Forum of Thrones: An Interactive Story



  • Wait are you happy that Alex died or that guards died? Or are you just happy that someone died?

    xSensus posted: »

    [Take the letter] Yay death.

  • Rip Alexander, we hardly knew you but anyone who tries to kill Wolfius deserves my respect... well, almost anyone.

    Hah, gotta say Janae must be a pro pyromaniac because that went really smoothly. And Daghan sure seems to be skilled warrior. I wonder if Ser Rodrik survived the explosion?

    [Take the letter] Of course we take the private letter of mysterious and dangerous fella, what could go wrong? :D More seriously though, this is pretty much the first time we (possibly) get a chance to see a glimpse of the Targaryens' plans so we can't miss it!

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • I'm impressed that Alexander died since Liqiuad usually doesn't kill characters he just introduced.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Wait are you happy that Alex died or that guards died? Or are you just happy that someone died?

  • Well it WAS a choice. Liquids hands still clean of that.

    xSensus posted: »

    I'm impressed that Alexander died since Liqiuad usually doesn't kill characters he just introduced.

  • Well I pretty sure it was either him or Lawsen.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well it WAS a choice. Liquids hands still clean of that.

  • Well would you prefer it was Lawsen?

    xSensus posted: »

    Well I pretty sure it was either him or Lawsen.

  • I don't mind that much we barely knew either of them.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well would you prefer it was Lawsen?

  • Ok then. Hey wait you just made me curious about something.......

    xSensus posted: »

    I don't mind that much we barely knew either of them.

  • edited November 2015

    Hey guys so i just got curious about something and i would like to discuss it with anyone that would like to. So here it is :

    Out of all the characters who do YOU care for the most? (No limits in numbers just everyone you REALLY care about). And why?

  • Yeah, I might try, and I'm sure it will be introduced eventually, but eventually is quite discouraging amount of time xD

    now I fear to even look at the opening post I know that feeling What Lord said is true though. I haven't closed the submission a

  • Pffff, Alexander... :-( I really liked his chat with Illish from before, he seems really nice and it was some chemistry between them, which appeared quite fast - it's sad to see him dead now.

    As for the John Gutten... i am really curious what is inside of this letter, but well, if they take it and Daghan notice letter missing, there always could be a explanation like - oh, wildfire shock wave probably blew it out of the shattered window, changing it into the ashes in the flames...? depending how good liars Gutten and Janae are... if Daghan would not get it, then i believe they would make quite strong enemy, more like a beast. I really don't know, i need to think of my choice and will edit the post later.

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • [Leave the letter] Nope, I find him a valuable ally

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited November 2015

    [Take the letter] I hate Targaryens so much. I hate them. If there's anyway we can get one of them killed, then we need it. The only good thing about the Targaryens is the Velayrons and that only one lives.

    Don't really care about Alexander, but yay, death!

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • I hate Targaryens so much. I hate them. If there's anyway we can get one of them killed, then we need it.

    You sound like Robert Baratheon :D

    [Take the letter] I hate Targaryens so much. I hate them. If there's anyway we can get one of them killed, then we need it. The only good th

  • Good question, but I'm pretty sure many of us are biased towards our own characters :D That's the case with me at least so Jaron is probably the one I care for the most. However if I must choose from other characters... Well right now I wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to Harpy, but you know, that one is also pretty biased considering her relationship to Jaron. Ellena is a sweet character, definitely one of the most innocent ones. For some reason I also really like Terroma (maybe it's because he once saved Jaron XD). Lucas and Leonard are both nice, I especially enjoyed them when they were together... Hopefully that will happen again. And I definitely like Raenna - she is just... cool I guess? :D And Drent is a nice down-to-earth fella.

    Those are the ones I probably care for the most. I could be forgetting someone though.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey guys so i just got curious about something and i would like to discuss it with anyone that would like to. So here it is : Out of all

  • Thanks for answering.

    It's interesting to see how people view characters since it helps you see what they like in one or what you just love to hate about one. That reminds me, as a bonus question i noticed all of the characters you posted have SOME moral qualities. So that makes me curious, do you have any prefered villains?

    Good question, but I'm pretty sure many of us are biased towards our own characters That's the case with me at least so Jaron is probably t

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Those are the ones I probably care for the most. I could be forgetting someone though.

    Oh yeah, Ser Leonard the Stately Constantine.

    EDIT: Apparently my eye sight is worse that I thought.

    Lucas and Leonard are both nice, I especially enjoyed them when they were together...


    Before you make a fan fiction on that, I just want to remind you of the torture Lucas is going through. Which limb do you need the least?

    Good question, but I'm pretty sure many of us are biased towards our own characters That's the case with me at least so Jaron is probably t

  • The best character obviously Leonard. He's not a giant, but he's still a badass. A *swordsman(.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey guys so i just got curious about something and i would like to discuss it with anyone that would like to. So here it is : Out of all

  • And besides him do you care about ANY other character?

    The best character obviously Leonard. He's not a giant, but he's still a badass. A *swordsman(.

  • RIP Alex. I'm sry my dear. I was sure u survive this...but i was wrong :(

    [Leave the letter] Yeaaa Daghan my man! I'm so proud of you! Lets be friends with him! :D

    Anyway! Such a exciting chapter!

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • Yeah, of course I have favorite villains! :D With them I can't say I care for them, I just enjoy them.

    Let's see, well I think I've said this before but Mullendore aka Butterfly is my favorite antagonist and I also see him as the main antagonist. He has interesting morals and motivations, he keeps surprising the reader. He may seem op some times, but I think it's all well explained.

    So Butterfly is definitely no. 1, but there are also others that I enjoy. First of all the whole Hoare family, and especially Harren and Harmund. Though I must say Harrick also has potential to be very interesting antagonist since he is more subtle than his father and brothers. Then there is Clayton... He is so disgusting that it's enjoyable. I'm not implying he as a character has much similarities to Littlefinger, but the way I feel about him is similar... He is disgusting, but at the same time I feel a tiny bit of pity towards him. Wolfius is also entertaining in his own way, but not really my favorite - he is just a mad dog type :D

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Thanks for answering. It's interesting to see how people view characters since it helps you see what they like in one or what you just lo

  • I just want to remind you of the torture Lucas is going through

    Yeaaah, that's the exact reason why I'm afraid they wont see each other again. And in case you or someone else misinterpreted my words I should state that I enjoyed their interactions and adventures together as friends :D

    Those are the ones I probably care for the most. I could be forgetting someone though. Oh yeah, Ser Leonard the Stately Constantine.

  • Hmmm. But do you care enough about them to let them live? That's always an interesting question for me since there are so many perspectives on it. If you were given a chance to kill your fav villain would you really pull the trigger? A lot of people say yes but a lot seem to regret killing them of. Others like to think in story about if the character should or if the villain deserves it. I have my own viewpoint but i bet it's not the same as yours.

    Yeah, of course I have favorite villains! With them I can't say I care for them, I just enjoy them. Let's see, well I think I've said th

  • Well, in a story that is set on Westeros killing the villain probably comes easier than it would come in a story that is set in modern environment. I mean in this world so many crimes are punishable by death by the law.

    And I don't have yes or no to your question because it's always about the situation. I can imagine a situation where I would vote for killing Mullendore, but I can also think about one where I would give my vote for sparing him. And as I said I do feel a little pity towards Clayton for example, it's easy to see that something in his life has fucked him up, and he clearly also has feelings towards Kersea - so of course there could be a situation where I would vote for sparing him. I'm not sure, but I think I did vote for sparing Jaylon when we had chance to kill him - that didn't turn out well. As I said, there is no clear answer to your question.

    However, I can say that I would always kill Wolfius, unless it would be clear that it would mean trouble for a character that I care about.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hmmm. But do you care enough about them to let them live? That's always an interesting question for me since there are so many perspectives

  • [Take the letter]

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • Ok interesting. Thanks for answering :)

    Well, in a story that is set on Westeros killing the villain probably comes easier than it would come in a story that is set in modern envir

  • My favourites are:

    1. Alyssane
    2. Raenna
    3. Garthon
    4. Leonard Constantine

    Those are my top 4, there are a bunch of other characters I really like such as: Maya and Kersea. I'm sure I'd have a biased opinion if any of my characters had been introduced, one of them has been referenced a few times though.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey guys so i just got curious about something and i would like to discuss it with anyone that would like to. So here it is : Out of all

  • [Take the letter] I didn't trust this guy from the beginning and was annoyed at how quickly John lowered his guard around him.

    Great chapter! Poor Alexander... :( I thought there might've been something there between him and Ilish. I was so confused when Daghan shouted "Fire and Blood" but now it makes sense.

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • Probably Lucas, Leonard, Samantha, Richard, Ellena and now Jaron and Harpy since I don't want another Lunett type of ending.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey guys so i just got curious about something and i would like to discuss it with anyone that would like to. So here it is : Out of all

  • [Take the letter]

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • I feel no remorse for Alex, he was a Second Son and would turn against us eventually. I do feel kinda bad for whoever made him, since he had one of the shortest life spans.

  • [Leave the letter]id rather not piss off the Targareyen.

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • (Leave the letter)

    Ilish Ilish clinged to her dagger, as she looked from Alexander to Lawsen. She liked Alexander. He was nice, charming, he defended her fr

  • Am I the only one who wonders why wolfius is so fucking strong and beats nearly everyone he faced? I mean u need like two or three man to take him down without anyone dying.

  • Indeed, it's very hard to take Wolfius down in a fair fight. While he is indeed quite strong, his main advantage comes from his unassuming looks. He is thin, roughly about average height, has very few visible muscles and if he wants to, he seems to be more weird than genuinely threatening. Because of this, many stronger characters tend to underestimate his strength and especially his speed, or they underestimate at least how vicious and reckless he can be in a fight. This is the main reason why he tends to win fights even against physically stronger or more skilled characters, like Lyria or Alexander. That said, if his enemy is stronger than him and does not underestimate him, his chances aren't that good. For example, at the end of Chapter 3 he got into a fight with Richard, who was extremely angry at the time, and he easily got his ass kicked until he finally had to use a dirty trick to escape.

    Xemnes posted: »

    Am I the only one who wonders why wolfius is so fucking strong and beats nearly everyone he faced? I mean u need like two or three man to take him down without anyone dying.

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah, I feel a bit bad about this too. Not that he died in general, as that has been entirely vote-determinant, but that he died so early. Sadly, Alexander's creator hasn't given me his name in the character submission and I doubt it's someone who actively follows the story. Still, there were other characters with a similarly short lifespan, like Ser Ilhan, or Robb for example, even though both of these had arguably more importance for the plot. His death was vote-determinant though, depending on whom Ilish decided to help at the end of her last part, so I am glad that he was the one to die. I have expected you to help Lawsen against Kreep and was pleased that this option won, because killing off Lawsen would have been a lot harder for me, considering that you know absolutely nothing about him yet. With Alexander, I at least had the chance to reveal his backstory and most of his important personality traits. I doubt Lawsen's death at this point would have caused the same reactions I got for Alexander's death, so that proves to me that I did everything right. And his early death hopefully proved that anyone can be killed if you don't play your choices right, or if you do play your choices right, if that's your goal.

    Bounden posted: »

    I feel no remorse for Alex, he was a Second Son and would turn against us eventually. I do feel kinda bad for whoever made him, since he had one of the shortest life spans.

  • Hi! Nice to meet you too Lord!

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok i THINK you are the last person here who i haven't introduced myself to. Hi i'm Lord EAA pleasure to meet you.

  • Is it possible if we picked choices right in past parts that Mullendore could be dead right now or is his plot armor just to strong at the moment?

  • Hi :). I think you are the last person i haven't met here. So it's glad to complete. Anyway do you have any character in the story?

    MadManLee posted: »

    Hi! Nice to meet you too Lord!

  • No, so far there was no choice that could have already resulted in Mullendore's death. Bringing someone as powerful as him down will require a lot of work and perhaps even a bit of luck. Keep in mind, until the very end of the last chapter, no one aside from his most trusted men even had an idea who he truly was and even now, the only people who are against him and in on his secret at the same time, certainly have more immediate problems to deal with. However, some of the past choices had the potential to either advance or hinder his plans, so it is possible that one of these choices could lead to his death in the future. But so far, there has been no way of killing him already. I obviously still have plans with him. While we're at it, I have to say that his victory in Oldtown and beyond is a possible outcome, if you make enough bad decisions. At the same time, if you make enough choices that result in ruining his plans, his position gets weaker, so play your cards right and his defeat is definitely a possibility as well in the future.

    xSensus posted: »

    Is it possible if we picked choices right in past parts that Mullendore could be dead right now or is his plot armor just to strong at the moment?

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