They did not kill Gregor, but they were there, did not get slaugtered like The Forresters !
They did not kill Ethan, but they were there, again, smile happily when you fall, blood all over your face.
If you let's Asher save Rodrik, Ryon will be forced to show a pike with Asher's head right in front of his family. And what kind of "No killing intention" is that, when they came to your home, bring their army, bring their battering ram ...
About Ryon, Talia, Elissa, maybe you right.
Eleana did tell you capture Gryff, tbh, I really didn't want to do that, but we didn't have that option . The traitor, yes, no matter you choose kill him or imprison him, that's mean 1 less swordman in your army. But as a traitor, which direction their sword will point to ??? You can't be incautious. Do not tell me in war time, you will be ready to set your traitor free. Elissa, she had 4 sons, the first just came back from the dead, the 2nd was exiled, the 3rd was murdered right in front of her, the 4th was kept more like a hostage than a ward. She was just a desperate mother. And could you tell me what she told you quicken your destruction ??? Because as I remember, she did only 4 things below: invited Eleana, called back Asher, slash/share the poison's wine with Ludd or stab Harys to save you. Which one of these quicken your destruction ???
And here is what I think about Gwyn:
She maybe did help the Forresters. But no longer after she knew we imprisoned her brother. Look at Ryon's face. She said to you she tried to protect him, and what kind of protect bring bruises all over his face like that ??? That can't be trusted.
Yeah she and Asher did love each other. But that happened when they were young. Now they become adult, look at the emnity berween 2 family from all over the years, are you sure they still feel the same ??! I seriously doubt that !!!
Look at her offer: It's the one sided deal. What's the benefit for a slave when working for their master ??? Nothing !!! And the wedding, here is what I think, Rodrik was dead, Ethan was dead, Ryon is just the kid, too easy to deal (and to kill) , Asher is the last hope. Now if he's dead when she's his wife, all assets of house Forresters will come to her, Ironrath and the XYZ Forest as well (sorry I forgot the name of the forest).
If you spare the traitor. He will appear in the end, side by side with you and Talia, said "we lost this battle, we haven't lost this war yet". Now let's say If Telltale does not reveal to us who is the traitor in your family, instead they give us a choice to pin out the traitor (based on your instinct) or worse, never give us that kind of choice. Now who will you believe ??? Your Sentinel, maybe. Your Maester, maybe. Your former candidate Sentinel, maybe. Your mother, no way, but ... maybe. It will drive you into mad, when you need to "awake" more than never. Suspicion will kill you before your enemy kill you. That could be her very intend, as well as her father. And as I said, after all, your traitor still... loyal to you
I remembered in my playthrough, Beshka only meet Gwyn and talk about her just before the feast to "celebrate" your allied. She said "Sending the girl first, clever. Do not let her playing with your head little brother". Beshka was a slave. She was a pit fighter. She have survived through a lot of circumstance. No doubt she had a great instinct, a GREAT WOMAN INSTINCT. And the 1st word she say to you about a woman she never met before have meaning: BE CAREFUL !!! OK I admit we can't solve anything just based on instinct, but, who knows
To be short, both Gwyn and Ludd working together. While Ludd is trying to actively work against you as an enemy, Gwyn is actively trying to work against you as a friend !!!
There is only 1 time Gwyn make me confuse. In my friend playthrough, instead the traitor with you and Talia after the end, we have Gwyn. Except that one, I cannot stop doubt her act. Could be she was forced to doing so by her father, like a lot of father in GoT did. Or more simple, she and her father united in mind. Nothing is impossible
Hi everyone,
I'm here on behalf of Asher, Gwyn and the 'traitor' of the family.
First, let me point out something the 'monsters' White… morehill didn't do:
* They didn't kill Lord Gregor, the Boltons/ Freys did.
* They didn't kill Lord Ethan, Ramsay did.
* They killed Lord Rodrik as the term Ramsay, the boss to both families proposed and once it's over, they came to IronRath with no killing intentions.
* They didn't want to keep Ryon forever, after the surrender of the Forresters and the join force of two houses by wedding, they'll return Ryon.
* They didn't want Lord Asher or Lady Elissa or Talia to die.
So why the hatred for them? For something they didn't do, or for killing Rodrik in a competition which rule was set by the heir of the Bolton, Warden of the North?
Second, I'll point out why the 'traitor' still 'betrays' the Forresters or Rodrik to be more specific. In my game play, I chose Duncan as my Setinnel, bu… [view original content]
Okay, let's hit the steel while it's still hot. This time I'll explore more into the 'evilness' of house Whitehill, which was ruled by Lord Ludd.
Some facts:
House Whitehill had been bannermen of house Bolton for 5 centuries, while house Forresters was bannermen of house Stark. House Stark and bannermen started a revolution against their boss, the Barantheon Royal family, and they were in a dire situation where they were 'wining battles, but losing the war' - according to the late King of the North - Robb Stark. So first the Starks & the Forresters betrayed their master, then house Bolton & bannermen - including house Whithehill decided to come back to the Royal family with the same method house Stark did: betrayed their master.
House Forresters had looked down at house Whitehill for generations prior to the game, so just little feelings of being bullied by the arrogant Whitehill in game are nothing compared to the thing the Whitehill had had to suffer in past.
The crimes of the 'evil, butcher, slave-master' Whitehill were:
a Bolton & 2 Whitehill soldiers killed a pig farm family. The Bolton & a Whitehill soldiers got killed by Gared - knight-to-be of house Forrester. Lord Ludd Whitehill sentenced the other Whitehill soldier - Britt to the Wall.
Did not know how to take care of the Ironwood forrest. Lord Ludd invited the Forresters to co-operate with him to preserve the forest, but all was ruined thanks to Eleana Glennmore's intervention bright plan of kidnapping Gryff
Intending to enslave every people in Ironrath - according to Lady Elissa. What kind of slave master who let his child marry a slave to change her name to Forrester, then bear Forrester children?
Butcher everyone - again, according to Lady Elissa. How many Forresters people other than Gared's family, which was solved by Lord Ludd's fair judgement, had the Whitehill killed before the competition set by Ramsay to let only one house stood? None. Thanks to Lady Elissa's briliant actions and ideas, Ironrath people did not have to live longer they died instead.
Slapped Ryon a few times AFTER Lord Ludd's precious son had been brutally maimed one eye by Rodrik the womanish lord.
Brought an army to ensure their Lord's safety. If Lord Ludd truly were as blood-thristy as Lady Elissa or Talia, he wouldn't have to risk his life and his precious children's life by coming into Ironrath, or give the Forresters 1 hour to think. Why not just destroy the gate and kill all people in the way, while standing back and enjoying the show?
Laughed at some points of the game (I don't think it's a crime, but many people do), cocky attitude (again, not a crime, but some people do think it's a serious crime)
If only Lord Rodrik had had more power and hadn't listened all commands of the women surrounding him, then House Forresters would've stood tall, House Forresters' citizens would've had the chance to live a peaceful life.
The 'traitor' didn't betray the family, he tried to protect the family and Rodrik and he either got killed or imprisioned. And the result? What the 'traitor' fear the most: The destruction of Ironrath, by the hand of Lady Elissa, Talia, Eleana Glenmore and Rodrik.
When Ironrath fell, Lord Ludd Whitehill rode his horse past Asher, he didn't kill his potential son-in-law and he didn't order a league of cavalries to follow him. Outside the castle there would be more Whitehill soldiers, one word from Lord Ludd and Lord Asher would be gone in a second. But Lord Ludd didn't want more killing in a war started by Lady Elissa, it seemed as if he let Lord Asher go.
One last thing about Beshka: She's a woman, so it's naturally she was jealous of the beauty of Gwyn, who Asher dreamed of every night.
Okay, let's hit the steel while it's still hot. This time I'll explore more into the 'evilness' of house Whitehill, which was ruled by Lord … moreLudd.
Some facts:
* House Whitehill had been bannermen of house Bolton for 5 centuries, while house Forresters was bannermen of house Stark. House Stark and bannermen started a revolution against their boss, the Barantheon Royal family, and they were in a dire situation where they were 'wining battles, but losing the war' - according to the late King of the North - Robb Stark. So first the Starks & the Forresters betrayed their master, then house Bolton & bannermen - including house Whithehill decided to come back to the Royal family with the same method house Stark did: betrayed their master.
* House Forresters had looked down at house Whitehill for generations prior to the game, so just little feelings of being bullied by the arrogant Whitehill in game are nothing compared to the thin… [view original content]
Nope. The Whitehils are still scum who shouldn't thrive any longer. They're not to be trusted and the Forrestors will NEVER submit to arrogant and savage bullies.
Okay, let's hit the steel while it's still hot. This time I'll explore more into the 'evilness' of house Whitehill, which was ruled by Lord … moreLudd.
Some facts:
* House Whitehill had been bannermen of house Bolton for 5 centuries, while house Forresters was bannermen of house Stark. House Stark and bannermen started a revolution against their boss, the Barantheon Royal family, and they were in a dire situation where they were 'wining battles, but losing the war' - according to the late King of the North - Robb Stark. So first the Starks & the Forresters betrayed their master, then house Bolton & bannermen - including house Whithehill decided to come back to the Royal family with the same method house Stark did: betrayed their master.
* House Forresters had looked down at house Whitehill for generations prior to the game, so just little feelings of being bullied by the arrogant Whitehill in game are nothing compared to the thin… [view original content]
I hope that in next episode choices done will matter. And agreeing for Gwyn plan with Asher would allow to execute it to the end, and indeed aliance. All must be done is to die other borther of Whitehills (bannerman of Boltons, not hard to happen considering war with Stanis). At some point Ludd will have not much kids left, and could be open to reason. So yes for Gwyn, i like her plan.
One last thing about Beshka: She's a woman, so it's naturally she was jealous of the beauty of Gwyn, who Asher dreamed of every night.
...I don't even know what to say about this line.
I also noticed that you criticized nearly every woman in the story besides Gywn (and Mira) for their 'role' in the destruction of Ironrath, which is heavily debatable, and going as as far as to insinuate that Beshka is 'jealous' of Gwyn because she's a woman and is naturally jealous of Gwyn, and because Asher 'dreams of her every night', when there is no proof of this.
Okay, let's hit the steel while it's still hot. This time I'll explore more into the 'evilness' of house Whitehill, which was ruled by Lord … moreLudd.
Some facts:
* House Whitehill had been bannermen of house Bolton for 5 centuries, while house Forresters was bannermen of house Stark. House Stark and bannermen started a revolution against their boss, the Barantheon Royal family, and they were in a dire situation where they were 'wining battles, but losing the war' - according to the late King of the North - Robb Stark. So first the Starks & the Forresters betrayed their master, then house Bolton & bannermen - including house Whithehill decided to come back to the Royal family with the same method house Stark did: betrayed their master.
* House Forresters had looked down at house Whitehill for generations prior to the game, so just little feelings of being bullied by the arrogant Whitehill in game are nothing compared to the thin… [view original content]
Daenerys, Amaya, Cersei, Margery, Sera, Sylvi, Elsera, Mira, Beskha, Gwyn, countless women in King Landing, women in Ironrath, Wildling women,... and of course the 3 women heavily influenced Rodrik's Lordship: Lady Elissa - mother, Talia - sister, Eleana Glennmore. 3 out of many more than 10 is not "nearly every woman".
Proof of Beskha's jealousy: accused Gwyn before she even had the chance to get to know Asher's lover (but strangely, she said she would treat Ryon as her brother because he's Asher brother, so why the difference with Asher's lover - Gwyn?)
One last thing about Beshka: She's a woman, so it's naturally she was jealous of the beauty of Gwyn, who Asher dreamed of every night.
… more
...I don't even know what to say about this line.
I also noticed that you criticized nearly every woman in the story besides Gywn (and Mira) for their 'role' in the destruction of Ironrath, which is heavily debatable, and going as as far as to insinuate that Beshka is 'jealous' of Gwyn because she's a woman and is naturally jealous of Gwyn, and because Asher 'dreams of her every night', when there is no proof of this.
I'm starting to think you have problems...
The Whitehill prior the game had thought the same as you do, just change Forresters in your comment to Whitehills and Whitehills to Forresters:
"The Forresters are still scum who shouldn't thrive any longer. They're not to be trusted and the Whitehills will NEVER submit to arrogant and savage bullies."
That's why we have the game, because some people judge other houses by their cocky attitude.
Nope. The Whitehils are still scum who shouldn't thrive any longer. They're not to be trusted and the Forrestors will NEVER submit to arrogant and savage bullies.
And aside from that, it's pretty heavily implied that Beskha is gay. Her reaction to Gwyn is more out of concern for Asher, as she apparently wasn't very good for him. "Jealousy" is not a factor.
One last thing about Beshka: She's a woman, so it's naturally she was jealous of the beauty of Gwyn, who Asher dreamed of every night.
… more
...I don't even know what to say about this line.
I also noticed that you criticized nearly every woman in the story besides Gywn (and Mira) for their 'role' in the destruction of Ironrath, which is heavily debatable, and going as as far as to insinuate that Beshka is 'jealous' of Gwyn because she's a woman and is naturally jealous of Gwyn, and because Asher 'dreams of her every night', when there is no proof of this.
I'm starting to think you have problems...
I meant the women who are either allied with the Forresters or are from the family, namely Talia, Elissa, Eleana Glenmore, and Beskha. I apologize for the confusion.
Beskha's suspicion towards Gywn is hardly proof of jealousy. Being a woman is also hardly evidence of being jealous of Gwyn either. Beshka's suspicion with Gwyn is likely out of concern for Asher, or because she's a Whitehill and her family is fighting against the Forresters, which her ally and her 'little brother' Asher is a part of, hence why he's wanting to return home.
Numbers of women appeared in the story:
Daenerys, Amaya, Cersei, Margery, Sera, Sylvi, Elsera, Mira, Beskha, Gwyn, countless women in Kin… moreg Landing, women in Ironrath, Wildling women,... and of course the 3 women heavily influenced Rodrik's Lordship: Lady Elissa - mother, Talia - sister, Eleana Glennmore. 3 out of many more than 10 is not "nearly every woman".
Proof of Beskha's jealousy: accused Gwyn before she even had the chance to get to know Asher's lover (but strangely, she said she would treat Ryon as her brother because he's Asher brother, so why the difference with Asher's lover - Gwyn?)
Okay, let's hit the steel while it's still hot. This time I'll explore more into the 'evilness' of house Whitehill, which was ruled by Lord … moreLudd.
Some facts:
* House Whitehill had been bannermen of house Bolton for 5 centuries, while house Forresters was bannermen of house Stark. House Stark and bannermen started a revolution against their boss, the Barantheon Royal family, and they were in a dire situation where they were 'wining battles, but losing the war' - according to the late King of the North - Robb Stark. So first the Starks & the Forresters betrayed their master, then house Bolton & bannermen - including house Whithehill decided to come back to the Royal family with the same method house Stark did: betrayed their master.
* House Forresters had looked down at house Whitehill for generations prior to the game, so just little feelings of being bullied by the arrogant Whitehill in game are nothing compared to the thin… [view original content]
I'm a crazy fan of Game of Thrones, and now a crazy fan of this game, I love the music, I love the design of Forresters' sword in the tree, love the story, love many characters... It's a wonderful game, and I just want us to have some fun =D Can't wait for the next season.
Women who are either allied with the Forresters or are from the family in game:
With Mira: Queen Cersei (Andros got killed), Lady Margaery, Sera
With Lord Asher: Gwyn, Beskhar, Amaya, Daenerys (a gold chest, a promised alliance, though I hated Malcom for that and answered him Fire and Blood when he said Iron from Ice at the harbor)
With Lord Rodrik: Talia, Lady Elissa, Eleana Glenmore
With Lord Gregor: Elsera Flower (Bastard daughter), women warriors Elsera controlled by blood magic
With Gared: Sylvi, Wildling girls he killed, women warriors Gared controlled by blood magic
With the whole Forrester house: Women citizens in Ironrath
No more confusion, right
About Beskha: Your answer is right: 'hardly proof of jealousy', which means, there are very low percents, but not impossible.
I meant the women who are either allied with the Forresters or are from the family, namely Talia, Elissa, Eleana Glenmore, and Beskha. I apo… morelogize for the confusion.
Beskha's suspicion towards Gywn is hardly proof of jealousy. Being a woman is also hardly evidence of being jealous of Gwyn either. Beshka's suspicion with Gwyn is likely out of concern for Asher, or because she's a Whitehill and her family is fighting against the Forresters, which her ally and her 'little brother' Asher is a part of, hence why he's wanting to return home.
You meaned Beskha is Lesbian, right? Asher is a very charming man, he's handsome with a great smile (smirk), he has a kind heart, he always stands by Beskha's side no matter what, he's clever, he's humour. A man like that fell in love with a girl, his decision must have logical reasons, she should be a girl equal to his standard. I don't see why Beskha should be concern, as an all out war would cost hundreds of lives, but with a simple marriage of a wonderful couple, all would be solved.
And aside from that, it's pretty heavily implied that Beskha is gay. Her reaction to Gwyn is more out of concern for Asher, as she apparently wasn't very good for him. "Jealousy" is not a factor.
It is clear that peace is impossible with the Whitehill. The Whitehill is not human, they are scum. And as such, they must be eradicated. Ev… moreery last Whitehill must be destroyed so that the Whitehill plague will be forever eradicated in Westeros. We must show no mercy.
Negotiations are over.
In my first play through, I had the ending with Gwyn, but when the choices said I betrayed my family, I felt bad doing that so I decided to poison my mum and Ludd on my other file
We both really don't know what exactly happened long ago that made the Whitehills petty, selfish, and hateful towards the Forrestors but from the looks of it it realy seems more like the Whitehills are more so jealous of the Forrestors and want to be on top of them rather than work with them at least that's how Telltale wrote them anyway.
The Whitehill prior the game had thought the same as you do, just change Forresters in your comment to Whitehills and Whitehills to Forreste… morers:
"The Forresters are still scum who shouldn't thrive any longer. They're not to be trusted and the Whitehills will NEVER submit to arrogant and savage bullies."
That's why we have the game, because some people judge other houses by their cocky attitude.
We both really don't know what exactly happened long ago that made the Whitehills...
Nope, only you don't know, I do, from the game:
Lord Ludd with Lord Ethan, episode 1: 'You Forresters have shitted on us for generations. Well now the Starks are no longer around to have your back, are they?'
Gryff Whitehill, episode 3:
'"Cocky Rodrik", we used to call you. Swinging your prick 'round, lording over my family.';
'We are here under the order of Roose Bolton, Warden of the North.';
'And that's the real problem with you Forresters. You're too fucking proud. Always have been. It was bad enough when you were above us. And now it's even worse, because you don't see how far you've fallen!' --> then Talia replied: 'Still high enough to look down at you.'
That's what happened.
One more thing: "Petty, selfish, hateful, jealous, want to be on top" aren't crimes to get killed, they're just attitudes.
We both really don't know what exactly happened long ago that made the Whitehills petty, selfish, and hateful towards the Forrestors but fr… moreom the looks of it it realy seems more like the Whitehills are more so jealous of the Forrestors and want to be on top of them rather than work with them at least that's how Telltale wrote them anyway.
Interpretational thing I guess.
Hi everyone,
I'm here on behalf of Asher, Gwyn and the 'traitor' of the family.
First, let me point out something the 'monsters' White… morehill didn't do:
* They didn't kill Lord Gregor, the Boltons/ Freys did.
* They didn't kill Lord Ethan, Ramsay did.
* They killed Lord Rodrik as the term Ramsay, the boss to both families proposed and once it's over, they came to IronRath with no killing intentions.
* They didn't want to keep Ryon forever, after the surrender of the Forresters and the join force of two houses by wedding, they'll return Ryon.
* They didn't want Lord Asher or Lady Elissa or Talia to die.
So why the hatred for them? For something they didn't do, or for killing Rodrik in a competition which rule was set by the heir of the Bolton, Warden of the North?
Second, I'll point out why the 'traitor' still 'betrays' the Forresters or Rodrik to be more specific. In my game play, I chose Duncan as my Setinnel, bu… [view original content]
We both really don't know what exactly happened long ago that made the Whitehills...
Nope, only you don't know, I do, from the game:… more
Lord Ludd with Lord Ethan, episode 1: 'You Forresters have shitted on us for generations. Well now the Starks are no longer around to have your back, are they?'
Gryff Whitehill, episode 3:
* '"Cocky Rodrik", we used to call you. Swinging your prick 'round, lording over my family.';
* 'We are here under the order of Roose Bolton, Warden of the North.';
* 'And that's the real problem with you Forresters. You're too fucking proud. Always have been. It was bad enough when you were above us. And now it's even worse, because you don't see how far you've fallen!' --> then Talia replied: 'Still high enough to look down at you.'
That's what happened.
One more thing: "Petty, selfish, hateful, jealous, want to be on top" aren't crimes to get killed, they're just attitudes.
'Can', not ''defenitely will'. For clever people, it won't. For blood-thirsty people like Lady Elissa, Talia or Eleana Glenmore, it did lead to bloodshed, at the cost of Ironrath and all her citizens, Arthur's life and more bloodshed would continue.
'Can', not ''defenitely will'. For clever people, it won't. For blood-thirsty people like Lady Elissa, Talia or Eleana Glenmore, it did lead to bloodshed, at the cost of Ironrath and all her citizens, Arthur's life and more bloodshed would continue.
Nope, I love your comments the same way I loved the game. 1 only correct way wouldn't be the Game of Thrones. The first season took 2 years to finish. 2 more years for the second season, it's gonna be a long waiting time. Have fun my friend
Nope, I love your comments the same way I loved the game. 1 only correct way wouldn't be the Game of Thrones. The first season took 2 years to finish. 2 more years for the second season, it's gonna be a long waiting time. Have fun my friend
Please. Gwen doesn't give a flying **** about House Forrester. She wants Asher, that's it.
She only cares for "peace" as far as it doesn't cost her or her house anything, while the Forresters are free to bend over and take it. And the Whitehills, despite not personally murdering half the Forrester House, sure took a lot of pleasure in it, every step of the way.
Hi everyone,
I'm here on behalf of Asher, Gwyn and the 'traitor' of the family.
First, let me point out something the 'monsters' White… morehill didn't do:
* They didn't kill Lord Gregor, the Boltons/ Freys did.
* They didn't kill Lord Ethan, Ramsay did.
* They killed Lord Rodrik as the term Ramsay, the boss to both families proposed and once it's over, they came to IronRath with no killing intentions.
* They didn't want to keep Ryon forever, after the surrender of the Forresters and the join force of two houses by wedding, they'll return Ryon.
* They didn't want Lord Asher or Lady Elissa or Talia to die.
So why the hatred for them? For something they didn't do, or for killing Rodrik in a competition which rule was set by the heir of the Bolton, Warden of the North?
Second, I'll point out why the 'traitor' still 'betrays' the Forresters or Rodrik to be more specific. In my game play, I chose Duncan as my Setinnel, bu… [view original content]
Please. Gwen doesn't give a flying **** about House Forrester. She wants Asher, that's it.
She only cares for "peace" as far as it doesn'… moret cost her or her house anything, while the Forresters are free to bend over and take it. And the Whitehills, despite not personally murdering half the Forrester House, sure took a lot of pleasure in it, every step of the way.
Yeah, you got 1 Whitehill killed because of their attitude at the cost of many Forresters and the annihilation of Ironrath and her citizens while the Whitehills still stood tall.
Overcome it by let Ironrath burned and the citizens finally got real slaughtered, instead of just imagination slaughter and enslave in Lady Elissa and Talia's mind. And don't forget Torrhen Whitehill, the real heir is still at Bolton side, he would ride back with thousands men with the back of the Bolton anytime.
I don't care that her intentions are noble, she can't change the fact that her family are a bunch of power-hungry lunatics, who'd wish nothi… moreng more than to see us all butchered and enslaved. She is that one "good" character in a house of shitheads. It's just not worth it. "There will be no more bloodshed..." Yeah, right. "That's all in the past now..." No Gwyn. It's just in the past as it is in the presence and all the gods in the seven kingdoms curse me if not in the future. Even if Asher agreed, you can't make everyone in our houses agree just as you can't undo history. History of murder, blood and hatred. She is a fool if she believes this and her house will fall because of it. And yes, maybe there would be peace for a time but it would not last. SOMETHING is bound to go wrong and she knows it. She is that final moral obstacle in the destruction of the Whitehills. And we must overcome it.
Hi everyone,
I'm here on behalf of Asher, Gwyn and the 'traitor' of the family.
First, let me point out something the 'monsters' White… morehill didn't do:
* They didn't kill Lord Gregor, the Boltons/ Freys did.
* They didn't kill Lord Ethan, Ramsay did.
* They killed Lord Rodrik as the term Ramsay, the boss to both families proposed and once it's over, they came to IronRath with no killing intentions.
* They didn't want to keep Ryon forever, after the surrender of the Forresters and the join force of two houses by wedding, they'll return Ryon.
* They didn't want Lord Asher or Lady Elissa or Talia to die.
So why the hatred for them? For something they didn't do, or for killing Rodrik in a competition which rule was set by the heir of the Bolton, Warden of the North?
Second, I'll point out why the 'traitor' still 'betrays' the Forresters or Rodrik to be more specific. In my game play, I chose Duncan as my Setinnel, bu… [view original content]
Well, I killed the single most important person in that house and one they take great pains to point out is a control freak who micromanages everything.
You act like there wasn't an excellent chance they were going to kill us all anyway, or worse. Or that Gwyn spoke for anybody but herself at any point ever in the series. She didn't seem to have any influence at all over her dad.
It's like the people who let home invaders tie them up: why would they want to tie you up if they're not going to hurt you?
Yeah, you got 1 Whitehill killed because of their attitude at the cost of many Forresters and the annihilation of Ironrath and her citizens while the Whitehills still stood tall.
Well, I killed the single most important person in that house and one they take great pains to point out is a control freak who micromanages everything.
The rest Whitehills people still destroyed Ironrath with all Asher's sellswords and citizens at ease )
If Gwyn didn't have any infuluence, why the marriage? Why did the Forrester even had the chance to ambush or poison the Whitehill's lord or his child?
The Whitehill wasn't there because they wanted to, it was under the order of the current Warden of the North, so they were not invader.
Well, I killed the single most important person in that house and one they take great pains to point out is a control freak who micromanages… more everything.
You act like there wasn't an excellent chance they were going to kill us all anyway, or worse. Or that Gwyn spoke for anybody but herself at any point ever in the series. She didn't seem to have any influence at all over her dad.
It's like the people who let home invaders tie them up: why would they want to tie you up if they're not going to hurt you?
Well, I killed the single most important person in that house and one they take great pains to point out is a control freak who micromanages… more everything.
* The rest Whitehills people still destroyed Ironrath with all Asher's sellswords and citizens at ease )
* If Gwyn didn't have any infuluence, why the marriage? Why did the Forrester even had the chance to ambush or poison the Whitehill's lord or his child?
* The Whitehill wasn't there because they wanted to, it was under the order of the current Warden of the North, so they were not invader.
Name me one thing stopping Ludd from killing the Forresters and taking Ironrath once Gwyn is married into the family.
Do I really have to explain how marriage works in the GoT universe?
The Boltons made them fight? Come on dude.
It's unlikely since Asher is determine and Gwyn probably betraying him/ dying
First sorry for my bad English !
Here is something Whitehill did:
Eleana did tell you capture Gryff, tbh, I really didn't want to do that, but we didn't have that option
. The traitor, yes, no matter you choose kill him or imprison him, that's mean 1 less swordman in your army. But as a traitor, which direction their sword will point to ??? You can't be incautious. Do not tell me in war time, you will be ready to set your traitor free. Elissa, she had 4 sons, the first just came back from the dead, the 2nd was exiled, the 3rd was murdered right in front of her, the 4th was kept more like a hostage than a ward. She was just a desperate mother. And could you tell me what she told you quicken your destruction ??? Because as I remember, she did only 4 things below: invited Eleana, called back Asher, slash/share the poison's wine with Ludd or stab Harys to save you. Which one of these quicken your destruction ???
And here is what I think about Gwyn:
To be short, both Gwyn and Ludd working together. While Ludd is trying to actively work against you as an enemy, Gwyn is actively trying to work against you as a friend !!!
There is only 1 time Gwyn make me confuse. In my friend playthrough, instead the traitor with you and Talia after the end, we have Gwyn. Except that one, I cannot stop doubt her act. Could be she was forced to doing so by her father, like a lot of father in GoT did. Or more simple, she and her father united in mind. Nothing is impossible
Okay, let's hit the steel while it's still hot. This time I'll explore more into the 'evilness' of house Whitehill, which was ruled by Lord Ludd.
Some facts:
House Whitehill had been bannermen of house Bolton for 5 centuries, while house Forresters was bannermen of house Stark. House Stark and bannermen started a revolution against their boss, the Barantheon Royal family, and they were in a dire situation where they were 'wining battles, but losing the war' - according to the late King of the North - Robb Stark. So first the Starks & the Forresters betrayed their master, then house Bolton & bannermen - including house Whithehill decided to come back to the Royal family with the same method house Stark did: betrayed their master.
House Forresters had looked down at house Whitehill for generations prior to the game, so just little feelings of being bullied by the arrogant Whitehill in game are nothing compared to the thing the Whitehill had had to suffer in past.
The crimes of the 'evil, butcher, slave-master' Whitehill were:
a Bolton & 2 Whitehill soldiers killed a pig farm family. The Bolton & a Whitehill soldiers got killed by Gared - knight-to-be of house Forrester. Lord Ludd Whitehill sentenced the other Whitehill soldier - Britt to the Wall.
Did not know how to take care of the Ironwood forrest. Lord Ludd invited the Forresters to co-operate with him to preserve the forest, but all was ruined thanks to Eleana Glennmore's intervention bright plan of kidnapping Gryff
Intending to enslave every people in Ironrath - according to Lady Elissa. What kind of slave master who let his child marry a slave to change her name to Forrester, then bear Forrester children?
Butcher everyone - again, according to Lady Elissa. How many Forresters people other than Gared's family, which was solved by Lord Ludd's fair judgement, had the Whitehill killed before the competition set by Ramsay to let only one house stood? None. Thanks to Lady Elissa's briliant actions and ideas, Ironrath people did not have to live longer they died instead.
Slapped Ryon a few times AFTER Lord Ludd's precious son had been brutally maimed one eye by Rodrik the womanish lord.
Brought an army to ensure their Lord's safety. If Lord Ludd truly were as blood-thristy as Lady Elissa or Talia, he wouldn't have to risk his life and his precious children's life by coming into Ironrath, or give the Forresters 1 hour to think. Why not just destroy the gate and kill all people in the way, while standing back and enjoying the show?
Laughed at some points of the game (I don't think it's a crime, but many people do), cocky attitude (again, not a crime, but some people do think it's a serious crime)
If only Lord Rodrik had had more power and hadn't listened all commands of the women surrounding him, then House Forresters would've stood tall, House Forresters' citizens would've had the chance to live a peaceful life.
The 'traitor' didn't betray the family, he tried to protect the family and Rodrik and he either got killed or imprisioned. And the result? What the 'traitor' fear the most: The destruction of Ironrath, by the hand of Lady Elissa, Talia, Eleana Glenmore and Rodrik.
When Ironrath fell, Lord Ludd Whitehill rode his horse past Asher, he didn't kill his potential son-in-law and he didn't order a league of cavalries to follow him. Outside the castle there would be more Whitehill soldiers, one word from Lord Ludd and Lord Asher would be gone in a second. But Lord Ludd didn't want more killing in a war started by Lady Elissa, it seemed as if he let Lord Asher go.
One last thing about Beshka: She's a woman, so it's naturally she was jealous of the beauty of Gwyn, who Asher dreamed of every night.
The last line practically confirms you're trolling haha
I feel for Gwyn like I did for, ironically, Cersei with Joffrey.
Cersei is a terrible person but living with Joffrey is like being with a complete moron AND a complete [censored].
A stupid king and a vicious king indeed.
Nope. The Whitehils are still scum who shouldn't thrive any longer. They're not to be trusted and the Forrestors will NEVER submit to arrogant and savage bullies.
I hope that in next episode choices done will matter. And agreeing for Gwyn plan with Asher would allow to execute it to the end, and indeed aliance. All must be done is to die other borther of Whitehills (bannerman of Boltons, not hard to happen considering war with Stanis). At some point Ludd will have not much kids left, and could be open to reason. So yes for Gwyn, i like her plan.
...I don't even know what to say about this line.
I also noticed that you criticized nearly every woman in the story besides Gywn (and Mira) for their 'role' in the destruction of Ironrath, which is heavily debatable, and going as as far as to insinuate that Beshka is 'jealous' of Gwyn because she's a woman and is naturally jealous of Gwyn, and because Asher 'dreams of her every night', when there is no proof of this.
I'm starting to think you have problems...
Numbers of women appeared in the story:
Daenerys, Amaya, Cersei, Margery, Sera, Sylvi, Elsera, Mira, Beskha, Gwyn, countless women in King Landing, women in Ironrath, Wildling women,... and of course the 3 women heavily influenced Rodrik's Lordship: Lady Elissa - mother, Talia - sister, Eleana Glennmore. 3 out of many more than 10 is not "nearly every woman".
Proof of Beskha's jealousy: accused Gwyn before she even had the chance to get to know Asher's lover (but strangely, she said she would treat Ryon as her brother because he's Asher brother, so why the difference with Asher's lover - Gwyn?)
The Whitehill prior the game had thought the same as you do, just change Forresters in your comment to Whitehills and Whitehills to Forresters:
"The Forresters are still scum who shouldn't thrive any longer. They're not to be trusted and the Whitehills will NEVER submit to arrogant and savage bullies."
That's why we have the game, because some people judge other houses by their cocky attitude.
For fun, my friend, I want to provoke Beskha's fans a little (I'm a Beskha's fan, too, I let her beat Asher all the time without evading)
And aside from that, it's pretty heavily implied that Beskha is gay. Her reaction to Gwyn is more out of concern for Asher, as she apparently wasn't very good for him. "Jealousy" is not a factor.
What happens if you go through with poison plan but stop your mother from drinking ?
I meant the women who are either allied with the Forresters or are from the family, namely Talia, Elissa, Eleana Glenmore, and Beskha. I apologize for the confusion.
Beskha's suspicion towards Gywn is hardly proof of jealousy. Being a woman is also hardly evidence of being jealous of Gwyn either. Beshka's suspicion with Gwyn is likely out of concern for Asher, or because she's a Whitehill and her family is fighting against the Forresters, which her ally and her 'little brother' Asher is a part of, hence why he's wanting to return home.
Ludd will run back to the gate, you after him, Gryff stop you, you kill him, Gwyn stab you in the back and leave !
Some sound logical till the very last line !!!
Or you are a crazy fan of Gwyn, or you are trolling with us !!!
Oh, that is horrible, total waste. So it is important to stick to the plan more or less.
I'm a crazy fan of Game of Thrones, and now a crazy fan of this game, I love the music, I love the design of Forresters' sword in the tree, love the story, love many characters... It's a wonderful game, and I just want us to have some fun =D Can't wait for the next season.
Women who are either allied with the Forresters or are from the family in game:
With Mira: Queen Cersei (Andros got killed), Lady Margaery, Sera
With Lord Asher: Gwyn, Beskhar, Amaya, Daenerys (a gold chest, a promised alliance, though I hated Malcom for that and answered him Fire and Blood when he said Iron from Ice at the harbor)
With Lord Rodrik: Talia, Lady Elissa, Eleana Glenmore
With Lord Gregor: Elsera Flower (Bastard daughter), women warriors Elsera controlled by blood magic
With Gared: Sylvi, Wildling girls he killed, women warriors Gared controlled by blood magic
With the whole Forrester house: Women citizens in Ironrath
No more confusion, right
About Beskha: Your answer is right: 'hardly proof of jealousy', which means, there are very low percents, but not impossible.
You meaned Beskha is Lesbian, right? Asher is a very charming man, he's handsome with a great smile (smirk), he has a kind heart, he always stands by Beskha's side no matter what, he's clever, he's humour. A man like that fell in love with a girl, his decision must have logical reasons, she should be a girl equal to his standard. I don't see why Beskha should be concern, as an all out war would cost hundreds of lives, but with a simple marriage of a wonderful couple, all would be solved.
So a little jealous wouldn't hurt, right?
Remember House Castamere when they challenged House Lannister, yeah thats pretty much how its gonna go.
What? the game actually says you betrayed your family wow... that's a big guilt trip.
We both really don't know what exactly happened long ago that made the Whitehills petty, selfish, and hateful towards the Forrestors but from the looks of it it realy seems more like the Whitehills are more so jealous of the Forrestors and want to be on top of them rather than work with them at least that's how Telltale wrote them anyway.
Interpretational thing I guess.
I know!!! I didn't mean it like that. Like she said " Bloodshed has to stop." I want it to stop so I married Fwyn, but my mother doesn't accept
Nope, only you don't know, I do, from the game:
Lord Ludd with Lord Ethan, episode 1: 'You Forresters have shitted on us for generations. Well now the Starks are no longer around to have your back, are they?'
Gryff Whitehill, episode 3:
'"Cocky Rodrik", we used to call you. Swinging your prick 'round, lording over my family.';
'We are here under the order of Roose Bolton, Warden of the North.';
'And that's the real problem with you Forresters. You're too fucking proud. Always have been. It was bad enough when you were above us. And now it's even worse, because you don't see how far you've fallen!' --> then Talia replied: 'Still high enough to look down at you.'
That's what happened.
One more thing: "Petty, selfish, hateful, jealous, want to be on top" aren't crimes to get killed, they're just attitudes.
They kept screwing with me and my house, so I decided to kill them. Cut the head off and the snake will die. Not much more complicated than that.
Attitudes that are unhealthy and can lead to bloodshed.
'Can', not ''defenitely will'. For clever people, it won't. For blood-thirsty people like Lady Elissa, Talia or Eleana Glenmore, it did lead to bloodshed, at the cost of Ironrath and all her citizens, Arthur's life and more bloodshed would continue.
Guess, we'll just have to see where the story goes.
Don't expect me to spit at the Forrestors and favor the Whitehills cause it isn't happening.
Nope, I love your comments the same way I loved the game. 1 only correct way wouldn't be the Game of Thrones. The first season took 2 years to finish. 2 more years for the second season, it's gonna be a long waiting time. Have fun my friend
Please. Gwen doesn't give a flying **** about House Forrester. She wants Asher, that's it.
She only cares for "peace" as far as it doesn't cost her or her house anything, while the Forresters are free to bend over and take it. And the Whitehills, despite not personally murdering half the Forrester House, sure took a lot of pleasure in it, every step of the way.
She wants Asher Forrester, that's it, you meaned
Take a lot of pleasure is not a crime to get killed.
Yeah, you got 1 Whitehill killed because of their attitude at the cost of many Forresters and the annihilation of Ironrath and her citizens while the Whitehills still stood tall.
Overcome it by let Ironrath burned and the citizens finally got real slaughtered, instead of just imagination slaughter and enslave in Lady Elissa and Talia's mind. And don't forget Torrhen Whitehill, the real heir is still at Bolton side, he would ride back with thousands men with the back of the Bolton anytime.
Well, I killed the single most important person in that house and one they take great pains to point out is a control freak who micromanages everything.
You act like there wasn't an excellent chance they were going to kill us all anyway, or worse. Or that Gwyn spoke for anybody but herself at any point ever in the series. She didn't seem to have any influence at all over her dad.
It's like the people who let home invaders tie them up: why would they want to tie you up if they're not going to hurt you?
The rest Whitehills people still destroyed Ironrath with all Asher's sellswords and citizens at ease
If Gwyn didn't have any infuluence, why the marriage? Why did the Forrester even had the chance to ambush or poison the Whitehill's lord or his child?
The Whitehill wasn't there because they wanted to, it was under the order of the current Warden of the North, so they were not invader.
Name me one thing stopping Ludd from killing the Forresters and taking Ironrath once Gwyn is married into the family.
Do I really have to explain how marriage works in the GoT universe?
The Boltons made them fight? Come on dude.