it's okay for me to go to a place where I'm always pressured by my peers and were teachers bitch on me about why I'm being so quiet

    I pretend that I'm okay, but I'm very depressed right now. There are a few cuts on my wrist, did them when people aren't looking.

    Wanting a break from all this for awhile.

    I apologize to everyone on this forum when I act bitchy and rude sometimes, there isn't much that I can share my feelings to because I fear that they think I'm weak for being so damaged with the deaths of 3 people who are close to me.

    Mom might freak and hit me.
    Dad might overreact and ground me.
    Alex might leave me for someone better.

    I'm so insecure and broken right now, that I just can't take it anymore.

    Add to that is when I'm diagnosed with mild type 2 diabetes; slightly anemic as well.

    Wow, I'm so Chloe Price 2.0 right now.

    It's like the world is trying to kill me off for its own selfish benefit.

    Haha, look at this useless post.

  • Basically how I feel about certain people.

    It's a common thing for assholes to play the number game on a lone individual. It makes them feel accomplished to make a person feel like shit for no reason. The arrogance and inflated egos of this race of ours never ceases to amaze, doesn't it? Some also likes to play bandwagon card, just to feel cool and belong in a big group. Some people when bored likes to make fun of others just to have a laugh and seek attention. It gives them something to look forward to, no matter the attention given to them. That's what I call the true definition of an attention whore, the ones that mocks the other just to have the presence known, no matter the reaction, they lust for it.

    Back in middle/junior high school. I met my former best friend's (I left him long ago and have a real good best friend) cousin. This kid was basically shat on by everyone, even his own cousins. The kid was a bit of a smart ass at times, willing to stand up for himself and speak out, and he was actually a nice guy. People would talk shit about him whether or not he was there, push him around and all that. I felt bad for the guy, so I would hang out with him when I can. We got along just fine and would check and see if he was alright. The thing is, everyone needs at least one friend. And I was basically his only friend. He eventually moved, hopefully he's doing good. Lesson of the story: Even though you find yourself hated by all, there will always be someone who cares within that crowd of hate.

    enter image description here

    I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant. Thankfully this isn't ab

  • Oh, I feel ya.

    Mom thinks it's okay for me to go to a place where I'm always pressured by my peers and were teachers bitch on me about why I'm being so qui

  • wtf? What a bunch of rude and ignorant people. I also hate when I say something and everybody says "whaat that's stupid" but if somebody else does or say the same thing as I they just go silent and agree. It's hard to ignore those situations that happen to you and just brush it off, sorry you have to go through it, you don't deserve it, no one does. You seem like a smart , interesting and really nice girl to me and I guess they all gang up on the best ones..

    Just don't let them make you feel worthless and always defend yourself. That's all I can provide..

    I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant. Thankfully this isn't ab

  • I so suck at this, but here I am anyway...

    I feel that way often, unfortunately, and sometimes I can't even really help myself. Try doing something relaxing or what you enjoy, and let all the bad thoughts go away. Don't hurt yourself, please, that's isn't a solution. You don't deserve to be hurt by anybody. Yeah, life can be shitty and suck a lot, and it is understandable when you sometimes act "rude" sometimes (I haven't seen you doing that here, so it's all good.) because nobody is happy and in a perfect mood 24/7. You are human.

    It feels awful when somebody constantly is on your case and asking you "Why are you so quiet? Don't be so shy!!!". It always make my day even worse and makes me do nothing. People don't realize that it is not comfortable nor fair to ask somebody such a question, at least that's what I think, because not every single person is outgoing and a social butterfly. I made myself to socialize a bit more, so that helped a bit though.

    Hopefully you'll feel okay soon :)

    Mom thinks it's okay for me to go to a place where I'm always pressured by my peers and were teachers bitch on me about why I'm being so qui

  • LOL Holy, maybe it's the PTSD in me, but i wouldn't worry about it. The less stress in your life the better IMO. If i worried about what other people thought of me, i wouldn't be where i am today. Become a troll in RL, that always makes me happy.

    I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant. Thankfully this isn't ab

  • Don't hurt yourself. Life is going to look so much different in the next ten years. If you can soldier on, you can make it.

    Mom thinks it's okay for me to go to a place where I'm always pressured by my peers and were teachers bitch on me about why I'm being so qui

  • Well nothing really to complain about, my life is ok. The only thing that bothers me is that since Fallout 4 has been "leaked" i can't read the steam forums anymore. That makes me a sad panda.

  • edited November 2015

    Some people just don't understand that there are those who don't feel like talking. But.. even though it really hurts and your scared, it's best to go to the one you feel most comfrtable in talking to. If mom tries, defend yourself. If dad freaks, let him understand. If Alex walks, hold onto him (I don't think he will though I think he really cares).

    You didn't mean to be rude, you're just very stressed and feel like total shit. I know how it feels. Just because you're in pain does not make you weak. Besides, I'll be on if you want someone to talk to, ok?

    Do not let the pain take over into adding more pain to your wrists. It'll only hurt more.

    You may feel like the world is on your shoulders, a feeling I sometimes feel, but you do have the strength to carry it deep within. Endure, persevere, and you will find happiness. Because even though we have terrible, painful times, we can still have those hopeful moments we can cherish.

    Mom thinks it's okay for me to go to a place where I'm always pressured by my peers and were teachers bitch on me about why I'm being so qui

  • Please don't hurt yourself. Things get lots better once you get out of that peer pressuring teacher bitching place with a degree. Do your best to hang in there 'til then, no matter what Mom/Dad/Alex do, and I promise that happiness awaits.

    Mom thinks it's okay for me to go to a place where I'm always pressured by my peers and were teachers bitch on me about why I'm being so qui

  • edited November 2015

    That guy sounds like a DICK. I hope he get what he deserves.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Just found out that my sister and her boyfriend unknowingly hired and trusted a rogue builder who ran off with the money he was supposed to

  • Hey, you handled it pretty well, I would've started making them look like fools. "Oh, want to list them? Ah, come on up with me, show me how well you DON'T know Europe, please, embarrass yourself."

    I swear I could make a thread solely about the shit that goes on at school... So yet again, another school rant. Thankfully this isn't ab

  • Hey, calm with us all, we're your friends here, thick and thin!

    Mom thinks it's okay for me to go to a place where I'm always pressured by my peers and were teachers bitch on me about why I'm being so qui

  • enter image description here

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Well nothing really to complain about, my life is ok. The only thing that bothers me is that since Fallout 4 has been "leaked" i can't read the steam forums anymore. That makes me a sad panda.

  • Okay, so an update since we had ourselves another class today, and things took a super crazy and totally unexpected turn. But before that, thanks you everyone whom commented on my first post and offered hugs, ice scream, and booze ;). You guys rock!

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury, @CrazedRabbit, @WarpSpeed, @PuhChewyChomp, @Mawula, @ Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy, @MarijaaNo7, @CrazyGeorge, and @GoldenPaladin. Thanks guys for the kind words. :)

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    I won't go too much into specifics since is might bore some people, but today the professors question was, "If you were obscenely rich, what would be something you'd do for yourself with that money?"

    I answered and the girl again ragged on me. I don't care though, because it was about something pretty funny. (Long story short, I said I would devote an entire closet to Victoria Secret Pink apparel, and stuff, and I clarified I hated their bras because they're uncomfortable for big breasted ladies like myself. ;) haha and she went off and said she had no problem with them. Obviously cause your boobies are SMALL! LOL)

    Then the jerky guy who ragged on me on Monday (for saying going to Europe was on my bucket list) said today he didn't want his answer the daily question without thinking hard about it, and that he didn't want to sound stupid, so she should let him answer last so he can think about it. Guess what his answer was?


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    Thankfully, two other people who sit next to me both looked at me and were like, "didn't he get onto you yesterday for saying that exact same thing?" THANKFULLY the class then ripped on him, and said that it wouldn't take him to be obscenely rich to travel Europe, as many a broke college students have done just that. LOL Got chu beetch!

    As for the unexpected turn, a girl tried to walk out of class in the middle of the lecture. I noticed she didn't look well, and when she got to the back of the room she collapsed to the floor and blacked out. I was the one who ended up calling 911, and the professor was freaking out and the other students were also just standing around in shock. Thankfully the girl woke up in a minute, and then threw up. When the paramedics arrived she was cleared as just fine. But I was still shaken from seeing her crumble to the ground like she had. ;A;

    Dayum, it's never a dull day in that class it seems.

  • Just wait for the hypocrites to reveal themselves, I suppose.

    Okay, so an update since we had ourselves another class today, and things took a super crazy and totally unexpected turn. But before that, t

  • What a jerk, lmao. Then again he could have said that to be ironic. Regardless, it's still completely cringy. I get what you mean about the bra thing too, even though it's not so much that they're uncomfortable, but that I rarely ever like the styles ;-;

    As for the unexpected turn, a girl tried to walk out of class in the middle of the lecture. I noticed she didn't look well, and when she got to the back of the room she collapsed to the floor and blacked out

    That sounds so scary! I'm glad she ended up okay, did anyone figure out what was wrong with her? It must have been serious for her to just collapse like that.

    Okay, so an update since we had ourselves another class today, and things took a super crazy and totally unexpected turn. But before that, t

  • Glad to see the tables turn a bit :)

    but shit that last bit is scary. ._.

    Okay, so an update since we had ourselves another class today, and things took a super crazy and totally unexpected turn. But before that, t

  • Wow, good job keeping it together when she passed out. It's really easy to freeze up or panic in those situations.

    Okay, so an update since we had ourselves another class today, and things took a super crazy and totally unexpected turn. But before that, t

  • So me and my siblings were out and came back a few hours later. When I came in I saw something move under the rocking chair, at first I thought it was a tarantula since it had a bit of swag in the movement and was kinda slow. Couldn't check since dad was watching news and is grumpy for people being in his way of the tv. After he left shorty, I checked under the chair with a flashlight, it was a baby mouse. (seems our ringing device works for shit) I had my brother help me out a bit, we both didn't want to kill it just capture and take it away from the house. I had it in a container and walked down to a forest and I gently put the container down, opened the lid and it ran off in the bushes. I ran off so it wouldn't track and follow me. I felt that I atleast gave it a chance of not getting killed by anyone in the house.

    Later on, my aunt came by to give us pie, I told her what happened and she says that mouse won't last alone. Hearing that, I feel really bad about what I did. I tried to give it a chance to live in a natural habitat and not get killed by us but I feel like I just made its death warrant regardless of my intentions... Poor baby mouse, please live in the forest well. ;-;

  • AH HA!

    Okay, so an update since we had ourselves another class today, and things took a super crazy and totally unexpected turn. But before that, t

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