A Huge Disappointment



  • The only bad thing would be if this was the end since it was left so unfinished, but thinking about season 2 makes it worthwhile. So, in a way the rating is determinant.

    I love GoT... the series, the game... but sigh, this was a very dissatisfying episode. I really feel like nothing got finished. Too many unanswered questions...

  • There was no way to progress the story enough with so many playable characters.

    I am so disappointed. I had never expected that there would be no possibility at all to defeat the Whitehills, no matter the choices or stra

  • wow.. maybe we should just wait for season 2.. that why questions are answered and such instead of making assumptions that this final sucked and that telltale are horrible for what they did.. people said the same thing with wolf among us, walking dead and ect.. but yet.. WE STILL PLAY THE GAMES! why? because we like the games we like the characters we like the story. i for one loved the series.. yes some points here and there but big deal... it's telltale master at story telling so stop complaing and just wait for the next season.. because are questions will be answered they where setting up for season 2 from the begging. i guarantee.. when season 2 comes out half the people here will end up playing it.. because we are all telltale fans. hence why where are on this site.

  • I should have seen this coming, really - not the deaths (It's game of thrones, but oh well) but the disappointment. Now, I understand cliffhangers. I totally get leaving something to carry into the next season, but darn it, they left EVERYTHING. Its the same problem the TV show had; it was basically a 'runner up' to season 6 rather than its own season. It's like they're rushing to get at 'what's next' so much that they don't give the present episodes/seasons anything much of weight. Telltale's in danger of falling into what many companies end up doing; relying on 'find out next time' to keep viewers and buyers hooked in hopes of payoff. It leaves fans bitter and disappointed each time but they know they'll keep buying/viewing in hopes of things getting better story wise.
    Now, I loved some parts of this series, but the last episode was bleaker than bleak. Game of thrones is bleak, but once in awhile there has to be something uplifting, otherwise what's the point in it? Every since they Red Wedding they've been trying to recreate that same response of horror and awe but it just isn't working. Because after the Red Wedding everyone's still waiting for the Starks to get their revenge, aren't they? For Daenerys or Sansa or someone to come and kick Cersei back into the stone age?

    And like someone else said; no answered questions. Everything's a cliffhanger. A cliffhanger would be fine if we had some kind of payoff in the first season. Some kind of conclusion.
    From what I've learned through Telltale Games, Mira will not return, not for a big role. Determinant characters would need a far too elaborate system to work; so Telltale usually has them killed off later. This happened in the Walking Dead, too - if they CAN die, then they will eventually.

    Beska and Ryon at the end seemed promising; maybe he'll be raised as an awesome sellsword and come back when he's older. Mira's death I was mixed about; I liked her noble acceptance but at the same time there was no route out of it at all. Keeping the knife, stealing the seal or key, it didn't matter.

  • Eh, I agree about the ending, but there's a huge difference between cliffhangers and unfinished arcs.

  • that's just it. it's not over yet. they will continue the forester story in season 2. telltale games i feel are like tv shows. they take breaks after every season and such. i'm sure in THE END we will get are satisfying ending but until then... we just gotta work are way to it.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Eh, I agree about the ending, but there's a huge difference between cliffhangers and unfinished arcs.

  • Well, while I understand what you're saying, I don't wanna pay for a S2 in order to see the real ending of their story. I honestly don't mind cliffhangers. I loved TWAU's, TFTB's and TWDS1's ending, because they completed the story. I feel like telltale didn't even bother to explain what the north grove and this ending was just meant to make us wait for a S2. Disappointing.

    that's just it. it's not over yet. they will continue the forester story in season 2. telltale games i feel are like tv shows. they take bre

  • You don't have to reply you know...

    Dydix958 posted: »

    Man...I''m tired of these negative title threads coming again , can't you guys make only one thread once and for all for all the hate , sad

  • basically.. the North grove is a very powerful place where magic and such dewels.. and how important it is to keep safe. sure they will go more in detail into that later on. and the forester ending well.. the house fell apart.. so i'm guessing in the next installment.. it will be about ryon and those who are still alive trying to put themselfs back together again... but game of thrones universe no one is safe.. no such thing as a happy ending.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Well, while I understand what you're saying, I don't wanna pay for a S2 in order to see the real ending of their story. I honestly don't min

  • Mira can live. She just has to sell her soul. Which is a perfect expression of her arc and King's Landing.

  • Thry should finish a story in just a season and focus on another house.

    Finnisher posted: »

    The only bad thing would be if this was the end since it was left so unfinished, but thinking about season 2 makes it worthwhile. So, in a way the rating is determinant.

  • O...kay?

    basically.. the North grove is a very powerful place where magic and such dewels.. and how important it is to keep safe. sure they will go m

  • What happened to Malcolm ?? His sister is dead now and he was not there to help.

  • Malcolm simply disappeared and will never appear again. At least thats what I learned from other telltale games.

    Trickhead posted: »

    What happened to Malcolm ?? His sister is dead now and he was not there to help.

  • Allow me to join the disappointment club, I'll definitely put it on the bottom of the list of endings of Telltale Game's I've completed. I understand the cash grab at Season 2, but hell if it met the majority of people's expectations as far was endings go. It's GoT so of course it'll be bittersweet, but it left so much conflict unresolved all in the name of us having to buy the next season. I'll stick to YouTube as far as the next season goes.

  • I would probably buy the next season though. I hate uncompleted stories.

    NamelessAce posted: »

    Allow me to join the disappointment club, I'll definitely put it on the bottom of the list of endings of Telltale Game's I've completed. I u

  • Very disappointed in this episode, not only did it left everything unresolved, but I never got to eradicate all the Whitehill scum! Very disappointed in Telltale.

  • Hey Mr.Telltale welcome to telltale games. I fully agree with you.

    Mr_Telltale posted: »

    Very disappointed in this episode, not only did it left everything unresolved, but I never got to eradicate all the Whitehill scum! Very disappointed in Telltale.

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah but did you guys really want to have the story all wrapped up in less than 2 hours?(of course, its a finale... thats what its supposed to do. But Telltale does have a multiyear thing with HBO, so they kinda had to do this.) Honestly I thought there was to much going on and it wasn't going to be completely resolved in the end. Even though a lot is not explained, its a lot better for Telltale to leave it up to next season to tell us instead of trying to mash it all together into the finale. Episode 6 was weird for me though because for some reason I sorta accepted that we wont know what happens til next season, and I'm not usually the patient type. Maybe its because I really liked ep6 and how it did end., I saw it was fitting for the game of thrones universe. Asher/Rodrik is going to possibly live on with whoever was with him. Mira is dead or a slave. Gared is coming to help take back Ironwrath, or defending the North Grove. Now Gared's ending I didn't like much, but hey... logically there was no way for him to get back in time.

  • Telltale is on a streak of releasing bad shit.

  • But....but....Tales tho :(

    Telltale is on a streak of releasing bad shit.

  • edited November 2015

    My issue isn't that there was a cliffhanger. There wasn't a recent Telltale game that didn't have one. My issue is that every season of something should have a somewhat contained narrative. There should be a story that starts and resolves at the end of the season. The Walking Dead had this, The Wolf Among Us had this, Tales From the Borderlands had this. Game of Thrones didn't even come close to having this.

    Instead, this felt like a sloppy, rushed hodgepodge of events with no sort of contained, concluded narrative in any way, bar perhaps Mira's death. But even that was incredibly unsatisfying and felt like it was more for shock value and breaking tropes than anything.

    Didn't really enjoy this finale and I'm definitely somewhat soured towards this series. I don't trust the writers to deliver great things in the future right now. I'll probably still play season 2, but this definitely makes it a heck of a lot easier to wait a long time for it.

  • This is how it's been since 2013






    TheGeek11 posted: »

    But....but....Tales tho

  • edited November 2015

    The greatest strength and greatest weakness of the Telltale story system relates to the episodic nature of each series.

    When done well, such as TWAU and Borderlands, it allows them to fix the story on the run as necessary to reach their end goal.

    However, when done badly as in GoT, it just appears to be disjointed and inconsistent (I.e. it felt like the story was being made up on the run).

    Add to that, the standard illusion of choice in Telltale games for only one main protagonist, and you had a recipe for disaster with so many POVs in GoT.

    Ultimately, GoT had a lot of potential but it felt like Telltale really dropped the ball in some of their decisions (i.e. great concepts executed badly) for this series.

    For example:

    Good: Multiple POVs

    Bad: Not having enough time to flesh out the storylines for each properly

    Good: Determinant Traitor

    Bad: Nonsensical reasons

    Good: Mysterious North Grove

    Bad: No explanation of why the North Grove 'must never be lost'. Then being able to leave the North Grove completely defenceless.

    e.g. Was it meant to help the Forresters? Clearly not. Was it meant to save the world? Maybe, but no explanation was given as to how and you could just walk away.

    Good: Politics in King's Landing

    Bad: Being railroaded so that all decisions led to the same yes/no choice.

    There were also a lot of bugs (e.g. Crippled Gryff miraculously healed at the end of episode 5 that should have been fixed prior to release).

    It's hard to believe that Telltale could release a gem such as TotB and also GoT.
    There's a lot of lessons to be learnt by Telltale from this series.

  • Tales gives me hope.

    This is how it's been since 2013 bad bad good bad bad

  • *In your opinion

    Telltale is on a streak of releasing bad shit.

  • Well, they're also the same studio who created TWD S2 which honestly was a mediocre and unsatisfying tale when it came to story telling and character development and it's even worse when you compare it to its predecessor at least in my opinion. So it's easy for me to believe that Telltale can churn out another stinker.

    asanque posted: »

    The greatest strength and greatest weakness of the Telltale story system relates to the episodic nature of each series. When done well, s

  • You're on a streak of making negative posts as always too, I see.

    Telltale is on a streak of releasing bad shit.

  • I always thought he meant "the North Grove should never be lost" because his kids were there... so he didn't want his kids to die. The whole purpose turned out the North Grove wasn't some magical thing to save the day, but Lord Forresters kids, who could help Gared and house Forrester. He didn't outright tell Gared that because he probably didn't want him to spread it around (the exact thing at the North Grove). At least thats my opinion.

    (I.e. it felt like the story was being made up on the run).

    It actually is, this was talked about in the Tales From the Borderlands AMA a few weeks ago, apparently they even make the episode slides without knowing what happens past ep1.

    asanque posted: »

    The greatest strength and greatest weakness of the Telltale story system relates to the episodic nature of each series. When done well, s

  • there is always an idiot to defend TTG

    I am so disappointed. I had never expected that there would be no possibility at all to defeat the Whitehills, no matter the choices or stra

  • MyushaMyusha Banned
    edited November 2015


    TWD: Had good characters and moments to breathe.

    TWAU: Moments were rare, even if it was understandable. Never really got to talk with Snow too much outside of stuff with the case.

    TWD 2: We begged Telltale in those threads to actually let us talk to our companions. You know what saving Nick did? He got one or two lines of dialogue, one of them being an optional prompt, and voila he's dead next episode. The only hubs we got? A small one with a shack, an okay one in Carver's camp, a...hesitant to call it good one by the museum, and the best scene with the campfire. (That moment was basically Season 1's callback to the Hotel Room where they're bashing down the wall to me. AND IT FELT SO GOOD TO FINALLY HAVE IT. Then the rest of the episode kinda sucked.BUT YOU COULD DRINK BOOZE. OR CONVINCE KENNY TO GO TO DA FIRE. CHOICES.)

    TFTB: Interaction was amazing, hilarious, comedic, and endearing. Even though I didn't really like Sasha? Guess what, when she almost died I was sad as fuck! And when she was alive I was like FUK YOUR DEUS EX MACHINA BUT WE GOT A HAPPY ENDING YUS. If I can feel that over a main cast I didn't really enjoy, then it's a good game. Scooter though. Felt his death was a bit tacked on. Poor guy, even if I never really bonded with'em. A bit sweet.

    GOT: I only cared because they went through so much shit and because they were badasses in their own way.

    Gared Tuttle the man who butchers his way to the North Grove whatever the cost.

    Mira Forrester, the most dangerous handmaiden in King's Landing.

    Asher Forrester, a practical mercenary prince cleaving his way where he pleases and making gladiators his bitches


    Ethan Forrester: "Ramsay Snow, shut the fuck up you piec-gurgle." You tried my child, you tried.
    But felt they could've used more moments. Rodrik had his wife to be, Asher had Gwyn and Beshka, Mira had Sera and Marge, Ethan had Talia, Gared had his Nightwatch Buds...but Gared felt stale, and Ethan was a bore.

    J-Master posted: »

    Tales was absolutely fantastic for me and just felt more like a spiritual successor to TWD S1 compared to the other titles. It brought back

  • I agree. Telltale thinks GOT is all about shock value. They gave Ethan's lousy death and that cliffhanger at the end of E4 all ofr shock value and now this.

    Rynna posted: »

    My issue isn't that there was a cliffhanger. There wasn't a recent Telltale game that didn't have one. My issue is that every season of some

  • No need to call people idiots for having a different opinion.

    there is always an idiot to defend TTG

  • I would imagine if Telltale want to have Dany back for season 2, Malcolm will be the playable character in Essos.

    Malcolm simply disappeared and will never appear again. At least thats what I learned from other telltale games.

  • While I agree with some things you've said, I am far from done with Telltale games. I enjoy most of them very much as long as I'm interested in the ride that it's taking me on.

    TWD S1 - I enjoyed it, not as much as other people but I did enjoy it. Was a great entrance into the Telltale episodic format.

    TWD S2 - Absolutely hated it, I'm done with watching the show and I've never been interested in Zombies but I enjoyed the first game so much I figured yes I'm in, but I honestly didn't care about 1 single character in S2. Not planning on playing S3 (if they do it) or this Michonne DLC, the magic has worn off for me with this title.

    TWAU - Was such an absolute blast for me to play. I had never known of the Fable comics or anything so everything in this was fresh to me and was such a cool story. It was so much fun for me to play as Bigby and choose to be the "good guy" or just be a complete jerk. His character was so much fun for me, my favorite character to play as in any TT game so far. Dying for a sequel to that game.

    TFTB - My favorite TT game so far just edging out TWAU because of it's humor. I cared very much for most of the characters in this game, only one I was meh on was Fiona. I only had one issue with it and that was the identity of the Stranger which I did not personally care for but in no way shape or form hindered the game any. Only TT game that I have actually played through a second time.

    GOT - It was very hit or miss for me. The first episode was amazing and set such an awesome tone for what the game was going to be. To die right away as one of the playable characters was a shocking thing to me and was welcomed being GOT nobody should be safe (outside of the characters from the books/show). I do however feel like no episode after 1 lived up to how good that episode was. By the end of the game I only cared about 3 characters (Asher, Talia, and Ryon) and I only cared about Ryon because he was the baby brother and I really didn't want him to die. While the game was "OK" I'll still play a S2 if they send it out because of my love for the show. If S2 is garbage like TWD S2 then I'll likely be done with this series as well.

    Minecraft - Just don't even care for it. It's the only TT game that I have no purchased and have zero interest in ever purchasing.

    So yeah I'm still very much into these games and with a Marvel game coming in the future I'm all over that. So given that there have been 3 great games to me, 1 ok to average game to me, and 1 straight up bad one to me that's still a very favorable resume for me to continue playing.

  • And they probably won't?

    I would imagine if Telltale want to have Dany back for season 2, Malcolm will be the playable character in Essos.

  • @AreUFuckingKiddingMe Everyone has their opinions, calm down.

    there is always an idiot to defend TTG

  • With the large amount of characters both determinate and important they can't continue from here. At least not without rendering all of our choices 100% invalid.

    wow.. maybe we should just wait for season 2.. that why questions are answered and such instead of making assumptions that this final sucked

  • Yeah, Telltale really put their A-Team on Tales. By the order of games Tales, TWD, and TWAU the GoT writing staff should surrender their pens and present themselves for execution.

  • You just reminded me Mira's execution ;_;

    enter image description here

    I cri evrytiem :'c

    Yeah, Telltale really put their A-Team on Tales. By the order of games Tales, TWD, and TWAU the GoT writing staff should surrender their pens and present themselves for execution.

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