My decisions: Why I made them and how they will affect Season 2.

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

In my playthrough I played as Asher, and with Gwyn's help attempted to bring an end to the war, it didn't work sadly, BUT I believe I ended the game on a high note.
My Choices (ones that matter)

Saved Asher instead of Roderick (it was a fluke of luck that Roderick survived the Twins, Asher was in his prime and has a higher chance to survive, his friendship with Beskha will also be of significance as she survives with Ryon)

Attempted to bring peace(the main thing with this is we have Gwyn on our side at the end, who not only saves Talia but also Asher, a more useful and powerful ally who knows the inner workings of House Whitehill, killing Gryff while important personally, matters little in the long term, Ludd is far more cunning and after all Gryff was merely the fourth-born son, Ludd still has more)

Mira marries Morgyn and remains Margery's handmaiden(true we screwed over Sera, but we enabled her marriage to Lord Tarwick, so she won't be totally screwed, her marriage is much more hopeful than our own. By being his wife we may be able to keep a closer eye on him. So long as Asher and Ryon live, he won't have a claim to Ironrath, (which is now a smoking ruin so who cares) and we still remain alive. As long as we do so we can change our situation. Tom's death is lamentable, but in the end he was only a coal boy, and I doubt Lord Varys will lament his lost little bird much, he has plenty of them, we lost an informant, but gained a husband who will hold us on a leash, but leashes work both ways)

Left the North Grove with Slyvi and the Snows, also killed Cotter for a Blood Magic ritual(North of the Wall is far too dangerous to remain, the warriors and the bear the twins command are finite and the Wights and Walkers are unbelievable powerful. In the way is the Wall, while formidable not impassable. Losing the black will be a priority. If we can blend in with the Wildlings when Jon Snow makes the offer of letting them pass, we can make it through safely without much notice. After all, to the untrained eye not much out of place with another group of wildlings fleeing south. Cotter's death will have meaning, empowering the Blood magic to last as possible as we leave the North Grove. We don't have the time or people to defend it. Not to mention my Gared promised Cotter to look after Slyvi. I couldn't save him, but I can save and protect his sister)

Can't wait for Season 2 and hopefully more to come.

The future Protagonists for my Season 2 will (hopefully) be Asher (with Gwyn and Talia), Gared (with the Snows and Slyvi), Mira (with Morgyn), Malcolm (in Essos) and Beskha (with Ryon).


  • Mira is gone, move on.

  • edited November 2015

    How they will affect season 2

    I don't know wether I should laugh at this naivety or cry because I too would love so bad for it to be true but know too well it won't.

    It's like I'm back in the years between TWD S1 and TWD S2, when everyone dreamt of how their choices as Lee would have forged Clementine's character and personality in a very unique way, only to find out in S2 that everyone would play the same exact standard Clementine save for a few differing memories to appear in a few dialogues.

    Does anyone truly believe TGOT S2 will be the first Telltale game with such amazing level of storybranching ? I dreamt this last season would be that game in the first place, but my disappointment has made lose faith for good. For the 2nd season, Telltale will like usual find a way to reunite all "different" endings, get rid of all determinant characters before the first episode is over.

    If I sound like I'm bitter, it's because I am.

    I feel so frustrated that no matter the cunning plans, the bold decisions you made, there was NO way to win the war and prevent the fall of House Forrester. And to think players were debating and debating about what was the "smart" thing to do on this and that instance... There were never smart or dumb choices, Forresters were fucked either way.
    Honestly I don't care that in season 2 the last remnants of now rogue House Forrester will eventually get their revenge (as is probably already decided in advance by Telltale).
    I wanted to be able to find the "good" way, the clever strategy to never fall to this point of such utter destruction in the first place.
    And if I had failed, I would have gladly played again and again from the start in order to fare better, trying every combo of decisions, knowing there was a possibility to triumph.
    But now? This is the first Telltale game I don't even feel like replaying. I had 3 saves total with very different choices, all prepared for the case my canon save would lead me to bitter defeat. I will probably finish my second save just to witness the different outcomes (watch Mira live, kill Gryff instead of Ludd) but it's because I had already reached the ending episode 5 so I have only this last episode to play. I left the 3rd save at episode 3, and I have no desire to replay 3 episodes that will lead to this fucking disastrous same ending anyway.

  • Roderick


  • I wouldn't be surprised if we have to deal with Morgyn one way or another. He is Ludd's connection to the king after all, that thread must be cut. As such I wouldn't be surprised to see Mira again if she lives.

    NicWarden posted: »

    Mira is gone, move on.

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