The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • As I said not all of them fight but check the expansion of islam and you will see that they conquered most of their lands. Killing those who opposed them. North africa and Turkey used to be christian if you forgot.

    And like I said it's not like they had unlimited resources and haven't encountered opposition that fought back. Finally at some point they met an enemy they couldn't beat and stopped. As you said Islam wasn't unified and signle fraction hadn't had the power to carry on their conquest.

    If you still don't belive me check the Ottoman empire history, they almost conquered Wien if not for my people help to repel the invasion

    Green613 posted: »

    That doesn't make any sense though, if all the Muslims were really out to conquest and make them the only people in this world like you say they are, then they'd either be wiped out or in ruling right now.

  • There are Muslims out there who condemn the act of terrorism towards Paris, like every sane being in the world. There's no ulterior motive or putting on a front, these people are genuinely upset for what has happened to Paris and do not condone what ISIS have done. The Muslims are not, and never will be, the villains in all of this, so it is irrational to compare them to ISIS.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Cretins always exploit tragedy to spread their message of hatred and irrational fear. Suuurrreee because fear of muslims have no grounds whatsoever, tottaly irrational.

  • And like I said it's not like they had unlimited resources and haven't encountered opposition that fought back. Finally at some point they met an enemy they couldn't beat and stopped.

    Yes but if the world actually saw them as a threat that would pick back up when they were ready, we would have killed them all already, but we haven't because what you say is just not true.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    As I said not all of them fight but check the expansion of islam and you will see that they conquered most of their lands. Killing those who

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    No we haven't becasue we're as fractured as they are. Don't treat the world as sigle unity. At some point they ceased to be a threat because they got weak so they got pushed back out of Europe. Whole balkans used to be under ottoman rule.

    Also you hadn't replied to my original question

    Why that is that other minorities are adjusting to the host country rules way better than Muslims? Have you ever heard of Chinese, Vietnamese, Hindus or any other imigrants terrorist attacks?

    Green613 posted: »

    And like I said it's not like they had unlimited resources and haven't encountered opposition that fought back. Finally at some point they m

  • I......have no response.

    I came to this thread to Kick ass and Chew gum, and I don't have legs, nor do I have the ability to buy some gum, so I'm kinda fucked here.

  • Why that is that other minorities are adjusting to the host country rules way better than Muslims? Have you ever heard of Chinese, Vietnamese, Hindus or any other imigrants terrorist attacks?

    Terrorist groups may be using Islam as their religion but that doesn't mean all Muslims are terrorists, you're getting it twisted. The main terrorist group we hear that attacks other countries is ISIS, and ISIS uses Islam as their religion, that doesn't mean all people who use Islam as their religion are all part of ISIS, that's just dumb to think.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    No we haven't becasue we're as fractured as they are. Don't treat the world as sigle unity. At some point they ceased to be a threat becaus

  • Still dodging the question Green.

    I never said that all muslims are terroris either but let's be honest it's not just ISIS, Al-Qauida Boko Ham or whatever and numerous others.
    But I'm speaking about all those muslims that demand sharia for Europe what about them?

    Green613 posted: »

    Why that is that other minorities are adjusting to the host country rules way better than Muslims? Have you ever heard of Chinese, Vietnames

  • I didn't dodge the question, I literally quoted it and answered it in my last post. lmao

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Still dodging the question Green. I never said that all muslims are terroris either but let's be honest it's not just ISIS, Al-Qauida Bok

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    You did I wasn't asking about terrorist I was asking about Muslims that demand Sharia for the countries they live in. Or you think that they are all terrorist?

    I was asking why Muslims as a minority are always causing problems to the host country the moment they gain numbers?

    Green613 posted: »

    I didn't dodge the question, I literally quoted it and answered it in my last post. lmao

  • I thought you implied all Muslims are terrorists trying to conquest the world though?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You did I wasn't asking about terrorist I was asking about Muslims that demand Sharia for the countries they live in. Or you think that they

  • I implied that Islam is a religion of conquerors, read Quran you will know what I mean. Also Then tell me as a person who don't think Muslims are all terroris why the common ,,normal" Muslims are causing problems for the host country world wide?

    Green613 posted: »

    I thought you implied all Muslims are terrorists trying to conquest the world though?

  • common ,,normal" Muslims are causing problems for the host country world wide

    The "common" and "normal" Muslims aren't creating problems for other countries, terrorists are. The terrorists that are Muslim are obviously just using that religion as an excuse to spread terror and gain power, yes the religion may say things like this in it's holy book (I personally don't know since I've never read it nor plan to) but not all Muslims are like that or are going to do things like that. That's like saying every christian who has read the bible hates and condemns homosexuals, it just isn't true.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I implied that Islam is a religion of conquerors, read Quran you will know what I mean. Also Then tell me as a person who don't think Muslims are all terroris why the common ,,normal" Muslims are causing problems for the host country world wide?

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    it's holy book (I personally don't know since I've never read it nor plan to)

    Then how can you even discuss anything about Muslims and their mindset if you don't know the book they belive in? Ask a Muslim if he belives that everything in Quran is true.

    Is he says yes then you know you're speaking with a rasist, person who belief that slavery under some conditions is legel and that women are inferior to men.

    The "common" and "normal" Muslims aren't creating problems for other countries, terrorists are.

    Nope they're not terrorist Green they muslims that want sharia for the country they live in that's the problem. If you want an example read what a what a Local Muslim Deputy to the city council in Hamtramck. said just right after they gained the majority.

    Green613 posted: »

    common ,,normal" Muslims are causing problems for the host country world wide The "common" and "normal" Muslims aren't creating prob

  • Meh, same thing.

    I read it as if you used the term "hella". I'm a fool.

  • I shall grant that a majority of Muslims follow Sunni Islam. However, it is like I said: conventional Baptist Christians versus the Westboro Baptist Church; neither has control over the other. Explain how this situation is any different (aside from relative scale, that is). I will grant that you do have a point with them not ruling Takfir or Fatwa against ISIS, though.

    by restraining their rights and closing the mosquest that those terrorist came from,creating a social pressure on those radical by the rest of the muslim community.

    Firstly, I assume that when you say Mosquest, that it was intended to be spelt as "mosque"? Secondly, restricting what rights? Thirdly, what do you mean by "closing the mosque that those terrorists came from", because I am curious as to whether you mean the mosques that radicals attend or what.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    No single doctrine has control over any others. I fail to see what else that they can do. I fail to see what more they can do nor any reason

  • Can anyone recommend some good anime on netflix? Preferably dubbed anime.

  • You have the answer in Takfir or Fatwa. if the court of Mecca, highest religious authority of Sunni faith would deem ISIS heretics and throw them out of the Sunni Islam the whole structure would collapse due to infighting. That's how they can at least
    scare the undecied muslims from joining the ISIS.

    And yes I meant Mosques a misspell on my part. For example rights to legaly own a weapon for starters. Also what I meant by closing the mosques was that the temples that those who commited those criems attened to would be search for any evidence or propaganda materials and if found closed for ever and the local Imam arrested and sentenced for supporting terrorism

    I shall grant that a majority of Muslims follow Sunni Islam. However, it is like I said: conventional Baptist Christians versus the Westboro

  • Ew... Dubbed? Oh well. Eh hem... Girls Bravo, Heaven's Lost Property, Sword Art Online, Black Butler, The Devil is a Part Timer, RWBY, and Naruto Shippuden. Assuming you haven't seen any of those.

    Can anyone recommend some good anime on netflix? Preferably dubbed anime.

  • You don't need a response to perfection.

    I......have no response.

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah haven't watched any anime before really except yugioh and yeah dubbed. I don't like subbed because I can't understand a word they say and I don't feel like reading a tv show.

    Ew... Dubbed? Oh well. Eh hem... Girls Bravo, Heaven's Lost Property, Sword Art Online, Black Butler, The Devil is a Part Timer, RWBY, and Naruto Shippuden. Assuming you haven't seen any of those.

  • That's fair. Also, I recommend... caution, when watching Girls Bravo and HLP. Because while those two shows have amazing voice acting and a spectacular story... It tends to get... steamy...

    Yeah haven't watched any anime before really except yugioh and yeah dubbed. I don't like subbed because I can't understand a word they say and I don't feel like reading a tv show.

  • I'm not a huge Anime expert but to help me think, is it just Netflix? Or are you also Chillin?

    enter image description here

    Can anyone recommend some good anime on netflix? Preferably dubbed anime.

  • Markd4547 posted: »

    Makes sense she was hyped everywhere and promoted and she believed the hype no doubt all the coverage affected her training too. I could see

  • I'd recommend Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan and Death Note - they're my favourites on there. All epic and fantastic in their own different ways. :-)

    Can anyone recommend some good anime on netflix? Preferably dubbed anime.

  • I'd definitely recommend both of the Fullmetal Alchemist series (though I'd say start with the 2003 version).

    Fairy Tail is also good although Netflix only has the first season.

    Death Note is pretty good as well although some people were disappointed by the second half.

    If you're in Canada I'd definitely recommend Steins;Gate (I hear that's not on the American Netflix anymore)

    Deadman Wonderland is also good, but the show kind of stops in the middle of it, you'd have to read the manga to get the rest of the story (and from what I hear the show left out some important plot points from earlier in the manga).

    The Devil is a Part-Timer is actually a pretty funny comedy, but it also stops in the middle, and I don't know if there will be another season.

    Psycho-Pass is also a pretty good sci-fi show.

    Samurai Champloo is also pretty interesting, from the creators of Cowboy Bebop.

    Can anyone recommend some good anime on netflix? Preferably dubbed anime.

  • Except rocky actually was a legend at the time ;)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Seems like Rocky 3 on so many levels.

  • I lost my ability to even after reading this, BTW did the islamists cut your legs off?

    I came to this thread to Kick ass and Chew gum, and I don't have legs, nor do I have the ability to buy some gum, so I'm kinda fucked here.

  • I didn't see all those in my NF.

    Ew... Dubbed? Oh well. Eh hem... Girls Bravo, Heaven's Lost Property, Sword Art Online, Black Butler, The Devil is a Part Timer, RWBY, and Naruto Shippuden. Assuming you haven't seen any of those.

  • Salt123's Movie of the Day...Today: We're the Millers

    enter image description here

    and a scene of the day

    enter link description here

  • Bojack Horseman (is that how it's spelled?) just kidding. Unless you like talking horses.

    Can anyone recommend some good anime on netflix? Preferably dubbed anime.

  • Since today is November 16th (in Australia anyway), ten years since Australia made the FIFA World Cup for the first time since 1974, I figured I'd post this picture here.

    enter image description here

  • edited November 2015

    enter link description here

    Justin released alot of new songs yesterday, check them out because they're really good.

    enter link description here

  • I don't know if they are on the Netflix but Guilty Crown and Future Diary are amazing imo.

    Can anyone recommend some good anime on netflix? Preferably dubbed anime.

  • edited November 2015

    If all men in England were punished for a small percentage of them being rapists, would that not be incredibly unfair?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I didn't meant muslims all around the world I meant muslims in france if we go by example. That way they would be more willing to give out potential terrorist or at the least pressure local community to not fight against the native population.

  • Anyone here like Monstercat?

  • Just look up the names, I'm sure you'll find them.

    papai46 posted: »

    I didn't see all those in my NF.

  • First of all, if you can't even, then you better odd. Second of all, Thaaat's racist! ding!

    papai46 posted: »

    I lost my ability to even after reading this, BTW did the islamists cut your legs off?

  • I'm assuming he doesn't have the american netflix (or whichever version you're watching in).

    Just look up the names, I'm sure you'll find them.

  • What are you even comparing? Not to say that I have anything to say in rapists defense quite the opposite but the scale is slightly off don't you think? Besides rapists are mostly individuals not groups unless you count the birmingham muslim pedophile gang that raped over 1400 young girls over the years.

    Flog61 posted: »

    If all men in England were punished for a small percentage of them being rapists, would that not be incredibly unfair?

  • Well there is another anime that I watch that's pretty good and creepy.

    Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.

    Can anyone recommend some good anime on netflix? Preferably dubbed anime.

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