(bad english below. You've been warned)
Well.. that definitely wasn't my favourite episode.. very short, but the ending gave me hope for season 2.. like many of Telltale's games lately..
Anyway, my choices:
Told Margaery the truth. - I figured she would find out anyway and honestly, I was tired of being an asshole to Sera.
Didn't agree to marry Morgryn - funny thing is, I kinda shipped them and when I heard there is an option to wed them I told myself I'd definitely do that.. well, he can go fuck himself, not even worth to spitting on him.
Didn't perform the blood magic - I'm against this kind of magic in every game and GoT wasn't an exception. Even though I liked Finn more and didn't trust Cotter until the very last episode, he was my friend and I didn't want to do some twisted ritual.
Stayed to protect the North Grove - I honestly didn't know what to do at that moment. I thought about Ironrath and couldn't really come up with a decent plan how Gared would be able to help them. Too far, too many people to fight. Besides, I gave my word to Lord Gregor to protect the North Grove. His last words were about those twisted bastards so they really must be important. I wish Gared could go back to help Asher, but he has his own mission now.
I ambushed Whitehills, killed Gryff (at last!) and saved Ryon. Stabbed by blondie bi#ch Gwyn - I didn't want to marry her and surrender. I was too frickin' nice for the whole game as Rodrick. I didn't trust Gwyn. And I didn't want to risk he wouldn't drink the poison or my little army of slaves wouldn't listen to me. So ambush it is. Gryff got what he deserved. Shit, I don't think I've ever smiled so much while killing someone in game. I wish I killed the Ludd though. Coward ran off.. but so did Asher.
Found by Talia and the traitor, Royland - I was really glad to see him to be honest. He said he would serve Asher. I was planning on killing him as Ash, but meh, whatever. Now he has a chance to redeem himself :P
Fought with Instinct and Nobility - I really don't know what to think about it. I think it describes my actions well, don't know if I could have done something better.
It was a good episode, but I expected more. I hope there will be season 2. Gotta watch other options on youtube. Iron from Ice everyone!
I lied to Margaery and had Sera dismissed. I initially misclicked the first choice but I'm ok with the outcome. I just wasn't sure and I didn't want to stay silent.
I agreed to marry Morgryn. I wanted Mira to live and betted on the fact Rodrick (yes I chose Rodrick over Asher) would live so I can get out of this mess eventually.
I butchered Cotter. This was the only choice I had an hard time making... I really liked Cotter. But oh well, we need the North Grove for the winter so I had to make a sacrifice and I'm sure my boy understand that. I'm sorry Sylvi... I ended up lying.
I let Lord Whitehill live in order to rescrue Ryon. This was the easiest choice by far, we lost too many Forresters I wanted to make sure he lived. Ludd could wait in my mind.
I stayed to defend the North Grove. We were losing so badly in the south I didn't think it would make any difference in the outcome.
I ended up with Rodrick save by his little sister and ser Royland. No regrets on killing Duncan, the traitor deserved it and Royland served me well as a sentinel too bad Duncan was a jealous man he was smart. I need smart man around me too. Oh and I fought with Instinct and Nobility. I don't know why... I sold out Sera, married myself to some asshole, I butchered my friend and lied to his sister, etc.
Also, other choices I made that aren't there but I think mean something :
I strongly uggested Sera was the one that stole Margaery's stamp.
I chose to have a message sent to Cersei before the guards showed up and took the boy, they didn't give it a scene so I don't know if it'll end up being anything else than a scene filler choice.
I defended the gates and not my folks.
I gave up on my wife in order to live tho I suspect it's not really a choice anyway.
I killed Gryff. Again, I don't know if you really can spare him but either way I'd do it again.
What could have been the last quote of Rodrick was "The North Remembers,"
I'm curisous, I see a lot of comments talking about poisoning Ludd or getting stabbed by Gwyn... what choice did you need to make in order to get there? My mother died trying to help Rodrick to beat the big bad guy from Gryff and Ludd but I'm wondering what I did that was so much different. I've no doubts I've made choices different than most because of the game stats and comments here but still. Seems meaningfull enough.
* I lied to Margaery and had Sera dismissed. I initially misclicked the first choice but I'm ok with the outcome. I just wasn't sure and I d… moreidn't want to stay silent.
* I agreed to marry Morgryn. I wanted Mira to live and betted on the fact Rodrick (yes I chose Rodrick over Asher) would live so I can get out of this mess eventually.
* I butchered Cotter. This was the only choice I had an hard time making... I really liked Cotter. But oh well, we need the North Grove for the winter so I had to make a sacrifice and I'm sure my boy understand that. I'm sorry Sylvi... I ended up lying.
* I let Lord Whitehill live in order to rescrue Ryon. This was the easiest choice by far, we lost too many Forresters I wanted to make sure he lived. Ludd could wait in my mind.
* I stayed to defend the North Grove. We were losing so badly in the south I didn't think it would make any difference in the outcome.
I ended up with Rodrick save by his little sis… [view original content]
I'll give the choices I made in my canon playthrough (I had Rodrik):
* Mira: told the truth, and later died with honour rather than mar… morery that backstabbing bastard. (I even shipped those two, I am so ashamed...Morgryn, you fooled me so well!)
* Gared: performed the blood magic (I didn't really want to do that to Cotter, but he would die anyway and it looked like we were all dead too if Elsera lost control of her warriors. And if we all died I wouldn't have protected Sylvi very well like he asked of me...so I did it) and marched South (a bit of an instinctive decision there. I guess I am just a bit tired of having Gared so disconnected from the others).
* Rodrik: I saved Ryon and killed Gryff (kind of regretted that since I did it because I thought the kid would die otherwise, but apparently he doesn't...), and I was found at the end by Duncan (Sentinel) and Talia.
* I fought with Instinct and Nobility.
So you say choosing Mira to be alive or dead doesn't matter? Choosing to kill Ludd or Gryff doesn't matter? Choosing a plan that has many outcomes doesn't matter? Okay then... ;p
I leaved North Grove I think is a bad idea to stay there they are losing control over wildlings... Maybe in the next season we will get some help from our old friend Malcom. Daenerys said that she blame herself for not helping Asher with more things. Considering the 2 bastard brothers , Malcom's help and maybe Mira's help(if she not die she can help us because Margaery will be queen) we can defeat whitehills for sure. If will be season 2.
Don't consider my mistakes. English is my second language.
Guys I have a question, what do you call characters that can die, but at the same time be alive depending on how you choose, for example the sentinel, Asher, Rodrik? Is it called determined characters?
Guys I have a question, what do you call characters that can die, but at the same time be alive depending on how you choose, for example the sentinel, Asher, Rodrik? Is it called determined characters?
i don't think it matters. The fact that Mira CAN die means she is almost guaranteed to die early in season 2 since it's a telltale game. Killing Gryff or Ludd doesn't matter since only one can die so the other just takes the place of lead of the Whitehill house, at this point they serve the same purpose. Is it even possible to not kill at least one of them?
Guys I have a question, what do you call characters that can die, but at the same time be alive depending on how you choose, for example the sentinel, Asher, Rodrik? Is it called determined characters?
Well, we wouldn't know until we play Season 2. But killing Ludd seems like the better option since it will creates friction between Gryff and Torrhen as they never have a good relationship. And why would Mira die when Morgryn need her to produce his heirs? The fact that he needs her, almost guarantees that he will do anything for her not to die.
i don't think it matters. The fact that Mira CAN die means she is almost guaranteed to die early in season 2 since it's a telltale game. Ki… morelling Gryff or Ludd doesn't matter since only one can die so the other just takes the place of lead of the Whitehill house, at this point they serve the same purpose. Is it even possible to not kill at least one of them?
I see your argument and I tend to agree with it. In fact I'd like to see things play out that way. My pessimism is simply coming from that fact that Telltale is a business and they are unlikely to invest resources in a POV character that only some players would get to see. So when the choice came that she could die I was pretty bummed.
Well, we wouldn't know until we play Season 2. But killing Ludd seems like the better option since it will creates friction between Gryff an… mored Torrhen as they never have a good relationship. And why would Mira die when Morgryn need her to produce his heirs? The fact that he needs her, almost guarantees that he will do anything for her not to die.
Who knows, maybe things are changing for Telltale. I like to hope that Telltale learn from every game that they make. I hope that they learn what to do and what to avoid.
I see your argument and I tend to agree with it. In fact I'd like to see things play out that way. My pessimism is simply coming from that… more fact that Telltale is a business and they are unlikely to invest resources in a POV character that only some players would get to see. So when the choice came that she could die I was pretty bummed.
If you want to poison Ludd, Asher must be the brother who lives in episode 6, because (according to the Whitehills) the feud between the two families ended with Rodrik. If Rodrik lives, the Whitehills have no interest in letting him live.
* I lied to Margaery and had Sera dismissed. I initially misclicked the first choice but I'm ok with the outcome. I just wasn't sure and I d… moreidn't want to stay silent.
* I agreed to marry Morgryn. I wanted Mira to live and betted on the fact Rodrick (yes I chose Rodrick over Asher) would live so I can get out of this mess eventually.
* I butchered Cotter. This was the only choice I had an hard time making... I really liked Cotter. But oh well, we need the North Grove for the winter so I had to make a sacrifice and I'm sure my boy understand that. I'm sorry Sylvi... I ended up lying.
* I let Lord Whitehill live in order to rescrue Ryon. This was the easiest choice by far, we lost too many Forresters I wanted to make sure he lived. Ludd could wait in my mind.
* I stayed to defend the North Grove. We were losing so badly in the south I didn't think it would make any difference in the outcome.
I ended up with Rodrick save by his little sis… [view original content]
I see your argument and I tend to agree with it. In fact I'd like to see things play out that way. My pessimism is simply coming from that… more fact that Telltale is a business and they are unlikely to invest resources in a POV character that only some players would get to see. So when the choice came that she could die I was pretty bummed.
Man, typical GoT! Never can get through an episode without wanting to throw my controller at the TV.... >_<
I had Asher
I was honest with Margaery [figured Mira was screwed either way, might as well be truthful], watched Mira beheaded because I refused Morgryn [what a slimy dude!], Cotter was sacrificed for blood magic, went for poisoning Ludd, got to kill Gryff [best part of this dang game], stabbed by Gwyn Whitehill, found by Duncan [my sentinel] and Talia. Gared and the rest of the folk in the North Grove are staying behind.
"From Iron and Ice..."
Last words of Mira and Asher....
I stayed because it reminded me of Jon Snow's storyline. The Starks could have easily used his help down south, but he somehow ends up creating a new story ark for himself up in the North. Plus I was almost certain that if I sent anyone else back towards House Forrester, they would die. I mean, I tried to get Mira out. She died. I sent Asher back, he died. I wasn't about to serve Gared up on a platter. Plus it leaves for a potentially exciting story in season 2 that isn't related to helping the Forresters.
I actually wish Mira could have asked him if he will kill her after he gets some heirs. I would't put it past him. There are so many things I wanted to ask him...
At least he said he won't keep her literally locked up as long as she behaves and give him heirs. I hope my Mira is a very fertile young woman, because these conditions worry me.
Well, we wouldn't know until we play Season 2. But killing Ludd seems like the better option since it will creates friction between Gryff an… mored Torrhen as they never have a good relationship. And why would Mira die when Morgryn need her to produce his heirs? The fact that he needs her, almost guarantees that he will do anything for her not to die.
If I had known that Mira would have been killed, I would have gladly thrown Sera under the bus. Her life outside the Keep would be okay compared to beheading.
I defended Sera despite everything. (But it's funny because she kind of blows her cover when she begs for me to take the blame in front of Margaery.)
Morgryn was dead to me as soon as we entered that carriage, so the marriage was off the table. Plus Tom was nothing but helpful, I couldn't have him killed. And the only good thing that Morgryn had to offer was life. My family would die. My house would crumble. I would be a slave to a man, who would rape me just to keep his lineage strong. Nah, I'll pass.
I killed Gryff. (It was funny because he actually thought he could beg for mercy)
I saved the small folk which actually made me feel really good. I liked how one of the soldiers jumps in and saves this one woman. It was like they were superheroes. But I digress
Lady Forrester was murdered.
I used Cotter's heart for blood magic. I couldn't really see any con to it. Sylvi didn't seem to care as long as I put Cotter out of his misery. For all I knew, it could have helped the Forresters... but it didn't
I chose to stay in the North Grove. We already saw that House Forrester was pretty much done for so sending Gared back wouldn't have made much of a difference. Plus when I sent Asher back home, he died. When I tried to get Mira out of the Keep and back home, she died. I was trying to end a trend here.
The blood magic reminded me of Melisandre from the TV series, so I figured Gared taking a part in it was fitting.
I got the Cunning Strategy
We will probably be playing as Talia, Rodrik (or Asher), and Gared from the get-go in season 2. Hopefully Talia has a higher life expectancy than her siblings.
* I threw Sera under the bus because she was an asshole to me last episode.
* I told Morgryn where he could stick his marriage proposal. Be… moretter dead than smeg!
* I gave Cotter the poison. A promise is a promise.
* I poisoned Ludd at Ironrath.
* I defended the small folk.
* I stayed to defend the North Grove. Again, a promise is a promise.
* My Sentinel, Duncan and Talia saved my life at the end.
* I played with cunning strategy.
We will probably be playing as Talia, Rodrik (or Asher), and Gared from the get-go in season 2. Hopefully Talia has a higher life expectancy than her siblings.
I think we will be able to play as Ryon or Beskha as well. And honestly, their part in the next season is the most interesting thing for me. Can't wait to see how their relationship develops. (sorry for bad english :P)
If I had known that Mira would have been killed, I would have gladly thrown Sera under the bus. Her life outside the Keep would be okay comp… moreared to beheading.
* I defended Sera despite everything. (But it's funny because she kind of blows her cover when she begs for me to take the blame in front of Margaery.)
* Morgryn was dead to me as soon as we entered that carriage, so the marriage was off the table. Plus Tom was nothing but helpful, I couldn't have him killed. And the only good thing that Morgryn had to offer was life. My family would die. My house would crumble. I would be a slave to a man, who would rape me just to keep his lineage strong. Nah, I'll pass.
* I killed Gryff. (It was funny because he actually thought he could beg for mercy)
* I saved the small folk which actually made me feel really good. I liked how one of the soldiers jumps in and saves this one woman. It was like they were superheroes. But I digress
* Lady For… [view original content]
telltale wont forget this (hopfully) im just thinking out loud here but telltale making the best storyis (in games) so i dont think they despoint us in the next season and they will make an amazing next season, and dont love any charcter becouse they will die.
Who knows, maybe things are changing for Telltale. I like to hope that Telltale learn from every game that they make. I hope that they learn what to do and what to avoid.
I had Asher become the new Lord of House Forrester
I backed out of my initial plan to poison Ludd Whitehill after talking to Gwyn. (I really want Asher x Gwyn to happen minus her jerk-y father and brother, plus I just like Gwyn)
As Asher, killed Gryff, but Ludd led the Whitehills to attack after Momma Forrester went crazy after I told her I called off the poisoning and she slashed Ludd's neck w/ a dagger (I was angry he didn't die from that!)
Momma Forrester was killed in the subsequent battle w/ Whitehills
I had my army try to secure the gate instead of saving the small folk
I took the blame as Mira when Margaery questioned me and Sera
I refused to marry Morgryn, consequently, my Mira was executed
As Gared, I ended Cotter's life by using his heart for blood magic
I decided to lead the North Grove free folk south to Ironwrath (I think that if Gregor Forrester knew the situation happening Ironwrath, it's what he would have wanted)
Talia and Gwyn came to save me (as Asher) after falling off the horse that led me out of the battle
I was SO happy that Beksha saved Ryon! I love Ryon Can't wait for season 2!
-I had Asher as Lord and was super happy when he got away at the end cuz it was going the way of the last episode for a while there. Had Royland as Sentinel and Talia and Gwynn met asher at the end. Expected Duncan to make an appearance but I guess it makes sense if he turned up in other choices. Is it the same options for killing whitehill when you have rodrik? Ie poison or ambush. Will be really bummed if Asher dies early next season will feel like such a cop out.. but I do feel like telltale are gonna go deeper into the choices and consequences cos that's the best thing about these games tbh they must realise that
-Opted to ambush the Forresters but then promised Gwynn I wouldn't cos the whole thing reeked of the Red Wedding to me gave me a bad feeling..went the same way as if I had though apart from how Ludd is attacked (thanks mum) and Gwynn stabbing Asher instead of a soldier stabbing him. Can you even chose to keep Gryff alive? Thought his death was pretty satisfying and fixed. My game kept crashing when I was trying to be peaceful so I chose the violent option and went back later lol
-held the gate instead of helped smallfolk, for all the good that did
-told the truth about Sara, got dismissed. Really hated Sara the whole way through and I wish there had been some way to ruin her without outright lying she was so spineless. What happens if you lie, does margaery keep you?
-accepted marriage proposal from Morgyn or whatever. Felt kinda bad for Tom but I felt the choice was canon for my Mira; she'd been truthful until this point but now her life was really in danger and I don't think she's quite Ned Stark yet. Hopefully you can kill the husband next season. I try to play her as a ballsy Sansa and I think this horrible marriage is a pretty sweet mirroring, what impact does it have if you don't kill the guard back in ep 1/2? I'm surprised she dies if you refuse the proposal I assumed someone would step up and defend her...Hopefully that doesn't mean she's for the chop early on next season
-used cotter for blood magic, stayed at the north grove. I think Gared suits the fanatic thing, going to play him that way next season. I see a romance storyline with the bastard daughter and deffo having to chose between your new pals/magic or sylvi.
I got the instinctive and noble outcome, which made me feel good about myself lol. Really satisfying finale and season overall despite quite a lot of glitches playing on my kindle
We had exactly the same game apart from one thing: I figured Gared may as well give up the North Grove since it'd be useless without any House Forrester left.
(bad english below. You've been warned)
Well.. that definitely wasn't my favourite episode.. very short, but the ending gave me hope for season 2.. like many of Telltale's games lately..
Anyway, my choices:
It was a good episode, but I expected more. I hope there will be season 2. Gotta watch other options on youtube. Iron from Ice everyone!
I fought with fierce passion. THE NORTH REMEMBES!
I ended up with Rodrick save by his little sister and ser Royland. No regrets on killing Duncan, the traitor deserved it and Royland served me well as a sentinel too bad Duncan was a jealous man he was smart. I need smart man around me too. Oh and I fought with Instinct and Nobility. I don't know why... I sold out Sera, married myself to some asshole, I butchered my friend and lied to his sister, etc.
Also, other choices I made that aren't there but I think mean something :
I'm curisous, I see a lot of comments talking about poisoning Ludd or getting stabbed by Gwyn... what choice did you need to make in order to get there? My mother died trying to help Rodrick to beat the big bad guy from Gryff and Ludd but I'm wondering what I did that was so much different. I've no doubts I've made choices different than most because of the game stats and comments here but still. Seems meaningfull enough.
me too lol
Yeah, her death could have been prevented. I sent her away immediately - this is war!
You need to play as Asher. I think so.
Why is everyone sacrificing Cotter for the magic blood and stay to protect North Grove? What's that interesting?
I was only thinking about helping the Forresters. Anything to make them strong. So I did it.
How does the blood magic help? How does even North Grove help?
Other than the bloodmagic and killing gryff those were all my decisions and outcomes too.
None of the choices fucking matters. Not really. It doesn't matter what you pick. Almost everyone on the Forresters will die. They lose either way.
So you say choosing Mira to be alive or dead doesn't matter? Choosing to kill Ludd or Gryff doesn't matter? Choosing a plan that has many outcomes doesn't matter? Okay then... ;p
sorry for double post
I leaved North Grove I think is a bad idea to stay there they are losing control over wildlings... Maybe in the next season we will get some help from our old friend Malcom. Daenerys said that she blame herself for not helping Asher with more things. Considering the 2 bastard brothers , Malcom's help and maybe Mira's help(if she not die she can help us because Margaery will be queen) we can defeat whitehills for sure. If will be season 2.
Don't consider my mistakes. English is my second language.
So killing Ludd or Gryff doesn't matter? Having Mira either be alive or dead doesn't matter?
I demund season 2 ;-; i just want to kill the whitehills plez iz that too much to ask? and i cant believe mira died[determinant]
I was hoping tom could distract the guards and etc but when mira's head fell i was like WATDA?? ;-;
I liked the special stats in the end.
Told Margaery some lies.
Refused to marry Morgryn.
Sacrificed Cotter for blood magic.
Kill Ludd at the camp.
I defended the gate.
I leaved North Grove.
In the end, Duncan the traitor and Talia saved me.
I fought with cunning strategy.
Guys I have a question, what do you call characters that can die, but at the same time be alive depending on how you choose, for example the sentinel, Asher, Rodrik? Is it called determined characters?
Yes. Asher, Rodrik, Royland and Duncan. They are all determinant.
i don't think it matters. The fact that Mira CAN die means she is almost guaranteed to die early in season 2 since it's a telltale game. Killing Gryff or Ludd doesn't matter since only one can die so the other just takes the place of lead of the Whitehill house, at this point they serve the same purpose. Is it even possible to not kill at least one of them?
I call them dead early in the next season/episode
Well, we wouldn't know until we play Season 2. But killing Ludd seems like the better option since it will creates friction between Gryff and Torrhen as they never have a good relationship. And why would Mira die when Morgryn need her to produce his heirs? The fact that he needs her, almost guarantees that he will do anything for her not to die.
Good joke zodan
). If telltale will put more effort in the next season they will not die. Eventually they will die in the end of the next season.
I see your argument and I tend to agree with it. In fact I'd like to see things play out that way. My pessimism is simply coming from that fact that Telltale is a business and they are unlikely to invest resources in a POV character that only some players would get to see. So when the choice came that she could die I was pretty bummed.
Who knows, maybe things are changing for Telltale. I like to hope that Telltale learn from every game that they make. I hope that they learn what to do and what to avoid.
If you want to poison Ludd, Asher must be the brother who lives in episode 6, because (according to the Whitehills) the feud between the two families ended with Rodrik. If Rodrik lives, the Whitehills have no interest in letting him live.
I agree with you 1000%
Man, typical GoT! Never can get through an episode without wanting to throw my controller at the TV.... >_<
I had Asher
I was honest with Margaery [figured Mira was screwed either way, might as well be truthful], watched Mira beheaded because I refused Morgryn [what a slimy dude!], Cotter was sacrificed for blood magic, went for poisoning Ludd, got to kill Gryff [best part of this dang game], stabbed by Gwyn Whitehill, found by Duncan [my sentinel] and Talia. Gared and the rest of the folk in the North Grove are staying behind.
"From Iron and Ice..."
Last words of Mira and Asher....
I stayed because it reminded me of Jon Snow's storyline. The Starks could have easily used his help down south, but he somehow ends up creating a new story ark for himself up in the North. Plus I was almost certain that if I sent anyone else back towards House Forrester, they would die. I mean, I tried to get Mira out. She died. I sent Asher back, he died. I wasn't about to serve Gared up on a platter. Plus it leaves for a potentially exciting story in season 2 that isn't related to helping the Forresters.
I actually wish Mira could have asked him if he will kill her after he gets some heirs. I would't put it past him. There are so many things I wanted to ask him...
At least he said he won't keep her literally locked up as long as she behaves and give him heirs. I hope my Mira is a very fertile young woman, because these conditions worry me.
If I had known that Mira would have been killed, I would have gladly thrown Sera under the bus. Her life outside the Keep would be okay compared to beheading.
We will probably be playing as Talia, Rodrik (or Asher), and Gared from the get-go in season 2. Hopefully Talia has a higher life expectancy than her siblings.
I think we will be able to play as Ryon or Beskha as well. And honestly, their part in the next season is the most interesting thing for me. Can't wait to see how their relationship develops. (sorry for bad english :P)
telltale wont forget this (hopfully) im just thinking out loud here but telltale making the best storyis (in games) so i dont think they despoint us in the next season and they will make an amazing next season, and dont love any charcter becouse they will die.
Interesting vision, I like it. I'm going to keep Gared at the North Grove in my 2nd playthrough.
I think we can play Rodrik(Asher), Gared, and Sera.
-I had Asher as Lord and was super happy when he got away at the end cuz it was going the way of the last episode for a while there. Had Royland as Sentinel and Talia and Gwynn met asher at the end. Expected Duncan to make an appearance but I guess it makes sense if he turned up in other choices. Is it the same options for killing whitehill when you have rodrik? Ie poison or ambush. Will be really bummed if Asher dies early next season will feel like such a cop out.. but I do feel like telltale are gonna go deeper into the choices and consequences cos that's the best thing about these games tbh they must realise that
-Opted to ambush the Forresters but then promised Gwynn I wouldn't cos the whole thing reeked of the Red Wedding to me gave me a bad feeling..went the same way as if I had though apart from how Ludd is attacked (thanks mum) and Gwynn stabbing Asher instead of a soldier stabbing him. Can you even chose to keep Gryff alive? Thought his death was pretty satisfying and fixed. My game kept crashing when I was trying to be peaceful so I chose the violent option and went back later lol
-held the gate instead of helped smallfolk, for all the good that did
-told the truth about Sara, got dismissed. Really hated Sara the whole way through and I wish there had been some way to ruin her without outright lying she was so spineless. What happens if you lie, does margaery keep you?
-accepted marriage proposal from Morgyn or whatever. Felt kinda bad for Tom but I felt the choice was canon for my Mira; she'd been truthful until this point but now her life was really in danger and I don't think she's quite Ned Stark yet. Hopefully you can kill the husband next season. I try to play her as a ballsy Sansa and I think this horrible marriage is a pretty sweet mirroring, what impact does it have if you don't kill the guard back in ep 1/2? I'm surprised she dies if you refuse the proposal I assumed someone would step up and defend her...Hopefully that doesn't mean she's for the chop early on next season
-used cotter for blood magic, stayed at the north grove. I think Gared suits the fanatic thing, going to play him that way next season. I see a romance storyline with the bastard daughter and deffo having to chose between your new pals/magic or sylvi.
I got the instinctive and noble outcome, which made me feel good about myself lol. Really satisfying finale and season overall despite quite a lot of glitches playing on my kindle
We had exactly the same game apart from one thing: I figured Gared may as well give up the North Grove since it'd be useless without any House Forrester left.