If Game of Thrones Ep. 6 were to have an unhappy ending, how would you feel satisfied?

So, The Ice Dragon will be released on Tuesday. And there's lots of speculation on how the season will end. I don't know how it will end myself, so I'll ask those who know to put spoiler tags.

Part of me thinks that no matter what we, the players, did the game will end on a sour/bittersweet note (such as the remaining Forresters being killed or major characters dying).
In a game like this, that gives you choice, how would you feel satisfied with a sad ending? For example, I believe the Walking Dead: Season 1 did this the best. No matter what happened, Lee dies . But it was the set-up and recalling back to previous choices that made even that sad ending complete.

What would Episode 6 have to do in order to achieve that same effect? What are some ways the game can end on a negative note, but you, the player, would feel satisfied enough?


  • I would be alright with it as long as the unhappiness and gaping hole of pure despair has some sort of satisfaction to it.

  • I would smash the game if it ends sadly

  • Then you should order a new game right now

    I would smash the game if it ends sadly

  • Well, there are two situations there. If the remaining Forresters are killed, I will be pissed off. If some but not all major characters are killed and it is done well, I'll be fine with it. TWD S1 did a good job with a sad ending. It was done pretty well and I loved it.

    TWD S2, on the other hand, left me wanting to break my computer. There is an extremely high chance that I won't buy Season 3 because of how much I hate the ending of Season 2, although I will buy the Michonne mini-series because she is my favourite character. If the ending of this game manages to be as bad as the TWD S2 one (which is hard and I really don't think it will hapen), I probably won't buy a Season 2.

  • I'd be okay with it if it happens in a believable fashion. That's really my only concern. Given their track record with that though I'm not feeling too good about it.

  • There's only one way I'll accept episode six going to complete hell for us. And that's Talia and pregnant!Elaena in the grove plotting their revenge, like Clementine and Christa 2.0. #ladymurdersquad

  • Let's all go kill the Whitehills, and then we can all go out for milkshakes!


  • How do you smash a digital game?

    I would smash the game if it ends sadly

  • To echo what GRRM has said about his own books, if you think we're getting an entirely happy ending, you have not been paying attention.

  • He has literally never said that. That's just ShowRamsay (or Ramsay Show, har har har) and it isn't true even in the show.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    To echo what GRRM has said about his own books, if you think we're getting an entirely happy ending, you have not been paying attention.

  • Oh right... but he has made it clear the ending will be "bittersweet"

    My point is that he will not be making the ending all flowery and happy as that won't be congruent with the show. It seems out of touch for the game, too, for it to end all happy. There will be some closure, hopefully, but dark is all off.

    He has literally never said that. That's just ShowRamsay (or Ramsay Show, har har har) and it isn't true even in the show.

  • Season pass disc.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    How do you smash a digital game?

  • I want sad ending; Ironrath burned to the ground, Asher killed by Gryff, his people turned into slaves, Whitehill's army triumph, Mira locked in dungeons, Gared consumed by polar bear. Yum, yum, forum members delicious tears.

  • enter image description here

    Omid's cat posted: »

    I want sad ending; Ironrath burned to the ground, Asher killed by Gryff, his people turned into slaves, Whitehill's army triumph, Mira locked in dungeons, Gared consumed by polar bear. Yum, yum, forum members delicious tears.

  • I don't care if it's unhappy as long as it is a great episode. This whole series has been underwhelming. The last 2 episodes are the only ones I really liked.

  • If sad ending will be determinate and well written then why the hell not.

  • Where was that milkshake line from ? i cannot for the life of me remember.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Let's all go kill the Whitehills, and then we can all go out for milkshakes! ;-;

  • Telltale used all their happy ending points on Tales, I have a feeling that this finale will be depressing as shite

  • reply671 posted: »

    Where was that milkshake line from ? i cannot for the life of me remember.

  • How would you compare it to something like

    Lee's Death
    in which the game ended on a sad note but left the audience felt satisfied? How did Telltale achieve that effect?

    MrEggplant posted: »

    If sad ending will be determinate and well written then why the hell not.

  • Well, Telltale Games did spend a long ass time then usual to make this episode, so hopefully there will be a Good ending too.

  • Killing all the Forresters would be bad story writing just because it happens in the books doesn't make ok and Telltale are well aware how much that would piss everyone off and they're not going to go about pissing of their audience.

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