A Huge Disappointment



  • Very dissapointed in the Mira and Gared storylines, but I loved the Asher/Rodrik playthroughs.

    Gared: North Grove wasn't even explained when you think about it. All we did was find two bastard magicians with like 10 Mobie warriors and that's it? Then they really expect me to turn on Cotter and Sylvi? lol fuck the forresters I'm a Tuttle anyway. If his storyline surrounds the "winter is coming" plot then I shoulda stayed with Jon at the wall.

    Mira: unbearable to play. i can play the game of thrones perfectly or horribly at kings landing and one way or another Morgryn is a step ahead of me... Damn plot. Even if you never help your family, don't steal from Margery, and don't kill Damian..

    Best part of the episode was Asher and Beskha being together

  • I found it very disappointing. By the sixth episode I actually cared little for the characters and just wanted to know what the North Grove was all about. Unfortunately we still don't know... I think with the episode spacing being so far apart, it causes a disconnection with the characters. I found myself forgetting a few faces from previous episodes and why I should care for some of the larger ones.

  • didnt played it because i have absolutly no intrest in Borderlands. Never had fun at this game

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I just think it's time telltale should give us an happy ending Tales from the Borderlands ended happily.

  • No it didnt, it was a damn cliffhanger

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I just think it's time telltale should give us an happy ending Tales from the Borderlands ended happily.

  • Dude main problem is un-resolved indeed in TWAU... Using glamour in a crime you are part of is the main problem

    magic713 posted: »

    I wouldn't define TWAU ending as a cliffhanger, but a tease instead. The difference being a cliffhanger leaves the main problem still unreso

  • +lying to SHERIFF

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Dude main problem is un-resolved indeed in TWAU... Using glamour in a crime you are part of is the main problem

  • I don't really think it's fair to say, this is the worst finale, it ended on a cliffhanger, or it left numerous questions unanswered. It was said awhile back that this was going to be a multiple seasoned game, you can not expect everything to be perfectly wrapped up in one season, they even gave it a 6th episode to help flesh out the story/characters.

    I mean, this is like complaining when season 1 of the show ended and not knowing everything or getting upset at the books when they leave you with unsolved plot threads. We're getting more later and many questions will be answered, you just have to wait instead of getting upset at it for doing exactly what a series should do.

  • ...I agree. I hate Telltale games at this point. I gave four big nice series a shot and..it didn't really pan out.

    The Walking Dead? Pretty nice, railroaded at times, but innovative and fresh enough! Choices here weren't big, always on the more personal level. You didn't build a community which would've lead to feeling like your choices were shit, it was well enough.

    The Wolf Among Us? Didn't really feel all that good or coordinated. The whole shift in script can attribute to that. I did like the ending with the Crooked Man and everyone's judgement of you, but up till then? It just kind of felt you were stringing yourself along and the ending didn't really seem impactful to me. And the cliffhanger...well it's a nice twist but why did it have to be a cliffhanger? Can't we just fucking close the book on this? Doesn't mean we can't come back to it Telltale, god damn it.

    The Walking Dead Season 2? A piece of complete and utter trite garbage. Nick didn't matter. Sarah didn't matter. Luke's death was bullshit. Sarita was absolutely pointless as her own character. They hamfisted Kenny as some sort of 'bro-package'. They lacked the balls to create a new fucking narrative with a good direction and shoved an entire dead cast on us. The only people that mattered were Bonnie, Mike, Arvo, and Jane. And they didn't appear till halfway in. Kenny was slightly alright, but why the fuck would you bring'em back except to try and tug at nolstagia all the time? Luke, Alvin and Rebecca are the only ones I enjoyed out of the Cabin Crew. Pete died too quick and his death scene just felt...awkward. And Rebecca's 180 after Episode 1 was kind of...meh? I appreciated it happened earlier rather than later. And Clem's somewhat clumsy development (CLEMENTINE IS PROTAGONIST, THUS SHE MUST BE ACTION HERO. INSTEAD OF YOU KNOW. LITTLE KID. I MEAN YEAH THEY DID GOOD WITH PORTRAYING THAT IN COMBAT BUT COME ON STORY.)...the whole thing with Christa....

    The Tales From the Borderlands? Good game. Enjoyable. Laughs were had. Handsome Jack was a bit of a weary cameo at some points, but hey he served a good purpose and wasn't as bothersome as Kenny. Best game I've enjoyed since the original Walking Dead when it wasn't butchered. It does drag it's feet here or there (The whole Atlas puzzle in Episode 2 for example.) but it's never enough to take you out. I honestly don't see how they can screw up here.

    Game of Thrones? All choices are inconsequential except for some voice actors commenting on you in some slides. It's literally a playable prologue. It had powerful choices or....illusions of choice. But when you saw through it? Realized you were fucked from the get-go? Yep. Also fuck them for thinking having Ramsay Snow waltz up to your gate was smart. The second you know he's from the show, you realize he has 100% plot armor. Infact, this is why the Walking Dead's idea was a novelty and outright better in some aspects. You didn't have main characters enforcing laws who cannot be defied as book/show canon dictates. Yes, it's fun and fascinating to chat with Tyrion, or Cersei and be Marge's handmaiden, or shoot the shit with Jon, help Daerynarys. But it also provides a wall that you literally cannot surpass. You can't make big decisions if it impacts their stories. And everything you did became pretty horrible to one ending with about maybe...6 or so varients? Asher/Rodrik, Gwyn, Rodrik's Wife, The North Grove, Mira's life, Sentinel and Traitor, and maybe a little more if you're pushing it?

    Minecraft-wise? I don't give two shits about it. Minecraft is a nice game and the graphics are there for an aesthetic charm. I get Telltale's using that same charm because otherwise it wouldn't be 'Minecraft'. but...to me it's just boring and looks bad. And it plays like a kid's story from the first half-an-hour I watched.

    The fact their interface has stayed the same throughout all their games....just point and click, dialogue choices, and quicktimes with little to innovate their games doesn't help either.

    As a brand? Telltale's lost it's power to me. They can keep the money I've given them, was a fun ride for a little while. But the idea of episodic releases that take forever and have me forget why I'm invested, and beyond that as a whole never really grew to really innovate itself? Never really delivered on an INTERACTIVE narrative that really DID cater to your choices?

    I mean fuck, Telltale games seem so goddamn cheap. And if they pushed themselves, to actually make every damn choice they put on the table matter? They have the POTENTIAL to create that diverging narrative. To actually tell more than the same story with a different flavor. To actually BRANCH your paths THROUGHOUT the game. Hard? Yes incredibly so just to make two different stories fit in one game. Worth it? Oh god yes. There has never been a game in the past decade to really pull that off. Where making a decision isn't just locking off content or picking a flavor/outcome but actually shifts the narrative.

    And don't use the endings as any indicator that's what Telltale's trying to do. Endings were where they don't have to carry through on big choices, and then if they make a sequel can just homogenize it. You see Clementine? She's going to end up in the same place no matter her ending. Kenny/Jane will either be lost or die ala Christa, the community will have turned to shit. Etc. At best, and it'd be impressive, they give you a single episode responding to the ending you chose, and THEN it gets to the main narrative overarching plot. But it won't. You'll just be shucked into the shit from Episode 1 without your endings meaning diddly squat. Or they'll just shuck Clem out the window cause Season 2 was a trainwreck.

  • But how would the North Grove preseve the house through winter?

    FishySticks posted: »

    As for the North Grove, winter is coming. That's all I'm gonna say. His plot made a lot of sense actually, now that I realize that. It wa

  • If ttgwould explain EVERYTHING in this one episode we would get nothing in season 2. After all we at least have a 99,9% of chance that we will have season 2. Although I wonder how they are going to patch soo many different choices, because some % of us decided Gared to stay and some of us not. some of us decided to marry morgryn and some of us choosed death. some of us had asher alive and some of us rodrik etc.

  • You should give it a shot since the first episode is free on console and mobile.

    Xemnes posted: »

    didnt played it because i have absolutly no intrest in Borderlands. Never had fun at this game

  • I have not played the final episode but by your post I'll assume there is a cliffhanger. After playing the 5 previous episodes, the story given to us isn't ready to be totally resolved. Plus having a multi episodic season contract, you should expect it. I guess I'll be able to comprehend the frustration once I download and play it.

  • What did GOT ended with? Cliffhanger. Seriously, does telltale love cliffhangers so much?

    Maybe they do, there's nothing wrong with cliffhangers as long as they are finally explained. However I am kinda trained in the art of dealing with cliffhangers (I have watched a lot of TV shows were it got cancelled and ended on a cliffhanger so I'm used to it).

    Anyway, it's probable that it will get a season 2 so all the cliffhangers can be resolved. :D Have faith in Telltale.

  • Also, a determinant character again? Seriously?

    Yeah what they did to Mira this episode was just wrong. This was my only let down.

    What happened to Mira after that? Never explained.

    Well if you kill Mira she's dead (duh), if she marries Morgryn then she's with him locked. They will marry and Morgryn will try to kill Asher/Rodrick so he will get the claim to Ironrath (that doesn't exist anymore :( ). This set up a possible storyline in Season 2 that'll make Morgryn (one of) the vilains in S2: he will be trying to take House Forrester to himself. (If Mira is alive she probably wont be playable)

    What happened to Gared? Never explained.

    He is either marching south with an army of brained washed wildlings ot at the North Grove figuring out what it does. This sets a possible storyline for Season 2. (He will probably be playable)

    What happend to Rodrik or Asher after Royland or Duncan and Talia found him? Never explained.

    They are alive with Talia, Gwyn, Royland/Duncan/None/Both. This sets a possible storyline for Season 2 of them trying to retake Ironrath, then rebuild it, then have a new war with the Whitehills or try to negociate peace (for everyone's sake I hope it is the later).

    Who is Tom's boss? Never explained.

    Another flaw in Mira's storyline this episode. I totally agree with you on this one.

    Daenerys' mission for Malcom and Malcom's fate? Never explained.

    Well two possibilities:

    • New storyline for Season 2


    • Malcolm's DLC

    Beskha and Ryon (why would she take him away with her on horse instead of going to ironrath)? Never explained.

    Well I assume you played with Rodrick. She was probably trying to get him away from the battle. But...

    If you play with Asher then she will save Ryon's life from a Whitehill that was trying to kill him and escapes with him FROM Ironrath.

    Anyways this sets up a possible storyline of Beska teaching Ryon how to be a badass, he will probably be the next Arya Stark and swear revenge on the Whitehills. (Ryon will probably be playable but there's also hope for Beska being playable (I hope we play as Ryon)).

    Ealena Glenmore (What happened to her, she just never appeared again, with no proper conclusion.)

    If you let her stay at Ironrath she is probably taken by the Whitehills. I assume they retrieve her home because killing her would start a potencial war with the Glenmores.

    So IF TellTale doesn't do a secon Season about the Forresters then yes, this finale sucks.

  • I can handle the cliffhanger with Ironrath; I can accept the North Grove not being explained; but the fatal flaw with this finale was making Mira determinant when she had so much more story potential - her death feels like it was simply done 'because its Game of Thrones', not because it had any impact on the storyline. She was the most unique POV and Telltale killed her in favor of letting Rodrik/Asher live.

    Not that I was upset by that - in fact I was quite surprised with how Telltale went out of their way to make the final decision in Episode 5 matter in the long term. At least this does give some hope that if they would go so far for a determinant character like Asher/Rodrik, then maybe then can do the same for Mira.

    But maybe there were going to be just too many POVs after Season 2 so they needed to permanently cut some POV from Season 1 to make room for a new POV in Season 2. Mira's determinant status was such a disappointment, and lack of closure if agreeing to marry Morgryn doesn't help either - she does get one last interactive dialogue if she chooses to be executed - but we get nothing if we end up betrothed to Morgryn.

  • edited November 2015

    The twins believe it can, they said that the Grove possesses some hidden power they haven't been able to use completely yet. They believed it could be used to keep the Grove safe through winter from the Others.

    If Gared marches south, we'll probably lose the Grove forever and never get to know about the it's true potential.

    kaza125 posted: »

    But how would the North Grove preseve the house through winter?

  • So it's a hidden power that we have no idea what it is?
    Urr, it's kinda dissapointing really.

    FishySticks posted: »

    The twins believe it can, they said that the Grove possesses some hidden power they haven't been able to use completely yet. They believed i

  • I doubt that the finale was clearly disappointing, it's the best episode out of all. I don't mind the cliffhanger

  • Pretty much...

    kaza125 posted: »

    So it's a hidden power that we have no idea what it is? Urr, it's kinda dissapointing really.

  • I love GoT... the series, the game... but sigh, this was a very dissatisfying episode. I really feel like nothing got finished. Too many unanswered questions...

  • edited November 2015

    I am so disappointed. I had never expected that there would be no possibility at all to defeat the Whitehills, no matter the choices or strategy, let alone that the Forrester/Whitehill war would still not be solved for good by the end of this episode, and that is the biggest frustration.

    In my mind their conflict would be solved in this finale, and season 2 would be about a new plot, it never occured to me that the main plot would still be unaccomplished and left hanging in that way.

    I feel very frustrated. The prospect of a second season doesn't make me eager at all, it just disappoints me.

    Right now I don't even care for a new season, I'm just tired with Telltale games. I was so excited when I began this game, but as I ended it it left me with a weird bitter taste in my mouth.

  • Well okay i play it if u promise me to watch the anime prison school instead

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You should give it a shot since the first episode is free on console and mobile.

  • What's it about? Any good?

    Xemnes posted: »

    Well okay i play it if u promise me to watch the anime prison school instead

  • (Claps Hands)

    There it is.. The truth

  • Well it's about 5 guys in a girls school and they all try to...well...to fuk some bitches XD But when they tried, they all fuked up and are thrown into a prison...in theire school. And there is a domina...and she punished them all! (it's not a hentai)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    What's it about? Any good?

  • OK, I'll give the first episode a shot if you give the first episode of TFTB a shot, seems like Prison School is on Funimation, lucky me.

    Xemnes posted: »

    Well it's about 5 guys in a girls school and they all try to...well...to fuk some bitches XD But when they tried, they all fuked up and are

  • Ok...seemes like you are one of the guywho likes those shit >_> well ok give me two days

    dojo32161 posted: »

    OK, I'll give the first episode a shot if you give the first episode of TFTB a shot, seems like Prison School is on Funimation, lucky me.

  • seemes like you are one of the guywho likes those shit

    I'm willing to give anything a shot.

    Xemnes posted: »

    Ok...seemes like you are one of the guywho likes those shit >_> well ok give me two days

  • That's brave. Well okay borderlands it is...whats the worst that could happen. I mean is it worse or better than twau?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    seemes like you are one of the guywho likes those shit I'm willing to give anything a shot.

  • Man...I''m tired of these negative title threads coming again , can't you guys make only one thread once and for all for all the hate , sadness and disgust to be poured in only one thread . We have a " Meme and fun thead" so why not " Disapointement and critics thread" .

  • Give that man a coockie also claps hands You sir are god damn right.

  • The different endings the way I see it are what happens to each of the characters in the end:

    Mira dead or Tom dead in her place and her being stuck with Morgryn. Also choosing what happens to Sera with Lady Margaery.

    Gared either sacrificing Cotter for blood magic or giving him a peaceful death, and then choosing whether to stay and defend the North Grove or go back South.

    Rodrik/Asher either killing Ludd or Gryff, also influence Elaena's fate and ending up with Talia and either the Sentinel or Traitor and with Asher, Gwyn. So kind of like:

    Rodrik, Talia, Sentinel or Traitor.
    Asher, Talia, Traitor or Sentinel and possibly Gwyn

    I liked the episode but the ending is a HUGE dissointment, we say you get different endings, NOPE Then again it could be a possibilty tha

  • I personally liked it better, but that's obviously going to depend on the person.

    Xemnes posted: »

    That's brave. Well okay borderlands it is...whats the worst that could happen. I mean is it worse or better than twau?

  • edited November 2015

    Tales was absolutely fantastic for me and just felt more like a spiritual successor to TWD S1 compared to the other titles. It brought back the whole notion of talking to characters and slowing the narrative down in order for these characters to come alive and be developed. For me, I really loved the hub sections in Atlas Mugged where Rhys or Fiona could talk to Vaughn or Sasha the same way Lee talked to the other characters in TWD S1 though maybe not to the same extent. The choices definitely were an illusion but it felt like more effort was put into alternating the journey much like TWD S1 for Ex: Depending on a choice Rhys makes in Episode 2, he and Vaughn will get a somewhat endearing character moment in Episode 3 that gives you a good glimpse into Vaughn's character progression.

    The final battle in Episode 5 was particularly well done for Telltale as the other characters you brought along actually had a good number of lines and FELT like they were there similar to the Carley and Doug situation in TWD S1.

  • i was extremely disappointed by the lack of an option to talk to Cersei- mira's strong suit is her charisma and her ability to talk, but no, we got the choice to die or become a slave.

  • After TWAU, no faith. I feel really dumb that Im still waiting for a s2 of it.

    Kateis posted: »

    What did GOT ended with? Cliffhanger. Seriously, does telltale love cliffhangers so much? Maybe they do, there's nothing wrong with

  • its the game of thrones dude. Mira is in King's Landing. She is in no way safe unless she played her cards right. You win or you die. Simple as that.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I can handle the cliffhanger with Ironrath; I can accept the North Grove not being explained; but the fatal flaw with this finale was making

  • edited November 2015

    It was an OK episode in a disappointing season

  • You mean Faith? :D

    After TWAU, no faith. I feel really dumb that Im still waiting for a s2 of it.

  • I think Telltale now has the ambition to pull off storylines that deviate more than before, as I suspect will be the case with TWD and GOT. So, Mira might still be playable along with either Rodrik or Asher, though surely Ryon and Talia will be new POV characters. However, if they did have less new playable characters they could focus on building stronger divergence with the determinant characters if they still remained as POVCs.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I can handle the cliffhanger with Ironrath; I can accept the North Grove not being explained; but the fatal flaw with this finale was making

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