Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • I really enjoy this fic, all I can say is take your time, and good luck.

    P.S. (Watch out for the uluminrteaz)

    Tales From The Borderlands: A Telltale Forum Story announcement. Let me be blunt with you guys. Straight to the point. Armis will no

  • I will. DEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! <.< >.> -_-

    Tony_Marker posted: »

    I really enjoy this fic, all I can say is take your time, and good luck. P.S. (Watch out for the uluminrteaz)

  • edited November 2015

    Hey, random Rhyionian here, there's something I've been curious about because it's obviously really important. ;)

    What do you guys think about Sasha's new haircut?

  • I might be over-analyzing here, but I love it because in a way I see it being symbolic of her character development.

    Like, first, she had wild, frazzled hair (it was a fun hair do that I also liked) for this wild, frazzled girl. She was brave, a gun-nut, and most certainly didn't like Rhys simply because he was Hyperion.

    Now, her hairdo is a bit more controlled, like her personality. She's still that fiery pandoran from Zer0 Sum, but definitely matured and calmed her wildfire stigma a bit.

    So yeah, I love it because Sasha's hair in general speaks volumes about her character, and this new change coincides with her character development spectacularly.




    ...also I like how she has it tucked back behind her head with the red hairband, it looks cool.

    Hey, random Rhyionian here, there's something I've been curious about because it's obviously really important. What do you guys think about Sasha's new haircut?

  • So... my best mate in the whole wide world's gone missin', and I could really use some help finding him... I think it was a him... unless it was a her...

    No no, it was definitely a him. Can't remember her name though.

    Athena & Janey get this as a gift for Rhys & Sasha. A cute lil Kraggon! from Elpis (we can't promise it won't kill you)

  • A jumbuck! They do exist! I think it think's I'm his mum!

    Ha! It's an idiot! I look nothing like it!

    So... my best mate in the whole wide world's gone missin', and I could really use some help finding him... I think it was a him... unless it was a her... No no, it was definitely a him. Can't remember her name though.

  • Same.

    Pipas posted: »

    Well, as I said earlier, it's this for me.

  • I like her new haircut over her old one. Don't get me wrong, her old haircut was hella dope, but the new one is even better.

    Hey, random Rhyionian here, there's something I've been curious about because it's obviously really important. What do you guys think about Sasha's new haircut?

  • Seems like we lose more people every day..

    Tales From The Borderlands: A Telltale Forum Story announcement. Let me be blunt with you guys. Straight to the point. Armis will no

  • Yeah, that's a cool way to look at it. Fiona's hair never really changes so, got me there. :P

    I might be over-analyzing here, but I love it because in a way I see it being symbolic of her character development. Like, first, she had

  • Yeah, I still don't know how I feel about. Like sometimes I think I like it, but other times I don't. I guess I have a hate-love relationship with Sasha's hair. ;)

    Tony_Marker posted: »

    I like her new haircut over her old one. Don't get me wrong, her old haircut was hella dope, but the new one is even better.

  • enter image description here

    Hey, random Rhyionian here, there's something I've been curious about because it's obviously really important. What do you guys think about Sasha's new haircut?

  • edited November 2015

    I laughed and smiled through this entire thing... I love these 2... And Troy sounds just like Rhys... xD

    Nolan is a bae...


  • They are gifts, the amount of amazing voices, so many franchises, so many..

    I laughed and smiled through this entire thing... I love these 2... And Troy sounds just like Rhys... xD Nolan is a bae...

  • What the hell is happening? Why the people are leaving the ship?

    Tales From The Borderlands: A Telltale Forum Story announcement. Let me be blunt with you guys. Straight to the point. Armis will no

  • Omg i love these two so freaking much. They always make me smile ^w^

    I laughed and smiled through this entire thing... I love these 2... And Troy sounds just like Rhys... xD Nolan is a bae...

  • Okay guys as you can see i'm not really active anymore on this thread.

    So i'm thinking about the walls and the map, i need someone to continue my work.

    I need someone who is using photoshop and know how to use the basics at least.

  • Can't exactly blame you, post-season depression sets in and de-motivates people.

    I'm not exactly a pro at photoshop, sorry.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Okay guys as you can see i'm not really active anymore on this thread. So i'm thinking about the walls and the map, i need someone to continue my work. I need someone who is using photoshop and know how to use the basics at least.

  • It's Romantic scene for the effing win! I was like yes!!! Get awkward Rhys!! She loves it!!

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Ok guys so I decided to start this thing called Rhysha Polls where I ask you guys stuff about Rhysha. Today's will be... What was your fa

  • Depends what you mean by basics. :D

    Anyway, I never thought I'd say this, but I'll miss working with you.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Okay guys as you can see i'm not really active anymore on this thread. So i'm thinking about the walls and the map, i need someone to continue my work. I need someone who is using photoshop and know how to use the basics at least.

  • The series is over. Departure of some people is inevitable.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    What the hell is happening? Why the people are leaving the ship?

  • I have been sat staring at this, mentally going through all the moments trying to pick my favourite because I love them ALL.

    But if I have to pick, I'm going to say 'Other', because the moment I loved the most that nearly made my heart explode was their hug in episode 5. It was so perfect. Like everything I'd done had lead up to that. I was still expecting a kiss but I guess we have to wait until season 2 now. ;-)

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Ok guys so I decided to start this thing called Rhysha Polls where I ask you guys stuff about Rhysha. Today's will be... What was your fa

  • Tbh it got me a while to get used to it, but now I actually prefer her new look. :P

    Hey, random Rhyionian here, there's something I've been curious about because it's obviously really important. What do you guys think about Sasha's new haircut?

  • I guess you're right, I'll stick around till christmas if there are still people but after new year I guess I'll depart too ;(

    Pipas posted: »

    The series is over. Departure of some people is inevitable.

  • Well Grumpy it's been a pleasure. I hope we meet again in some other fandom.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Okay guys as you can see i'm not really active anymore on this thread. So i'm thinking about the walls and the map, i need someone to continue my work. I need someone who is using photoshop and know how to use the basics at least.

  • You should probably put the .PSD for download so someone who knows what they're doing can just use the assets with new avatars, update it and give it to Pipas so he can update the thread

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Okay guys as you can see i'm not really active anymore on this thread. So i'm thinking about the walls and the map, i need someone to continue my work. I need someone who is using photoshop and know how to use the basics at least.

  • Goodbye, my dear cat... I'll miss our squabbling...

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Okay guys as you can see i'm not really active anymore on this thread. So i'm thinking about the walls and the map, i need someone to continue my work. I need someone who is using photoshop and know how to use the basics at least.

  • Hello there, fellow Rhyshas.

    You know what day is it? You guessed it right! It’s the thread’s 7 month anniversary!

    Did you really think I’d forget about it and that you’d miss Leo gifs this month?

    enter image description here

    After writing the last speech I decided that I’ll make them a bit shorter since the series (sorry, season. #BelieveInSeason2) is already over and I knew I’d be busy in the upcoming months (which I kinda am). But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop coming to the thread or something. I wouldn’t survive without you guys, srsly. :D

    So yeah, 7 months. I know, right? Like, phew. Looking back, it has been some crazy months
    I’d like to thank to everyone who decided to stay till the end of the season. Just wanted to say that it’s been a wonderful ride with all of you and chatting with you were usually the highlights of my otherwise monotone day. I’ve seen some people leaving the thread lately. The departure of some members after the finale was sadly inevitable. To anyone who’s leaving, take care and hopefully I’ll see you around.

    enter image description here

    Now, let’s get to our favourite stats!

    • The thread has been opened over 364.000 times. (last month it was 270K)
    • The main post has been liked 165 times. (9 more than last month)
    • Right at this moment we have… way too many proud Rhyshans among our ranks. Yeah, that many that I’m lazy to count.
    • CHATZY is still alive! If you still for some reason don't have password and want to join us, just PM me or reply to this post. :) (reply to this post would be preferable, some of you probably found out the hard way that I’m not checking my feed very often)
    • Our GAMING MODULE is still kinda working. There were some Thursdays/Saturdays where nothing was announced, sorry about that. For that record, if you know any easily accesible game that you think Rhyshas would enjoy, don’t be shy and tell us. :P Also if you’d like to host an event some other days, I’m all ears. Now regarding the postponed Rhysha vs Rhyiona event., hopefully we’ll find a matching date and time for Erin to join us again.
    • And can’t forget about dozens of beautiful fan arts (there’s been really a ton of them this month) fan fics, interesting comments, not-so-interesting comments, WTF comments and other creative stuff you guys posted. ;)

    Now I’d like to thank Telltale for even considering this series. To be honest, when I first heard about it, I was a bit puzzled by how’s it gonna work, but Telltale really blew my mind and now it’s actually my favourite TTG series. So yeah, thanks again for creating this incredible game and making all of this possible.

    Now the only thing left is to post toasting Leo. I know you were all waiting for him with anticipation. Without any delay, here he is!

    enter image description here

    To Season 2, because it’s gonna happen, guys!

  • To s2 and RHYSHA!

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, fellow Rhyshas. You know what day is it? You guessed it right! It’s the thread’s 7 month anniversary! Did you really thin

  • Just stealing 2nd reply place so I can come back to this later and edit in my response...

    Yours sincerely... Scumbag Ctarl...

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, fellow Rhyshas. You know what day is it? You guessed it right! It’s the thread’s 7 month anniversary! Did you really thin

  • edited November 2015

    The reviews for borderlands have been amazing, 9.5-10's all round! and rightfully so. Telltales best work.

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, fellow Rhyshas. You know what day is it? You guessed it right! It’s the thread’s 7 month anniversary! Did you really thin

  • I just recently installed Photoshop and I know some stuff about it,I could do some stuff for this thread if necessary.

    Also,I will miss you so much,it's been a pleasure having you here :')

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Okay guys as you can see i'm not really active anymore on this thread. So i'm thinking about the walls and the map, i need someone to continue my work. I need someone who is using photoshop and know how to use the basics at least.

  • Cheers, and to the inevitable and totally going to happen Season 2.

    Believe in S2

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, fellow Rhyshas. You know what day is it? You guessed it right! It’s the thread’s 7 month anniversary! Did you really thin

  • I am believing so hard rn.

    Cheers, and to the inevitable and totally going to happen Season 2. Believe in S2

  • I wonder what the story would be for Season 2? LB goes missing, so Gortys and her lackeys (Rhys, Sasha, Vaughn, and Fiona) need to go and find him before Janey and Athena's wedding. Chaos ensues! LMFAO. is a very GOOD thing I am NOT a professional writer. Because that sounds terrible. Anyway if they do make a season 2, I hope it would still follow the old gang. Their characters still have a lot of potential (especially Vaughn-whose character was totally abandoned after episode two).

    Also I better be able to kiss Sasha. That's all I wanted. But NOOOOOO! Can't upset the other shippers. Pshhhhh. Phewy on them. I want it! I want it! I gotta have it! One of these days, I will have a game that focuses on Jack, Nisha, and Wilhem causing chaos and killing bandits. And a game that features a rhysha kiss. Yes...any day now. Any. Day. Now.

    P.S. I wonder if I would miss Jack in a season two? Eh. Probably not.

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, fellow Rhyshas. You know what day is it? You guessed it right! It’s the thread’s 7 month anniversary! Did you really thin

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, fellow Rhyshas. You know what day is it? You guessed it right! It’s the thread’s 7 month anniversary! Did you really thin

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, fellow Rhyshas. You know what day is it? You guessed it right! It’s the thread’s 7 month anniversary! Did you really thin

  • we will get that kiss one day. in the eventual season 2

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I wonder what the story would be for Season 2? LB goes missing, so Gortys and her lackeys (Rhys, Sasha, Vaughn, and Fiona) need to go and fi

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello there, fellow Rhyshas. You know what day is it? You guessed it right! It’s the thread’s 7 month anniversary! Did you really thin

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