The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I can't sleep... Over a few hours I have a English test... Must try to sleep again

  • Listen to a calming song, like this:

    joshua007 posted: »

    I can't sleep... Over a few hours I have a English test... Must try to sleep again

  • edited November 2015

    Thank you

    And good Sleeping intensifies

    Listen to a calming song, like this:

  • What the fuck has France done wrong to anyone in like 200 years?

  • To me, all popular music is all the same, it's all just stuff that plays all the time on radios until it gets annoying. To me they don't hav

  • The scale isn't slightly off - 0.003% of Muslims are in terrorist groups, I can't imagine that the percentage of men who's been involved in sexual offences is much lower.

    What does groups vs individual have anything to do with it?> Why is every muslim on the planet responsible for the actions of a relatively tiny group, but wouldn't be for the actions of individuals?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    What are you even comparing? Not to say that I have anything to say in rapists defense quite the opposite but the scale is slightly off don'

  • @ComingSoon

    new perspective is a bomb ass song btw

    Here are some of the few: enter link description here enter link description here enter link description here enter link description here enter link description here

  • Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but ISIS do have their own hackers.

    That'll help with the war against ISIS for sure.

  • lol that feel when you've been away from school for a while and you come back to find yourself stuck with an english exam which you know hardly anything about and you literally have no time to study anything because you don't know whAT THE FUCK YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING

  • edited November 2015

    Aw, man! The KKK killed so many black people... Christianity strikes again! Way to go, white people!

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well the followers of Religion of PEACE strieks again by now 128 victims and 99 people in critical state, way to go Muslims. Europe won't forget that

  • It's disgusting that I'm seeing people actually say this shit. Might as well blame all Christian's for that Christian boy shooting up a church full of black people.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The scale isn't slightly off - 0.003% of Muslims are in terrorist groups, I can't imagine that the percentage of men who's been involved in


    I did. Oh my fucking god in heaven. XD @xboxplayer_12 So sorry dude. XD

  • It's an older game, so I'm not too surprised, although I haven't run into many bugs. I've encountered some weird shit in Fallout 4.

    I picked up Fallout 3 a few days ago for the sake of playing something I had not before, and to gauge my interest in Fallout 4. The game is

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015 my other post and then you will know what I was talking about. But in short rapist do not have a book that give them moral permission to do what they do, but muslim do. and before you start arguing go to google write quran and infidels and then read what this books says about everyone that aren't muslim.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The scale isn't slightly off - 0.003% of Muslims are in terrorist groups, I can't imagine that the percentage of men who's been involved in

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    How that's relevant to the discussion about the religion? He shoot them not because they were chiristian or whatever but black that's racism problem not a religious one.

    It's disgusting that I'm seeing people actually say this shit. Might as well blame all Christian's for that Christian boy shooting up a church full of black people.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    Are you aware that KKK was mostly killing fellow Christians? The grounds of their fight was a skin color difference not religious one. Also Every Christian Church present in USA denounced KKK and deemed them heretics in their faith something that muslims did not officially do....which I hope they do in short future to undermine ISIS authority.

    Aw, man! The KKK killed so many black people... Christianity strikes again! Way to go, white people!

  • This is what's going to happen to me when I'm gonna be allowed to go to school again. Which is next week.


    lol that feel when you've been away from school for a while and you come back to find yourself stuck with an english exam which you know har

  • Do you have anything to contact your classmates?

    This is what's going to happen to me when I'm gonna be allowed to go to school again. Which is next week. shit

  • I might contact a few but they'll probably tell me to look for the homework in the internet.

    Do you have anything to contact your classmates?

  • Wow, all those closed discussions in GoT.

  • His music is pop, but he adds in other styles which makes it unique. I will admit that I bought two copies of his album

    I shall give him credit; his music has increased in quality.

  • dad said that i'm the kind of girl who'd be dared to wear a cat mascot costume and telling everyone in the room to stop laughing.

  • edited November 2015

    Let's do a Mad Lib that I found on the internet! Just gimme some words! If you give me an adjective for example and there's multiple ones, say like "Adjective 4: yadda yadda". Anyways, here we goooo! (Also, just submit one word at first so other people can join in)

    1. Person on Forums: BigBlindMax
    2. Adjective ______
    3. Adjective ______
    4. Adjective ______
    5. Person on Forums ______
    6. Adjective ______
    7. Adjective ______
    8. Verb Ending in "ed" ______
    9. Body Part ______
    10. Verb Ending in "ing" ______
    11. Noun (Plural) ______
    12. Noun ______
    13. Adverb ______
    14. Verb ______
    15. Verb ______
    16. Person on Forums ______
  • Are you aware that KKK was mostly killing fellow Christians? The grounds of their fight was a skin color difference not religious one.

    What's the difference? ISIS are killing their "fellow Muslims" simply for not joining them. Religious or race, there's different motives from what they really want. They both kill in the name of religion, yet they aren't complying to those religious rules.

    Also Every Christian Church present in USA denounced KKK and deemed them heretics in their faith something that muslims did not officially do....

    You don't need to officially say "we don't associate with ISIS" because it's pretty fucking clear that they don't. Haven't you seem countless muslims on social media having to defend their own religion from people who are closed-mindedly generalizing that muslims are terrorists?

    What I'm trying to say is, you can't base an entire religion off a small percentage of radicalists. If you're going to do that for muslims, then you can guarantee yourself that a white boy shooting up a school means all white boys will shoot up a school. There's no difference.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Are you aware that KKK was mostly killing fellow Christians? The grounds of their fight was a skin color difference not religious one. Also

  • You're not understanding. Generalizing people won't do anything unless make you look like an idiot. Whether the motives were religious or race based, you can't blame an entire race/religion for it. It's absurd, it's stupid, and quite frankly, it's simple minded and annoying.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    How that's relevant to the discussion about the religion? He shoot them not because they were chiristian or whatever but black that's racism problem not a religious one.

  • Ah, yes. Let me use my trusty side kick "Google" to get my information. No need to read the real thing, or anything.

    Leluch123 posted: » my other post and then you will know what I was talking about. But in short rapist do not have a book that give them moral perm

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    Where have I said that all muslims are terrorist? I'm not generalising or you haven't read my other posts. And why you're trying so hard to bring an issue of race into this discussion? It's completely irrelevant so kindly stop it.

    Also I'm not taking blaming anyone but taking responsibility for the action of your brothers and sisters in faith.there are all Sunni so there are means to pressure them

    You're not understanding. Generalizing people won't do anything unless make you look like an idiot. Whether the motives were religious or ra

  • Ah, yes. Let me use my trusty side kick "Google" to get my information. No need to read the real thing, or anything.

    I actually read the whole thing but it would be easier to use Google to this discussion than scan each page, post it here and then provide direct translation from my lauguage, don't you think?
    Also have you read the book to be able to say whenever quotes are real or fake? Because saying that because it's from internet it's fake it's a weak argument.

    Ah, yes. Let me use my trusty side kick "Google" to get my information. No need to read the real thing, or anything.

  • I was actually talking about how it's much more of a reliable source to read it from the actual book, rather than some website that can be edited by anyone.

    In my defense, I don't see it as a weak argument. I'm a Christian, I've obviously read the bible, and I see some websites sprouting absolute bullshit about what it says in there. Sooo, it's not like it can't happen.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Ah, yes. Let me use my trusty side kick "Google" to get my information. No need to read the real thing, or anything. I actually read

  • Oh look at that, you're still not understanding. I'm not bringing up race because I'm so hellbent about it, I'm bringing it up as a comparison. People do shit to other people because of who they are, whether that be a certain religion or race. But just because someone from one race/religion attacks another person for being another race/religion, doesn't mean it's the ENTIRE race/religion attacking another.

    Where have I said that all muslims are terrorist? I'm not generalising or you haven't read my other posts.

    Uh, this?

    the Muslim community should be punished for not controling their own

    Seems pretty generalizing to me. You're blaming an entire religion for 0.003% (based off of Viva-La-Lee's assumingly reliable stats (which I don't doubt they are)) of their people's actions. There's Christian people who kill non-believers (in the name of God, might I add) (which is also clearly going against the bible), but you won't say that Christian's should be held accountable for these actions for simply "not controlling their own."

    So trying to throw off my arguments for irrelevancy, which might I add, weren't irrelevant, isn't supporting your own.

    "So kindly stop it."

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Where have I said that all muslims are terrorist? I'm not generalising or you haven't read my other posts. And why you're trying so hard to

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    What's the difference? ISIS are killing their "fellow Muslims" simply for not joining them. Religious or race, there's different motives from what they really want. They both kill in the name of religion, yet they aren't complying to those religious rules.

    If you don't see the difference between killing people for something the have no control over (skin color) and killing them because different beliefs then I fail to see the reason to speak with you. And tell me where in biblie there is a guote about killing fellow Christians because the have different skin color? While in Islam there is over hundred quotes about violence against infidels. unlike KKK ISIS is following Quran to the very letter, which of course you would know is you read whole book not just selected fragments

    You don't need to officially say "we don't associate with ISIS" because it's pretty fucking clear that they don't. Haven't you seem countless muslims on social media having to defend their own religion from people who are closed-mindedly generalizing that muslims are terrorists?

    What I'm trying to say is, you can't base an entire religion off a small percentage of radicalists. If you're going to do that for muslims, then you can guarantee yourself that a white boy shooting up a school means all white boys will shoot up a school. There's no difference.

    Then please quote the part where I wrote all Muslims are terrorist.

    And if it was so fucking clear that they don't why so many of them try so hard to prove this?

    Also yes having the highest religion authority in Sunni Islam saying that ISIS are heretics would be a tremendous blow to their cause just as it was to KKK when churches denounced them

    And again stop bringing in race into this discussion it has nothing do do with that. I don't know why you're so set about that but I have a hunch.

    Are you aware that KKK was mostly killing fellow Christians? The grounds of their fight was a skin color difference not religious one.

  • Have you read Quran or not?

    I was actually talking about how it's much more of a reliable source to read it from the actual book, rather than some website that can be e

  • Parts of the actual thing at a friends house. Have you yourself read the actual thing?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Have you read Quran or not?

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    Ahh parts that explains a lot. I read whole from start to beginning I wrote it in a comment above, plus few of hadith. So tell me while you were reading your parts you haven't encountered any thing about violence against infidels?

    Parts of the actual thing at a friends house. Have you yourself read the actual thing?

  • Oh look at that, you're still not understanding. I'm not bringing up race because I'm so hellbent about it, I'm bringing it up as a comparison. People do shit to other people because of who they are, whether that be a certain religion or race. But just because someone from one race/religion attacks another person for being another race/religion, doesn't mean it's the ENTIRE race/religion attacking another.

    It's a missed comparison but you still don't get it. Racist attack of KKK or whatever had no basic in christianity what so ever but in fact that original KKK was born on the ruins of confederacy aka former slave owners that's why they hated black people. They have no moral grounds whatsoever for their cause.

    ISIS in oppostie have a lot of quotes from the book that justifies the violence against indifels. In quran infidels like you and me have four options. Convert to islam, pay jizya, run or die. And it's all good since their god allows it. I again I never said whole Islam attacked us. All I'm telling is for Sunni Muslims to fucking man up, take the responsibility and have their highest religious authority Court of Mecca throw a Takfir on ISIS and any other terroris group Takfir is it really that much to ask?

    the Muslim community should be punished for not controling their own

    That not equals me saying all muslim are terrorist it's about taking responsibility for the actions of their brothers and sisters in faith, not saying that ISIS had nothing to do with Islam and hiding their heads in sand. I wrote above what they could do. Every Imam can appeal to that court but not one did that till now

    Seems pretty generalizing to me. You're blaming an entire religion for 0.003% (based off of Viva-La-Lee's assumingly reliable stats (which I don't doubt they are)) of their people's actions. There's Christian people who kill non-believers (in the name of God, might I add) (which is also clearly going against the bible), but you won't say that Christian's should be held accountable for these actions for simply "not controlling their own."

    Name one existing christian terrorist group. Also can you imagine that let's say Christian ISIS ever emerges and Pope or any other head of Christian church do nothing like Muslim leaders? And just regular christians say it's not us or we have nothing to do with that?

    Oh look at that, you're still not understanding. I'm not bringing up race because I'm so hellbent about it, I'm bringing it up as a comparis

  • I'm actually a part of this... shhhh don't tell anyone or your computer will burn :-).

    Have you guys heard of this?

  • South park was freaking hilarious last night.

  • BigBlindMax

    Let's do a Mad Lib that I found on the internet! Just gimme some words! If you give me an adjective for example and there's multiple ones, s

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