Forum of Thrones: An Interactive Story



  • Ok i get your point. But think of all the good people that could die. Im just trying to save as many people as i can and i think that many will die if we go through with this.

    Bounden posted: »

    We've already sacrificed so much already, so we must keep on going so we can get some results. If not all of their pain would've been pointl

  • Im not willing to risk that. Im sorry but im not.

    Bounden posted: »

    I'm pretty sure Phillip is a Harking. And those two can distract the assassins for maybe an hour or so, so perhaps they may save some lives with sacrificng their own. And if they don't, oh well.

  • My god is this vote close.

    I usually close the voting when I can be pretty sure that I'm going to finish the next part the same day. I have started to write the new pa

  • Yes, I will risk that.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    But a lot of good people could die in this attempt. Are you sure you want to risk that?

  • Well if it gets chosen i hope you are ready to live with the concequences.

    Yes, I will risk that.

  • Good people will still die of the assassins remain at large. And I don't anyone else who is willing and able to stop them. I'd personally need a better reason to not risk it, but I do see why people are afraid to risk anything after what's happened lately.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok i get your point. But think of all the good people that could die. Im just trying to save as many people as i can and i think that many will die if we go through with this.

  • I can see why you'd be afraid to risk anything as so far risk has mostly only brought us pain, but death is still going to happen either way but this way they have a chance of winning.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Im not willing to risk that. Im sorry but im not.

  • I am trying to get the outcome where the least people die. Yes people will die either way but i am convinced that if we do this more people will die that if we don't.

    Bounden posted: »

    I can see why you'd be afraid to risk anything as so far risk has mostly only brought us pain, but death is still going to happen either way but this way they have a chance of winning.

  • Bounden look im sorry man.Its clear you want this choice. But im just convinced that if we go after them they will go nuts and kill even more innocents. We need to stop them yes but we have to find another way.

    Bounden posted: »

    Good people will still die of the assassins remain at large. And I don't anyone else who is willing and able to stop them. I'd personally ne

  • Well it is also possible they would kill less people as they are distracted upon Richard and friends

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I am trying to get the outcome where the least people die. Yes people will die either way but i am convinced that if we do this more people will die that if we don't.

  • Oh I really don't mind which choice wins as either way there is a chance For Richard and friends to die. I'm just trying to find your reasoning behind it as I am curious how you think letting them kill as they please will make it so they kill less.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Bounden look im sorry man.Its clear you want this choice. But im just convinced that if we go after them they will go nuts and kill even more innocents. We need to stop them yes but we have to find another way.

  • I'd think it be cool once all the major old characters in Raylainsfair are introduced for there to be a chapter dedicated to retell the days back when they were all young. Maybe happen at a funeral where someone talks about the old days. It'd be cool to see how all the oldies met each and how their personalities might've changed.

  • Well tbh you wouldn't get my main reason. You would either lol about it or just call me stupid or childish. Either that or you would get mad about it.

    So ill give you my second reason. I don't think it will work. These people are trained. And if this fails not only is everyone involved KILLED but they will feel the need to 'send a message' to make sure nobody tries this again.

    Bounden posted: »

    Oh I really don't mind which choice wins as either way there is a chance For Richard and friends to die. I'm just trying to find your reasoning behind it as I am curious how you think letting them kill as they please will make it so they kill less.

  • there was a high chance that he would die, that Philip would die and that Jenna would be all alone in this world

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Why bro?

  • edited November 2015

    [Try to talk him out of it]

    With these words, he gave a short sign and the two guards grabbed Urid, rather gently, while another guard put his arm around Richard, suppo

  • WANT them to DIE?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    there was a high chance that he would die, that Philip would die and that Jenna would be all alone in this world

  • enter image description here

    Lord_EAA posted: » WANT them to DIE?

  • edited November 2015


    So I decided to do a poll :D In the latest Jenna part we found out that Ser Maron Mullendore aka Butterfly is apparently plotting against the King of the Reach, Mern Gardener. It was said that he has a "possible candidate" to replace Mern with, and it was also said that this king is a warrior and has power to rule more than just Reach. Who do you think it is? I made a poll and put there all the bigger candidates, but if you think it's none of them then there is also option "Someone else". If you answer that then it would be nice to hear who do you think it is :)

    The Poll

  • My vote going to Leonard, of course.

    Poll So I decided to do a poll In the latest Jenna part we found out that Ser Maron Mullendore aka Butterfly is apparently plotting agai

  • I'm not going to ask you to do something that you'd be uncomfortable with sharing, so I'll just address your second point. I'm pretty sure when they KILL ( felt I should make it all caps since you did) them all that will be message enough. Also I doubt they would care enough to send a message, though this is only my opinion and I am no expert on assassins. I believe that they will kill only those designated and whoever get in their way not wasting their time on messages, except Wolfius. Wolfius will kill anyone and everyone as he pleases.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well tbh you wouldn't get my main reason. You would either lol about it or just call me stupid or childish. Either that or you would get mad

  • It's not that i would be uncomfortable with it (though thanks for caring about that). It's just i feel like you would either find my reason laughable or get mad at it. You do make a far point but it will still kill off Philip and Richard and just waste the assassins time. Also i doubt someone like Wolfius will be satisfied with just their deaths. He would probably kill off everyone they've met with too.

    Bounden posted: »

    I'm not going to ask you to do something that you'd be uncomfortable with sharing, so I'll just address your second point. I'm pretty sure w

  • I see Richard as a threat to one of my characters, so it only seems natural that I'd attempt to increase his chances of death.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    That is sad.

  • Oh ok that is a good reason. I thought you just wanted to kill off good characters.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I see Richard as a threat to one of my characters, so it only seems natural that I'd attempt to increase his chances of death.

  • [Support Philip] Okay...?

    Great part!

    With these words, he gave a short sign and the two guards grabbed Urid, rather gently, while another guard put his arm around Richard, suppo

  • Yeah your opinions are your own. And on Philip and Richard, I'm pretty sure their lives are in danger either way, so hiding won't do much good. Wolfius already has his personal vendetta against all of Richard's, so they are in trouble both ways too. I agree with you on how Wolfius won't be satisfied, but he will kill them even if they don't provoke him because of his vendetta.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    It's not that i would be uncomfortable with it (though thanks for caring about that). It's just i feel like you would either find my reason

  • edited November 2015

    Dude no offense but stop pushing the readers in a corner. I know u dont have bad intentions and its surely not ur goal to manipulate the readers. But u do it with ur "Omg the voting will be against me! I knew it! pls guys!" I'm sure there are a lot of people who would go with ur choice because they feel pity for u. Dont you think the reader should choose? I dont want to insult u or something and I hope I dont sound like a nagging bitch to u. I just think we should let the others vote on theire own even if there descisions doesnt make sense in our eyes

    Btw. I'm against ur descision. And even if ur reason makes sense, I want to go that way.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    My god is this vote close.

  • edited November 2015

    I have? then if i have i swear i'm sorry. It has never been my intention. I just wanted to know peoples reasons since i like peoples thought process when comming in term with choices like this. Normally people just vote and stay quiet but i like to talk to people and get to know all the cool people i'm sharing this great story. But if people feel like i'm pushing them then PLEASE don't.

    Part of what makes this story good or enjoyable is that the reader makes choices. It makes you connect to it and appreciate it like others can't. That's ruined if people pushed you to make that choice. But if i can ask....who did that? Nobody has switched their vote and super only did it because he wanted to be nice but if he wants to vote Support I FULLY RESPECT IT. Sorry if anyone feels in anyway pity or forceness from me DON'T. Vote how you like.

    Xemnes posted: »

    Dude no offense but stop pushing the readers in a corner. I know u dont have bad intentions and its surely not ur goal to manipulate the re

  • To be honest it doesn't matter bro. Don't worry i never win these votes. Thats why i don't vote normally. I just did it so Agent didn't feel like no one cared and felt better (and i belive in the choice). When i voted this choiced was fated to lose, just wait a bit youll win eventually. But thanks for caring enought to debate. Most voters usually ignore me :). And don't feel sad when i lose that's just the way this goes, happens almost every time.

    Bounden posted: »

    Yeah your opinions are your own. And on Philip and Richard, I'm pretty sure their lives are in danger either way, so hiding won't do much go

  • edited November 2015

    I think Flashbacks overall are cool. Especially in stories like this where the characters have so much development and backstory.

    Bounden posted: »

    I'd think it be cool once all the major old characters in Raylainsfair are introduced for there to be a chapter dedicated to retell the days

  • I'm not entirely sure on a flashback, since that would kinda break the wall of reality, but maybe in the form of a story or something. It be cool to have Leonard or Arthur get lectured about how things have changed.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I think Flashbacks overall are cool. Especially in stories like this where the characters have so much development and backstory.

  • Well if it can be explained that way it's cool too.

    Bounden posted: »

    I'm not entirely sure on a flashback, since that would kinda break the wall of reality, but maybe in the form of a story or something. It be cool to have Leonard or Arthur get lectured about how things have changed.

  • [Support Philip] Lets destroy them.

    With these words, he gave a short sign and the two guards grabbed Urid, rather gently, while another guard put his arm around Richard, suppo

  • The Voting is closed!

    Richard will try to talk Philip out of his plans

    Well, I think I am not the only one who is quite surprised that this choice won. Against popular belief, I can reveal that this was not a good choice. This was also not a bad choice though. It was simply a very grey choice, with no right or wrong. Both options have the potential for good or bad consequences here and I think the results of this choice will be fairly balanced. That said, I think this choice will have the more interesting results, story-wise and character development-wise. It will heavily influence certain storylines in the next chapter, not only Richard's.

    Looking through the latest two polls, I see that nobody likes Clayton when it comes to your favourite villain :D That is understandable and, to be honest, he's my least favourite from that list too. Wolfius, Harren and Mullendore all got a respectable amount of votes, with Wolfius and Harren sharing the top with 6 votes. One of these Harren votes is mine though, so when I only take your votes into consideration, Wolfius is your favourite antagonist. This is good and I love writing stuff for Wolfius. The reason why I like Harren more than him or Mullendore is his lack of insanity and his honesty. Unlike Wolfius, Harren is actually a very sane man who just happens to love violence and cruelty and unlike Mullendore, he fully admits to it and does not hide his evil nature behind good intentions. That makes him somewhat refreshing in my opinion.

    I can't comment too much on the results of WildlingKing's poll, mostly because it would go into spoiler territory if I would. All I can say is, the names on the list are all good candidates. Mullendore has big plans, not only for Oldtown and Raylansfair, but for the whole Reach. I plan to reveal the person he would like to see as the new king in a future chapter, or at the very least, I plan to give you very obvious and strong hints before Book 1 ends.

    The next part is going to be a Samantha part and it should be out later today. I hope the events of the last Samantha part are still present, but in case you need a small recap: Samantha and her group decided to wait for Archmaester Wulvren and Dairon in front of the Archmaester's chambers, where they got into a confrontation with the Tom and the Moggy, two of Mullendore's most important underlings. During this confrontation, the Archmaester managed to defeat the Moggy with alchemy, but the Moggy managed to mortally wound Dairon in return before he was forced to retreat. Having failed in her mission to protect him, Samantha and co., returned to Davith's house, where they told Leonard about the bad news. Absolutely furious about Dairon's death, Leonard demanded to help them when they go to the Hightower to rescue Lucas. After a bit of thinking, Samantha agreed to let him help.

    Concluding this long announcement will be a shout-out! A new story is about to start here in the forums and perhaps some of you will be interested. The story is written by @hihitwd and it is named Nebraska. It is set in the world of The Walking Dead and follows a group of survivors who escape from Season 2's Howe's Hardware store, with plans to make it to the eponymous state of Nebraska. After all, Nebraska is pretty much one of the safest locations in the whole US during a zombie apocalypse, low on population and high on guns. It is hihitwd's second story in this forum. He has previously written another story, which has been very well-written and enjoyable in my opinion. As someone who loved his first story, I am absolutely sure that this new story will be great as well. It has not started yet, but will start as soon as a few more characters are submitted, which, as always, is where you come into play. If you are interested in this story, check it out by following this link!

  • Can't wait to see Samantha, it's gonna be awesome! Super worried about Lucas though.

    The Voting is closed! Richard will try to talk Philip out of his plans Well, I think I am not the only one who is quite surprised that

  • It will be glorious either way. And honestly I don't think Lucas will be dead when we see him again most likely just traumatized and weak which is still very bad... but I could be wrong.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Can't wait to see Samantha, it's gonna be awesome! Super worried about Lucas though.

  • Well seems you are lucky bro i didn't expect us to win.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Can't wait to see Samantha, it's gonna be awesome! Super worried about Lucas though.

  • edited November 2015

    I can honestly say i didn't expect this. I kept thinking i was going to lose to the majority eventually. I knew this choice is going to have some negative results but my main reason for it was to save people's lives so at least i achieve that. Hopefully this also has good results.

    On a side note i'm glad to finally join this community fully and i hope i get to know everyone in it better.

    The Voting is closed! Richard will try to talk Philip out of his plans Well, I think I am not the only one who is quite surprised that

  • It's nice to have people who discuss about the choices and tell why they choose what they choose. I always try to do that myself, but sometimes I'm just too lazy to go much into the choices :D

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I can honestly say i didn't expect this. I kept thinking i was going to lose to the majority eventually. I knew this choice is going to have

  • Nice to meet you WildlingKing (Mance?). Yeah i like explaining my reasoning for choices. I also like debating with others. Its fun to hear others perspectives. Hope we can share them in the future :D.

    It's nice to have people who discuss about the choices and tell why they choose what they choose. I always try to do that myself, but sometimes I'm just too lazy to go much into the choices

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