Best to Worst Episode

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Here are mines from best to worst

  1. Sons of Winter

  2. The Sword in the Darkness

  3. The Ice Dragon

  4. Iron from Ice

  5. The Lost Lords

  6. Nest of Vipers



    1. Sons of Winter
    2. The Lost Lords
    3. The Ice Dragon
    4. The Sword in the Darkness
    5. Iron From Ice
    6. A Nest of Vipers
  • 1.The Ice Dragon
    2.Sons of Winter
    3.The Sword in the Darkness
    4.Iron From Ice
    5.The Lost Lords
    6.A Nest of Vipers

    1. Sons of Winter.
    2. The Ice Dragon.
    3. Iron From Ice.
    4. The Lost Lords.
    5. The Sword in the Darkness.
    6. A Nest of Vipers.
  • No one likes Nest of vipers?

    1. Sons of Winter

    2. The Ice Dragon

    3. The Sword in the Darkness

    4. The Lost Lords

    5. Iron from Ice

    6. A Nest of Vipers

    1. Sons of Winter
    2. The Ice Dragon
    3. Iron from Ice
    4. The Lost Lords
    5. The Sword in the Darkness
    6. A Nest of Vipers
  • I actually enjoyed that episode but it was the weakest in the series (or worst, I suppose) since it had many flaws and plot holes. Good thing it didn't ruin the series for me ;p

    No one likes Nest of vipers?

  • I enjoyed the episode and didn't hate it as much as everyone in the forum. But I have to agree that there are a lot of flaws in the episode. In my opinion, IT IS NOT SUPER TERRIBLE, it just isn't as good as the other episodes.

    No one likes Nest of vipers?

    1. Sons of Winter

    2. The Lost Lords

    3. The Ice Dragon

    4. The Sword in The Darkness

    5. Iron From Ice

    6. A Nest of Vipers

  • 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6.

  • I liked it, but it was the worst.

    No one likes Nest of vipers?

  • I liked it quite a bit, but like everyone else has been saying it's definitely the weakest.

    No one likes Nest of vipers?

  • My god does everyone love sons of winter.

    1. Sons of Winter
    2. Sword in The Darkness
    3. The Ice Dragon
    4. The Lost Lords
    5. Iron From Ice
    6. A Nest of Vipers
  • 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 5.

  • For me it's:

    The Ice Dragon > Iron From Ice > Sons of Winter = The Sword in the Darkness > The Lost Lords > A Nest of Vipers

    I liked episodes 3 and 4 at the same level, maybe ep.4 a little bit more.

    1. Sons of Winter - Because this is where Gared's plot even starts and where the forresters seem to "win".
    2. A Sword In The Darkness - Awsome episode where major characters such as Gryff were introduced.
    3. Iron From Ice - Perfect setup for the game.
    4. The Lost Lords - Where the game starts for real.
    5. The Ice Dragon - Very disappointing episode, view my hate thread for more info.
    6. A Nest of Vipers - Nothing much to say about this episode. Really.
  • Probably the Ice Dragon is my favorite, I don't know what it is, but Telltale finales are always my favorite episode. Then it gets hard, I can't pick between Sons of Winter or The Lost Lords, they are both pretty fantastic. Then probably A Sword in the Darkness, but I love that episode quite a lot. Then its either Iron from Ice, or A Nest of Vipers. I do like both episodes, even the controversial Nest of Vipers.

    1. Sons of Winter

    2. Sword in The Darkness

    3. Ice Dragon

    4. Lost Lords

    5. Iron From Ice

    6. A Nest of Vipers

  • This one as well.

    * Sons of Winter * The Ice Dragon * Iron from Ice * The Lost Lords * The Sword in the Darkness * A Nest of Vipers

  • edited November 2015

    The Ice Dragon

    Lost Lords

    Iron From Ice

    Sons of Winter

    Sword in The Darkness

    A Nest of Vipers

    I should clarify I think all the episodes are at the very least decent.

  • Yep, I liked all the episode, not one was absolutely terrible.

    HarjKS posted: »

    The Ice Dragon Lost Lords Iron From Ice Sons of Winter Sword in The Darkness A Nest of Vipers I should clarify I think all the episodes are at the very least decent.

  • I like you both a lot already. :)

    Yep, I liked all the episode, not one was absolutely terrible.

  • 1) The Ice Dragon

    2) Sons of Winter

    3) The Sword in the Darkness

    4) A Nest of Vipers

    5) The Lost Lords

    6) Iron from Ice (I don't dislike it, just the other episodes were a lot more exciting)

  • edited November 2015

    1) The Ice Dragon

    2) The Sword in the Darkness

    3) Sons of Winter

    4) A Nest of Vipers

    5) The Lost Lords

    6) Iron from Ice

  • 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1

    1. Nest of Vipers

    2. Sons of Winter

    3. The Sword in the Darkness

    4. The Ice Dragon

    5. The Lost Lords

    6. Iron From Ice

  • edited November 2015

    So,,, people either love or hate Episode 6?

    For me:

    1. Sons of Winter
    2. Sword in the Darkness
    3. Iron From Ice
    4. The Ice Dragon (it would have been higher had it not been for Mira's determinant status)
    5. The Lost Lords
    6. Nest of Vipers
  • Next of vipers: phenonmanal episode on every level
    Sons of winter: fantastic episode
    Iron from ice: great episode
    The lost lords: good episode with meh elements
    The sword in darkness: good episode with meh elements
    The ice dragon: good episode although very problematic

  • Dont copy my list madafacka xD

    Clemenem posted: »

    * Sons of Winter * Sword in The Darkness * Ice Dragon * Lost Lords * Iron From Ice * A Nest of Vipers

  • The Ice Dragon and A Nest of Vipers were terrible in my opinion though. Only the R and A scenes were good.

    Yep, I liked all the episode, not one was absolutely terrible.

  • Loooooooooool hahahahahaha.

    No offence.

    * Nest of Vipers * Sons of Winter * The Sword in the Darkness * The Ice Dragon * The Lost Lords * Iron From Ice

  • Don't be that guy.

    Loooooooooool hahahahahaha. No offence.

    1. The Sword in the Darkness
    2. The Lost Lords
    3. The Ice Dragon
    4. Iron from Ice
    5. Sons of Winter
    6. A Nest of Vipers
  • It's called an opinion so don't be a douche. I wasn't a huge fan of the series, but the second half mostly episodes 4 and 5 shined for me

    Loooooooooool hahahahahaha. No offence.

  • I appreciate that compliment.

    I like you both a lot already.

  • Interesting avatar you have there...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1

  • Tfw you have wounded Rodrik as your avatar and @Poogers555 has wounded Asher as his avatar... LMAO

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Interesting avatar you have there...

  • Both Rodrik and Asher certainly got bathed in blood in episode 6.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw you have wounded Rodrik as your avatar and @Poogers555 has wounded Asher as his avatar... LMAO

    1. The Lost Lords
    2. Sons of Winter
    3. The Ice Dragon
    4. The Sword in the Darkness
    5. Iron from Ice
    6. A Nest of Vipers
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