The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Thank you very much:) I am so glad:)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Happy birthday, @Striker707!

  • Thank you dude:) You are awesome!=)

    @Striker707 Happy Birthday!

  • edited November 2015

    For no apparent reason...



  • Pfft

    For no apparent reason... Sh*ttyminaj A A

  • He's that prick in Diamond City, right?

    I found Dave Fennoy in Fallout 4.

  • edited November 2015

    I finally beat Rise of The Tomb Raider!!!!!! Well the story mode. I still got some side content to do, but that can wait for now. Man the game was freaking awesome and my pick for game of the year or at the very least a candidate.and I hope alot of you all decide to play it when it comes out for the other consoles. The game is too awesome to pass up and damn it there better be a sequel after the ending which was epic. I believe there will be a sequel because i think crystal dynamics or square enix accidently revealed it at gamescom

  • "When I first heard the title of "Stupid Hoe", I thought to myself, "Its a little early in Nicki's career to be writing her autobiography"

    - ADoseOfBuckley, 2012

    For no apparent reason... Sh*ttyminaj A A

  • May I ask what FoB is?

    im slowly being consumed by the FoB fandom... gUYS HELp

  • I just got to Diamond city. Where do I look for him?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    He's that prick in Diamond City, right?

  • Fall Out Boy.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    May I ask what FoB is?

  • The Upper Stands, in front of the Colonial Taphouse. He's easy to miss, but he's peripherally involved with a quest that starts there.

    I just got to Diamond city. Where do I look for him?

  • Whoever produced Stupid Hoe should be dragged out back and shot, along with the A & R who signed off on it.

    For no apparent reason... Sh*ttyminaj A A

  • Anyone hear got Gears Judgment and wanna co op the story?(no mic atm sadly) really need to kill time.

  • So I just finished watching Jessica Jones... I LOVE IT!!!!!

    Stop what you are doing and GET NETFLIX!

  • Gonna be the best Walking Dead episode ever. Calling it now.

    enter image description here

  • Is it 90 minutes long?

    Gonna be the best Walking Dead episode ever. Calling it now.

  • So, I went and watched the new Hunger Games, and I thought it was alright. I mean, I haven't read any of the books, didn't see Mockingjay Part 1, and hated the first two, so I'd say people that actually did all of those things would probably like it. I do have a couple problems with it.


    Some scenes are drawn out for too long and become, well, boring. Peeta fucking kills a dude, a good guy, and no one gives a shit. Peeta is the only one that even acknowledges that he did it and seems (albeit, slightly) bad about it. After three guys in their unit meets relatively brutal deaths, they take refuge with a cat woman. She is a human that looks like a cat. Why? She distracted me simply with her existence. She is sp horribly out of place that I said aloud at the theater "Why the fuck is there a cat-lady?", this comment was met with laughter from some Freshmen sitting in-front of me. Minutes later, Peeta and that one dude Katniss used to hunt with talk about who they figure Katniss loves out of the two of them. Again, three members of your unit, one of which you(Peeta) was shown to be friends with, is dead and you're talking about this Love-Triangle. Katniss' sister dies in an explosion, and Katniss shows absolutely no emotion about it whatsoever. To be fair, she essentially breaks off relations with the dude she used to hunt with after it turns out that the woman leading the rebellion was responsible for said bombing, and I think he had a part in it. I really didn't understand this scene. Also, Katniss does kill said rebel-leading woman around the end of the movie. Maybe she showed some emotion at that point, but I actually missed this part because I had to poop and was gone for like, 20 minutes.

    Some of these things may be addressed in the books, but again, I haven't read the books. I'm taking this movie as I saw it. The only part I didn't see was 16 minutes(legit) around the ending, but I did get back just in time for the last 6 minutes, which a lot of people liked. I'm completely aware that some of these problems were nit-picking.

    Despite those scenes, I still thought it was overall enjoyable. There are a lot of good scenes, with my personal favorite being when the "Mutts" show up. They are by no means dogs, by the way. They're kind of like parkouring zombies, and that's pretty cool.

  • Thanks!

    Fall Out Boy.

  • Doubtful unless they fix their mistake and kill you know who off

    Gonna be the best Walking Dead episode ever. Calling it now.

  • edited November 2015

    We may have to wait for the season finale for that.

    Doubtful unless they fix their mistake and kill you know who off

  • Interesting.... I never really got into the Hunger Games stuff and I've never really liked Jennifer Lawerence but people I know keep saying how good the new one is.

    Here's a thread for talk about 2015 Movies :) :

  • edited November 2015

    Someone just spoiled the ending of The Walking Dead Season 6.... If you watch The Walking Dead and wanna avoid spoilers don't go on this twitter account. She's giving out spoilers when they are not wanted. She apparently knows someone on the show.

    Mod Edit: Can't link that kind of stuff, hopefully not true. But to be safe, yeah.

  • I've read the books, everything goes exactly as you describe it. The first Hunger Games is currently the only film I would read again. Catching Fire and Mockingjay Part 1 have absolutely nothing special about them, and it seems like this one is no different, based on your description.

  • So I took English Studies as a Year 10 elective in the hope that I would have a chance to improve my writing quality. But instead I get to do more linear assignments on biased gender-based social issues in which there's no independent research.

    I was kinda hoping that my school wold stop coddling students. I barely understood it in Year 9, but they seem to be assuming that Year 10 students are incapable of learning about a social issue without massive hand-holding going on.

    Goddammit, I hate school sometimes.

  • Anybody here have gears of war 3 and wanna play with me? i need some friends lol

  • I got $10 on my xbox account and need help deciding what to get with it.

    The choices are:

    Mirror's Edge

    Beyond Good and Evil HD

    Monkey Island SE



    Clash of Heroes

    Blues and Bullets episode 1

    I choose these games because they are/ are going to be backwards compatible and because they're on sale. So which should I buy? I can afford 2 or maybe 3 if I buy the cheapest ones.

  • I would recommend either Borderlands or BioShock.

    I got $10 on my xbox account and need help deciding what to get with it. The choices are: Mirror's Edge Beyond Good and Evil HD

  • I do, I haven't played in a while though so i'm probably not very good.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Anybody here have gears of war 3 and wanna play with me? i need some friends lol

  • Can't recommend Bioshock enough.

    I got $10 on my xbox account and need help deciding what to get with it. The choices are: Mirror's Edge Beyond Good and Evil HD

  • Not much. Boring school work.


  • Fortunately, I'm out of school. Although I was also a procrastinator so I couldn't be bothered to do any amount of school work. At least you're on the right track.

    Not much. Boring school work.

  • I'm just glad I've only got two and a half more weeks of school left, and then it'll be Christmas :)

    Fortunately, I'm out of school. Although I was also a procrastinator so I couldn't be bothered to do any amount of school work. At least you're on the right track.

  • So I was planning on playing Minecraft Story Mode on my computer once I got home tonight after a 3 hour train ride. I packed up everything, my microphone for commentary, my Xbox controller, an external hard drive for recording the game footage. The one thing I accidentally somehow forgot...the actual computer. I have no fucking idea how, but I forgot to pack it and left it in my dorm room by accident, and I don't go back until Monday morning. Needless to say I'm pissed at myself.

  • I hate the word soon.

  • @sirscrubbington

    would you agree this is an accurate representation of what one would experience when they acquire the dark bum?

  • Hey, long time no see. How's it going?


  • Don't forget the tiny risk of acquiring Dark Bum.

    Green613 posted: »

    @sirscrubbington would you agree this is an accurate representation of what one would experience when they acquire the dark bum?

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