Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Lewd af. Way too lewd.

    Now I really want to be in King's Landing.

    Eryka posted: »

    What do you think about it?

  • I know, sis, I know. But...there is no other way.

    You're treading dangerous waters, my dear.

  • Thank you

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lewd af. Way too lewd. Now I really want to be in King's Landing.

  • Yeah, King's Landing, the place with no lewdness at all. Ha!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lewd af. Way too lewd. Now I really want to be in King's Landing.

  • That wasn't even a compliment. I meant it in a bad way.

    Eryka posted: »

    Thank you

  • Oh, thank you again sweety <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    That wasn't even a compliment. I meant it in a bad way.

  • thx

    I admire your honesty... Hell, I like your style. I'll confuse everyone including you with my language for sure!

  • Yeah... hehe... xP

    What about the Wall instead? :v

    Mawula posted: »

    Yeah, King's Landing, the place with no lewdness at all. Ha!

  • edited November 2015

    What the f**k.

    Eryka posted: »

    Oh, thank you again sweety

  • That's really sweet

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    What the f**k.

  • With Jon Snow hot enough to melt it down?!

    There is no place in Seven Kingdoms for you to hide from lewdness.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah... hehe... xP What about the Wall instead? :v

  • But you forgot Highpoint or Ironrath ;)

    Mawula posted: »

    With Jon Snow hot enough to melt it down?! There is no place in Seven Kingdoms for you to hide from lewdness.

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm the main character in this "thing" I was licking Dracu's beard. It was tasty. Some pizza were stuck in it. Dracu : Continue to lic

  • And you forget Gwyn and Asher :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    But you forgot Highpoint or Ironrath

  • I thought this thread was called "Weird fanfic with beard licking"

  • Oh... right x3

    Tfw Asher and Gwyn are probably going to 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Mawula posted: »

    And you forget Gwyn and Asher

  • away to find some Asher/Gwyn fiction

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh... right x3 Tfw Asher and Gwyn are probably going to 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Proudness intensifies.

    Mawula posted: »

    away to find some Asher/Gwyn fiction

  • I should do a fanfic with Asher

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh... right x3 Tfw Asher and Gwyn are probably going to 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I thought this thread was called "Weird fanfic with beard licking"

  • Oh no no no no no.

    If you do that, I will never forgive you.

    Eryka posted: »

    I should do a fanfic with Asher

  • Telltale Games Community > Tales from the Borderlands > General Discussion > Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!

    Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!

    posted by Green613 on March 17 - last edited Nov 20 at 2:26pm - Viewed by 2.3M users

    Eryka posted: »

    I thought this thread was called "Weird fanfic with beard licking"

  • I'm on the good thread, right?

  • Yeah, that's exactly what I meant.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Telltale Games Community > Tales from the Borderlands > General Discussion > Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The

  • Perfect, I'll do a Asher × Rodrik fanfic, just for you.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh no no no no no. If you do that, I will never forgive you.

  • NO! JUST NO!

    Eryka posted: »

    Perfect, I'll do a Asher × Rodrik fanfic, just for you.

  • y-yeah...

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm on the good thread, right?

  • Tomorrow, I'll start this bootyful fanfic.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    NO! JUST NO!

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited November 2015

    Double post

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    NO! JUST NO!

  • x = / = y

    Eryka posted: »

    Yeah, that's exactly what I meant.

  • Tbh I might do a Fallout 4/TFTB crossover.

    I may or may not already of started writing it as a draft.

  • x = y

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    x = / = y

  • edited November 2015

    Gonna repost this again cause it's really better than Dracu X Eryka pairin'.

    The Rhyionas sat bored in their temporary basement which was more of a Helios. Eryka hadn't bothered to put up a bed, and instead left a couch, a couple of chairs and a table lying about. Wolfenus stood up, making his way to the front door. "I'm gonna see if there's anything that can be done. I can't stand all this sitting around," he said. Chef stood up after he finished his sentence, grabbing his guns. "Might as well!" He chuckled.

    "Tessie, what about you? You want to come?" Wolfenus asked.

    "Do I look like I want to? This injury from the Rhysha's Auto Turret is getting worst. I'll stay here," she said, closing her eyes as she laid on the couch.

    Wolfenus didn't need to know Elliott's answer. The human-kaiju had taken to staying in the house since Tessie got injured. Wolfenus and Chef made their way out of the room, eager to kill something.

    "You should have left. I'll be fine," Tessie whispered to Elliott, who was staring blankly at his pistol while he sat on one of the chairs.

    Elliott replied,"I don't feel like doing anything."

    "Why? Are you hiding something?" Tessie teased, turning to face him.

    "You should rest, Don't talk." he said.

    "Fine," Tessie grumbled, forcing herself to go to sleep. Wolfenus and Chef might not have noticed, but Elliott was acting strange. Tessie was the only one who noticed that Elliott seemed to be hiding something from them, but it was impossible to tell.

    Very soon, Tessie had drifted off to sleep, leaving Elliott alone to continue looking at that pistol of his. He sighed, putting his pistol aside. He was terribly bored. He should have gone with Wolfenus and Chef, but he couldn't just leave the injured Tessie alone. He couldn't even leave a not-injured Tessie alone. He glanced at her, watching the up and down movements of her chest. Her black strands of hair were covering her face. Elliott didn't know why, but he wanted to see her face. Her beautiful- What was he thinking? He was a cold, heartless Godzilla.

    He sighed once more, silently walking towards her, using his thumb to push the strands of hair off her face. Her eyes opened slowly. "Elly?" She mumbled. He hadn't meant to wake her up. He withdrew his hand, stepping back, accidentally bumping into the table.

    "Did I wake you?" He asked, trying to hide his embarassment. Elliott, the human-kaiju, accidentally woke up a woman, and bumped into a table.

    "Yes?" She uttered, but a slow smile spread across her face. she found his embarrassment rather amusing.

    "What were you doing?" She asked.

    "I didn't do anything," he said. Returning to his chair, trying to fall asleep.

    "We can share the couch if you want," she suggested.

    "I can sit in this chair," he said.

    Tessie sighed. Elliott could be so stubborn. She got up. "I'm not giving you any choice. The chair is too uncomfortable!" She said, dragging Elliott towards the couch.

    "I thought you were injured, but you have the strength to pull me towards the couch." Elliott said, not even putting up a fight.

    "I'm not THAT weak," She said, shoving him onto the couch.

    "So you are taking the chair," he asked.

    "I said, we'd SHARE," she said, squeezing next to him. Elliott felt strange. It was between embarrassed and... happy.

    The next morning...

    "Good morning, Chinese lovebirds!" Wolfenus exclaimed, mocking Elliott and Tessie.

    Elliott groggily looked to his left to see his arm over Tessie's shoulder, and her head on his chest. "Shit," he thought to himself. He got too carried away. He sat up, shaking Tessie awake.

    Tessie woke up, to see Wolfenus and Chef laughing, and Elliott shaking his head at the edge of the couch. She could roughly figure out what had happened. She tried to do something to stop the awkwardness she and Elliott were experiencing. "We got anything to do?" She asked. "I'm fit for killing now."

    "Yeah, Green asked us to clear out a Rhysha camp not far off from here," Chef said. Elliott stood up briefly, picking up his pistol. Tessie walked past him to get her gun. Then she felt someone touch her arm. It was Elliott Chin.

    "You will not talk about this to anyone," he said. Tessie blushed from being close to Elliott. "Er... Yeah, sure," She replied.

    Soon, they were standing outside the camp.

    "You and Tessie make a run for the loot. Elliott and I will distract them!" Chef said, pointing at Wolfenus. They nodded, and set off.

    As Elliott and Chef were waiting for the opportune moment, Chef said,"Ey, Elliott. What's up with you and Tessie?"

    "Nothing,'' He said.

    "I think I know. Don't try and deny it!" He teased. "Calm down, man. At least you found someone who's tough," He said.

    Elliott didn't know why, but he thought what Chef said was true.

    Lilium Amaranta's POV:

    "They forgot about me!" She gasped.

    Looking around franticly, she couldn't see anyone.

    "Wolfenus wouldn't leave me!!"

    Or would he? Her mind seemed to ask.

    She desperately looked behind rocks her eyes filling with tears.




    "WOLFENUS?!" she shouted.

    Only silence replied.

    She thumped down on the dusty ground. The sand settled around her. What was she to do? She was certain that Wolfenus would take care of her and not abandon her like her previous companion had.

    I'm a freak.... Why would someone like me?

    She sobbed quietly, her tears splattering in the dirt below.

    "Why?" She asked aloud.

    She stood up and wandered over to their camp. She curled up in Wolfenus' usual sleeping spot where she found the blanket he used to cover up with. Clutching it with a shaky hand, she clung to the blanket. Like a child, her tears slowed and her eyes got heavy. She slid into a deep, dreamless sleep. She clutched the blanket so tightly, one might think it was the only thing that was keeping her alive, only, what they didn't know, it was.

    Elliott trekked on, carrying Tessie like a small child in his arms. As soon as Elliott had restored her back to almost full health, she drifted of to sleep. He looked down at her. She looked to innocent and harmless, he almost wanted to fall asleep with her. He could use some extra sleep. The small cave were they had found Tessie's creature, was a speck to their left as they followed the path up to their camp.

    "I HAVE TO SLEEPPPPP!" Chef shouted for the fifth time.

    " DAMN IT, CHEF! GO TO SLEEP!" Wolfenus yelled.

    Chef wobbled over to a small corner.

    Elliott laid Tessie down easily. Her eyes fluttered open, and she gripped his arm, like a desperate plea not to go. Elliott sighed and plopped down next to her. She intertwined his finger with her and drifted back off to sleep. Elliott laid down next to her and almost as if it was instinct, Tessie snuggled up next to him. Her head between his head and hoodie chest. He hugged her tight. Tessie let out a sigh, and she fell into a deeper sleep. Elliott drifted off to sleep.

    On the other side of the camp, a body was cradled by Wolfenus. He looked down at her.

    Why must she be so lovable? He thought.

    He carried Lilium to the edge of the clearing, where he sat down and hugged her tight.

    They sat there for a long while. Just before he fell asleep, he saw the creature climb on top of the over hang and lay down quietly.

    "GUYS!" Chef shouted.

    "What?" Maya moaned.

    "THE TRAIN!"

    Elliott bolted into a sitting position.


    Tessie scrambled up and gathered her things. She could her the clicking of the on coming train. The gathered her things quickly. Elliott looked around wildly.

    "It seems Wolfenus and Chef have disappeared."

    "Who cares?! The train is here!"

  • Double post LMAO

    Eryka posted: »

    Double post

  • enter image description here

    SmolGui posted: »

    Tbh I might do a Fallout 4/TFTB crossover. I may or may not already of started writing it as a draft.

  • Its gonna turn out shit like all my writing.

  • really really amazing shit :P

    SmolGui posted: »

    Its gonna turn out shit like all my writing.

  • sorry, I definitely don't see it o.o but I suppose you're talking about rarity?

    Mawula posted: »

    On my phone, the picture in the left lower corner looked like one of @Dracu98 ponies, a blue one with Rhys and Fiona being her black locks. Rhys' knee is an eye and stairs under Rhys are the opened mouth. O_O

  • nah :/

    Eryka posted: »

    x = y

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