Yes? Dragons and zombies don't make everyone else not human. George RR Martin created this world with the medieval eras in mind. The show ad… moreds a bit more fantasy to the mix, but they still don't have humans acting any different than they do in our world.
Humans are humans.
It has a medieval setting. They should use medieval tactics. The Whitehill soldiers are just human levies bound by the same rules and laws o… moref nature that we are. If this was high fantasy (Lord of the Rings for example) then it'd be different because they could say "oh shit! The Whitehills have a troll tearing apart our gate!" Or "damn, the Whitehill's have a wizard protecting their men!" Etc. The Night's Watch are the only faction thst gets a pass on this (on account of giants and ice people)
GRRM went out of his way (using his extensive historical knowledge to help build the world and base plots around) to create a realistic medieval world. Knights and levies didn't charge castles head on like "lol screw walls git rekt enemies."
The entire siege was cringeworthy and the Whitehill's were poorly written (I'm still pissed about Ludd and Gryff just being villains). That … moreisn't how siege warfare works. At all. Having a castle is pointless if an enemy army can just walk up to the walls and say "lol no" and walk in. Ironrath has the most useless walls ever. They don't block invaders, they don't block unwelcome diplomatic parties, and they don't block Twenty Good Men™. Horned helmets are stupid; Harys should have been killed immediately. The Whitehill's had an absurd number of men, why the fuck do the villains in the GoT (show) universe keep getting Plot Armies? Seriously, they're stronger than most second-tier Houses. They should only have 50 men at most. Sieges aren't a possibility for either House, the Whitehills were dangerous only because of Bolton backing. Also, nobody knows how to use shields. The amount of people killed by arrows was absurd. Back to archers, why the f… [view original content]
Nope. There isn't enough innovation, not much art, knowledgeable people are still frowned upon (a lot of people in universe don't trust maesters) religion is too dominant a force, there aren't any professional soldiers outside of knights, etc. If GRRM was attempting renaissance (he wasn't) then he did a shit job.
Also, the renaissance still falls under medieval. It took place in the later medieval era.
The renaissance took place in the later medieval eras. That, and the world Martin describes isn't late medieval at all. The nobility is too dominant, there's no multiculturalism, no major trade (trade happens but nothing notable comes of it), no significant technological advances, armies are still composed entirely of levies and knights, etc.
He was aiming more for the middle medieval era. Kind of.
No, the Forrester crossbowmen shot some Whitehill soldiers. Ludd and Gryff were closer than they were and on horses while not wearing heavy armour or holding shields.
If the Whitehills were out of range then they shouldn't have shot at all. The Whitehills fired into the castle, the men on the walls should outrange them significantly.
Okay... My game keeps crashing so I will only play my Asher playthrough. It is already too much of a hassle for such a mediocre episode.
Anyway... I ended up lying to Margaery because she said Sera has been badmouthing me. That was going too far.
Tried to call off the plan and marry Gwyn. My traitor, Royland, never showed up, despite the fact that I spared him.
Agreed to marry Morgryn. I honestly don't think he is able to destroy both houses as he claims. The man thinks too much of himself and is going to fall on his face hard on the next season. And, of course, I wasn't about to get Mira killed. A shame she can't be playable anymore.
The other wife would be there just to fill in the gap so they don't have to write entire scenes that will only play for the (few) people that agreed to marry him.
But if he's kind to her, they will have a child and they live happily ever after--- Oh wait, I forgot we are talking about Game of Thrones x… moreD
Although yes, that can be a possibility... I hope we'll be able to be kind to Mira... I wouldn't be happy if we were forced to slap her and torture her everytime we as Morgryn could interact Mira.
And as for the another wife possibility... I don't find a reason for Morgryn to be an arse to his new wife if she didn't do anything to her. Okay, for Mira I get it, she 'stole' an ironwood decree from the Whitehills (well kinda). Also I wonder what kind of choices we would get if we get the chance to play as Morgryn...
The Whitehills fired at the men on top of the walls. The men on the walls should have wwwwaaaayyy more range than them. Walls exist because they given those kinds of advantages. If they didn't no one would build them and putting archers and other ranged troops on top would have never been a thing.
The other wife would be there just to fill in the gap so they don't have to write entire scenes that will only play for the (few) people that agreed to marry him.
The only other possibility I see for Mira to show up in the next season is through some kind of impossible twist.
Like the woman in the cell in front of her, who had conveniently similar facial features, had been washed and put on the chopping block instead of her by whoever Tom's boss is. Or having a secret Red Priest doing some magics.
Mira: Took the blame for Sera (that's my homie, can't do her dirty), refused Morgryns offer and died (I was ready to die because I wouldn't let a whitehill have claim on ironrath)
Rate: 5/10, but I'm proud with the way my Mira left this world, given my choices.
Gared: Refused the blood sacrifice (couldn't do it to Sylvi) and left the North Grove (was hopin I could leave Elsera behind).
Rate: 4/10
Asher: Poisoned Ludd, defended the gate, lost Ironrath.
Rate: 8.5/10 the best parts of the episode and I was caught in all the feels. Granted this was the only part I didn't watch, but it seemed to be the part they worked on the most.
You're right about the knowledge thing, but religion is a dominant force in in both early and late Renaissance too, the High Sparrow for example reminds me very much of Girolamo Savonarola, a Christian fanatic who imposed a religious dictatorship on Florence (the womb of Renaissance itself) after Lorenzo de Medici's death (1492), and there are professional soldiers in Westeros: mercenaries. They were in basically every conflict of early Renaissance, so much that Niccoló Machiavelli wrote several essays suggesting to dismiss them and form a civilian militia. Finally, there have been many arguments about when the Renaissance begins, and some of them locate it in the early modern era.
Nope. There isn't enough innovation, not much art, knowledgeable people are still frowned upon (a lot of people in universe don't trust maes… moreters) religion is too dominant a force, there aren't any professional soldiers outside of knights, etc. If GRRM was attempting renaissance (he wasn't) then he did a shit job.
Also, the renaissance still falls under medieval. It took place in the later medieval era.
I said maybe, I rembered them being farther from Ironrath when they spoke. And you know, walls were mainly built to defend a settlement, placing archers on top of them is a secondary purpose.
The Whitehills fired at the men on top of the walls. The men on the walls should have wwwwaaaayyy more range than them. Walls … moreexist because they given those kinds of advantages. If they didn't no one would build them and putting archers and other ranged troops on top would have never been a thing.
It was a good episode, but Im not so fond of a season 2, I mean what is it even going to be about? The adventures of Asher/Rodrick, Beska, Ryon, Talia, and Duncan/Royland/No one?
Also, what happens if you do accept the wedding, I still need to find out all these different paths.
I also got the Cunning Strategy, because Im just so cunning and make sure that my last words will be "Not my good side."
It was a good episode, but Im not so fond of a season 2, I mean what is it even going to be about? The adventures of Asher/Rodrick, Beska, R… moreyon, Talia, and Duncan/Royland/No one?
Also, what happens if you do accept the wedding, I still need to find out all these different paths.
I also got the Cunning Strategy, because Im just so cunning and make sure that my last words will be "Not my good side."
It was a good episode, but Im not so fond of a season 2, I mean what is it even going to be about? The adventures of Asher/Rodrick, Beska, R… moreyon, Talia, and Duncan/Royland/No one?
Also, what happens if you do accept the wedding, I still need to find out all these different paths.
I also got the Cunning Strategy, because Im just so cunning and make sure that my last words will be "Not my good side."
You mean Asher marrying Gwyn or Mira marrying Morgryn?
If Mira agrees to marry Morgryn, she survives and Tom is killed instead.
If Asher agrees to marry Gwyn and calls off the plan, Gwyn will be with him at the end.
Well, in my case, I choose ambush instead of poison, so Mom went batshit crazy on Ludd with a dagger and cut his face (he didn't die, he ran away like the pig he is).
Okay, what I got in the end was Rodrik with Royland and Talia, Ryon with Beskha and Gared marching south. Everyone else is dead. I don't know what to say, my feelings are mixed. There are certainly things I like about the episode. Such as capturing the reality of war. It isn't glorious and heroic. It is brutal, violent, horrible and merciless. I admire that the Forresters kept fighting despite all of the odds against them. What I didn't like about this episode. it doesn't have a conclusive feel to it. I know that it is setting up for Season 2, but it is easier to shallow when it is a Tv-show, but not as much if it is a game.
I wasnt happy about how it turned out, so I replayed it again as Asher.
I lied to Lady Margaery.
I let Mira live. (I couldnt watch her die, she is my favourite)
I chose to defend the North Grove.
I used Cotter's heart in blood magic.
I chose to call the ambush off.
In the end in the first try, my sentinel (Sir Royland) and Thalia finds Asher, but if you call off the ambush, Gwyn and Thalia will find you.
I did not like that you could not choose to save all the Forresters. I did not want Mira to get married to that bastard, and I really thought that Lady Margaery would come to her rescue And I was so damn sure it would have a happy ending. But it was a really exciting episode. I rate it 7/10.
The decisions were difficult to make ;-; I'm someone who likes to choose the morally good paths but that doesn't lead to many good things in Game of Thrones.
I wasnt happy about how it turned out, so I replayed it again as Asher.
* I lied to Lady Margaery.
* I let Mira live. (I couldnt watch… more her die, she is my favourite)
* I chose to defend the North Grove.
* I used Cotter's heart in blood magic.
* I chose to call the ambush off.
In the end in the first try, my sentinel (Sir Royland) and Thalia finds Asher, but if you call off the ambush, Gwyn and Thalia will find you.
I did not like that you could not choose to save all the Forresters. I did not want Mira to get married to that bastard, and I really thought that Lady Margaery would come to her rescue And I was so damn sure it would have a happy ending. But it was a really exciting episode. I rate it 7/10.
Told Margaery the truth, defended Sera like a sis and got dismissed.
Refused to marry Morgryn and died like a boss. I'm disappointed with her whole storyline tho. Everything I did there was useless in the end.
Gave Cotter a merciful death.. He's my bro and I promised his sister.
Set up an ambush. Thought they'd be competent enough to slay those damn Whitehills in that small room. I was wrong. How hard could it be? They should've at least put someone at the other side of the door to stop Ludd from running away. That was so stupid.. Oh. Does he at least die when you poison him? Or what happens?
Abandoned the north grove. Why would I stay there? It's not like someone will find it anyway. I'm a bit scared about what those blood magic people will do later on.. Some will probably turn on me because that witch loses her power.
Had Asher as Lord of Ironrath.
Told Margaery the truth, defended Sera like a sis and got dismissed.
Refused to marry Morgryn and died … morelike a boss. I'm disappointed with her whole storyline tho. Everything I did there was useless in the end.
Gave Cotter a merciful death.. He's my bro and I promised his sister.
Set up an ambush. Thought they'd be competent enough to slay those damn Whitehills in that small room. I was wrong. How hard could it be? They should've at least put someone at the other side of the door to stop Ludd from running away. That was so stupid.. Oh. Does he at least die when you poison him? Or what happens?
Abandoned the north grove. Why would I stay there? It's not like someone will find it anyway. I'm a bit scared about what those blood magic people will do later on.. Some will probably turn on me because that witch loses her power.
*Asher survived and claimed the title as Lord of Ironrath.
Mira told the truth, defended, Sera and was dismissed. Ultimately I refused marriage to Morgryn and she died.
Cotter was fed the Nightshade and I decided to stay and defend the North Grove.
Went with the poison tactic, but stopped it before Lady Forrester could drink it. Gryff perished in the scuffle and Ironrath was sieged by the Whitehills.*
Personally, I thought the episode was okay. In regards to Mira, I figured someone of high importance would save her at the executioner's block. I was wrong and her head was sent rolling. But throughout most of the episodes I played the Forrester family stubbornly. None of them really backed down, but were honorable and honest. In reference to Gared's story, I felt like keeping his oath to Gregor Forrester and I played him more compassionately. For example, keeping the problem to Slyvi about giving her brother the Nightshade and not having him become one of the "warriors".
As others have mentioned, the story was left wide open for me besides Mira's storyline because not she is dead. When the end credits started rolling, I thought to myself, "I'd be screwed if I was in the GoT environment" and second-guessed my decisions. Haha! But having that feeling gave me the most satisfaction from the episode because I should've known better and made better decisions, in my opinion. But considering that Ironrath gets taken over eitherway, I didn't feel as bad in regards to fighting fiercely as Asher Forrester, I was just hoping he found some redemption for his family before the season's end.
Ultimately, I'm looking forward to the next season, whenever that may be. Just a note, it took a while for this final episode to release and when I finished it today, I felt somewhat less sympathetic towards the deaths as I knew some of them were coming. In contrast, I felt terrible when Rodrick perished in episode five.
Asher is my lord of Ironrath. I was so mad I couldn't kill more Whitehills at the ambush, oh man! Ludd and Gwyn are still alive, but hopefully not for long...
I also wonder: What are the other options for the choice where I got "instinct and nobility"?
Asher is my lord of Ironrath. I was so mad I couldn't kill more Whitehills at the ambush, oh man! Ludd and Gwyn are still alive, but hopeful… morely not for long...
I also wonder: What are the other options for the choice where I got "instinct and nobility"?
Asher is my lord of Ironrath. I was so mad I couldn't kill more Whitehills at the ambush, oh man! Ludd and Gwyn are still alive, but hopeful… morely not for long...
I also wonder: What are the other options for the choice where I got "instinct and nobility"?
But in the end, her death means that Morgryn will never have a claim on Ironrath. You can see that Morgryn is practically shaking with rage at the lost opportunity.
Wait you are telling me your sentinel survived because you killed the traitor? Damn first time this season im saying fuck dis im redoing that part. Dont want to lose Royland the sentinel XD
The entire siege was cringeworthy and the Whitehill's were poorly written (I'm still pissed about Ludd and Gryff just being villains). That … moreisn't how siege warfare works. At all. Having a castle is pointless if an enemy army can just walk up to the walls and say "lol no" and walk in. Ironrath has the most useless walls ever. They don't block invaders, they don't block unwelcome diplomatic parties, and they don't block Twenty Good Men™. Horned helmets are stupid; Harys should have been killed immediately. The Whitehill's had an absurd number of men, why the fuck do the villains in the GoT (show) universe keep getting Plot Armies? Seriously, they're stronger than most second-tier Houses. They should only have 50 men at most. Sieges aren't a possibility for either House, the Whitehills were dangerous only because of Bolton backing. Also, nobody knows how to use shields. The amount of people killed by arrows was absurd. Back to archers, why the f… [view original content]
A terrible end for Mira.
But in the end, her death means that Morgryn will never have a claim on Ironrath. You can see that Morgryn is practically shaking with rage at the lost opportunity.
I kept Mira alive because I want to keep hope on having her as another piece in the game. I couldn't let her die.
I just wish I could've taken Gryff, even more so than Ludd. I would trade them in a heartbeat. And yeah I sacrified Lady Forrester aswell.
How do you kill Ludd and not find Ryon? Is that the ambush option? Ryon was automatically on Beshka's horse in the end for me.
A terrible end for Mira.
But in the end, her death means that Morgryn will never have a claim on Ironrath. You can see that Morgryn is practically shaking with rage at the lost opportunity.
Yeah, it's pretty cool to see that our choices have a bigger impact in this episode.
Not to be annoying, but I think Martin had more likely in mind early Renaissance.
As I said above, it's more a Renaissance era setting.
Maybe they weren't at shooting range.
Nope. There isn't enough innovation, not much art, knowledgeable people are still frowned upon (a lot of people in universe don't trust maesters) religion is too dominant a force, there aren't any professional soldiers outside of knights, etc. If GRRM was attempting renaissance (he wasn't) then he did a shit job.
Also, the renaissance still falls under medieval. It took place in the later medieval era.
lol, no.
The renaissance took place in the later medieval eras. That, and the world Martin describes isn't late medieval at all. The nobility is too dominant, there's no multiculturalism, no major trade (trade happens but nothing notable comes of it), no significant technological advances, armies are still composed entirely of levies and knights, etc.
He was aiming more for the middle medieval era. Kind of.
No, the Forrester crossbowmen shot some Whitehill soldiers. Ludd and Gryff were closer than they were and on horses while not wearing heavy armour or holding shields.
If the Whitehills were out of range then they shouldn't have shot at all. The Whitehills fired into the castle, the men on the walls should outrange them significantly.
Okay... My game keeps crashing so I will only play my Asher playthrough. It is already too much of a hassle for such a mediocre episode.
Anyway... I ended up lying to Margaery because she said Sera has been badmouthing me. That was going too far.
Tried to call off the plan and marry Gwyn. My traitor, Royland, never showed up, despite the fact that I spared him.
Agreed to marry Morgryn. I honestly don't think he is able to destroy both houses as he claims. The man thinks too much of himself and is going to fall on his face hard on the next season. And, of course, I wasn't about to get Mira killed. A shame she can't be playable anymore.
Used Cotter's heart, and marched south.
The other wife would be there just to fill in the gap so they don't have to write entire scenes that will only play for the (few) people that agreed to marry him.
The Whitehills fired at the men on top of the walls. The men on the walls should have wwwwaaaayyy more range than them. Walls exist because they given those kinds of advantages. If they didn't no one would build them and putting archers and other ranged troops on top would have never been a thing.
Well, that seems reasonable, I guess.
But if that really happens, I just hope the dialogue choices will be different... xd
The only other possibility I see for Mira to show up in the next season is through some kind of impossible twist.
Like the woman in the cell in front of her, who had conveniently similar facial features, had been washed and put on the chopping block instead of her by whoever Tom's boss is. Or having a secret Red Priest doing some magics.
Asher play through
Mira: Took the blame for Sera (that's my homie, can't do her dirty), refused Morgryns offer and died (I was ready to die because I wouldn't let a whitehill have claim on ironrath)
Rate: 5/10, but I'm proud with the way my Mira left this world, given my choices.
Gared: Refused the blood sacrifice (couldn't do it to Sylvi) and left the North Grove (was hopin I could leave Elsera behind).
Rate: 4/10
Asher: Poisoned Ludd, defended the gate, lost Ironrath.
Rate: 8.5/10 the best parts of the episode and I was caught in all the feels. Granted this was the only part I didn't watch, but it seemed to be the part they worked on the most.
Strategy: Instinct and Nobility
Episode overall: 6.5/10
You're right about the knowledge thing, but religion is a dominant force in in both early and late Renaissance too, the High Sparrow for example reminds me very much of Girolamo Savonarola, a Christian fanatic who imposed a religious dictatorship on Florence (the womb of Renaissance itself) after Lorenzo de Medici's death (1492), and there are professional soldiers in Westeros: mercenaries. They were in basically every conflict of early Renaissance, so much that Niccoló Machiavelli wrote several essays suggesting to dismiss them and form a civilian militia. Finally, there have been many arguments about when the Renaissance begins, and some of them locate it in the early modern era.
I said maybe, I rembered them being farther from Ironrath when they spoke. And you know, walls were mainly built to defend a settlement, placing archers on top of them is a secondary purpose.
It was a good episode, but Im not so fond of a season 2, I mean what is it even going to be about? The adventures of Asher/Rodrick, Beska, Ryon, Talia, and Duncan/Royland/No one?
Also, what happens if you do accept the wedding, I still need to find out all these different paths.
I also got the Cunning Strategy, because Im just so cunning and make sure that my last words will be "Not my good side."
If you accept to marry Morgryn, Mira will actually live.
And I'm not sure what happens if you decide to marry Gwyn as Asher
You mean Asher marrying Gwyn or Mira marrying Morgryn?
If Mira agrees to marry Morgryn, she survives and Tom is killed instead.
If Asher agrees to marry Gwyn and calls off the plan, Gwyn will be with him at the end.
Yeah thats what I wanted to know about with Gwyn and Asher, I assume Ludd just goes full butter mode.
What causes the fight then?
Well, in my case, I choose ambush instead of poison, so Mom went batshit crazy on Ludd with a dagger and cut his face (he didn't die, he ran away like the pig he is).
Well...This was a brutal episode....
Okay, what I got in the end was Rodrik with Royland and Talia, Ryon with Beskha and Gared marching south. Everyone else is dead. I don't know what to say, my feelings are mixed. There are certainly things I like about the episode. Such as capturing the reality of war. It isn't glorious and heroic. It is brutal, violent, horrible and merciless. I admire that the Forresters kept fighting despite all of the odds against them. What I didn't like about this episode. it doesn't have a conclusive feel to it. I know that it is setting up for Season 2, but it is easier to shallow when it is a Tv-show, but not as much if it is a game.
I wasnt happy about how it turned out, so I replayed it again as Asher.
In the end in the first try, my sentinel (Sir Royland) and Thalia finds Asher, but if you call off the ambush, Gwyn and Thalia will find you.
And I was so damn sure it would have a happy ending. But it was a really exciting episode. I rate it 7/10.
I did not like that you could not choose to save all the Forresters. I did not want Mira to get married to that bastard, and I really thought that Lady Margaery would come to her rescue
The decisions were difficult to make ;-; I'm someone who likes to choose the morally good paths but that doesn't lead to many good things in Game of Thrones.
Didn't a Whitehill die?
Had Asher as Lord of Ironrath.
Told Margaery the truth, defended Sera like a sis and got dismissed.
Refused to marry Morgryn and died like a boss. I'm disappointed with her whole storyline tho. Everything I did there was useless in the end.
Gave Cotter a merciful death.. He's my bro and I promised his sister.
Set up an ambush. Thought they'd be competent enough to slay those damn Whitehills in that small room. I was wrong. How hard could it be? They should've at least put someone at the other side of the door to stop Ludd from running away. That was so stupid.. Oh. Does he at least die when you poison him? Or what happens?
Abandoned the north grove. Why would I stay there? It's not like someone will find it anyway. I'm a bit scared about what those blood magic people will do later on.. Some will probably turn on me because that witch loses her power.
He dies, but Gryff lives instead.
*Asher survived and claimed the title as Lord of Ironrath.
Mira told the truth, defended, Sera and was dismissed. Ultimately I refused marriage to Morgryn and she died.
Cotter was fed the Nightshade and I decided to stay and defend the North Grove.
Went with the poison tactic, but stopped it before Lady Forrester could drink it. Gryff perished in the scuffle and Ironrath was sieged by the Whitehills.*
Personally, I thought the episode was okay. In regards to Mira, I figured someone of high importance would save her at the executioner's block. I was wrong and her head was sent rolling. But throughout most of the episodes I played the Forrester family stubbornly. None of them really backed down, but were honorable and honest. In reference to Gared's story, I felt like keeping his oath to Gregor Forrester and I played him more compassionately. For example, keeping the problem to Slyvi about giving her brother the Nightshade and not having him become one of the "warriors".
As others have mentioned, the story was left wide open for me besides Mira's storyline because not she is dead. When the end credits started rolling, I thought to myself, "I'd be screwed if I was in the GoT environment" and second-guessed my decisions. Haha! But having that feeling gave me the most satisfaction from the episode because I should've known better and made better decisions, in my opinion. But considering that Ironrath gets taken over eitherway, I didn't feel as bad in regards to fighting fiercely as Asher Forrester, I was just hoping he found some redemption for his family before the season's end.
Ultimately, I'm looking forward to the next season, whenever that may be. Just a note, it took a while for this final episode to release and when I finished it today, I felt somewhat less sympathetic towards the deaths as I knew some of them were coming. In contrast, I felt terrible when Rodrick perished in episode five.
Asher is my lord of Ironrath. I was so mad I couldn't kill more Whitehills at the ambush, oh man! Ludd and Gwyn are still alive, but hopefully not for long...
I also wonder: What are the other options for the choice where I got "instinct and nobility"?
Yeah, Gryff died. Elissa went beserk :P But because I tried to call it off, Gwyn wasn't mad at me and even tried to save my life.
From what I remember something about "Cunning" that's what I got.
I got Cunning Strategy instead... Maybe its for those of us without any honor :PPP
Tbh when I saw that Talia was alive in the epilogue I literally jumped in my chair with joy XD
And I'm still REALLY sad that Mira died ;-;
A terrible end for Mira.
But in the end, her death means that Morgryn will never have a claim on Ironrath. You can see that Morgryn is practically shaking with rage at the lost opportunity.
Wait you are telling me your sentinel survived because you killed the traitor? Damn first time this season im saying fuck dis im redoing that part. Dont want to lose Royland the sentinel XD
Yeah, I felt that Mira would rather have died than have Morgryn anywhere near Ironrath
Our deadly handmaiden may finally rest in peace now ;-;
Asher playthrough.
I kept Mira alive because I want to keep hope on having her as another piece in the game. I couldn't let her die.
And yeah I sacrified Lady Forrester aswell.
I just wish I could've taken Gryff, even more so than Ludd. I would trade them in a heartbeat.
How do you kill Ludd and not find Ryon? Is that the ambush option? Ryon was automatically on Beshka's horse in the end for me.
I wont read other comments. I have exams, and i will play my 3 saves after they end.
Asher: I tried everything to save him. Strange thing is i cried when he died in episode 5, but not here.
Royland: i'm glad one of my favourite characters survived. I hope he take good care of Talia
Talia: Glad she is alive. I want him to be the protagonist of S2. I FUCKING WANT A S2
Beskha: She is great. "You are the only family i've ever had. That means Ryon is my brother too". I love her character now.
Ryon: His staring tells me that he will want revenge. I hope i could see him again.
Bowen: I cried when he saved me. That means i did the right thing. Shame he was killed by Harys
Bloodsong and Erik: they did not appear in EP6, but i know they will die.
Maester: i liked him. But he is a coward. I dont know what happened to him
Duncan: Dead in ep5.
Elaena: i dont know what happened to her.
Amaya: i liked how she fought till the end.
Mira: she died. but i am proud of her. She did the right thing always. Dying was better to be the slave of "Charming" Morgryn.
Morgryn: Good villain, Telltale. He is behind Carver the best one.
Gared: He fought well. He is journing to Ironrath and i hope he kills Gryff.
Silvy: she is mad at me, but Cotter died for the bloodmagic. Another reason to me to return Ironrath.
Bastards Forresters: They have much potential. S2 please.
Elissa: She had to died for have Ludd death. She was brave for sacrifice herself.
Ludd: im glad he is dead.
Gryff: I swear he will die in all my other gameplays.
Gwyn: i wish i could have killed her.
Harys: At least i killed him.
The episode is the best. But the final didnt leave me satisfied. I want a S2.
Id rather Mira is dead before a slave to Morgryn.
He was goint to use her to get power and fuck with her when he wants a son (sorry for my english, is not good).
Her death and her mother were for the good of others