Theoretical Fight Fantasies--who wins?

IceFromIronIceFromIron Banned
edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I know the logic behind many people's answers will be (well I like X better than Y, therefore X would win in a fight) but I'll ask anyway. Who do you think would win in these fights? Assuming of course, all contestants are at their physical best at the time.

  • Asher Vs Rodrik (So, Rodrik became feared by the Lannisters during the War of Five Kings, and is toted as being House Forrester's best warrior in Episode 1. Asher is regarded as the best fighter the Second Sons have ever seen, and defeats Bloodsong in Episode 5... Please come up with rational reasons for who would win... not just well I saved Rodrik / Asher therefore he would win)
  • Gared Vs Jon Snow (One condition: Jon can only use a standard sword, not Longclaw)
  • Rodrik Vs Harys
  • Asher Vs Ramsay


    • If the Codex entries are to be fully believed, as are the words from the Maester and Gared in Episode 1, then Rodrik would defeat Asher. After all, it is outright stated he was always better. Plus, they kill the same amount of Whitehill soldiers during Episode 5--but Rodrik is far less physically fit than Asher is at that time, so the feat is more impressive for him. Of course, this is all just theory, but I still think the facts give Rodrik the best odds. (Again, assuming the fight takes place at both characters physical peaks)
    • Jon Snow would defeat Gared. As obvious as it is, that Gared is an incredibly skilled swordsman, I still think Jon's training, experience and feats throughout the entire GoT story make his odds of winning the highest. By a good margin. Not that Gared would go down easily, however...
    • Rodrik would defeat Harys. This one is the most difficult to call as we have no real information about Harys, and of course there is the fact, if Rodrik stays behind, it is Harys that kills him. Not that it matters, since he does so by stabbing him in the back first, then striking him while he's been shot and restrained second. However, since Harys strikes me as the typical brute figure--strong, but slow, and not all that sharp, I'm sure in a real one-on-one, Rodrik (just like Asher would) just exploit that, and wait until a gap emerges, to deliver a swift killing blow. So yeah, easy victory for Rodders there I feel (same goes for Gared or Asher, really. I feel they'd all take Harys one-on-one).
    • Ramsay. I mean, sure, Asher is the better fighter--but there's no getting through that plot armour ;)
    • Asher VS Rodrik- Although it's stated that Rodrik is House Forresters best Asher isn't actually considered as a member of the House at that time. I think Asher would win, he was trained by Ser Royland and he's got a lot of experience from travelling Essos, experience that Rodrik lacks, although he has experience from war that Asher lacks but ultimately I think Asher would win.
    • Gared Vs Jon Snow- Jon Snow had noble training, Gared's training is limited to that of a squire and his short time at Castle Black, not easily but I think Jon would win.
    • Rodrik Vs Harys- This is a tough one, Harys is huge and we've never actually seen him fight (aside from fucking up the Beast with a spear and stabbing Rodrik/Asher in the back) so he's an unknown, I'm gonna say Rodrik would win based on his experience in the war.
    • Asher Vs Ramsay- This is a good one! I actually think these two would be fairly evenly matched and the fight'd be pretty close. I think the deciding factor would be Ramsay's mind games, Asher has a temper and that would be his undoing as Ramsay would trick him into making a mistake.
  • edited November 2015
    • Asher VS Rodrik- Rodrik. We are told Rodrik was always better at fighting, and Asher is more reckless, which is his only real strength.

    • Gared VS Jon Snow- Gared. Now you may find that weird, but this is removing plot armor, and Gared is more resourceful in his fighting. Jon is a better swordsman, but in a fight Gared uses all kinds of weapons as seen with a hatchet, pitchfork, and spear throughout the game. We haven't seen Jon use any other weapons except swords.

    • Rodrik VS Harys- Rodrik. Harys has size and strength on his side, but Rodrik is again a fierce combatant. Harys isn't the Moutain though, so it's difficult to really judge the two.

    • Asher VS Ramsay- Asher. Plot armor removed, Ramsay would not live that long against Asher.

  • Asher VS Ramsay- sans plot armor, Asher would kill Ramsay easily, since Ramsay is not a good fighter, in cannon. He's too slow, and also prefers to use a shorter, thicker sword which does not have as long of a reach, plus Ramsay never actually fights on his own, so Asher would have every advantage.

  • Ramsay would probably lose to fat drunken Robert if it wasn't for his plot armor. Its to the point where I can't take his character seriously anymore, He's trotted out solely to manipulate emotions and it doesn't work when it gets too obvious.

  • edited November 2015

    Asher vs Rodrik- I think Asher would win. He has a lot of experience from living as a sellsword in Essos, and he is very resourceful.

    Gared vs Jon Snow- Gared is very good, but Jon had better training and has more experience. It would be a pretty close fight

    Rodrik vs Harys- I think Rodrik would win, he has experience from the war. The only time we have seen Harys fight is stabbing Asher/Rodrik in the back like a coward and throwing a spear at the beast

    Asher vs Ramsay- Asher would win easily. Without his plot armor, Ramsay would get torn in half

  • Asher: He's proven more capable and has survived Essos which I doubt any other member of House Forrester could do

    Jon: Rather easily too. Gared despite coming out on top and being one of the only survivors of The Red Wedding he's still just a squire. Jon has had proper training and is far more experienced.

    Rodrik: We really don't know what Harys could do other than just being a big ol' thug.

    Ramsay: Despite the plot armor arguments I don't think Ramsay gets enough credit. He kills Ironborn shirtless, Takes out an army of thousands of sellswords with "20 good men". I'd even say book Ramsay is about as strong as Asher just minus experience. Though, Asher would win if he was equipped with a Dothraki cleaver

  • What's the meaning of your profile picture. It just seems like four random characters.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Asher: He's proven more capable and has survived Essos which I doubt any other member of House Forrester could do Jon: Rather easily too.

  • It's complicated. They're all point of view characters for the fan fiction I'm writing.

    What's the meaning of your profile picture. It just seems like four random characters.

  • You're crossing over Brannigan?

    Clemenem posted: »

    It's complicated. They're all point of view characters for the fan fiction I'm writing.

  • Just her unused character model for another character

    You're crossing over Brannigan?

  • Oh I see. I'm guessing it's about the rise of Carver's?

    Clemenem posted: »

    Just her unused character model for another character

  • edited November 2015

    But he does have a decent chest so lol

    vhiran posted: »

    Ramsay would probably lose to fat drunken Robert if it wasn't for his plot armor. Its to the point where I can't take his character seriously anymore, He's trotted out solely to manipulate emotions and it doesn't work when it gets too obvious.

  • Wow I haven't heard that name in a long time

    You're crossing over Brannigan?

    • Rodrik: Being at their best and to the codex, Asher and Rodrik are a close match. But Asher has an easily broken temper and with them being brothers, Rodrik would know how to break it and make Asher have a mistake.
    • Jon: It comes down to a sudden death really. Like you said no longclaw for Jon otherwise he would win easily. Minus the fact that Jon... Well TV fans know. It would come down to like 5 slashes till the other dies. It would be a good fight.
    • Rodrik: The Lannisters fear him. IF it was just them two alone and Rodrik had the Forrester sword he could do it. The armor though would just be a pain.
    • Ramsay: Sadly that Asher grin would be his downfall or just cause the two to be boyfriends, take you pick. Even without plot armor and Ramsay Shirtless Asher would fall.
  • Also Rodrik alive goin to Ep 6 Rodrik vs Harys has a high chance to not be fantasy.

    Valebread posted: »

    * Rodrik: Being at their best and to the codex, Asher and Rodrik are a close match. But Asher has an easily broken temper and with them bein

  • Would about other fights

    • Asher VS. Harys
    • Rodrick VS. Ramsey
    • Jon VS. Finn
    • Gared VS. Harys
  • edited November 2015

    Rodrik Vs Asher = Please, Rodrik at his physical best got hit by a simple frey soldier, you could argue that it was Gared's fault for distracting him, but my point is that he lost his focus, and that was the first time we watched him fighting, so that doesn't leave a good impression. Here is how i imagine it happening:
    Asher charges
    Rodrik dodges
    Asher throws his axe before Rodrik could counter
    Rodrik raises his shield and blocks the axe
    When Rodrik lowers his shield to see what is happening
    Asher is standing in front of him grinning
    Asher says "Touché"

    You can't take it seriously when people say Rodrik is the best, they are only bootlicking their lord

    Jon Snow VS Gared = Jon Snow would easily defeat Gared, but i can't imagine Jon killing Gared without hesitating. So Gared would have to choose between: killing Snow, giving up or diyng. but idk, Jon Snow has changed a lot since the beginning, it could go both ways, even tho Jon is surely the best swordsman.

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