That is a precentage of people that got the "Cunning Strategy" ending, not a rating of it. You could get Fierce Passion, Nobility and Instinct, Cunning Strategy,or Unwawering Conviction ending based on how you played.
That score symbolizes how you played the game. It means that you and 28% fought with Cunning strategy throughout the first Season. You could also have gotten Fiery Passion, Unwavering Conviction or Instinct and Nobility.
So what does it represent? Getting all the "blue" outcomes at the end?
I'm guessing it doesn't change the general outcome (SPOILER)
Of Ironrath getting conquered and everything being royally f*****
Kinda disappointed tbh that even in the last Episode Telltale would force the outcome on us, regardless of our decisions. Probably to better lead up to a sequel ( that I don't feel particularly inclined to buy right now.)
And that like 3 of 5 "major" decisions ended up being from episode 6. From the rest of the game only the Sentinel (obviously) and wether or not you let Beshka kill her master (wut?) seem to matter to Telltale :P
The only red in my choices was throwing Sera under the bus (I think. It was a Mira-related choice and it wasn't marrying Morgryn). I'm pretty sure it doesn't change the general outcome, or Sera has much more power than I thought :P
I wouldn't be surprised if Margaery would drop you like a hot potato (once again) and Sera turns out to end up married to that Lord who turns into a super powerful player (and now enemy).
Would fit with the style of the story so far :P
The only red in my choices was throwing Sera under the bus (I think. It was a Mira-related choice and it wasn't marrying Morgryn). I'm pretty sure it doesn't change the general outcome, or Sera has much more power than I thought :P
That is a precentage of people that got the "Cunning Strategy" ending, not a rating of it. You could get Fierce Passion, Nobility and Instinct, Cunning Strategy,or Unwawering Conviction ending based on how you played.
In my Asher canon playthrough, I got Cunning Strategy which is something I am really proud of . I chose bold Ser Royland as Sentinel, I lied about Sera, ambushed Ludd and his family, gave Cotter a merciful death and stood up to Gryff. (those were the choices that appeared to me at the end-screen.
One choice affecting final score per each POV character. Sentinel - Ethan's decision, Beshka's revenge/poisoning mom - Asher (being determinant), Cotter' death - Gared, lies for Sera - Mira, ambushing Ludd or Gryff/Standing up to Gryff - Rodrik (determinant). Maybe they just got the idea during ep6 development, which is why choices are mostly from this episode, i dunno
I'm not sure. When did you see it ?
That is a precentage of people that got the "Cunning Strategy" ending, not a rating of it. You could get Fierce Passion, Nobility and Instinct, Cunning Strategy,or Unwawering Conviction ending based on how you played.
That score symbolizes how you played the game. It means that you and 28% fought with Cunning strategy throughout the first Season. You could also have gotten Fiery Passion, Unwavering Conviction or Instinct and Nobility.
So what does it represent? Getting all the "blue" outcomes at the end?
I'm guessing it doesn't change the general outcome (SPOILER)
Of Ironrath getting conquered and everything being royally f*****
Kinda disappointed tbh that even in the last Episode Telltale would force the outcome on us, regardless of our decisions. Probably to better lead up to a sequel ( that I don't feel particularly inclined to buy right now.)
And that like 3 of 5 "major" decisions ended up being from episode 6. From the rest of the game only the Sentinel (obviously) and wether or not you let Beshka kill her master (wut?) seem to matter to Telltale :P
The only red in my choices was throwing Sera under the bus (I think. It was a Mira-related choice and it wasn't marrying Morgryn). I'm pretty sure it doesn't change the general outcome, or Sera has much more power than I thought :P
I wouldn't be surprised if Margaery would drop you like a hot potato (once again) and Sera turns out to end up married to that Lord who turns into a super powerful player (and now enemy).
Would fit with the style of the story so far :P
On my Asher play through I got Unwavering Conoviction however on my Rodrik play through I got cunning strategy.
Fierce Passion
Cunning Strategy seems like a good thing to get but Cersei bashed me saying i wasnt cunning.
I've got Nobility and Instinct. Not sure if it's good or bad though.
I played as rodrik recently and got Fierce Passion.
Did you act submissive to everyone ?
In my Asher canon playthrough, I got Cunning Strategy which is something I am really proud of
. I chose bold Ser Royland as Sentinel, I lied about Sera, ambushed Ludd and his family, gave Cotter a merciful death and stood up to Gryff. (those were the choices that appeared to me at the end-screen.
Cersei isn't that smart as she thinks she is.
Smart isn't that Cersei as she thinks she is.
One choice affecting final score per each POV character. Sentinel - Ethan's decision, Beshka's revenge/poisoning mom - Asher (being determinant), Cotter' death - Gared, lies for Sera - Mira, ambushing Ludd or Gryff/Standing up to Gryff - Rodrik (determinant). Maybe they just got the idea during ep6 development, which is why choices are mostly from this episode, i dunno
Not to everyone, but yes. Tried to be smart and diplomatic but you all know how it turned out
Fierce passion FTW! (i and 20 per cent of people fought with Fierce passion)