Which one do you like more?

Josera, or Elsera. and why?

At first, i liked Elsera more because she believed what Gared said and she can control the 'warriors', but after that blood magic ritual, i started to like Josera more, also Shadow!
Simply cant wait for the second season for more Josera & Shadow screentime.


  • edited November 2015

    Josera because he's got a giant ass Polar Bear he can control! How is cool is that shit! Elsera is okay I guess besides her wanting me to rip open my dying friends heart...

  • Elsera's an incompetent Blood Magic using, sacrificial woman who is too short-sighted to let her pride down and realize her magic has tolls and costs that might very well hurt the North Grove.

    Josera's a badass and a little bit gruff, but he thought you were an intruder at first. For slashing his shoulder metaphorically he becomes a pretty cool dude. Hope he doesn't go all feral warg or shit.

  • Neither. Elsera abuses blood magic and sucks at it. Josera tries too hard to be edgy... his polar bear is named Shadow.

    He has a fucking polar bear named Shadow

    A polar bear

    named Shadow

    I fucking hate him. I want him dead. And his stupid polar bear (named fucking Shadow) too.

    Seriously. It's a polar bear. Their one defining quality is that they aren't dark. They are white as fuck but he named the damned thing Shadow?

    It's a huge white bear. Named Shadow.


    As in the something that exists because of darkness caused by light being blocked (i.e not a fucking polar bear)



  • Well. that escalated QUICKLY xD.
    it is what it is though. Josera's polar bear name is Shadow. You just have to bear it

    Neither. Elsera abuses blood magic and sucks at it. Josera tries too hard to be edgy... his polar bear is named Shadow. He has a fucking

  • But it's unbearable.

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    Well. that escalated QUICKLY xD. it is what it is though. Josera's polar bear name is Shadow. You just have to bear it

  • Hating Shadow is simply impawsible

    But it's unbearable.

  • You monster.

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    Hating Shadow is simply impawsible

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Maybe he purposely named it Shadow to confuse his enemies

    Like, "Hey, I have a bear named Shadow"

    From that name, everyone would expect this big dark bear or something, right? But nope, giant white polar bear, motherfucker

    No one sees it coming (figuratively speaking) and it catches them off guard

    It also makes them pause and consider the irony for a few seconds, which the bear can then take advantage of. Like you, for example. In the time you took to contemplate this poor naming choice, that bear would already be tearing through your sternum.

    Neither. Elsera abuses blood magic and sucks at it. Josera tries too hard to be edgy... his polar bear is named Shadow. He has a fucking

  • Josera is probably a fan of irony.

    Irony from Ice.

    Neither. Elsera abuses blood magic and sucks at it. Josera tries too hard to be edgy... his polar bear is named Shadow. He has a fucking

  • Definitely Josera. In some weird way, he also reminds me of Jon Snow.

  • Josera, Elsera wanted me to cut out my mates heart while he was still alive! I can't believe the majority actually did that..

  • Courtesy of polarbearsinternational.org: Polar bears have black skin under which there is a layer of fat that can measure up to 4.5 inches (11.5 centimeters) thick.

    So in a way, Shadow makes a LITTLE sense for polar bears :v since their skin is black underneath the white fur.

    Neither. Elsera abuses blood magic and sucks at it. Josera tries too hard to be edgy... his polar bear is named Shadow. He has a fucking

  • I liked Elsera better at first since she seemed more reasonable than the gruff Josera. But then we find out her warriors are actually zombies, and she wanted me to give my bro Cotter an agonizing death! So right now I think Josera is a bit cooler.

  • I love them both! I take Josera's side more but I think I'm more attached to Elsera, and I totally ship her with Gared ^_^

  • If ONLY I could name my bear ICEE.

  • The old Clemenem died of laughter after reading this. He was revived and rebirthed by the Lord of Light and Thoros of Myr

    Neither. Elsera abuses blood magic and sucks at it. Josera tries too hard to be edgy... his polar bear is named Shadow. He has a fucking

  • I'm kind of neutral on both of them right now. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot from them in season 2 though. We could potentially even play as one of them which could be interesting.. especially if we got to control Shadow!

  • best.

    J-Master posted: »

    Josera is probably a fan of irony. Irony from Ice.

  • my Gared still has something called humanity. Gave the nightshade to Cotter to give him a peaceful death

    PigeonPie posted: »

    Josera, Elsera wanted me to cut out my mates heart while he was still alive! I can't believe the majority actually did that..

  • Well considering we've just met them they're still pretty 1 dimensional

  • Damn, I've never thought about it like that... Josera just went from "complete dumbass" to "tactical genius."

    Deltino posted: »

    Maybe he purposely named it Shadow to confuse his enemies Like, "Hey, I have a bear named Shadow" From that name, everyone would expec

  • edited November 2015

    Elsera. She is nice and alot more receptive of Gared than Josera. She's also willing to do what must be done which makes her a perfect match with my badass Gared who is willing to sacrifice others.

  • Josera, he is so badass and I like the way he acts. He misunderstood Gared when they first met, I get it.

  • I like Josera better. He wants to help his family more than Elsera. Also I see Wrag magic as a "cleaner" form of magic, even though one can easily lose themselves in the beasts they wrag into.

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