I don't want to change the look of the characters

Was a sharp change in the appearance of Clementine. I am not in favor of another major change, (look, I mean) it would be okay if it will be a little higher, but not leave her Hairstyle and hat. Do not change that much in, that will not change every season ... Even Kenny, leave his beard, Clementine probably be 13 in the third season, there is not much change in the 10-11 age of 13 (I think) then please telltale, do not change that much!
So many games with the teen! I want to keep it that special little girl apocalypse uncommon !! If it will be 14-15 + it will not be special ... it disappoints me greatly.
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Well 2 years is a long time. Appearances are bound to change. Even in Season 1, the characters wore different clothes after a few months
Kids change a lot in two years. You can't ask for her to look 11 forever.
well it's only normal for you to mature in 2 years time, no doubt it's going to happen anyways
I'd love to see an older Clementine.
I wanna see my little Clemmy turn into Ellie
if clem will be older or adult ... i am not play this game ... sorry ...
Why? She can't be 11 forever o.o
By the looks of her , Clem will just get prettier as she gets older - assuming that she gets older , of course.
i love her as little girl ... i don't want she will be (in the game) 15+ with boobs ... I'm not used to it ... the beauty of the game is to see how a child deals with the apocalypse ... not a teen. It's not interesting. There are so many games with Teens, it is not special.
So many games with the teen! I want to keep it that special little girl apocalypse uncommon !! If it will be 14-15 + it will not be special ... it disappoints me greatly.
Leaked screenshot of Aj in Season 3
So you want her to be 11 forever? They're probably going to change up her hair to be alittle more longer/shorter depending if she cuts it (she literally has two clumps of hair sticking up under that hat). Maybe she'll be a bit taller. And her clothes will change. And depending on how old she gets, she'll start developing breasts.
for you XD
who said? She might not have fully developed XD
Part of me hopes not O_O But in all honesty, she'll probably be taller, and her hair will be longer/shorter.
If she will be 12, you can not know what she will be ... it's so annoying. If she ever be ... I just do not want Clementine destroyed me ... I hope they know what they are doing, Clementine can not be destroyed!
12 isn't exactly decrepit , you know,
She won't be "destroyed". Just change up her model alittle bit.
but ... i want she still kid
Clementine, her looks did in fact change a bit, which will help to reflect the passage of time, which is only natural.
As far as Kenny goes, aside from the beard, and slightly longer hair, I did not notice any real change.
His hair went completely grey. I'd say that counts as a real change.
Old and withered.
I meant age wise.
2 years older isn't that bad to be honest.
Why are you so against any change in Clementine ever?
"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future" -JFK
I don't think his hair went all gray.
It was graying, but it wasn't fully gray.
but ... 13 is still kid ... no?
No, it's a teen.
teen = kid. they call arvo kid ... ben kid ... sarah kid ... even nick
Doubt she'll change that much in S3 (if she's in it). Since the game is only a little bit behind the comics time line wise. Although I do expect an update to her look. Telltale want to show off how good looking they can make their game and Clem would be front and center for that. Girls gotta grow and that's a good thing. We're experiencing her life story in the ZA essentially.
i just want she's still kid ...
i just want she's still kid ...
it's not true ... kids this teen and child. ages: 0 - 18
Chances are she still will be.
but they said that kid it's not teen ... and it's not true ... teen it's kid. 13-12-14 it's not kid?
Even if she's technically a "teenager," she can still have some behaviors and attitudes seen in children. She can still look and act somewhat like a child as a teenager (being a teen is the step from childhood to adulthood, it's more a transition than an outright 180 degree turn around.) She'll change a little bit, as that's to be expected (as we age, we grow, we learn, and yes, we change) but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. In fact it should be celebrated. She's getting better as a survivor, as a caretaker for AJ, and arguably as a person. Just because she grows the beginnings of breasts shouldn't degrade her likeability. Even if there's a time skip, she'll still be a kid, and she's still bound to make mistakes or do things she'll regret later even as a teenager.
In short, I don't think you should worry so much.