So is Morgryn the stupidest man in Westeros?

"Oh hi Mira. Let me save you from those guards! By the way, I'm evil, here's the guards."

Why didn't he let Mira get captured by the guards, "Sorry Mira, I don't know what's going on, got to dash!", then make his proposal to Mira in the cell with his intentions unknown? "I can save you, but you'll have to marry me," would both decrease the chance of the proposal being rejected in the first place and decrease the chance of Mira stabbing him in his sleep if it were accepted. What an idiot.



  • You are absolutely right.

    It was lack of self-control, I think. His ego is bigger than Andros's mouth. He just couldn't miss the opportunity to tell Mira, the handmaiden who stole his business deal right from under his nose and ultimately got him out of the Ironwood business, that he outsmarted her. He needed it to heal his wounded ego, to make sure she knew he bested her. He just needed to tell her.

  • It's not dumb at all really, everything he does is actually a calculated risk. I know it seems dumb that he merely postpones Mira's capture but think of it this way. Mira is on the run, desperate to find help and she's about to be captured with no hope until Morgryn shows up and saves the day. For most people, we'd be pretty thankful towards this savior and this helps Morgryn quickly discover what Mira knows up to this point since she's thankful for the save. Really this was just a circumstantial instance for him but it provided him with a prime opportunity to not only get the information but aide in his own political game since he personally delivered her to the guards.

    And the proposal was another risk that ended in his favor either way, the marriage would have aided him a little more but it did in theory have a better chance of happening. It's easy for us as players to chose, but if it were you, an actual person with your life on the line, I think most would chose to live which is what he was banking on. Really, had he not explained his intentions in such detail I think more people would have picked the marriage.

    Morgryn was actually pretty smart through this whole endeavor, he just got too cocky at the end.

  • I got to disagree. If his outright stated goal is to take over a weak house, as he stated, and bring it to glory then he really didn't play his hand well. Had he played his cards closer to his chest he would have gotten there much easier.

    As things stand he even could have done it to make sure the Queen was on his side. If Mira turns in Sera and stays in Margery's good graces, by her very survival Morgyn could use his good little wife to strengthen his hold on the Forrester's land.Of course for that to happen Mira has to see him as her hero.

    For whatever reason he wanted Mira to know that he was the one who screwed her over. He'd of been further ahead to make her think that the Whitehills had done her in, and he was her hero there to make everything right. His "triumph" in the end really did nothing but keep him further from his goal. In the end I think we can all agree the Morgyn is good at getting personal revenge, but as far as being a great political mover and shaker he's rather amateurish. But at least his ego is satisfied I guess, even though it weakened his position.

    It's not dumb at all really, everything he does is actually a calculated risk. I know it seems dumb that he merely postpones Mira's capture

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited November 2015

    It's Ludd. Tried to buy an army against Forresters. I'm sure he's killing flies with battering ram.

  • Right, and that's exactly what I said was his flaw, he did the classic mistake of bad guys in Saturday morning cartoons where he tells his whole plan when he think he has won. Like we both said, had he shut up about his real plans/intentions to Mira, his nominal end-game scenario would have happened. Even though he fumbled at the 10 yard line, he's still pretty clever in my eyes.

    I got to disagree. If his outright stated goal is to take over a weak house, as he stated, and bring it to glory then he really didn't play

  • edited November 2015

    See I don't think he's clever at all, or else he'd realize his own weakness. All he gained by telling Mira his plan was to tell her "Your dick is no where near bigger then mine you stupid girl!!!" Honestly to me it felt like he was embarrassed that a "woman outsmarted him", which didn't really happen to him. What happened to him was that Tyrion didn't like him, he stumbled upon Mira and decided to play with his heads well Mira took advantage.

    Morgryn threw everything away because he couldn't believe "a woman" was better then him one day, and he needed to heal his bruised ego. That's not smart, clever, or strong in my book. That's a huge sign of weakness.

    Right, and that's exactly what I said was his flaw, he did the classic mistake of bad guys in Saturday morning cartoons where he tells his w

  • Morgyn just loves to give his money away

  • hes the little finger of this story

  • He's a very bad imitation of Little Finger.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    hes the little finger of this story

  • edited November 2015

    He get closer to janos slint , i'd say ...Same very bad cunning strategies in the head .

    He's a very bad imitation of Little Finger.

  • lol I'd kill for him to say that and Mira knocks him out with the sconce XD

    Again, his own hubris was his down fall as it usually is, but excluding that, his planning worked out well enough, one way or another, he wins. Had he ended up like his partner Andros, I'd agree with you absolutely but he played it cool and snaked his way into Mira's good graces and he's the one on top.

    See I don't think he's clever at all, or else he'd realize his own weakness. All he gained by telling Mira his plan was to tell her "Your di

  • edited November 2015

    Y'know, he was kind of winning Mira over. If he'd truly been a friend to Mira instead of backstabbing her,or at the very least kept fooling her into thinking he was, she'd probably have accepted a genuine marriage proposal, and she'd never really learn who was trying to kill her in King's Landing. She'd just view him as some charming lord who risked his neck to save her life. Boom , he never gets found out, and gets to marry Mira anyway.

    He wanted very badly to gloat about his master-evil plans to someone, I guess. If he was someone like Littlefinger, he'd have Mira fooled and used her 'til the very end instead of revealing all his plans in some evil speech.

  • His reveal as a villain was so shoddy and generic.

  • This right here is what needed to happen.

    FishySticks posted: »

    Y'know, he was kind of winning Mira over. If he'd truly been a friend to Mira instead of backstabbing her,or at the very least kept fooling

  • That was my main criticism of the Mira's storyline as well. It seemed so amateurish for him to make that mistake.

  • I think the reason is also that Telltale wanted another difficult choice in Mira's story line. Who wouldn't want to marry Morgryn and survive if he asked genuinely? Sure, he can betray you after the marriage, but Telltale likes to make difficult "in the moment' decisions instead of the "seemingly innocuous but causing unforeseeable consequences" choices.

  • If Morgryn had proposed to my Mira in that rickshaw, I would have said HELL YES! Instead he slams her head into the side of it and brags about how he tried to, MWUAHHAHAHAHAHA, have her killed

    What a dumb ass!

  • edited November 2015

    In the end, the reveal was more for our sake (the player's, I mean) than for Mira's sake.

    They wanted us to have all the reasons for not wanting to marry him. It was, after all, a decision between Mira's life and her death. I think TellTale thought "What would it take for them to actually want to sacrifice a playable character?", and then they came up with this, although it wouldn't make sense for an actual experienced player of the game to act like that.

    The reveal reminded me a little of this:

    enter image description here

    fruitnveg posted: »

    That was my main criticism of the Mira's storyline as well. It seemed so amateurish for him to make that mistake.

  • edited November 2015

    Hmm you guys bring up a good point, but it seems it was more for "Do you wanna die or not?" he pretty much made a deal where Mira couldn't say no too.. since it would cost your life saying no, but we got the option too. Though I guess it would make more sense if he didn't tell her jack, then just was like "marry me and I can save you... but Tom dies." wait...THAT should have been the choice, not what we got but....

    Marry him and live, but Tom dies.(not knowing you're going to be a slave) This would be Mira's selfish choice, reflecting how she can be selfish in her story, and rather just save herself. Also makes more sense because Morgryn wouldn't be giving her a consequence to marrying him.

    Don't marry him and save Tom's life, but make the ultimate sacrifice Reflecting how she can be honest and nice and would rather save Tom's life then her own, despite her benefits given( not knowing she would be a slave). Also following along how if you're not an asshole in GoT you die.

    I am pretty sure the whole reason he does the cheesy villain is because Telltale knew people would get pissed if they never found out who was trying to get rid of Mira. So they kinda had too. But its possible they could have had a little scene at the end where hes could talking to himself and reveals how hes going to use Mira in the final scene after it shows your choices. Making you go...." Uh oh I regret my choice now." Nothing extra would happen in the "after credits" if you died.

  • The dude is just a piece of poop , tryin to make himself something when he is nothing , hope morgryn meets the iron price .

  • And that way if Mira refuses, then he can get angry and tell his plans but offer her one last proposal in her cell, and if she refuses again, she dies.

    FishySticks posted: »

    Y'know, he was kind of winning Mira over. If he'd truly been a friend to Mira instead of backstabbing her,or at the very least kept fooling

  • Damn

    The dude is just a piece of poop , tryin to make himself something when he is nothing , hope morgryn meets the iron price .

  • If you marry Morgryn, and you go back to Ironrath as Gared. Mira will be freeeeeee.... Right?

  • edited November 2015

    This isn't even the most troublesome part of Mira's story. How about the fact that he's saving her, by marrying her for Ironwrath, while he's allied with the Whitehills whom are marching on it and logistically pretty much guaranteed to win? It would make more sense to marry Gwyn.

  • He mentions talking about a plan to take out the Whitehills if he marries Mira.

    lolitsadam posted: »

    This isn't even the most troublesome part of Mira's story. How about the fact that he's saving her, by marrying her for Ironwrath, while he

  • You know... even when he went "typical villain" on me I still found myself considering the idea or marrying him.

    Mira is cunning and aslong as she played along it would be a typical "happy" GoT marriage... and if he sucks she'll just slit her throat like she said. (just gain the trust!)

    But then he went and ruined it by finishing with "We shall just sacrifice the dude who's been helping you out. It's all good bruh!". Me not being able to sacrifice a helpful bro became her downfall, but atleast Mira went down standing tall.

  • You told him you were going to stab him on his sleep? What did he answer? The game has been crashing on me so much I'm afraid of corrupting my save (which happened before), so I don't want to risk replaying it.

    Bombummie posted: »

    You know... even when he went "typical villain" on me I still found myself considering the idea or marrying him. Mira is cunning and aslo

  • See, that's exactly what Littlefinger did to Sansa.

    FishySticks posted: »

    Y'know, he was kind of winning Mira over. If he'd truly been a friend to Mira instead of backstabbing her,or at the very least kept fooling

  • He says something like "Oh i have no doubt that you would, given half the chance you'd be able to" and then proceeds to say the line about "It's fitting how our betrothal begins in a cell blah blah"

    Abeille posted: »

    You told him you were going to stab him on his sleep? What did he answer? The game has been crashing on me so much I'm afraid of corrupting my save (which happened before), so I don't want to risk replaying it.

  • I'll be honest, I was considering his proposal as well until he said Tom would be killed in my place. After everything that kid did for us, being the ONLY one who doesn't go a whole 180 on her, there's no way I'd let him die. Better to die with dignity, and I love how her version of "Iron From Ice!" is delivered.

    Bombummie posted: »

    You know... even when he went "typical villain" on me I still found myself considering the idea or marrying him. Mira is cunning and aslo

  • Morgryn was proud piece of shit, he probably wanted to see your face when you discover he´s the one plotting, but yeah i agree he is dumb.

  • edited November 2015

    Huh. That wasn't what I was expecting. It makes sense for him to say that, though. He is probably damn sure she will never be given "half the chance". His big ego again.

    After his reaction in the carriage, I was expecting him to be more violent and threatening if I picked the more defiant lines, so I was as mildly mannered as I could with Mira during that part. I really didn't want him to hurt her again.

    Suzy222 posted: »

    He says something like "Oh i have no doubt that you would, given half the chance you'd be able to" and then proceeds to say the line about "It's fitting how our betrothal begins in a cell blah blah"

  • I was very close to accepting his deal as I knew Asher would kill Morgryn and Mira would be free, but then he said that the coal boy would die in my place and I just couldn't do it.

  • that woud´ve been way better that that cheese ass "let me tell my evil plan" moment, it would really embrace the feeling of king's landing were people can't trust no one,

    telltale got really cheap making king's landing, you got Tom whom for some reason is the most loyal person in the world, and a cliche nemesis, with an poorly done plot twist which could have been better

    AGentlman posted: »

    Hmm you guys bring up a good point, but it seems it was more for "Do you wanna die or not?" he pretty much made a deal where Mira couldn't s

  • edited November 2015

    Well, his original plan was to just turn Mira in and let her get beheaded. Granted, that still doesn't explain why he bothered saving her from the guards only to then give her to the guards, but we know he didn't actually plan on proposing to her at that time. He only decided to do that after he realized Ludd Fookin Whitehill wasn't trustworthy, which Mira had to specifically tell him, because of course Ludd naturally comes off as a trustworthy business partner. At least, that's how it was for me.

  • Wasn't he checking to see what she knows? Like if she mentioned how she had proof of something, maybe that would have influenced her behavior? Seems like a good idea to check for something like that before totally screwing her over.

    Whatever. It was obviously just to create drama. So it's not so much Morgyn is dumb but Morgyn is a character in a story.

  • If Gared saves her I suppose. But Gared doesn't have any right to Ironrath, so he couldn't take her place if that's what you mean.

    If you marry Morgryn, and you go back to Ironrath as Gared. Mira will be freeeeeee.... Right?

  • Anyone else disappointed that with the end of Mira's storyline she can't go up against an interestingly written arch-nemesis like Morgryn?

  • I like to imagine that he'll eventually grow a soft side for her and they both live happily ever after. The end.

    Abeille posted: »

    Huh. That wasn't what I was expecting. It makes sense for him to say that, though. He is probably damn sure she will never be given "half th

  • I just want Mira to have a good ending...

    PigeonPie posted: »

    If Gared saves her I suppose. But Gared doesn't have any right to Ironrath, so he couldn't take her place if that's what you mean.

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