Official Whitehill HATE thread

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Honestly, who doesn't hate them? These guys are some of the most hated TellTale characters ever, if not the most hated. The only one that has any bit likeability is Gwyn, but even them she can stab you in the back in Episode 6. Let's all hope Asher/Rodrik will finally destroy the Whitehill family in Season 2.


  • If I get at least the chance to kill all the Whitehills, even if that means killing Gwyn with them, I'll take it. They brought this on themselves.

    All Whitehills must pay for their crimes!

  • Forresters had unfair disadvantage. 1) ep 1..beginning where they were ambushed. 2) Ramsay peacefully killing Forresters men and their lord ethan. 3) GWEN.

  • Whoa, you must really hate them. You even misspelled their name.

  • Oh I hate them, sadly I don't know what I find more pleasing:

    Gryff's Head:
    enter image description here
    Or Ludd suffering:
    enter image description here

  • I got the second one. Lady Forrester is better off dead by poisoning than a blade through the belly.

    Kateis posted: »

    Oh I hate them, sadly I don't know what I find more pleasing: Gryff's Head: Or Ludd suffering:

  • Wish we could've mounted Gryff or Ludd's head on Ironrath's gates.

    Kateis posted: »

    Oh I hate them, sadly I don't know what I find more pleasing: Gryff's Head: Or Ludd suffering:

  • But wait! How about Ludd's head

    enter image description here

    And Gryff's suffering

    enter image description here

    Kateis posted: »

    Oh I hate them, sadly I don't know what I find more pleasing: Gryff's Head: Or Ludd suffering:

  • #rekt

    Pipas posted: »

    Whoa, you must really hate them. You even misspelled their name.

  • They're all so beautiful.

    Pipas posted: »

    But wait! How about Ludd's head And Gryff's suffering

  • enter image description here

    Brodester08 posted: »

    They're all so beautiful.

  • Hmm, you see, I still don't know. Suffering is great and all but their head is satisfying also. Uhh, I wish I knew what pleased me more.

    I guess, I kinda like watching Ludd splutter blood everywhere, that's fun.

    Pipas posted: »

    But wait! How about Ludd's head And Gryff's suffering

  • Well if you're into suffering, if you kill Gryff as Rodrik you can leave Gryff to bleed out.

    Kateis posted: »

    Hmm, you see, I still don't know. Suffering is great and all but their head is satisfying also. Uhh, I wish I knew what pleased me more. I guess, I kinda like watching Ludd splutter blood everywhere, that's fun.

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