[I'll be your hand, and what the Queen dreams, the hand builds] [Megan's]
I actually have school in like 2 goes but this is far more better than sleeping for 20 minutes
Um... McDonalds!
Hi guys! New part! I hope you enjoy it! Grab some popcorn,some hot chocolate or what you usually eat when you read,and be sure to enjoy the … moreplot twist,that will be this part.
Daegon Targaryen
(Daegon had the choice to go find Brienne of Tarth,and go with her on a journey,or embark on a ship,which was full of kingsguards,and take off to essos,people chose the second option)
''I'll take my chances'' Daegon said ''NO! You can't do that,they will kill you before you know it.'' Jiao Ho said,and Daegon shook his head ''It's not your choice. Soon,i will be hugging my sister again.'' Daegon said,his eyes shining,and started to walk out of the house,but Jiao Ho stopped him ''If you go,then i come with you.'' Jiao said,and Daegon shrugged ''Ok,you can come.'' He said,and the two exited the house,and started to walk towards King's Landing's pier,Daegon wore a big shadowy hood,that didn't show his face.
''We are almost there.'' Jiao Ho,putting … [view original content]
[I'll be your hand, and what the Queen dreams, the hand builds]
I actually have school in like 2 goes but this is far more better than sleeping for 20 minutes
Um... McDonalds!
[''I won't stand for this,i'd rather betray you and your house,than do the things you are speaking] Why must you do this to us, man? ;~; Poor Daegon, now I feel sad... And no Danter pls, I ship Jorah and Daenerys for life. xD
[Burger King] for the win, though McDonalds is alright too.
[Talon chapter] I should be reading for a biology test but instead I came here to read this... Oops.
Hi guys! New part! I hope you enjoy it! Grab some popcorn,some hot chocolate or what you usually eat when you read,and be sure to enjoy the … moreplot twist,that will be this part.
Daegon Targaryen
(Daegon had the choice to go find Brienne of Tarth,and go with her on a journey,or embark on a ship,which was full of kingsguards,and take off to essos,people chose the second option)
''I'll take my chances'' Daegon said ''NO! You can't do that,they will kill you before you know it.'' Jiao Ho said,and Daegon shook his head ''It's not your choice. Soon,i will be hugging my sister again.'' Daegon said,his eyes shining,and started to walk out of the house,but Jiao Ho stopped him ''If you go,then i come with you.'' Jiao said,and Daegon shrugged ''Ok,you can come.'' He said,and the two exited the house,and started to walk towards King's Landing's pier,Daegon wore a big shadowy hood,that didn't show his face.
''We are almost there.'' Jiao Ho,putting … [view original content]
...you just gave me an idea for next chapter! Read the message i sent you and you'll understand! And,i hope your biology test will be easy! (even though it won't...:((( I get this realism from George!)
[''I won't stand for this,i'd rather betray you and your house,than do the things you are speaking] Why must you do this to us, man? ;~; Poo… morer Daegon, now I feel sad... And no Danter pls, I ship Jorah and Daenerys for life. xD
[Burger King] for the win, though McDonalds is alright too.
[Talon chapter] I should be reading for a biology test but instead I came here to read this... Oops.
[''I won't stand for this,i'd rather betray you and your house,than do the things you are speaking] I'd prefer a chapter in the Wall, so [Brandon, Thomas and Kevin]
Had so many start of year exams I forgot to check here :O
[''I'll be your hand,and what the Queen dreams,the hand builds.] and [Brandon, Thomas and Kevin]
[Run back to the elevator] I feel like the wall is too risky, and that someone might push him off... Yikes, this was an intense chapter! I'm… more really worried for all three of them, maybe Kevin the most...
I guess I'm a bit of a GoT addict, you could say. I mean, it is my favorite show and one of my favorite games as well. I'm currently reading the first book, and I do know quite a bit of the lore. Not all of it as I've absorbed most of the info online and since English is not my national language, but I'm slowly catching up with it.
Looks like the next chapter is out so I don't need to vote here. Good luck on school! Take it easy, we'll wait patiently for new chapters.
Hi guys! I am finally returning to the forums! And like winter,there is no stopping me! Let's get immediately to the juicy stuff!
You all chose Brandon,Kevin and Brandon. A little recap of what happened:
Brandon saved Thomas,but...
Brandon then ran away,planning to go look for Kevin,who was at the gates of the wall. ''I should be able to get to him by going in the castle.'' Brandon thought,and ran to the elevator. A group of wildlings saw him and started to fire arrows to him. He found a shield and raised it up,blocking all the arrows. When the elevator got up the wall,he got off and got on the edge of the wall,looking down,dreading to fall down the Wall. He saw that the gate was smashed and someone entered the Castle. ''Oh no,Kevin must be in trouble.'' He thought and opened the door leading to a Tower. When he opened three thenns wielding axes turned to him with a lopsided smile ''FUUCK!'' He screamed and closed the door. He heard the Thenns punching the door down. He saw a pick on the ground ''I might try to climb down the Wall,but i have a short chance of making it. The crows could soon start the metal trap.'' He thought,then the door broke down...
[Climb down The Wall] [Prepare to Fight] [Run back to the elevator]
Now the majority chose to Run back to the elevator. Enjoy the chapter!
Brandon's POV
Brandon started to back away from the door ''I won't have any chances against them!'' He thought,then ran as fast as his legs could manage to the elevator. When he turned towards the long run that connected the tower he was in to the elevator,adrenaline started forming in his body ''I am never going to do this.'' He thought,already running towards the elevator,which was slowly going down,it was being handled by Jon Snow. His legs hurt,his inside burned at the contact with the sharp,cold air of the North,and his brain begged his legs to stop,but he sprinted as fast as he could,and stopped when he got to where the elevator was. He noticed it was already going down,he suddenly heard a roar behind him ''GET THE CROW!'' One of the thenns from before shouted,and other two wildlings started to run towards Brandon. He looked at the 2 meter drop he had to jump to get on the now descending elevator,and he jumped.
He flew in the air and landed right on top of the elevator,twisting one of his ankles in the process. ''What in the seven hells was that?!'' He heard Jon Snow exclaim inside the elevator. He tapped his hands on the elevator ''Worry not,Jon,it's me,Brandon.'' Jon puffed in relief and Brandon sat down on the elevator,looking at the now furious thenns,before sticking out his tongue to them. ''I never change.'' He laughs to himself,before the elevator comes to a stop. He then jumps down on the ground ''Right where i belong,with my feet on the solid ground.'' He chuckled,and drew Ice Star,his glowing sword ''We have to cut down a few more wildlings.'' He said to his sword,then he ran to the now small fray in the center of the yard. He felt a wildling tackle him,but he cut him down easily with a swift motion of his wrist,causing Ice Star to pierce the poor wildling's right eye. He then took Ice Star out of his socket and stuck it again in his heart,killing him. He then turned to another wildling,which swung his spear at him. Brandon parried the shot,but the wildling didn't give up,he thrusted his spear inwards,hoping to impale Brandon,who easily dodged the spear and cut it in half with his sword. He picked up the half which fell to the ground,the one with the pointy end,and threw it at the wildling,who raised his hands to protect himself,failing miserably as the spear's end pierced his hand. Brandon slowly walked towards the wildling,who put his hands up in defeat ''STOP IT! STOP,PLEASE SPARE ME:'' Brandon nodded to the man,then sharply grabbed him by his arm,and took him to a brick wall away from battle. ''Th-thanks t-thank you.'' The man muttered out ''What's your name?'' He asked the man ''I...i'm Frord.'' ''Frord,you will have time to think about what you'll say to the men of the night's watch when we'll win,if you help us you will be set free.'' ''I will,just don't hurt me..'' Brandon nodded to the man and turned to the now wildling free yard,finding out with delight that they won. ''WE SLAUGHTERED THEM ALL!'' ''WAY TO GO BRANDON'' ''NICE SWORD!'' The remaining men cheered with Brandon ''I can't believe it,is it really over?'' Brandon felt like a great weight coming off his chest and shoulders,and suddenly felt really light. He fell to the ground and started laughing ''YES! We've survived the wildling army!'' He said,and the men cheered with him ''Brandon! Brandon! Brandon!'' He felt as if he were immortal. What was going to kill him if not a thousand wildlings sieging Castle Black? He was never going to die. ''What about Kevin?'' Thomas asked Brandon (Brandon saved Thomas in the last part) Brandon suddenly sprung to his feet ''We have to search for him!''
''We already checked in the towers,do you know where he could possibly be?'' Thomas asked Brandon after a few hours of searching ''He said he would hold the tunnels.'' Brandon said,and the two started to run towards the tunnels,fearing for their friend's life. ''KEVIN! KEVIN!'' They called out but no one answered. They saw a giant and a few Night's Watch men scattered on the ground. ''By the seven kingdoms...help me move this giant.'' Brandon said,and Thomas started to drag the giant from his left arm,and eventually the two saw Kevin's body under the giant's. ''NO! Kevin!'' Brandon said,hurrying to his friend,dragging him away from the giant's body,holding his head on his knees. ''He has an open wound on his left side,if he's not already dead,he soon will be.'' Thomas said as Kevin coughed up blood from his mouth ''Brothers...i killed the giant.'' Kevin wheezed,and Brandon and Thomas looked over to the giant,Kevin's greataxe stuck into it's brain. ''How is the situation...out th-out there...'' Kevin struggled with words,as Brandon sadly walked to the giant,pulling Kevin's axe from it's head. ''The Night's Watch held Castle Black successfully,all because of Jon,and all of us.'' Thomas said. Kevin hacked and coughed ''I won't...last for much longer.'' He said,and grasped his fat belly,now soaked in blood. Brandon walked over to Kevin,brandishing his own axe ''Listen to me,do you want me to?'' Brandon said in a serious tone,looking Kevin in his eyes ''That would be...best...'' Kevin said,his eyes looking at his axe ''Funny...the same axe which stood with me for at least two years,the same...axe which ki-killed a gian- giant...it's now going to kill me--'' He started to cough violently,blood coming out from his mouth. ''Listen to me,you'll die as a hero. We will burn your body,and honor you forever at the godswood. You will not be forgotten.'' Brandon said ''Your axe,will be brandished by both of us,it's history is not over yet.'' Thomas added,Kevin looked at the two crows and smiled ''Huh...i'm lucky to have you two as friends...'' Brandon brought Kevin's axe up,breathing heavily ''Goodbye brother.'' He then brought the axe down on Kevin's head ''And so my watch ends'' Kevin says before the axe splits his head in two.
So guys...this took a pretty dark turn...didn't it? I'm sorry,but if i had to make a comeback,i sure as heck was going to do a shocking one!
Question Time!
How has your halloween been? What did you do?
Do you think Brandon and Thomas will stand with or against Stannis?
Chicken (FTK) or Pork?
Whose part do you want next?
[Hunter's] [Merrik's] [Mark's] [Jarger Kieron and Philip's] [Brandon Thomas and Kevin's] [Korric's] [Megan's] [Damon's] [Saya's] [Talon chapter] [Largonis] [Maryette] [Jiao Ho's]
[Jarger Kieron and Philip's] Halloween was amazing!! I ended up dressing like a pirate! I think Brandon and Thomas will end up following Jon Snow's lead, maybe even do secret missions or something for him. I think I prefer chicken more than pork, but ultimately my favorite meat is pastrami.
Hi guys! I am finally returning to the forums! And like winter,there is no stopping me! Let's get immediately to the juicy stuff!
You all… more chose Brandon,Kevin and Brandon. A little recap of what happened:
Brandon saved Thomas,but...
Brandon then ran away,planning to go look for Kevin,who was at the gates of the wall. ''I should be able to get to him by going in the castle.'' Brandon thought,and ran to the elevator. A group of wildlings saw him and started to fire arrows to him. He found a shield and raised it up,blocking all the arrows. When the elevator got up the wall,he got off and got on the edge of the wall,looking down,dreading to fall down the Wall. He saw that the gate was smashed and someone entered the Castle. ''Oh no,Kevin must be in trouble.'' He thought and opened the door leading to a Tower. When he opened three thenns wielding axes turned to him with a lopsided smile ''FUUCK!'' He screamed and closed the door. He heard … [view original content]
I dressed up as the Hound (i found the burn on his head easy to makeup,and my hair are exactly the same as his when they are a little bit greasy,that's why (Secret secret shhhh) i hadn't showered for at least a week.) and you may be right on those two...remember there is Melisandre around Stannis,and Jon...
[Jarger Kieron and Philip's] Halloween was amazing!! I ended up dressing like a pirate! I think Brandon and Thomas will end up following Jon… more Snow's lead, maybe even do secret missions or something for him. I think I prefer chicken more than pork, but ultimately my favorite meat is pastrami.
[Jarger Kieron and Philip's] Halloween was really good! Went to a house party and went as (a really bad because I don't have long hair or a beard) Rodrik and my girlfriend actually went as Elaena for me . Umm probably chicken because I've never really tried pork.
Hi guys! I am finally returning to the forums! And like winter,there is no stopping me! Let's get immediately to the juicy stuff!
You all… more chose Brandon,Kevin and Brandon. A little recap of what happened:
Brandon saved Thomas,but...
Brandon then ran away,planning to go look for Kevin,who was at the gates of the wall. ''I should be able to get to him by going in the castle.'' Brandon thought,and ran to the elevator. A group of wildlings saw him and started to fire arrows to him. He found a shield and raised it up,blocking all the arrows. When the elevator got up the wall,he got off and got on the edge of the wall,looking down,dreading to fall down the Wall. He saw that the gate was smashed and someone entered the Castle. ''Oh no,Kevin must be in trouble.'' He thought and opened the door leading to a Tower. When he opened three thenns wielding axes turned to him with a lopsided smile ''FUUCK!'' He screamed and closed the door. He heard … [view original content]
[Jarger Kieron and Philip's] Halloween was really good! Went to a house party and went as (a really bad because I don't have long hair or a … morebeard) Rodrik and my girlfriend actually went as Elaena for me . Umm probably chicken because I've never really tried pork.
(You chose to Convince Sansa to send Kieron to King's Landing. Read his last part if you don't remember)
''Sansa,i really have to go...i need to take care of some things.'' Kieron said sweetly to Sansa ''What's so important in King's Landing for you? You were a Kingsguard,you can't expect to go back and pretend you will be again.'' ''I will manage,don't worry. Now,i want to know when will the next ship sail.'' Sansa looked at him,and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something,but stopped ''Probably when sun sets.'' She looks down to the ground,and Kieron caresses her cheek ''Thank you.'' He says,then starts to walk towards the Eyrie's pier.
Jarger's POV
(Again,feel obliged to read last part if you don't remember what happened. You chose to make Jarger tell Saya his story.)
''You want to hear about me?'' Jarger asked,Saya just shook her head. Jarger took a deep breath ''I am a bastard. I never got to know my mother,and my father barely noticed me. For all i know,he could've drown my mother in King's Landing's waters after my birth...'' He stopped and took a sip of his ale,Saya pitifully looking at him ''The only thing i wanted to prove when i was growing up was to be a honorable bastard,to prove everyone wrong about me. I was a Kingsguard in King's Landing,given my ability with the sword,and eventually,i started to see that King's Landing was just the rotten core of the evil in all of the seven kingdoms,i'd prefer going to the Wall,and to this day,i am still tempted. I could meet Jon Snow there,to keep me some company...'' He trailed off ''You could come with me,how does that sound?'' Saya asked him ''With you? What are we going to do? The dwarf and the giant?'' He laughed,stating the clear difference of height between him and her ''Don't even try me,it can be dangerous.'' Saya said,sitting up and smashing her hands on the table ''Oh yes? What are you going to do to me?'' Jarger answered,sitting up,towering over Saya,who turned around,grabbed a drunkard who was drinking ale from a horn behind her,and smashed his face on the table ''This.'' She said as a drop of blood began to trickle it's way down the man's forehead ''You busted me open,you whore! Now you're-'' The man was interrupted by a swift punch delivered by Jarger,who sent the man flying a couple of meters away,knocking him out. Jarger then turned to Saya ''Don't try me,little girl'' ''If i win,you get to come with me.'' Saya says ''If i win,you get to buy me some pork.'' Jarger said,his long dirty blonde hair flowing in the air. He then swung his arm towards her,trying to punch her,but she dodged the shot,and grabbed a horn of ale,smashing it on his head. ''What was that?'' He says mockingly,and grabs Saya by her throat,lifting her up in the air. ''Give up,now i got you.'' He continued in a fake annoyed tone,she gasped for air but she then unsheathed her double sided daggers and hurt his hand. He let go of her ''That is against the rules.'' He said,and Saya laughed ''You think i care? Nothing is unfair in a battle.'' Jarger then shrugged and unsheathed his longsword. Saya made her daggers dance in her hands,confusing Jarger,who lightly thrusted his sword towards Saya's daggers,but she clasped together her daggers,which blocked the sword and then she made them flip,causing Jarger's sword to fall on the ground. ''STOP RIGHT THERE!'' The bartender said running towards the two of them,Jarger hit him in the gut,making him gasp for breath,then Saya ran up to Jarger and held the daggers to his throat ''I win.'' She says and smiles,Jarger then holds up his hands in defeat ''You win.'' He says,then he swiftly yanks both of her daggers away from her hands,now holding them up to her throat ''Maybe not.'' He says and smiles,giving her the daggers. The two then turn around to see three House Arryn's guards ''It's time to get out of here.'' Saya says to Jarger,and the two run out of the pub,steal a nearby horse from the stables,and gallop out of the Eyrie through the Bloody Gate.
Philip's POV
''I hope i have done well,letting Sansa see that unlucky man,Kieron...'' He wonders to himself,looking out of the window to the beautiful Eyrie,when he hears a door opening from behind him ''Phiiiliiip.'' Philip hears a familiar voice dragging his name out ''I thought you were better than that,just when i thought i finally liked you,and that our business could be a fruitful one...'' ''Littlefinger.'' Philip says shortly,grasping the dagger he had hidden in his surcoat's pocket ''I am afraid that letting Sansa around that weasel of a man will be your last mistake.'' Philip turned around to see Littlefinger,and his smug smile,along with two guards. Philip took the dagger out of his pocket stabbing one guard to death,but the dagger was quickly snatched by his hands by the other guard. The guard gave Littlefinger the dagger,and he got closer to Philip,sticking the dagger under the socket of his left eye,gouging it out. Philip screamed in excruciating pain,and he was then hit in the head by the guard with an heavy book.
Kieron's POV
As the ship stopped to the pier,Kieron saw Sansa approaching him,he walked towards her and warmly smiled at her ''Lady Sansa,i was just about to go,i wanted to tell you farewell.'' He said to her,her expression didn't change ''The ship's now here,get on it and go on with your business.'' She coldly said,and Kieron rolled his eyes ''I'm sure you understand,or will. You Starks always are family oriented people,i am doing this for my family.'' Sansa briefly smiled ''Stay safe in King's Landing.'' ''YOU stay safe,be careful of Petyr,or whatever his name is.'' Kieron says,and turns away,but he feels Sansa pulling him back. He turns to Sansa and sees she is getting closer to his face,slowly closing her eyes. He quickly buries his head on her shoulder ''NO! IT'S JUST WRONG; I don't like her!'' Kieron thought,and pulled away from the hug. He got on the ship and shot one last look at Sansa,before the ship sailed.
Jarger's POV
As Jarger galloped away from the Eyrie with Saya,she hugged him tightly ''Hey,since you won,i should be paying for some of your pork.'' ''Oh you surely will,but where did you want to go?'' ''To the twins.'' Jarger then stopped the horse ''What do you mean?'' ''If we ask Walder about my friend,he could tell us where my friend is.'' ''Is there any other option?'' ''We go to Ironrath,the place my friend wanted to go,he even wrote a letter to it's lord.'' Jarger then spoke up.
[''Going to the Twins is a good idea''][''I don't like thinking about that traitor pig. Let's go to Ironrath.'']
So guys! Chapter is over! Did you like it? Philip surely didn't...@FlareBattle i really liked him as a character,please do another one,we all love your characters!
Next Part will be about Ironrath in general,it will be in particular about Mark and Talia and...
Who do you prefer between these two to be more fleshed out in the next part??
[Damon] (I will talk more about his holdings)] or [Talon] (A big secret will be revealed...?)
Hi guys,new chapter! Enjoy it!
Kieron's POV
(You chose to Convince Sansa to send Kieron to King's Landing. Read his last part if you d… moreon't remember)
''Sansa,i really have to go...i need to take care of some things.'' Kieron said sweetly to Sansa ''What's so important in King's Landing for you? You were a Kingsguard,you can't expect to go back and pretend you will be again.'' ''I will manage,don't worry. Now,i want to know when will the next ship sail.'' Sansa looked at him,and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something,but stopped ''Probably when sun sets.'' She looks down to the ground,and Kieron caresses her cheek ''Thank you.'' He says,then starts to walk towards the Eyrie's pier.
Jarger's POV
(Again,feel obliged to read last part if you don't remember what happened. You chose to make Jarger tell Saya his story.)
''You want to hear about me?'' Jarger asked,Saya just shook her head. Jarger took a deep breath ''I am… [view original content]
[''I don't like thinking about that traitor pig. Let's go to Ironrath.''] and [Talon]
Oh snap, did Philip just die?! Or did he just lose an eye? Which eye was stabbed? Great chapter nevertheless, I feel like Kieron and Jarger's stories are expanding, and they're rolling into another season of their lives. As for Philip.... time will tell.
And thanks, I got another character or two in mind that I wanna try out.....One in particular inspired by this chapter.
Hi guys,new chapter! Enjoy it!
Kieron's POV
(You chose to Convince Sansa to send Kieron to King's Landing. Read his last part if you d… moreon't remember)
''Sansa,i really have to go...i need to take care of some things.'' Kieron said sweetly to Sansa ''What's so important in King's Landing for you? You were a Kingsguard,you can't expect to go back and pretend you will be again.'' ''I will manage,don't worry. Now,i want to know when will the next ship sail.'' Sansa looked at him,and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something,but stopped ''Probably when sun sets.'' She looks down to the ground,and Kieron caresses her cheek ''Thank you.'' He says,then starts to walk towards the Eyrie's pier.
Jarger's POV
(Again,feel obliged to read last part if you don't remember what happened. You chose to make Jarger tell Saya his story.)
''You want to hear about me?'' Jarger asked,Saya just shook her head. Jarger took a deep breath ''I am… [view original content]
Hi guys,new chapter! Enjoy it!
Kieron's POV
(You chose to Convince Sansa to send Kieron to King's Landing. Read his last part if you d… moreon't remember)
''Sansa,i really have to go...i need to take care of some things.'' Kieron said sweetly to Sansa ''What's so important in King's Landing for you? You were a Kingsguard,you can't expect to go back and pretend you will be again.'' ''I will manage,don't worry. Now,i want to know when will the next ship sail.'' Sansa looked at him,and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something,but stopped ''Probably when sun sets.'' She looks down to the ground,and Kieron caresses her cheek ''Thank you.'' He says,then starts to walk towards the Eyrie's pier.
Jarger's POV
(Again,feel obliged to read last part if you don't remember what happened. You chose to make Jarger tell Saya his story.)
''You want to hear about me?'' Jarger asked,Saya just shook her head. Jarger took a deep breath ''I am… [view original content]
[''I don't like thinking about that traitor pig. Let's go to Ironrath.''] and [Talon]
Oh snap, did Philip just die?! Or did he just lose … morean eye? Which eye was stabbed? Great chapter nevertheless, I feel like Kieron and Jarger's stories are expanding, and they're rolling into another season of their lives. As for Philip.... time will tell.
And thanks, I got another character or two in mind that I wanna try out.....One in particular inspired by this chapter.
Hi guys,new chapter! Enjoy it!
Kieron's POV
(You chose to Convince Sansa to send Kieron to King's Landing. Read his last part if you d… moreon't remember)
''Sansa,i really have to go...i need to take care of some things.'' Kieron said sweetly to Sansa ''What's so important in King's Landing for you? You were a Kingsguard,you can't expect to go back and pretend you will be again.'' ''I will manage,don't worry. Now,i want to know when will the next ship sail.'' Sansa looked at him,and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something,but stopped ''Probably when sun sets.'' She looks down to the ground,and Kieron caresses her cheek ''Thank you.'' He says,then starts to walk towards the Eyrie's pier.
Jarger's POV
(Again,feel obliged to read last part if you don't remember what happened. You chose to make Jarger tell Saya his story.)
''You want to hear about me?'' Jarger asked,Saya just shook her head. Jarger took a deep breath ''I am… [view original content]
Nooooo, poor Kevin! ;-; He was a brave man... Sigh.
I'm glad you're finally back! I missed your stuff, man. My Halloween was alright! Didn't dress up though, since it's not as big of a celebration in my country as it is in many others.
I think they'll stand against Stannis, maybe... I don't really know.
I like both! Maybe pork better though, but depends.
Hi guys! I am finally returning to the forums! And like winter,there is no stopping me! Let's get immediately to the juicy stuff!
You all… more chose Brandon,Kevin and Brandon. A little recap of what happened:
Brandon saved Thomas,but...
Brandon then ran away,planning to go look for Kevin,who was at the gates of the wall. ''I should be able to get to him by going in the castle.'' Brandon thought,and ran to the elevator. A group of wildlings saw him and started to fire arrows to him. He found a shield and raised it up,blocking all the arrows. When the elevator got up the wall,he got off and got on the edge of the wall,looking down,dreading to fall down the Wall. He saw that the gate was smashed and someone entered the Castle. ''Oh no,Kevin must be in trouble.'' He thought and opened the door leading to a Tower. When he opened three thenns wielding axes turned to him with a lopsided smile ''FUUCK!'' He screamed and closed the door. He heard … [view original content]
[Jarger Kieron and Philip's] Halloween was amazing!! I ended up dressing like a pirate! I think Brandon and Thomas will end up following Jon… more Snow's lead, maybe even do secret missions or something for him. I think I prefer chicken more than pork, but ultimately my favorite meat is pastrami.
Hey guys,what's up? TIme for a new,fat,long chapter! Enjoy it!
Mark Logan's POV
(Talia x Mark happened,the wedding and then Mark saw that Mira was sad,she said about what happened with Damien in episode 2 and then Damon came to Mark asking for help. And between helping him or Mira you chose to help her. I promised that there would be a new POV for both choices. Who will he be?)
''I am sorry Damon,i can't help you personally on the matter,but Ser Duncan and his men will take this matter in their own hands.'' Damon shrugged ''Okay,thank you,i guess. How much time will it take?'' ''A week at most.'' Damon smiled and bowed ''Thank you my lord.'' He then goes to the people cleaning all the grove from the feast given in honor of Talia Forrester's betrothal to Mark Logan. Mark sees Talia slowly stumbling towards him,and takes her in his arms ''All the commotion has made me a little fuzzy...'' Talia muttered out ''Maybe some ale too!'' Mark says,and slowly makes her lean on him ''Let's get you to the chambers.'' Mark says as he starts to go to the second floor of Ironrath,where the chambers were ''You know,Ironrath is beautiful.'' ''Thank you,i never really saw anything special in it.'' Talia says,looking at him ''No,i'd prefer staying here rather than Smithon,this place is better,maybe it's just the memories i have.'' He says shuddering,remembering Yara's death and almost his. ''You know,you remind me a lot of Eddard Stark,in his youngest days.'' ''Why is that?'' Mark says a little surprised ''You are honorable,love your family,and everybody loves you. You even refused the bedding ceremony,like he did.'' Talia smiles,and Mark opens the door to her chambers. She kisses him on the tip of his nose ''Would you bring me your minstrel please? I need some relaxing.'' Mark nods and leaves Talia on her chair as he exits her room.
Talon Redwynd's POV
''TALON'' Talon hears his name being called,he was chatting with Rheagar,York and Yark. He saw Mark approaching him ''Mark! Did you have fun?'' He asked ''Yes i had! Talia asked for you,maybe sing something nice.'' ''I will. Take them to their chambers,let them rest'' Talon said to Mark,referring to York,Yark and Rheagar. ''I will.'' Mark takes the minstrels away and Talon hurries towards Talia's rooms. When he enters her room,she sees her sobbing in front of a letter. ''My lady...?'' Talon slowly walks towards her. Talia buries her face in her hands and gives the letter to Talon. ''I have some difficulties with reading,but i'll do my best.''
Lord Rodrik Forrester,
We are both sad and happy to announce that the funeral of Lord Ethan Forrester and his father,Gregor the Good will be celebrated tomorrow night.
Willy,the man with the body cart.
''Oh...'' ''I'm at least happy that it will finally be over'' ''He will find his peace in the Godswood.'' Talon said ''My Lady,what may i do to entertain you?'' Talia rubbed her eyes ''I have written a song for Ethan,would you like to hear it?'' ''That would be a pleasure,my lady.'' Talon said,a warm smile on his face. Talia sat up and cleared her throat
''From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
To ice we all return.
Father, brother I've sworn, I've sworn,
To guard this rest you've earned.
I'd bare my neck to Ilyn Payne,
And swim the Shivering Sea.
Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
To bring Ethan back to me.
Snow grabbed me from my mother's grasp,
To claim me as his prize.
Ethan freed me from Ramsay's clasp,
The rival lords locked eyes, the rival lords locked eyes.
Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
Old Gods bare steel with you.
Our lord, my twin, a hero's grave.
So iron grows anew,
Still iron grows anew ''
Talon clapped at the end of the ballad ''My lady you sing amazingly!'' He says in delight. ''How should i name the song?'' Talia asks Talon ''I'd call it the Ballad of the Forresters.'' ''I like the name,i will use it. Thanks minstrel.'' ''Of course.'' ''Now sing something to me!'' Talia says
''The trout, the trout, the trout in the towers,
The wolves dropped the fish ‘n’ they all ran away.
The trout, he flopped on for hours and hours,
And spawned a Walder Frey!
Another Walder Frey!
Two weddings, two beddings,
Brought on by beheadings,
A night in me cups for me!
Two weddings, two beddings,
Brought on by beheadings,
Yet all ends happily!
All ends happily!
The stag, the stag, the stag in the garden,
His crown is a gift from the wildest boar.
When roses are bloomin' and antlers are hardened
The stag growls “hear me roar!”
A lion’s fearsome roar!
Two weddings, two beddings,
Brought on by beheadings,
A night in me cups for me!
Two weddings, two beddings,
Brought on by beheadings,
Yet all ends happily!
All ends happily! ''
''What is the song about?'' Talia asks ''The marriage of Lord Edmure! Which...unfortunately didn't end so happily.'' ''The Lannisters will pay.'' Talia says ''They...will!'' Talon says,almost as if he was unsure to say it ''What was that minstrel?'' Talia asks,noticing Talon's tone ''N-nothing.'' Talia slowly gets up ''What's your...name,minstrel?'' ''Talon...Redwynd.'' ''Is that house new?'' ''My house's liege house is House Baratheon,i worked for them until i met your husband,and i stopped working for them.'' Talia's face turns red ''You actually worked for King Joffrey!?'' She shouts at Talon ''I did,me and my brother...we did things we aren't proud of. Killed children,thought to be bastards of King Robert. I just watched as the Kingsguard slit their little throats,i actually didn't kill them,but their blood is on my hands too.'' Talia looks at him,her expression now pained ''Big part of my family,that is my brother and my father,Lord Reginald Redwynd,died in the battle of Blackwater. My father decided to side with Stannis in the battle. He and my brother happened to be on the same ship that had the stock of wildfire that eventually would've destroyed Stannis' entire fleet. I always like to think that they looked at each other and exchanged smiles before dying,but i doubt that happened.'' He stopped for a moment,not a flit of sadness in his voice,just normality. ''Then,i inherited my father's holdings: A castle in the wolfswood and some lands in the North. I eventually gave them to my mother and sister,the seven know what are they doing now,and i tried to give all of my loyalty to the Imp,Tyrion Lannister. After almost being horribly killed by the Kingsguard because i was being mistaken for someone who threw dung at the Queen,i eventually found your husband almost getting beat to death in a pub of the North. I decided that my poor lute was the best weapon i have ever head and bludgeoned to almost death the drunkard who was beating him. And after a few years i am here.'' By the time Talon finished his story Talia was silent. She then spoke up. ''You seem to hate your family. Why?'' ''I don't. I just was the black sheep in all of my family,eventually,i was the only heir standing when it came to my father's death.'' Talon heard Mark outside the door,talking to someone ''Well,my lady,i think it's time for me to go to my own chambers and get some sleep for tomorrow.'' Talon quickly hurried outside Talia's chambers and found Mark outside his door. ''I think i am now going to sleep. Have a good night.'' Mark said to Talon ''Thanks,you two too.'' ''Did she tell you about the funeral?'' Mark asked ''Yes,she did.'' Mark nodded and the two went to their own chambers
?'s POV
A man with long brown hair stepped in the grove,and among the crowd of people cleaning the tables,he found Mira Forrester. ''Lady Mira.'' He said sternly,he walked towards her and bowed to her. ''Hello.'' Mira warmly said ''I am your new,personal guard?'' He smiled curtly ''I am Fendor Umber,cousin of Greatjon Umber,who thought he was too special to give me any heritage,so i went my own way. I am never acknowledged in history or books of House Umber,all thanks to the fucker.'' He smiles and Mira laughs ''Who sent you to me?'' ''Ooh,i believe King's Landing is having an effect on you. Mark Logan sent me.'' ''Oh my god,thank you Mark.'' She thought,and warmly smiled at Fendor ''Thank you.'' ''I should say that i am really better with words than swords.'' ''I just need you to protect me,do you think you're up for the task?'' Mira asks
[''I'll do my best''][Bow to her][''I can't promise anything.]
Mark's POV
The morning after,when the funeral is starting,Royland gestures to Mark ''Is that Gwyn Whitehill?'' Mark's eyes widen in fury ''Yes she is.'' Mark starts to walk menacingly towards her,who notices him,and he shoots a glare to her,but is stopped by Rodrik's hand,pushed against his chest ''I'll talk to her.'' He says and nods to Mark.
When the funeral starts,Lord Rodrik walks slowly to his father's side ''My father...he was everything...everything i wanted to be. He showed me what it is to be a lord. He was so brave,i never knew a better man...and i'm...sorry,i love you father.'' He then turns to Ethan ''Ethan...my little brother. He stood up to Ramsay Snow. He saved our sister's life,and paid with his own.'' Mark saw Talia hugging his mother tighter. Elissa then walked up to the two bodies ''We honor Lord Gregor Forrester,my husband...my love. And our lord Ethan...my sweet little boy...'' She says as she whimpers and sobs ''But now it's time to say goodbye. Father and Son are returned to the earth,to the ice. And from their sacrifice,new life begins. ''Iron From Ice!'' Rodrik says ''Iron From Ice.'' Everybody says,Rodrik then gets closer to the bodies again,Ser Duncan gives him a burning Ironwood torch. He lights up Ethan's body,then Gregor's. Everybody stays silent,and then Talia walks up to the two bodies and turns to face everybody.
''From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
To ice we all return.
Father, brother I've sworn, I've sworn,
To guard this rest you've earned.
I'd bare my neck to Ilyn Payne,
And swim the Shivering Sea.
Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
To bring Ethan back to me.
Snow grabbed me from my mother's grasp,
To claim me as his prize.
Ethan freed me from Ramsay's clasp,
The rival lords locked eyes, the rival lords locked eyes.
Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
Old Gods bare steel with you.
Our lord, my twin, a hero's grave.
So iron grows anew,
Still iron grows anew ''
As she sings,Elissa breaks down crying,Talia slowly whimpers and Mark notices Gwyn looking at him.
[Go hug Talia][Glare to Gwyn][Go keep company to Talon,who is mourning silently.]
So guys! Part is over! did you like it? I hope you did!
Question time:
What do you think will happen between Mark and Talon when the former finds out the latter's secrets?
You are to be executed for a crime you didn't commit. You demand a trial by combat. Who do you pick as your champion?
Hey guys,what's up? TIme for a new,fat,long chapter! Enjoy it!
Mark Logan's POV
(Talia x Mark happened,the wedding and then Mark saw t… morehat Mira was sad,she said about what happened with Damien in episode 2 and then Damon came to Mark asking for help. And between helping him or Mira you chose to help her. I promised that there would be a new POV for both choices. Who will he be?)
''I am sorry Damon,i can't help you personally on the matter,but Ser Duncan and his men will take this matter in their own hands.'' Damon shrugged ''Okay,thank you,i guess. How much time will it take?'' ''A week at most.'' Damon smiled and bowed ''Thank you my lord.'' He then goes to the people cleaning all the grove from the feast given in honor of Talia Forrester's betrothal to Mark Logan. Mark sees Talia slowly stumbling towards him,and takes her in his arms ''All the commotion has made me a little fuzzy...'' Talia muttered out ''Maybe some ale too!'' Mark … [view original content]
[Bow to her][Go hug Talia] and [Maryette] Wow good chapter!Also that mystery character is really interesting, wonder if Fendor is his actual name! I feel like Mark would try to convince Talon to go back to his holdings, and become the Redwynd Lord. We all know that he is in need of as many allies as he can get. If I was to be executed... Well if it implies to different universes, go read Fables and I'll choose Prince Charming as my champion. If limited to Game of Thrones characters I'd probably pick Asher because he survived the pit battle, which is a similar type of situation.
Well,Mark knows Fendor since before talking to Mira,which is why he trusts him to protect her,so yeah,Fendor is confirmed. Mark could try to convince Talon,but it might have a reverse effect and point blank behead him instead. And for the trial,i would choose Arthur Dayne or Gregor Clegane
[Bow to her] [Go hug Talia] and [Maryette] Wow good chapter!Also that mystery character is really interesting, wonder if Fendor is his act… moreual name! I feel like Mark would try to convince Talon to go back to his holdings, and become the Redwynd Lord. We all know that he is in need of as many allies as he can get. If I was to be executed... Well if it implies to different universes, go read Fables and I'll choose Prince Charming as my champion. If limited to Game of Thrones characters I'd probably pick Asher because he survived the pit battle, which is a similar type of situation.
[Bow to her][Go hug Talia][New Character] Hmm trial by combat... bring Drogo back from the dead or.. bring Daario over. Feeling some non-Westerosi will work out maybe sorta not.
Hey guys,what's up? TIme for a new,fat,long chapter! Enjoy it!
Mark Logan's POV
(Talia x Mark happened,the wedding and then Mark saw t… morehat Mira was sad,she said about what happened with Damien in episode 2 and then Damon came to Mark asking for help. And between helping him or Mira you chose to help her. I promised that there would be a new POV for both choices. Who will he be?)
''I am sorry Damon,i can't help you personally on the matter,but Ser Duncan and his men will take this matter in their own hands.'' Damon shrugged ''Okay,thank you,i guess. How much time will it take?'' ''A week at most.'' Damon smiled and bowed ''Thank you my lord.'' He then goes to the people cleaning all the grove from the feast given in honor of Talia Forrester's betrothal to Mark Logan. Mark sees Talia slowly stumbling towards him,and takes her in his arms ''All the commotion has made me a little fuzzy...'' Talia muttered out ''Maybe some ale too!'' Mark … [view original content]
[Go keep company to Talon,who is mourning silently.]
These chapters just get better and better. It's great to see the improvement from the first ones! I hope Mark understands Talon... Poor guy.
The champion, hmm... Depends on who's against them. Some of my choices would be Oberyn (unless he went against the Mountain, which didn't end well...), Jaime, Bronn and Brienne. Maybe even Ser Loras. From the game, definitely Asher or Beskha.
Hey guys,what's up? TIme for a new,fat,long chapter! Enjoy it!
Mark Logan's POV
(Talia x Mark happened,the wedding and then Mark saw t… morehat Mira was sad,she said about what happened with Damien in episode 2 and then Damon came to Mark asking for help. And between helping him or Mira you chose to help her. I promised that there would be a new POV for both choices. Who will he be?)
''I am sorry Damon,i can't help you personally on the matter,but Ser Duncan and his men will take this matter in their own hands.'' Damon shrugged ''Okay,thank you,i guess. How much time will it take?'' ''A week at most.'' Damon smiled and bowed ''Thank you my lord.'' He then goes to the people cleaning all the grove from the feast given in honor of Talia Forrester's betrothal to Mark Logan. Mark sees Talia slowly stumbling towards him,and takes her in his arms ''All the commotion has made me a little fuzzy...'' Talia muttered out ''Maybe some ale too!'' Mark … [view original content]
Hey guys,what's up? TIme for a new,fat,long chapter! Enjoy it!
Mark Logan's POV
(Talia x Mark happened,the wedding and then Mark saw t… morehat Mira was sad,she said about what happened with Damien in episode 2 and then Damon came to Mark asking for help. And between helping him or Mira you chose to help her. I promised that there would be a new POV for both choices. Who will he be?)
''I am sorry Damon,i can't help you personally on the matter,but Ser Duncan and his men will take this matter in their own hands.'' Damon shrugged ''Okay,thank you,i guess. How much time will it take?'' ''A week at most.'' Damon smiled and bowed ''Thank you my lord.'' He then goes to the people cleaning all the grove from the feast given in honor of Talia Forrester's betrothal to Mark Logan. Mark sees Talia slowly stumbling towards him,and takes her in his arms ''All the commotion has made me a little fuzzy...'' Talia muttered out ''Maybe some ale too!'' Mark … [view original content]
Hey guys,what's up? TIme for a new,fat,long chapter! Enjoy it!
Mark Logan's POV
(Talia x Mark happened,the wedding and then Mark saw t… morehat Mira was sad,she said about what happened with Damien in episode 2 and then Damon came to Mark asking for help. And between helping him or Mira you chose to help her. I promised that there would be a new POV for both choices. Who will he be?)
''I am sorry Damon,i can't help you personally on the matter,but Ser Duncan and his men will take this matter in their own hands.'' Damon shrugged ''Okay,thank you,i guess. How much time will it take?'' ''A week at most.'' Damon smiled and bowed ''Thank you my lord.'' He then goes to the people cleaning all the grove from the feast given in honor of Talia Forrester's betrothal to Mark Logan. Mark sees Talia slowly stumbling towards him,and takes her in his arms ''All the commotion has made me a little fuzzy...'' Talia muttered out ''Maybe some ale too!'' Mark … [view original content]
Hey guys!! I missed writing so much! Let's dive right into our new chapter!
Maryette Nysandel
(i suggest you read her previous chapter if you don't remember some things.)
(She was attacked by whitehill soldiers and she had to decide to subdue,kill or let go one of them,you chose to subdue him.)
Maryette's fist balled up and smashed into the man's nose,knocking him out cold ''I'll bring him to Rodrik.'' Maryette said,and started to drag the man by his arm with him.
''It's Lady Nysandel! Raise the gates!'' Rodrik Forrester gestures to his men,who raise the gate for Maryette. She looks down at the man and notices he has a gash on the side of his head,he probably hit a rock while she was dragging him,the poor man. ''Who's this piece of scum?'' Rodrik scowls as he notices the Whitehill symbol on his leather armor ''He,alongside some other men attacked me,i brought him to you.'' ''You let the others run away?'' ''I killed them.'' Rodrik nods,and grabs the man by his neck. He brings him in front of the great hall's two big doors and he yells at the smallfolk ''MEN AND WOMEN,WE HAVE A WHITEHILL SOLDIER HERE AMONG US; LET'S GIVE HIM A FAIR WELCOME!'' The man now woke up and started screaming in fear ''NO PLEASE,DON'T DO THIS;I'LL- NO!'' He screams as the smallfolk starts to get closer to him,some kicking him,some punching his gut. Maryette gets closer to the crowd and steps inbetween them and the man. ''What are you doing?'' Maryette asked Rodrik,disgust forming in her eyes ''WE ARE GIVING HIM THE JUSTICE HE DESERVES!'' Rodrik screams in her face ''Rodrik,this is not the way to fight this war. I brought him here because i thought you could get some information out of him,not for you to just humiliate him.'' Rodrik opens his mouth to speak but Maryette cuts him off ''I understand you want revenge,but this man isn't Ludd Whitehill,let alone his son,Gryff.'' Rodrik then sighs,and gestures to Royland,who was by his side,to bring the man to the cellars. The smallfolk looks surprised,and Rodrik walks away. ''Hey Rodrik,i'll come with you.'' Rodrik looks at her ''There's lord Gregor and Ethan's funeral down there,are you sure you want to see it?'' Maryette nods and she follows him to the grove.
(Consequences from Mark Logan's last chapter,if you don't remember go check it out.)
''Still iron grows anew...'' Talia's voice starts to crack and her eyes turn red. Mark Logan then runs towards her and embraces her in a warm hug. Talia wraps her arms around him,crying furiously in his shoulder. ''Hers is a cry of pain,and of anger.'' Rodrik watches sadly as her sister slowly falls apart in Mark's muscular frame,with his father's and twin's grave at her sides. ''She doesn't deserve to live what she's going through.'' Maryette looks at Talia with sadness.'' ''Unfortunately,nor the Whitehills,nor that bastard Ramsay Snow cares.'' Rodrik sighs,and sits down on the ground. Maryette then walks towards Talia,she notices her and pulls away from Mark ''Maryet-'' She gets interrupted by Maryette who kisses her on the forehead and hugs her. ''Don't worry,my sweet girl,Ludd will pay for this,i'll make him pay,even if it costs my life.'' She became commited to House Forrester a long time ago,she meant what she said. ''No,Maryette,you're too important for our House.'' Talia says as Maryette caresses her hair and Mark slowly puts his hand on her back. ''I promise i will do anything in my power to protect Our House.'' Mark said,and Maryette looked at him confused ''Your house?'' She then looked back at Talia ''We are betrothed.'' Talia says as she wipes her tears away and kisses Mark on his lips. ''I didn't know. My congratulations!'' Maryette smiled warmly as the two did the same. ''We want to go in our chamber,maybe Talon will come with us too'' Mark says and looks at Talon,who seems sad. ''And i guess you will...'' ''I'll go talk with Rodrik,he'll find a task for me.'' ''Thanks,Maryette. I know you're a loyal ally of this house,so you're my ally as well.'' Mark smiles at her and kisses her hand. Maryette bows and the two depart. Maryette then turns to where Rodrik was sitting to find out that he wasn't there anymore. She then decided to go inside the Great Hall.
''Who could it be?'' ''MAYBE DUNCAN; FOR ALL YOU-'' ''You're blaming me now? Look at you Royland,there's no lesser man than you.'' Maryette walked into the Great Hall to see Elissa sitting at the table,and Royland and Duncan yelling at each other. Elissa then walks towards Maryette ''Thank the gods you're here,try to make those two stop.'' She says with pleading eyes. Maryette then walks to the table and slams her fist down on it ''What's the problem!?'' She shouts,and the two look at her. ''Lady Maryette! This...traitor,wants House Forrester to think the Whitehills won't attack us!'' Royland says to him ''You have passion,Royland,but we need to be cunning in this war,that's why Ethan chose me as his sentinel.'' ''Ethan chose you as his sentinel because you have your way with words! In truth,you're just an old,delusional man.'' ''ENOUGH!'' Maryette shouts once again ''I wanted to ask you,if you've seen Rodrik.'' ''He locked himself in his rooms after Ludd came here to visit a few hours ago. He wanted Rodrik to bow and kiss his ring,but he didn't.'' Elissa said ''He was with Elaena Glenmore,they are to be betrothed,luckily he convinced her.'' Maryette nodded again,this was getting more confusing by the minute. She rushed up the stairs of Ironrath to Rodrik's room,and banged on his door. He opened the door for her twenty seconds later. She entered the room and closed the door behind her ''Rodrik,i don't know how you survived there,at the Twins...'' She said,looking at his gash on the right half of his face and his broken arm. ''...but i am glad you're still alive. Now,you've read that raven i sent you and the news spread like wildfire. Your master at arms and your sentinel are fighting over it. I now need you to give me another task.'' ''If you're up to it...'' ''I'm always up to it.'' Rodrik smiled at her ''You can decide between three things: You can either go to Highpoint,and act as a Whitehill cupbearer,and find out information about their plans,you can stay here and protect Mark and Talia,so become their guard,or you can try to go back to Minella,your sister,the head of House Nysandel and ask for her full support.'' ''I could go back to her,but i doubt she'll have that many soldiers...'' She thought ''Why are you asking me to become Talia and Mark's guard?'' She asks to Rodrik,and his expression turns from calm to worried ''I want them to be safe. They would be the first target the Whitehills would strike,the lord of House Logan,the house with the most men loyal to us,and the sister of Lord Forrester,the Whitehills could capture them and keep them hostages until we'll agree to their terms,which are to surrender to them,or worse,they could kill them.''
[Agree to spy on the Whitehills][Agree to become Talia and Mark's guard][Agree to ask Minella House Nysandel's support.]
So guys! I am back! Did you miss me? I hope you did,cause now i am back! How are things for you? How was thanksgiving apart from stuffing yourself with turkey? Hahhahah,anyways,this will be the last chapter of book 1: ''The Starks are Dead.'' And now,as i promised,i am going to be starting book 2 with the next chapter! Does anybody of you know how to upload images on a comment? I'd be glad to know. God i'm so happy to be back!
Next part is going to be about Sylvi and Merrik.
Question time!
[Will Maryette...i don't know,maybe die in the battle of Ironrath? Let me know!] What's your favourite type of music?
I think she will die in the battle considering outcome of that battle. I don't got a favorite type of music believe it or not but if I had to say one of my favorite songs, well I would have to say is....
Hey guys!! I missed writing so much! Let's dive right into our new chapter!
Maryette Nysandel
(i suggest you read her previous chapter… more if you don't remember some things.)
(She was attacked by whitehill soldiers and she had to decide to subdue,kill or let go one of them,you chose to subdue him.)
Maryette's fist balled up and smashed into the man's nose,knocking him out cold ''I'll bring him to Rodrik.'' Maryette said,and started to drag the man by his arm with him.
''It's Lady Nysandel! Raise the gates!'' Rodrik Forrester gestures to his men,who raise the gate for Maryette. She looks down at the man and notices he has a gash on the side of his head,he probably hit a rock while she was dragging him,the poor man. ''Who's this piece of scum?'' Rodrik scowls as he notices the Whitehill symbol on his leather armor ''He,alongside some other men attacked me,i brought him to you.'' ''You let the others run away?'' ''I killed them.'' Rod… [view original content]
[Agree to become Talia and Mark's guard] That is a pretty bloody battle, so it's possible. Also I know it's a stretch, and probably out of character and continuity, but what if instead of Royland or Duncan as the traitor, it would be Maryette? That would be insanely crazy. Heck what if Mark was the traitor? With so many new characters anyone could be one!
Hey guys!! I missed writing so much! Let's dive right into our new chapter!
Maryette Nysandel
(i suggest you read her previous chapter… more if you don't remember some things.)
(She was attacked by whitehill soldiers and she had to decide to subdue,kill or let go one of them,you chose to subdue him.)
Maryette's fist balled up and smashed into the man's nose,knocking him out cold ''I'll bring him to Rodrik.'' Maryette said,and started to drag the man by his arm with him.
''It's Lady Nysandel! Raise the gates!'' Rodrik Forrester gestures to his men,who raise the gate for Maryette. She looks down at the man and notices he has a gash on the side of his head,he probably hit a rock while she was dragging him,the poor man. ''Who's this piece of scum?'' Rodrik scowls as he notices the Whitehill symbol on his leather armor ''He,alongside some other men attacked me,i brought him to you.'' ''You let the others run away?'' ''I killed them.'' Rod… [view original content]
[I'll be your hand, and what the Queen dreams, the hand builds]
I actually have school in like 2 goes but this is far more better than sleeping for 20 minutes
Um... McDonalds!
Hours* on my phone and the one time it doesn't want to autocorrect...
Oh,i hope this chapter made your morning better!
[''I won't stand for this,i'd rather betray you and your house,than do the things you are speaking] Why must you do this to us, man? ;~; Poor Daegon, now I feel sad... And no Danter pls, I ship Jorah and Daenerys for life. xD
[Burger King] for the win, though McDonalds is alright too.
[Talon chapter] I should be reading for a biology test but instead I came here to read this... Oops.
...you just gave me an idea for next chapter! Read the message i sent you and you'll understand! And,i hope your biology test will be easy! (even though it won't...:((( I get this realism from George!)
[''I'll be your hand,and what the Queen dreams,the hand builds.] and [Megan's]
[''I won't stand for this,i'd rather betray you and your house,than do the things you are speaking] I'd prefer a chapter in the Wall, so [Brandon, Thomas and Kevin]
Had so many start of year exams I forgot to check here :O
[''I'll be your hand,and what the Queen dreams,the hand builds.] and [Brandon, Thomas and Kevin]
Hey,where are you from? Your english is really great
From the North, Finland! I've been learning English since preschool though, so it could be worse than this.
Hi guys! I am finally returning to the forums! And like winter,there is no stopping me! Let's get immediately to the juicy stuff!
You all chose Brandon,Kevin and Brandon. A little recap of what happened:
Brandon saved Thomas,but...
Brandon then ran away,planning to go look for Kevin,who was at the gates of the wall. ''I should be able to get to him by going in the castle.'' Brandon thought,and ran to the elevator. A group of wildlings saw him and started to fire arrows to him. He found a shield and raised it up,blocking all the arrows. When the elevator got up the wall,he got off and got on the edge of the wall,looking down,dreading to fall down the Wall. He saw that the gate was smashed and someone entered the Castle. ''Oh no,Kevin must be in trouble.'' He thought and opened the door leading to a Tower. When he opened three thenns wielding axes turned to him with a lopsided smile ''FUUCK!'' He screamed and closed the door. He heard the Thenns punching the door down. He saw a pick on the ground ''I might try to climb down the Wall,but i have a short chance of making it. The crows could soon start the metal trap.'' He thought,then the door broke down...
[Climb down The Wall] [Prepare to Fight] [Run back to the elevator]
Now the majority chose to Run back to the elevator. Enjoy the chapter!
Brandon's POV
Brandon started to back away from the door ''I won't have any chances against them!'' He thought,then ran as fast as his legs could manage to the elevator. When he turned towards the long run that connected the tower he was in to the elevator,adrenaline started forming in his body ''I am never going to do this.'' He thought,already running towards the elevator,which was slowly going down,it was being handled by Jon Snow. His legs hurt,his inside burned at the contact with the sharp,cold air of the North,and his brain begged his legs to stop,but he sprinted as fast as he could,and stopped when he got to where the elevator was. He noticed it was already going down,he suddenly heard a roar behind him ''GET THE CROW!'' One of the thenns from before shouted,and other two wildlings started to run towards Brandon. He looked at the 2 meter drop he had to jump to get on the now descending elevator,and he jumped.
He flew in the air and landed right on top of the elevator,twisting one of his ankles in the process. ''What in the seven hells was that?!'' He heard Jon Snow exclaim inside the elevator. He tapped his hands on the elevator ''Worry not,Jon,it's me,Brandon.'' Jon puffed in relief and Brandon sat down on the elevator,looking at the now furious thenns,before sticking out his tongue to them. ''I never change.'' He laughs to himself,before the elevator comes to a stop. He then jumps down on the ground ''Right where i belong,with my feet on the solid ground.'' He chuckled,and drew Ice Star,his glowing sword ''We have to cut down a few more wildlings.'' He said to his sword,then he ran to the now small fray in the center of the yard. He felt a wildling tackle him,but he cut him down easily with a swift motion of his wrist,causing Ice Star to pierce the poor wildling's right eye. He then took Ice Star out of his socket and stuck it again in his heart,killing him. He then turned to another wildling,which swung his spear at him. Brandon parried the shot,but the wildling didn't give up,he thrusted his spear inwards,hoping to impale Brandon,who easily dodged the spear and cut it in half with his sword. He picked up the half which fell to the ground,the one with the pointy end,and threw it at the wildling,who raised his hands to protect himself,failing miserably as the spear's end pierced his hand. Brandon slowly walked towards the wildling,who put his hands up in defeat ''STOP IT! STOP,PLEASE SPARE ME:'' Brandon nodded to the man,then sharply grabbed him by his arm,and took him to a brick wall away from battle. ''Th-thanks t-thank you.'' The man muttered out ''What's your name?'' He asked the man ''I...i'm Frord.'' ''Frord,you will have time to think about what you'll say to the men of the night's watch when we'll win,if you help us you will be set free.'' ''I will,just don't hurt me..'' Brandon nodded to the man and turned to the now wildling free yard,finding out with delight that they won. ''WE SLAUGHTERED THEM ALL!'' ''WAY TO GO BRANDON'' ''NICE SWORD!'' The remaining men cheered with Brandon ''I can't believe it,is it really over?'' Brandon felt like a great weight coming off his chest and shoulders,and suddenly felt really light. He fell to the ground and started laughing ''YES! We've survived the wildling army!'' He said,and the men cheered with him ''Brandon! Brandon! Brandon!'' He felt as if he were immortal. What was going to kill him if not a thousand wildlings sieging Castle Black? He was never going to die. ''What about Kevin?'' Thomas asked Brandon (Brandon saved Thomas in the last part) Brandon suddenly sprung to his feet ''We have to search for him!''
''We already checked in the towers,do you know where he could possibly be?'' Thomas asked Brandon after a few hours of searching ''He said he would hold the tunnels.'' Brandon said,and the two started to run towards the tunnels,fearing for their friend's life. ''KEVIN! KEVIN!'' They called out but no one answered. They saw a giant and a few Night's Watch men scattered on the ground. ''By the seven kingdoms...help me move this giant.'' Brandon said,and Thomas started to drag the giant from his left arm,and eventually the two saw Kevin's body under the giant's. ''NO! Kevin!'' Brandon said,hurrying to his friend,dragging him away from the giant's body,holding his head on his knees. ''He has an open wound on his left side,if he's not already dead,he soon will be.'' Thomas said as Kevin coughed up blood from his mouth ''Brothers...i killed the giant.'' Kevin wheezed,and Brandon and Thomas looked over to the giant,Kevin's greataxe stuck into it's brain. ''How is the situation...out th-out there...'' Kevin struggled with words,as Brandon sadly walked to the giant,pulling Kevin's axe from it's head. ''The Night's Watch held Castle Black successfully,all because of Jon,and all of us.'' Thomas said. Kevin hacked and coughed ''I won't...last for much longer.'' He said,and grasped his fat belly,now soaked in blood. Brandon walked over to Kevin,brandishing his own axe ''Listen to me,do you want me to?'' Brandon said in a serious tone,looking Kevin in his eyes ''That would be...best...'' Kevin said,his eyes looking at his axe ''Funny...the same axe which stood with me for at least two years,the same...axe which ki-killed a gian- giant...it's now going to kill me--'' He started to cough violently,blood coming out from his mouth. ''Listen to me,you'll die as a hero. We will burn your body,and honor you forever at the godswood. You will not be forgotten.'' Brandon said ''Your axe,will be brandished by both of us,it's history is not over yet.'' Thomas added,Kevin looked at the two crows and smiled ''Huh...i'm lucky to have you two as friends...'' Brandon brought Kevin's axe up,breathing heavily ''Goodbye brother.'' He then brought the axe down on Kevin's head ''And so my watch ends'' Kevin says before the axe splits his head in two.
So guys...this took a pretty dark turn...didn't it? I'm sorry,but if i had to make a comeback,i sure as heck was going to do a shocking one!
Question Time!
How has your halloween been? What did you do?
Do you think Brandon and Thomas will stand with or against Stannis?
Chicken (FTK) or Pork?
Whose part do you want next?
[Hunter's] [Merrik's] [Mark's] [Jarger Kieron and Philip's] [Brandon Thomas and Kevin's] [Korric's] [Megan's] [Damon's] [Saya's] [Talon chapter] [Largonis] [Maryette] [Jiao Ho's]
[Jarger Kieron and Philip's] Halloween was amazing!! I ended up dressing like a pirate! I think Brandon and Thomas will end up following Jon Snow's lead, maybe even do secret missions or something for him. I think I prefer chicken more than pork, but ultimately my favorite meat is pastrami.
I dressed up as the Hound (i found the burn on his head easy to makeup,and my hair are exactly the same as his when they are a little bit greasy,that's why (Secret secret shhhh) i hadn't showered for at least a week.) and you may be right on those two...remember there is Melisandre around Stannis,and Jon...
[Jarger Kieron and Philip's] Halloween was really good! Went to a house party and went as (a really bad because I don't have long hair or a beard) Rodrik and my girlfriend actually went as Elaena for me
. Umm probably chicken because I've never really tried pork.
Your halloween seems pretty dope! And great roleplaying! I roleplayed the Hound perfectly,as i have just a few friends...lul
Hi guys,new chapter! Enjoy it!
Kieron's POV
(You chose to Convince Sansa to send Kieron to King's Landing. Read his last part if you don't remember)
''Sansa,i really have to go...i need to take care of some things.'' Kieron said sweetly to Sansa ''What's so important in King's Landing for you? You were a Kingsguard,you can't expect to go back and pretend you will be again.'' ''I will manage,don't worry. Now,i want to know when will the next ship sail.'' Sansa looked at him,and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something,but stopped ''Probably when sun sets.'' She looks down to the ground,and Kieron caresses her cheek ''Thank you.'' He says,then starts to walk towards the Eyrie's pier.
Jarger's POV
(Again,feel obliged to read last part if you don't remember what happened. You chose to make Jarger tell Saya his story.)
''You want to hear about me?'' Jarger asked,Saya just shook her head. Jarger took a deep breath ''I am a bastard. I never got to know my mother,and my father barely noticed me. For all i know,he could've drown my mother in King's Landing's waters after my birth...'' He stopped and took a sip of his ale,Saya pitifully looking at him ''The only thing i wanted to prove when i was growing up was to be a honorable bastard,to prove everyone wrong about me. I was a Kingsguard in King's Landing,given my ability with the sword,and eventually,i started to see that King's Landing was just the rotten core of the evil in all of the seven kingdoms,i'd prefer going to the Wall,and to this day,i am still tempted. I could meet Jon Snow there,to keep me some company...'' He trailed off ''You could come with me,how does that sound?'' Saya asked him ''With you? What are we going to do? The dwarf and the giant?'' He laughed,stating the clear difference of height between him and her ''Don't even try me,it can be dangerous.'' Saya said,sitting up and smashing her hands on the table ''Oh yes? What are you going to do to me?'' Jarger answered,sitting up,towering over Saya,who turned around,grabbed a drunkard who was drinking ale from a horn behind her,and smashed his face on the table ''This.'' She said as a drop of blood began to trickle it's way down the man's forehead ''You busted me open,you whore! Now you're-'' The man was interrupted by a swift punch delivered by Jarger,who sent the man flying a couple of meters away,knocking him out. Jarger then turned to Saya ''Don't try me,little girl'' ''If i win,you get to come with me.'' Saya says ''If i win,you get to buy me some pork.'' Jarger said,his long dirty blonde hair flowing in the air. He then swung his arm towards her,trying to punch her,but she dodged the shot,and grabbed a horn of ale,smashing it on his head. ''What was that?'' He says mockingly,and grabs Saya by her throat,lifting her up in the air. ''Give up,now i got you.'' He continued in a fake annoyed tone,she gasped for air but she then unsheathed her double sided daggers and hurt his hand. He let go of her ''That is against the rules.'' He said,and Saya laughed ''You think i care? Nothing is unfair in a battle.'' Jarger then shrugged and unsheathed his longsword. Saya made her daggers dance in her hands,confusing Jarger,who lightly thrusted his sword towards Saya's daggers,but she clasped together her daggers,which blocked the sword and then she made them flip,causing Jarger's sword to fall on the ground. ''STOP RIGHT THERE!'' The bartender said running towards the two of them,Jarger hit him in the gut,making him gasp for breath,then Saya ran up to Jarger and held the daggers to his throat ''I win.'' She says and smiles,Jarger then holds up his hands in defeat ''You win.'' He says,then he swiftly yanks both of her daggers away from her hands,now holding them up to her throat ''Maybe not.'' He says and smiles,giving her the daggers. The two then turn around to see three House Arryn's guards ''It's time to get out of here.'' Saya says to Jarger,and the two run out of the pub,steal a nearby horse from the stables,and gallop out of the Eyrie through the Bloody Gate.
Philip's POV
''I hope i have done well,letting Sansa see that unlucky man,Kieron...'' He wonders to himself,looking out of the window to the beautiful Eyrie,when he hears a door opening from behind him ''Phiiiliiip.'' Philip hears a familiar voice dragging his name out ''I thought you were better than that,just when i thought i finally liked you,and that our business could be a fruitful one...'' ''Littlefinger.'' Philip says shortly,grasping the dagger he had hidden in his surcoat's pocket ''I am afraid that letting Sansa around that weasel of a man will be your last mistake.'' Philip turned around to see Littlefinger,and his smug smile,along with two guards. Philip took the dagger out of his pocket stabbing one guard to death,but the dagger was quickly snatched by his hands by the other guard. The guard gave Littlefinger the dagger,and he got closer to Philip,sticking the dagger under the socket of his left eye,gouging it out. Philip screamed in excruciating pain,and he was then hit in the head by the guard with an heavy book.
Kieron's POV
As the ship stopped to the pier,Kieron saw Sansa approaching him,he walked towards her and warmly smiled at her ''Lady Sansa,i was just about to go,i wanted to tell you farewell.'' He said to her,her expression didn't change ''The ship's now here,get on it and go on with your business.'' She coldly said,and Kieron rolled his eyes ''I'm sure you understand,or will. You Starks always are family oriented people,i am doing this for my family.'' Sansa briefly smiled ''Stay safe in King's Landing.'' ''YOU stay safe,be careful of Petyr,or whatever his name is.'' Kieron says,and turns away,but he feels Sansa pulling him back. He turns to Sansa and sees she is getting closer to his face,slowly closing her eyes. He quickly buries his head on her shoulder ''NO! IT'S JUST WRONG; I don't like her!'' Kieron thought,and pulled away from the hug. He got on the ship and shot one last look at Sansa,before the ship sailed.
Jarger's POV
As Jarger galloped away from the Eyrie with Saya,she hugged him tightly ''Hey,since you won,i should be paying for some of your pork.'' ''Oh you surely will,but where did you want to go?'' ''To the twins.'' Jarger then stopped the horse ''What do you mean?'' ''If we ask Walder about my friend,he could tell us where my friend is.'' ''Is there any other option?'' ''We go to Ironrath,the place my friend wanted to go,he even wrote a letter to it's lord.'' Jarger then spoke up.
[''Going to the Twins is a good idea''] [''I don't like thinking about that traitor pig. Let's go to Ironrath.'']
So guys! Chapter is over! Did you like it? Philip surely didn't...@FlareBattle i really liked him as a character,please do another one,we all love your characters!
Next Part will be about Ironrath in general,it will be in particular about Mark and Talia and...
Who do you prefer between these two to be more fleshed out in the next part??
[Damon] (I will talk more about his holdings)] or [Talon] (A big secret will be revealed...?)
[''Going to the Twins is a good idea''] How 'bout it?
Great part!
[Talon] Sounds good.
[''I don't like thinking about that traitor pig. Let's go to Ironrath.''] and [Talon]
Oh snap, did Philip just die?! Or did he just lose an eye? Which eye was stabbed? Great chapter nevertheless, I feel like Kieron and Jarger's stories are expanding, and they're rolling into another season of their lives. As for Philip.... time will tell.
And thanks, I got another character or two in mind that I wanna try out.....One in particular inspired by this chapter.
[''I don't like thinking about that traitor pig. Let's go to Ironrath.'']
Just submitted a new character, hope you enjoy, and feel free to change stuff if you need to.
I hope you didn't get offended by your character's (death?) And...the left eye was stabbed. Yeah i know i am really cruel,the normal eye.
[''Going to the Twins is a good idea'']
Noooo, Philip!
:: This is just cruel. ;_; Very good chapter though. 
Nooooo, poor Kevin! ;-; He was a brave man... Sigh.
I'm glad you're finally back! I missed your stuff, man.
My Halloween was alright! Didn't dress up though, since it's not as big of a celebration in my country as it is in many others.
I think they'll stand against Stannis, maybe... I don't really know.
I like both! Maybe pork better though, but depends.
[''I don't like thinking about that traitor pig. Let's go to Ironrath.''] and [Damon]
I just read your new character's backstory...man.
Yeah I had a lot of fun making that, especially his "intro sequence"!
Nah man, it makes sense as well. And if he lives, at least he would still have his cool looking red eye.
Hey guys,what's up? TIme for a new,fat,long chapter! Enjoy it!
Mark Logan's POV
(Talia x Mark happened,the wedding and then Mark saw that Mira was sad,she said about what happened with Damien in episode 2 and then Damon came to Mark asking for help. And between helping him or Mira you chose to help her. I promised that there would be a new POV for both choices. Who will he be?)
''I am sorry Damon,i can't help you personally on the matter,but Ser Duncan and his men will take this matter in their own hands.'' Damon shrugged ''Okay,thank you,i guess. How much time will it take?'' ''A week at most.'' Damon smiled and bowed ''Thank you my lord.'' He then goes to the people cleaning all the grove from the feast given in honor of Talia Forrester's betrothal to Mark Logan. Mark sees Talia slowly stumbling towards him,and takes her in his arms ''All the commotion has made me a little fuzzy...'' Talia muttered out ''Maybe some ale too!'' Mark says,and slowly makes her lean on him ''Let's get you to the chambers.'' Mark says as he starts to go to the second floor of Ironrath,where the chambers were ''You know,Ironrath is beautiful.'' ''Thank you,i never really saw anything special in it.'' Talia says,looking at him ''No,i'd prefer staying here rather than Smithon,this place is better,maybe it's just the memories i have.'' He says shuddering,remembering Yara's death and almost his. ''You know,you remind me a lot of Eddard Stark,in his youngest days.'' ''Why is that?'' Mark says a little surprised ''You are honorable,love your family,and everybody loves you. You even refused the bedding ceremony,like he did.'' Talia smiles,and Mark opens the door to her chambers. She kisses him on the tip of his nose ''Would you bring me your minstrel please? I need some relaxing.'' Mark nods and leaves Talia on her chair as he exits her room.
Talon Redwynd's POV
''TALON'' Talon hears his name being called,he was chatting with Rheagar,York and Yark. He saw Mark approaching him ''Mark! Did you have fun?'' He asked ''Yes i had! Talia asked for you,maybe sing something nice.'' ''I will. Take them to their chambers,let them rest'' Talon said to Mark,referring to York,Yark and Rheagar. ''I will.'' Mark takes the minstrels away and Talon hurries towards Talia's rooms. When he enters her room,she sees her sobbing in front of a letter. ''My lady...?'' Talon slowly walks towards her. Talia buries her face in her hands and gives the letter to Talon. ''I have some difficulties with reading,but i'll do my best.''
Lord Rodrik Forrester,
We are both sad and happy to announce that the funeral of Lord Ethan Forrester and his father,Gregor the Good will be celebrated tomorrow night.
Willy,the man with the body cart.
''Oh...'' ''I'm at least happy that it will finally be over'' ''He will find his peace in the Godswood.'' Talon said ''My Lady,what may i do to entertain you?'' Talia rubbed her eyes ''I have written a song for Ethan,would you like to hear it?'' ''That would be a pleasure,my lady.'' Talon said,a warm smile on his face. Talia sat up and cleared her throat
''From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
To ice we all return.
Father, brother I've sworn, I've sworn,
To guard this rest you've earned.
I'd bare my neck to Ilyn Payne,
And swim the Shivering Sea.
Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
To bring Ethan back to me.
Snow grabbed me from my mother's grasp,
To claim me as his prize.
Ethan freed me from Ramsay's clasp,
The rival lords locked eyes, the rival lords locked eyes.
Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
Old Gods bare steel with you.
Our lord, my twin, a hero's grave.
So iron grows anew,
Still iron grows anew ''
Talon clapped at the end of the ballad ''My lady you sing amazingly!'' He says in delight. ''How should i name the song?'' Talia asks Talon ''I'd call it the Ballad of the Forresters.'' ''I like the name,i will use it. Thanks minstrel.'' ''Of course.'' ''Now sing something to me!'' Talia says
''The trout, the trout, the trout in the towers,
The wolves dropped the fish ‘n’ they all ran away.
The trout, he flopped on for hours and hours,
And spawned a Walder Frey!
Another Walder Frey!
Two weddings, two beddings,
Brought on by beheadings,
A night in me cups for me!
Two weddings, two beddings,
Brought on by beheadings,
Yet all ends happily!
All ends happily!
The stag, the stag, the stag in the garden,
His crown is a gift from the wildest boar.
When roses are bloomin' and antlers are hardened
The stag growls “hear me roar!”
A lion’s fearsome roar!
Two weddings, two beddings,
Brought on by beheadings,
A night in me cups for me!
Two weddings, two beddings,
Brought on by beheadings,
Yet all ends happily!
All ends happily! ''
''What is the song about?'' Talia asks ''The marriage of Lord Edmure! Which...unfortunately didn't end so happily.'' ''The Lannisters will pay.'' Talia says ''They...will!'' Talon says,almost as if he was unsure to say it ''What was that minstrel?'' Talia asks,noticing Talon's tone ''N-nothing.'' Talia slowly gets up ''What's your...name,minstrel?'' ''Talon...Redwynd.'' ''Is that house new?'' ''My house's liege house is House Baratheon,i worked for them until i met your husband,and i stopped working for them.'' Talia's face turns red ''You actually worked for King Joffrey!?'' She shouts at Talon ''I did,me and my brother...we did things we aren't proud of. Killed children,thought to be bastards of King Robert. I just watched as the Kingsguard slit their little throats,i actually didn't kill them,but their blood is on my hands too.'' Talia looks at him,her expression now pained ''Big part of my family,that is my brother and my father,Lord Reginald Redwynd,died in the battle of Blackwater. My father decided to side with Stannis in the battle. He and my brother happened to be on the same ship that had the stock of wildfire that eventually would've destroyed Stannis' entire fleet. I always like to think that they looked at each other and exchanged smiles before dying,but i doubt that happened.'' He stopped for a moment,not a flit of sadness in his voice,just normality. ''Then,i inherited my father's holdings: A castle in the wolfswood and some lands in the North. I eventually gave them to my mother and sister,the seven know what are they doing now,and i tried to give all of my loyalty to the Imp,Tyrion Lannister. After almost being horribly killed by the Kingsguard because i was being mistaken for someone who threw dung at the Queen,i eventually found your husband almost getting beat to death in a pub of the North. I decided that my poor lute was the best weapon i have ever head and bludgeoned to almost death the drunkard who was beating him. And after a few years i am here.'' By the time Talon finished his story Talia was silent. She then spoke up. ''You seem to hate your family. Why?'' ''I don't. I just was the black sheep in all of my family,eventually,i was the only heir standing when it came to my father's death.'' Talon heard Mark outside the door,talking to someone ''Well,my lady,i think it's time for me to go to my own chambers and get some sleep for tomorrow.'' Talon quickly hurried outside Talia's chambers and found Mark outside his door. ''I think i am now going to sleep. Have a good night.'' Mark said to Talon ''Thanks,you two too.'' ''Did she tell you about the funeral?'' Mark asked ''Yes,she did.'' Mark nodded and the two went to their own chambers
?'s POV
A man with long brown hair stepped in the grove,and among the crowd of people cleaning the tables,he found Mira Forrester. ''Lady Mira.'' He said sternly,he walked towards her and bowed to her. ''Hello.'' Mira warmly said ''I am your new,personal guard?'' He smiled curtly ''I am Fendor Umber,cousin of Greatjon Umber,who thought he was too special to give me any heritage,so i went my own way. I am never acknowledged in history or books of House Umber,all thanks to the fucker.'' He smiles and Mira laughs ''Who sent you to me?'' ''Ooh,i believe King's Landing is having an effect on you. Mark Logan sent me.'' ''Oh my god,thank you Mark.'' She thought,and warmly smiled at Fendor ''Thank you.'' ''I should say that i am really better with words than swords.'' ''I just need you to protect me,do you think you're up for the task?'' Mira asks
[''I'll do my best''] [Bow to her] [''I can't promise anything.]
Mark's POV
The morning after,when the funeral is starting,Royland gestures to Mark ''Is that Gwyn Whitehill?'' Mark's eyes widen in fury ''Yes she is.'' Mark starts to walk menacingly towards her,who notices him,and he shoots a glare to her,but is stopped by Rodrik's hand,pushed against his chest ''I'll talk to her.'' He says and nods to Mark.
When the funeral starts,Lord Rodrik walks slowly to his father's side ''My father...he was everything...everything i wanted to be. He showed me what it is to be a lord. He was so brave,i never knew a better man...and i'm...sorry,i love you father.'' He then turns to Ethan ''Ethan...my little brother. He stood up to Ramsay Snow. He saved our sister's life,and paid with his own.'' Mark saw Talia hugging his mother tighter. Elissa then walked up to the two bodies ''We honor Lord Gregor Forrester,my husband...my love. And our lord Ethan...my sweet little boy...'' She says as she whimpers and sobs ''But now it's time to say goodbye. Father and Son are returned to the earth,to the ice. And from their sacrifice,new life begins. ''Iron From Ice!'' Rodrik says ''Iron From Ice.'' Everybody says,Rodrik then gets closer to the bodies again,Ser Duncan gives him a burning Ironwood torch. He lights up Ethan's body,then Gregor's. Everybody stays silent,and then Talia walks up to the two bodies and turns to face everybody.
''From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
To ice we all return.
Father, brother I've sworn, I've sworn,
To guard this rest you've earned.
I'd bare my neck to Ilyn Payne,
And swim the Shivering Sea.
Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
To bring Ethan back to me.
Snow grabbed me from my mother's grasp,
To claim me as his prize.
Ethan freed me from Ramsay's clasp,
The rival lords locked eyes, the rival lords locked eyes.
Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
Old Gods bare steel with you.
Our lord, my twin, a hero's grave.
So iron grows anew,
Still iron grows anew ''
As she sings,Elissa breaks down crying,Talia slowly whimpers and Mark notices Gwyn looking at him.
[Go hug Talia] [Glare to Gwyn] [Go keep company to Talon,who is mourning silently.]
So guys! Part is over! did you like it? I hope you did!
Question time:
What do you think will happen between Mark and Talon when the former finds out the latter's secrets?
You are to be executed for a crime you didn't commit. You demand a trial by combat. Who do you pick as your champion?
Whose part do you want next?
[Hunter's] [Merrik's] [Mark's] [Jarger's and Saya's.] [Thomas and Brandon's] [Korric's] [Megan's] [Damon's] [Talon chapter] [Largonis] [Maryette] [Jiao Ho's] or...[New Character?] [Kieron] [Fendor]
[''I'll do my best'']
[Go keep company to Talon, who is mourning silently.]
[Bow to her] [Go hug Talia] and [Maryette] Wow good chapter!Also that mystery character is really interesting, wonder if Fendor is his actual name! I feel like Mark would try to convince Talon to go back to his holdings, and become the Redwynd Lord. We all know that he is in need of as many allies as he can get. If I was to be executed... Well if it implies to different universes, go read Fables and I'll choose Prince Charming as my champion. If limited to Game of Thrones characters I'd probably pick Asher because he survived the pit battle, which is a similar type of situation.
Well,Mark knows Fendor since before talking to Mira,which is why he trusts him to protect her,so yeah,Fendor is confirmed. Mark could try to convince Talon,but it might have a reverse effect and point blank behead him instead. And for the trial,i would choose Arthur Dayne or Gregor Clegane
[Bow to her] [Go hug Talia] [New Character] Hmm trial by combat... bring Drogo back from the dead or.. bring Daario over. Feeling some non-Westerosi will work out maybe sorta not.
[Bow to her] Yay, Mira chapters!
[Go keep company to Talon,who is mourning silently.]
These chapters just get better and better. It's great to see the improvement from the first ones! I hope Mark understands Talon... Poor guy.
The champion, hmm... Depends on who's against them. Some of my choices would be Oberyn (unless he went against the Mountain, which didn't end well...), Jaime, Bronn and Brienne. Maybe even Ser Loras. From the game, definitely Asher or Beskha.
Well, we haven't seen [Maryette] in a while.
[Bow to her] [Go hug Talia] [Maryette]
[Bow to her] [Go hug Talia] [New Character]
[Bow to her] [Go hug Talia]
Whoa. I don't know what character to choose. Let the others decide...
[Bow to her] [Go hug Talia]
Umm, [New Character?]
Great part!
Hey guys!! I missed writing so much! Let's dive right into our new chapter!
Maryette Nysandel
(i suggest you read her previous chapter if you don't remember some things.)
(She was attacked by whitehill soldiers and she had to decide to subdue,kill or let go one of them,you chose to subdue him.)
Maryette's fist balled up and smashed into the man's nose,knocking him out cold ''I'll bring him to Rodrik.'' Maryette said,and started to drag the man by his arm with him.
''It's Lady Nysandel! Raise the gates!'' Rodrik Forrester gestures to his men,who raise the gate for Maryette. She looks down at the man and notices he has a gash on the side of his head,he probably hit a rock while she was dragging him,the poor man. ''Who's this piece of scum?'' Rodrik scowls as he notices the Whitehill symbol on his leather armor ''He,alongside some other men attacked me,i brought him to you.'' ''You let the others run away?'' ''I killed them.'' Rodrik nods,and grabs the man by his neck. He brings him in front of the great hall's two big doors and he yells at the smallfolk ''MEN AND WOMEN,WE HAVE A WHITEHILL SOLDIER HERE AMONG US; LET'S GIVE HIM A FAIR WELCOME!'' The man now woke up and started screaming in fear ''NO PLEASE,DON'T DO THIS;I'LL- NO!'' He screams as the smallfolk starts to get closer to him,some kicking him,some punching his gut. Maryette gets closer to the crowd and steps inbetween them and the man. ''What are you doing?'' Maryette asked Rodrik,disgust forming in her eyes ''WE ARE GIVING HIM THE JUSTICE HE DESERVES!'' Rodrik screams in her face ''Rodrik,this is not the way to fight this war. I brought him here because i thought you could get some information out of him,not for you to just humiliate him.'' Rodrik opens his mouth to speak but Maryette cuts him off ''I understand you want revenge,but this man isn't Ludd Whitehill,let alone his son,Gryff.'' Rodrik then sighs,and gestures to Royland,who was by his side,to bring the man to the cellars. The smallfolk looks surprised,and Rodrik walks away. ''Hey Rodrik,i'll come with you.'' Rodrik looks at her ''There's lord Gregor and Ethan's funeral down there,are you sure you want to see it?'' Maryette nods and she follows him to the grove.
(Consequences from Mark Logan's last chapter,if you don't remember go check it out.)
''Still iron grows anew...'' Talia's voice starts to crack and her eyes turn red. Mark Logan then runs towards her and embraces her in a warm hug. Talia wraps her arms around him,crying furiously in his shoulder. ''Hers is a cry of pain,and of anger.'' Rodrik watches sadly as her sister slowly falls apart in Mark's muscular frame,with his father's and twin's grave at her sides. ''She doesn't deserve to live what she's going through.'' Maryette looks at Talia with sadness.'' ''Unfortunately,nor the Whitehills,nor that bastard Ramsay Snow cares.'' Rodrik sighs,and sits down on the ground. Maryette then walks towards Talia,she notices her and pulls away from Mark ''Maryet-'' She gets interrupted by Maryette who kisses her on the forehead and hugs her. ''Don't worry,my sweet girl,Ludd will pay for this,i'll make him pay,even if it costs my life.'' She became commited to House Forrester a long time ago,she meant what she said. ''No,Maryette,you're too important for our House.'' Talia says as Maryette caresses her hair and Mark slowly puts his hand on her back. ''I promise i will do anything in my power to protect Our House.'' Mark said,and Maryette looked at him confused ''Your house?'' She then looked back at Talia ''We are betrothed.'' Talia says as she wipes her tears away and kisses Mark on his lips. ''I didn't know. My congratulations!'' Maryette smiled warmly as the two did the same. ''We want to go in our chamber,maybe Talon will come with us too'' Mark says and looks at Talon,who seems sad. ''And i guess you will...'' ''I'll go talk with Rodrik,he'll find a task for me.'' ''Thanks,Maryette. I know you're a loyal ally of this house,so you're my ally as well.'' Mark smiles at her and kisses her hand. Maryette bows and the two depart. Maryette then turns to where Rodrik was sitting to find out that he wasn't there anymore. She then decided to go inside the Great Hall.
''Who could it be?'' ''MAYBE DUNCAN; FOR ALL YOU-'' ''You're blaming me now? Look at you Royland,there's no lesser man than you.'' Maryette walked into the Great Hall to see Elissa sitting at the table,and Royland and Duncan yelling at each other. Elissa then walks towards Maryette ''Thank the gods you're here,try to make those two stop.'' She says with pleading eyes. Maryette then walks to the table and slams her fist down on it ''What's the problem!?'' She shouts,and the two look at her. ''Lady Maryette! This...traitor,wants House Forrester to think the Whitehills won't attack us!'' Royland says to him ''You have passion,Royland,but we need to be cunning in this war,that's why Ethan chose me as his sentinel.'' ''Ethan chose you as his sentinel because you have your way with words! In truth,you're just an old,delusional man.'' ''ENOUGH!'' Maryette shouts once again ''I wanted to ask you,if you've seen Rodrik.'' ''He locked himself in his rooms after Ludd came here to visit a few hours ago. He wanted Rodrik to bow and kiss his ring,but he didn't.'' Elissa said ''He was with Elaena Glenmore,they are to be betrothed,luckily he convinced her.'' Maryette nodded again,this was getting more confusing by the minute. She rushed up the stairs of Ironrath to Rodrik's room,and banged on his door. He opened the door for her twenty seconds later. She entered the room and closed the door behind her ''Rodrik,i don't know how you survived there,at the Twins...'' She said,looking at his gash on the right half of his face and his broken arm. ''...but i am glad you're still alive. Now,you've read that raven i sent you and the news spread like wildfire. Your master at arms and your sentinel are fighting over it. I now need you to give me another task.'' ''If you're up to it...'' ''I'm always up to it.'' Rodrik smiled at her ''You can decide between three things: You can either go to Highpoint,and act as a Whitehill cupbearer,and find out information about their plans,you can stay here and protect Mark and Talia,so become their guard,or you can try to go back to Minella,your sister,the head of House Nysandel and ask for her full support.'' ''I could go back to her,but i doubt she'll have that many soldiers...'' She thought ''Why are you asking me to become Talia and Mark's guard?'' She asks to Rodrik,and his expression turns from calm to worried ''I want them to be safe. They would be the first target the Whitehills would strike,the lord of House Logan,the house with the most men loyal to us,and the sister of Lord Forrester,the Whitehills could capture them and keep them hostages until we'll agree to their terms,which are to surrender to them,or worse,they could kill them.''
[Agree to spy on the Whitehills] [Agree to become Talia and Mark's guard] [Agree to ask Minella House Nysandel's support.]
So guys! I am back! Did you miss me? I hope you did,cause now i am back! How are things for you? How was thanksgiving apart from stuffing yourself with turkey? Hahhahah,anyways,this will be the last chapter of book 1: ''The Starks are Dead.'' And now,as i promised,i am going to be starting book 2 with the next chapter! Does anybody of you know how to upload images on a comment? I'd be glad to know. God i'm so happy to be back!
Next part is going to be about Sylvi and Merrik.
Question time!
[Will Maryette...i don't know,maybe die in the battle of Ironrath? Let me know!]
What's your favourite type of music?
[Agree to ask Minella House Nysandel's support.]
I think she will die in the battle considering outcome of that battle. I don't got a favorite type of music believe it or not but if I had to say one of my favorite songs, well I would have to say is....
enter link description here
[Agree to become Talia and Mark's guard] That is a pretty bloody battle, so it's possible. Also I know it's a stretch, and probably out of character and continuity, but what if instead of Royland or Duncan as the traitor, it would be Maryette? That would be insanely crazy. Heck what if Mark was the traitor? With so many new characters anyone could be one!