2016? when in 2016? march? july? First it was october 2015, then December 2015, now 2016. Why cant they give a date closer to release date that something vague like 2016 - that could be anywhere from January to December.
I'm pretty sure the first episode is due to release this year with episodes 2-3 releasing in 2016, i think Job talking about Telltale being like a TV schedule in 2016 could be a hint towards their "Super Show".
2016? when in 2016? march? july? First it was october 2015, then December 2015, now 2016. Why cant they give a date closer to release date that something vague like 2016 - that could be anywhere from January to December.
What do they mean by their 2016 line up looking like a TV schedule? Is he implying that they're going to have a lot of releases next year? If so, then great!
What do they mean by their 2016 line up looking like a TV schedule? Is he implying that they're going to have a lot of releases next year? If so, then great!
Well that Game of Thrones news was very soon and that dropped in like a day, so I'm guessing we're getting news next week. Which makes sense since next week it's the last week of November.
You do know that the DLC isn't stopping Season three in any way shape or form, right? It's kind of like how a firm or design company can work on multiple projects simultaneously without them hampering one another. Plus, you don't want too many people working on a project as much as you don't want too little. If you ever have worked for company or seen on work, you'll know that having too many people working on one project introduces, stagnate growth, congestion between people and groups, and more strenuous work for project managers to distribute information. You want a nice balance in the team size; not to big, not too small.
People complained back during the wait for Episode 3 of TFTBL that the moving of people from TFTBL to GOT was impeding on TFTBL's development. Lo and behold, TFTBL finished well before GOT. All the while, TellTale is working on Michonne, TWD: Season 3, Minecraft, the Marvel project, and potentially 2 supershow concepts. Considering that each game is at different stages, they all won't need the same staff or resources simultaneously. The only thing that can bog down Season 3 is Season 3 itself. Story issues, script issues, modeling problems, concept art delays, game bugs, voice actor issues, etc: only these things within Season 3's team can slow Season 3 down.**
**I thought of one exception: PR and Marketing. Let's assume that by January, TellTale can crank out TWD: S3 - Episode 1 (I think that is a very liberal assumption). TellTale has a schedule regarding releases and tentative finale dates. TaleTale has to balance releases and news in a way that series don't overcrowd one another. They may have an episode done, but Job, Bruner, and the rest of the leads set aside mid-July for a release so that other series can end and TellTale games aren't competing with each other (Job can confirm or deny my theory).
There is a lot that goes into TellTale games. Let them take their time to do things right rather than rush or crowd projects into disappointment and failure.
I know but I would have preferred that TTG focuses only on the development of the season three in place of developing a DLC and wasting time.
I would try it, maybe...
Good point. Once a month seems for likely, maybe once every two weeks at a stretch. Yeah, one episode a week means 10 seasons a year, sounds a bit extreme. I think maybe TT could mange 3 seasons a year, though...
"No updates on S3 until the Mini-Series concludes. But one thing is for certain - you WILL want to play this before S3..."
Such confidence he speaks with, yesh.
[Tough Critic Mode Activated.]
We'll see, we'll see.
You do know that the DLC isn't stopping Season three in any way shape or form, right? It's kind of like how a firm or design company can wo… morerk on multiple projects simultaneously without them hampering one another. Plus, you don't want too many people working on a project as much as you don't want too little. If you ever have worked for company or seen on work, you'll know that having too many people working on one project introduces, stagnate growth, congestion between people and groups, and more strenuous work for project managers to distribute information. You want a nice balance in the team size; not to big, not too small.
People complained back during the wait for Episode 3 of TFTBL that the moving of people from TFTBL to GOT was impeding on TFTBL's development. Lo and behold, TFTBL finished well before GOT. All the while, TellTale is working on Michonne, TWD: Season 3, Minecraft, the Marvel project, and potentially 2 supershow … [view original content]
Good point. Once a month seems for likely, maybe once every two weeks at a stretch. Yeah, one episode a week means 10 seasons a year, sounds a bit extreme. I think maybe TT could mange 3 seasons a year, though...
A different protagonist for season 3?
Well that's fucking lame...
Kinda would make season 2 a giant kick in the balls then now wouldn't it?
Waaaay too much going on to abandon that.
A different protagonist for season 3?
Well that's fucking lame...
Kinda would make season 2 a giant kick in the balls then now wouldn't it?
Waaaay too much going on to abandon that.
A different protagonist for season 3?
Well that's fucking lame...
Kinda would make season 2 a giant kick in the balls then now wouldn't it?
Waaaay too much going on to abandon that.
Well, the fact that they refuse to say anything about season 3 until after Michonne is completely done makes me think there might be something in S3 that might be an integral part of Michonne that they can't mention yet, otherwise it'd spoil Michonne.
And perhaps you're right. I'm still optimistic though (probably too optimistic for my own good. ) However, although I haven't really played a lot of Telltale's other recent titles, I've been hearing good things about them, such as how choices tend to really matter in terms of unlocking certain scenes, how determinate characters are lasting longer and having more of an impact on the story, and how there's better fighting gameplay mechanics involved. So hopefully Telltale can pull off something good with Michonne as well, and maybe it could relate to S3 in some significant way. They even said in that tweet that Sean told them, "It's Michonne, don't F it up" lol. So I'll just keep hoping.
Well at the same time let me remind you that you had 5 different endings for s2.... true they haven't said anuthing about the protagonist for s3 but... it's likely it won't be anyone we know. But hey, I'm with ya, "iant kick in the balls" for sure.
A different protagonist for season 3?
Well that's fucking lame...
Kinda would make season 2 a giant kick in the balls then now wouldn't it?
Waaaay too much going on to abandon that.
What do they mean by their 2016 line up looking like a TV schedule? Is he implying that they're going to have a lot of releases next year? If so, then great!
Um when he says, "Major news on #GoT coming VERY soon. #TWD: Michonne Mini-Series info also coming. Our 2016 lineup is a lot like a TV schedule!"
I think he means that their lineup looks like a tv schedule, in terms of the titles. "The Walking Dead" and "Game of Thrones" are both very popular tv shows, so it's like Telltale is mimicking that. Not necessarily the timing of the tv schedule itself.
What do they mean by their 2016 line up looking like a TV schedule? Is he implying that they're going to have a lot of releases next year? If so, then great!
Telltale haven't announced any pricing yet but it's highly unlikely that they will give it away for free as it's a whole new story so will likely be a separate DLC purchase like 400 days was.
I think that's just a general goal of theirs, irregardless of whether or not the franchises they work with are from TV. They want Telltale to feel like a TV station because of the style of story focused/cinematic games they make.
What do they mean by their 2016 line up looking like a TV schedule? Is he implying that they're going to have a lot of releases next year? I… moref so, then great!
Um when he says, "Major news on #GoT coming VERY soon. #TWD: Michonne Mini-Series info also coming. Our 2016 lineup is a lot like a TV schedule!"
I think he means that their lineup looks like a tv schedule, in terms of the titles. "The Walking Dead" and "Game of Thrones" are both very popular tv shows, so it's like Telltale is mimicking that. Not necessarily the timing of the tv schedule itself.
Episodes actually used to be released on a regular monthly schedule prior to Walking Dead. However, part of the reason they spend longer on episodes now is to respond to fan feedback even more than they used to in their older episodes.
However, in this case, I think he was comparing their schedule to TV just because Telltale wants their games to resemble interactive movies/TV shows - not just in gameplay, but also with how they release episodically.
A large reason of why Telltale is making the Michonne DLC is because Season 3 was going to take longer to make irregardless, and they wanted to give Walking Dead fans something to keep them occupied for 2015 and 2016. It wasn't a case of Michonne coming at the cost of a quicker release for Season 3, it was a case of Michonne coming at the cost of Telltale making a different series before Season 3. Usually, Telltale tries to premiere two new full-length series a year, but this year, the Michonne mini series is replacing a normal full-length series we would've otherwise gotten. As for Telltale announcing several projects, they really only work on a couple at once irregardless of how many they have announced. Most of the time when they announce a new game, they have a small group of people plan out the story prior to actually having people design the game. Because their games are story focused, they have to plan out the story before they develop the game.
Kevin Bruner explained this in an interview about the Game of Thrones Season 2 announcement, saying:
"Telltale's approach to game development is much more like television than most other game developers. Across all of our series — The Walking Dead, Minecraft: Story Mode and more — the development process at Telltale spends a significant amount of time upfront in the writer's rooms not just with writers, but designers, directors and creative input from all across the studio. It's not unusual for our games to exist longer on whiteboards and sticky notes and in scripts than they do in traditional game production. It's incredibly similar to how TV often spends so much time in preproduction and planning before moving into actually shooting."
I know but I would have preferred that TTG focuses only on the development of the season three in place of developing a DLC and wasting time.
I would try it, maybe...
Although they haven't confirmed any details yet, we can already figure out the game will come either December 1st, 8th, or 15th. It has to be before Fall ends (on December 21st), and they won't release it onNovember 24th for very obvious reasons (Minecraft Episode 3). Irregardless of how close they are to finishing a series, we don't get new details about release dates until we are already very close to the series premiere. It's just how Telltale does things.
You might have misheard; I think the first episode of Season 2 is required to play Michonne. Telltale have said they will explain more closer to release (which should be very soon, I imagine).
Am i the only one who check these threads twice a day hoping to get some news? i know season 3 waiting thread will most likely be newsless till michonne ends but anyway we might get 1st episode next Tuesday and some peoples are like we will not play michonne atleast give it a try. its like to judge a book by its cover btw i was hoping for a dlc that contains main characters too
Am i the only one who check these threads twice a day hoping to get some news? i know season 3 waiting thread will most likely be newsless … moretill michonne ends but anyway we might get 1st episode next Tuesday and some peoples are like we will not play michonne atleast give it a try. its like to judge a book by its cover btw i was hoping for a dlc that contains main characters too
I'm inclined to agree, I'd rather have someone else as the protagonist.
I wouldn't mind Clementine as the protagonist again, but I'm hoping that the writers are more sensible when it comes to writing child protagonists and not focus too much on making her the 'badass, hyper-competent, anti-hero, survivalist'.
Yeah thats why i said "might" but never mind, i knew it will most likely not come out on December 1st lol....and what if telltale trolls us all and release it on some other day than Tuesday hahahah (like they did with TWAU first episode) that would be a big troll lol ...but i know thats not gonna happen .
Episodes will probably be normal length. Telltale already goes off the mindset people voluntarily want short episodes, so I can't imagine they would increase episode length. Keep in mind that Michonne is most likely meant to help keep Walking Dead fans occupied until Season 3 comes.
As soon as Telltale is done promoting Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 3, I could see them starting to give us updates on Michonne as soon as this Thursday or Friday if I had to take an educated guess. Going off of what Job said last month, we should be getting news this month, and we're pretty close to reaching the end of the month.
As freelancepolicefan11 said, we probably aren't getting the Episode as soon as next week on the first since we aren't seeing ratings/etc yet, but it isn't too much longer as it they said it comes out before Fall ends (Monday, December 21st).
That leaves December 8th or December 15th as predictable dates, and I'd probably go with the 15th as my guess of the two dates. Not too much longer now!
2016? when in 2016? march? july? First it was october 2015, then December 2015, now 2016. Why cant they give a date closer to release date that something vague like 2016 - that could be anywhere from January to December.
I'm pretty sure the first episode is due to release this year with episodes 2-3 releasing in 2016, i think Job talking about Telltale being like a TV schedule in 2016 could be a hint towards their "Super Show".
What do they mean by their 2016 line up looking like a TV schedule? Is he implying that they're going to have a lot of releases next year? If so, then great!
Maybe episodes will be released at regular intervals (for example, one per month or one per week).
I know but I would have preferred that TTG focuses only on the development of the season three in place of developing a DLC and wasting time.
I would try it, maybe...
There's that word again...
That wouldn't by chance be the same racoon from Amid The Ruins, would it? WHAT DO YOU KNOW!? WHAT DEVIOUS HINTS ARE YOU TRYING TO DROP!?
Well that Game of Thrones news was very soon and that dropped in like a day, so I'm guessing we're getting news next week. Which makes sense since next week it's the last week of November.
You do know that the DLC isn't stopping Season three in any way shape or form, right? It's kind of like how a firm or design company can work on multiple projects simultaneously without them hampering one another. Plus, you don't want too many people working on a project as much as you don't want too little. If you ever have worked for company or seen on work, you'll know that having too many people working on one project introduces, stagnate growth, congestion between people and groups, and more strenuous work for project managers to distribute information. You want a nice balance in the team size; not to big, not too small.
People complained back during the wait for Episode 3 of TFTBL that the moving of people from TFTBL to GOT was impeding on TFTBL's development. Lo and behold, TFTBL finished well before GOT. All the while, TellTale is working on Michonne, TWD: Season 3, Minecraft, the Marvel project, and potentially 2 supershow concepts. Considering that each game is at different stages, they all won't need the same staff or resources simultaneously. The only thing that can bog down Season 3 is Season 3 itself. Story issues, script issues, modeling problems, concept art delays, game bugs, voice actor issues, etc: only these things within Season 3's team can slow Season 3 down.**
**I thought of one exception: PR and Marketing. Let's assume that by January, TellTale can crank out TWD: S3 - Episode 1 (I think that is a very liberal assumption). TellTale has a schedule regarding releases and tentative finale dates. TaleTale has to balance releases and news in a way that series don't overcrowd one another. They may have an episode done, but Job, Bruner, and the rest of the leads set aside mid-July for a release so that other series can end and TellTale games aren't competing with each other (Job can confirm or deny my theory).
There is a lot that goes into TellTale games. Let them take their time to do things right rather than rush or crowd projects into disappointment and failure.
Good point. Once a month seems for likely, maybe once every two weeks at a stretch. Yeah, one episode a week means 10 seasons a year, sounds a bit extreme. I think maybe TT could mange 3 seasons a year, though...
I really hope that Michonne's machete doesn't get lost in any the episodes , because that is a handsome weapon.
Perhaps what Michonne does in these 3 Episodes will impact some of Season 3?
Mhmm ratatouille.
Well said, well said
Anyway, It looks good idea to me. TTG is too sporadic between each episode at this time
I wouldn't get my hopes too high. It might be like 400 Days and Season 2.
A different protagonist for season 3?
Well that's fucking lame...
Kinda would make season 2 a giant kick in the balls then now wouldn't it?
Waaaay too much going on to abandon that.
They never said they would have a different protagonist for Season 3.
They haven't said anything about the protagonist for season 3.
Well, the fact that they refuse to say anything about season 3 until after Michonne is completely done makes me think there might be something in S3 that might be an integral part of Michonne that they can't mention yet, otherwise it'd spoil Michonne.
And perhaps you're right. I'm still optimistic though (probably too optimistic for my own good.
) However, although I haven't really played a lot of Telltale's other recent titles, I've been hearing good things about them, such as how choices tend to really matter in terms of unlocking certain scenes, how determinate characters are lasting longer and having more of an impact on the story, and how there's better fighting gameplay mechanics involved. So hopefully Telltale can pull off something good with Michonne as well, and maybe it could relate to S3 in some significant way. They even said in that tweet that Sean told them, "It's Michonne, don't F it up" lol. So I'll just keep hoping. 
Oh man I'd love to believe that but.... I just can't
Well at the same time let me remind you that you had 5 different endings for s2.... true they haven't said anuthing about the protagonist for s3 but... it's likely it won't be anyone we know. But hey, I'm with ya, "iant kick in the balls" for sure.
Um when he says, "Major news on #GoT coming VERY soon. #TWD: Michonne Mini-Series info also coming. Our 2016 lineup is a lot like a TV schedule!"
I think he means that their lineup looks like a tv schedule, in terms of the titles. "The Walking Dead" and "Game of Thrones" are both very popular tv shows, so it's like Telltale is mimicking that. Not necessarily the timing of the tv schedule itself.
I heard the first episode is free if you played Season 2 of TWD
Telltale haven't announced any pricing yet but it's highly unlikely that they will give it away for free as it's a whole new story so will likely be a separate DLC purchase like 400 days was.
I think that's just a general goal of theirs, irregardless of whether or not the franchises they work with are from TV. They want Telltale to feel like a TV station because of the style of story focused/cinematic games they make.
Episodes actually used to be released on a regular monthly schedule prior to Walking Dead. However, part of the reason they spend longer on episodes now is to respond to fan feedback even more than they used to in their older episodes.
However, in this case, I think he was comparing their schedule to TV just because Telltale wants their games to resemble interactive movies/TV shows - not just in gameplay, but also with how they release episodically.
A large reason of why Telltale is making the Michonne DLC is because Season 3 was going to take longer to make irregardless, and they wanted to give Walking Dead fans something to keep them occupied for 2015 and 2016. It wasn't a case of Michonne coming at the cost of a quicker release for Season 3, it was a case of Michonne coming at the cost of Telltale making a different series before Season 3. Usually, Telltale tries to premiere two new full-length series a year, but this year, the Michonne mini series is replacing a normal full-length series we would've otherwise gotten. As for Telltale announcing several projects, they really only work on a couple at once irregardless of how many they have announced. Most of the time when they announce a new game, they have a small group of people plan out the story prior to actually having people design the game. Because their games are story focused, they have to plan out the story before they develop the game.
Kevin Bruner explained this in an interview about the Game of Thrones Season 2 announcement, saying:
Although they haven't confirmed any details yet, we can already figure out the game will come either December 1st, 8th, or 15th. It has to be before Fall ends (on December 21st), and they won't release it onNovember 24th for very obvious reasons (Minecraft Episode 3). Irregardless of how close they are to finishing a series, we don't get new details about release dates until we are already very close to the series premiere. It's just how Telltale does things.
You might have misheard; I think the first episode of Season 2 is required to play Michonne. Telltale have said they will explain more closer to release (which should be very soon, I imagine).
It's 3 episodes, you can't compare it to 400 Days...
Am i the only one who check these threads twice a day hoping to get some news?
i know season 3 waiting thread will most likely be newsless till michonne ends
but anyway we might get 1st episode next Tuesday
and some peoples are like we will not play michonne atleast give it a try. its like to judge a book by its cover
btw i was hoping for a dlc that contains main characters too 
There's no way we're getting it next week. The episode hasn't even been classified. I have a feeling we'll get it the 15th.
December 8th can also still happen if the Episode is classified this week
That could also work.
3 episodes... but per episode i hope it's gonna be longer
I'm inclined to agree, I'd rather have someone else as the protagonist.
I wouldn't mind Clementine as the protagonist again, but I'm hoping that the writers are more sensible when it comes to writing child protagonists and not focus too much on making her the 'badass, hyper-competent, anti-hero, survivalist'.
Yeah thats why i said "might" but never mind, i knew it will most likely not come out on December 1st lol....and what if telltale trolls us all and release it on some other day than Tuesday hahahah (like they did with TWAU first episode) that would be a big troll lol
...but i know thats not gonna happen
Episodes will probably be normal length. Telltale already goes off the mindset people voluntarily want short episodes, so I can't imagine they would increase episode length. Keep in mind that Michonne is most likely meant to help keep Walking Dead fans occupied until Season 3 comes.
As soon as Telltale is done promoting Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 3, I could see them starting to give us updates on Michonne as soon as this Thursday or Friday if I had to take an educated guess. Going off of what Job said last month, we should be getting news this month, and we're pretty close to reaching the end of the month.
As freelancepolicefan11 said, we probably aren't getting the Episode as soon as next week on the first since we aren't seeing ratings/etc yet, but it isn't too much longer as it they said it comes out before Fall ends (Monday, December 21st).
That leaves December 8th or December 15th as predictable dates, and I'd probably go with the 15th as my guess of the two dates. Not too much longer now!