King’s Landing
The middle-aged man sat at his desk, wearing green robes and scratching his chin as he thought over what the coa… morel boy had told him. He had learned that Mira Forrester was dead, executed just a day ago by Ser Ilyn Payne for the murder of a Lannister Guard.
Everything was shaken up. Without Mira, his task would be that much more difficult. House Forrester, loyal bannermen to the Starks, were finished off by House Whitehill, and without Mira, everything was worse. Ironrath, Seat of House Forrester, was taken over, while at least five of the family were dead in less than a month.
The man cupped his hands in his face and sighed. Mira Forrester would have made it if it weren’t for that bastard Rickard Morgryn. Morgryn’s goal was to take Ironrath all for himself through marriage, but when Lady Mira refused, she was killed.
The man stood up and walked outside, his robes following behind him. He breathed in the… [view original content]
King’s Landing
The middle-aged man sat at his desk, wearing green robes and scratching his chin as he thought over what the coa… morel boy had told him. He had learned that Mira Forrester was dead, executed just a day ago by Ser Ilyn Payne for the murder of a Lannister Guard.
Everything was shaken up. Without Mira, his task would be that much more difficult. House Forrester, loyal bannermen to the Starks, were finished off by House Whitehill, and without Mira, everything was worse. Ironrath, Seat of House Forrester, was taken over, while at least five of the family were dead in less than a month.
The man cupped his hands in his face and sighed. Mira Forrester would have made it if it weren’t for that bastard Rickard Morgryn. Morgryn’s goal was to take Ironrath all for himself through marriage, but when Lady Mira refused, she was killed.
The man stood up and walked outside, his robes following behind him. He breathed in the… [view original content]
King’s Landing
The middle-aged man sat at his desk, wearing green robes and scratching his chin as he thought over what the coa… morel boy had told him. He had learned that Mira Forrester was dead, executed just a day ago by Ser Ilyn Payne for the murder of a Lannister Guard.
Everything was shaken up. Without Mira, his task would be that much more difficult. House Forrester, loyal bannermen to the Starks, were finished off by House Whitehill, and without Mira, everything was worse. Ironrath, Seat of House Forrester, was taken over, while at least five of the family were dead in less than a month.
The man cupped his hands in his face and sighed. Mira Forrester would have made it if it weren’t for that bastard Rickard Morgryn. Morgryn’s goal was to take Ironrath all for himself through marriage, but when Lady Mira refused, she was killed.
The man stood up and walked outside, his robes following behind him. He breathed in the… [view original content]
King’s Landing
The middle-aged man sat at his desk, wearing green robes and scratching his chin as he thought over what the coa… morel boy had told him. He had learned that Mira Forrester was dead, executed just a day ago by Ser Ilyn Payne for the murder of a Lannister Guard.
Everything was shaken up. Without Mira, his task would be that much more difficult. House Forrester, loyal bannermen to the Starks, were finished off by House Whitehill, and without Mira, everything was worse. Ironrath, Seat of House Forrester, was taken over, while at least five of the family were dead in less than a month.
The man cupped his hands in his face and sighed. Mira Forrester would have made it if it weren’t for that bastard Rickard Morgryn. Morgryn’s goal was to take Ironrath all for himself through marriage, but when Lady Mira refused, she was killed.
The man stood up and walked outside, his robes following behind him. He breathed in the… [view original content]
Sorry guys, next chapter is coming today, was a long and tiring day today and I just didn't feel up to it. I promise that it will be released before the week is over tho. This will also give me some time to write some more chapters in advance
Sorry guys, next chapter is coming today, was a long and tiring day today and I just didn't feel up to it. I promise that it will be released before the week is over tho. This will also give me some time to write some more chapters in advance
Gared dragged his feet across the snow, leaving a trail behind him. He clutched Talia Forresters necklace in his gloved hand. In front of walked Josera and Elsera Snow, the bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester. He had gotten to know them a little bit better over the course of the last month since they left the North Grove.
To Gared’s side was Sylvi, Cotter’s Wildling younger sister. Gared held her deep in his mind, never forgetting that Cotter wanted him to take care of her. Along with ‘Iron From Ice’, Gared lived by Cotter’s dying wish.
Gared was worried about House Forrester, after all he hadn’t been to Ironrath in months. The situation was grim when he left for the Night’s Watch, and by now everything could have changed drastically. He hoped that everyone was alright. He thought of his Uncle, Duncan, and how he was by now. He thought of Lord Gregor’s words about the North Grove, and how it must never be lost. Gared had been questioning his decision to go back to Ironrath ever since he made it, and he hoped he was doing what Gregor would’ve wanted.
“What will we do once we have to cross under The Wall? They’ll attack us on sight.” Josera said as he slowed his pace to match Gared’s.
“We’ll just have to try and fight our way through, there’s nothing else we can do.” Gared said, then sighed and continued “If I’m killed in some wqay, you and Josera must keep going to Ironrath.”
“You have my word.” Elsera said while smiling. Gared gave her a small smile back and nodded.
Godwyn Maven
King’s Landing
Godwyn leaned against the golden brick wall, listening in on Rickard Morgryn and the Lannister Guard’s conversation.
“I need to speak with the queen right this instant!” Morgryn exclaimed, angrily pointing a finger down.
“I told you, in two days, maybe!” The Lannister guard said back, a sharp edge in his voice. The guard walked away as Morgryn released a long breath to calm himself, soon after walking the other way. As soon as he was out of earshot, Tom ran up to Godwyn.
“My L-… Godwyn, um, did you hear all of that?”
“I did, it seems Morgryn is having trouble.” Godwyn replied.
“And now we wait.” Tom said. Godwyn scratched his chin, a light bulb suddenly appearing in his head.
“I’m going to talk our lord, get a little…acquainted.” Godwyn said.
“But you can’t? That could ruin everything!”
“Keep your voice down, my boy. Think about it, if I can get closer to him we could start gathering information while becoming less suspicious. Go back to doing what you usually do, I’ve got this under my foot.” Godwyn said. With one last worried look, Tom jogged off.
Godwyn went after Morgryn, coming into the marketplace. Scanning the crowd until he caught Morgryn’s blue robes. He speed-walked towards him, finally coming to a stop when he was right behind him. He cleared his throat, alerting Morgryn of his presence.
“What is it you want?” Morgryn said, clearly still agitated.
“Hello Lord Morgryn, beautiful day, isn’t it?” Godwyn said, a fake smile plastered on his face.
“Hmm, I suppose. And you are?”
“Godwyn Maven.” Godwyn said As he held up his hand, waiting for Morgryn to shake it.
“Don’t you mean Lord Godwyn Maven?” Morgryn said with uncertainty in his voice.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Episode One – Fire From Ice Chapter 1
Gared Tuttle
Icy Forest
Gared dragged his feet… more across the snow, leaving a trail behind him. He clutched Talia Forresters necklace in his gloved hand. In front of walked Josera and Elsera Snow, the bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester. He had gotten to know them a little bit better over the course of the last month since they left the North Grove.
To Gared’s side was Sylvi, Cotter’s Wildling younger sister. Gared held her deep in his mind, never forgetting that Cotter wanted him to take care of her. Along with ‘Iron From Ice’, Gared lived by Cotter’s dying wish.
Gared was worried about House Forrester, after all he hadn’t been to Ironrath in months. The situation was grim when he left for the Night’s Watch, and by now everything could have changed drastically. He hoped that everyone was alright. He thought of his Uncle, Duncan, and how he… [view original content]
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Episode One – Fire From Ice Chapter 1
Gared Tuttle
Icy Forest
Gared dragged his feet… more across the snow, leaving a trail behind him. He clutched Talia Forresters necklace in his gloved hand. In front of walked Josera and Elsera Snow, the bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester. He had gotten to know them a little bit better over the course of the last month since they left the North Grove.
To Gared’s side was Sylvi, Cotter’s Wildling younger sister. Gared held her deep in his mind, never forgetting that Cotter wanted him to take care of her. Along with ‘Iron From Ice’, Gared lived by Cotter’s dying wish.
Gared was worried about House Forrester, after all he hadn’t been to Ironrath in months. The situation was grim when he left for the Night’s Watch, and by now everything could have changed drastically. He hoped that everyone was alright. He thought of his Uncle, Duncan, and how he… [view original content]
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Episode One – Fire From Ice Chapter 1
Gared Tuttle
Icy Forest
Gared dragged his feet… more across the snow, leaving a trail behind him. He clutched Talia Forresters necklace in his gloved hand. In front of walked Josera and Elsera Snow, the bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester. He had gotten to know them a little bit better over the course of the last month since they left the North Grove.
To Gared’s side was Sylvi, Cotter’s Wildling younger sister. Gared held her deep in his mind, never forgetting that Cotter wanted him to take care of her. Along with ‘Iron From Ice’, Gared lived by Cotter’s dying wish.
Gared was worried about House Forrester, after all he hadn’t been to Ironrath in months. The situation was grim when he left for the Night’s Watch, and by now everything could have changed drastically. He hoped that everyone was alright. He thought of his Uncle, Duncan, and how he… [view original content]
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Episode One – Fire From Ice Chapter 1
Gared Tuttle
Icy Forest
Gared dragged his feet… more across the snow, leaving a trail behind him. He clutched Talia Forresters necklace in his gloved hand. In front of walked Josera and Elsera Snow, the bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester. He had gotten to know them a little bit better over the course of the last month since they left the North Grove.
To Gared’s side was Sylvi, Cotter’s Wildling younger sister. Gared held her deep in his mind, never forgetting that Cotter wanted him to take care of her. Along with ‘Iron From Ice’, Gared lived by Cotter’s dying wish.
Gared was worried about House Forrester, after all he hadn’t been to Ironrath in months. The situation was grim when he left for the Night’s Watch, and by now everything could have changed drastically. He hoped that everyone was alright. He thought of his Uncle, Duncan, and how he… [view original content]
Well I wrote bastard siblings because Josera and Elsera are brother and sister, although I see how that sentence could be a bit confusing. Also with The Wall thing, that is actually a result of the choices you guys voted for Season 1. Since you used Cotter for blood magic, Elsera is confident that her warriors are strong enough to fight through the wall and not waste time going around it. If you guys had chosen to just give Cotter the Nightshade poison, then the warriors would not be strong enough and they would have to sacrifice more time by going around The Wall. Hope that clears it all up.
[Lie and tell him you are of Noble Blood] Lie, lie, lie, and lie some more.
The bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester.
Do… moren't you mean bastard children?
Isn't there a way around the wall? I think there is it'd just take longer. It just seems stupid for them to try and go through it.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Episode One – Fire From Ice Chapter 1
Gared Tuttle
Icy Forest
Gared dragged his feet… more across the snow, leaving a trail behind him. He clutched Talia Forresters necklace in his gloved hand. In front of walked Josera and Elsera Snow, the bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester. He had gotten to know them a little bit better over the course of the last month since they left the North Grove.
To Gared’s side was Sylvi, Cotter’s Wildling younger sister. Gared held her deep in his mind, never forgetting that Cotter wanted him to take care of her. Along with ‘Iron From Ice’, Gared lived by Cotter’s dying wish.
Gared was worried about House Forrester, after all he hadn’t been to Ironrath in months. The situation was grim when he left for the Night’s Watch, and by now everything could have changed drastically. He hoped that everyone was alright. He thought of his Uncle, Duncan, and how he… [view original content]
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Episode One – Fire From Ice Chapter 1
Gared Tuttle
Icy Forest
Gared dragged his feet… more across the snow, leaving a trail behind him. He clutched Talia Forresters necklace in his gloved hand. In front of walked Josera and Elsera Snow, the bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester. He had gotten to know them a little bit better over the course of the last month since they left the North Grove.
To Gared’s side was Sylvi, Cotter’s Wildling younger sister. Gared held her deep in his mind, never forgetting that Cotter wanted him to take care of her. Along with ‘Iron From Ice’, Gared lived by Cotter’s dying wish.
Gared was worried about House Forrester, after all he hadn’t been to Ironrath in months. The situation was grim when he left for the Night’s Watch, and by now everything could have changed drastically. He hoped that everyone was alright. He thought of his Uncle, Duncan, and how he… [view original content]
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Episode One – Fire From Ice Chapter 1
Gared Tuttle
Icy Forest
Gared dragged his feet… more across the snow, leaving a trail behind him. He clutched Talia Forresters necklace in his gloved hand. In front of walked Josera and Elsera Snow, the bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester. He had gotten to know them a little bit better over the course of the last month since they left the North Grove.
To Gared’s side was Sylvi, Cotter’s Wildling younger sister. Gared held her deep in his mind, never forgetting that Cotter wanted him to take care of her. Along with ‘Iron From Ice’, Gared lived by Cotter’s dying wish.
Gared was worried about House Forrester, after all he hadn’t been to Ironrath in months. The situation was grim when he left for the Night’s Watch, and by now everything could have changed drastically. He hoped that everyone was alright. He thought of his Uncle, Duncan, and how he… [view original content]
“Yes, excuse myself. Lord Godwyn Maven. Still not used to calling myself that.” Morgryn furrowed his brow.
“You should learn to say your name with dignity. I hope that you haven’t lied to me about your blood gain my favor, I hate when I am lied to.” Godwyn swallowed hard, nervous
“Of course, my apologies.” Was all he could manage to say. “Anyways, I couldn’t help but overhear some of your conversation with the Lannister Guard. You’re looking to talk with the queen?”
“That I am. I have very important business. What’s it to you?” He replied.
“Just curious, Lord Morgryn.” Godwyn said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Hmph. Well, I have more business to attend to. Good day.” Morgryn said.
“You too.” Godwyn said as Morgryn walked off. Godwyn stared at Morgryn’s back, a fire prowling in his body. No matter the risks, he had to keep going.
Chapter 2
Rodrik Forrester
“Rodrik, wake up.” Rodrik slowly opened his eyes to the darkness, but soon his eyes adjusted. He saw his dear sister Talia’s face looking down at him. Talia put her arm under his back, gently trying to lift him from the ground. With some effort and grunts Rodrik was able to sit up. His skin itched from the golden straws of hay on the ground.
“What is it, Talia?” He asked her as he held onto his side where he had been stabbed by Harys just weeks ago.
“Duncan brought back some food.” She replied. She sat next to him as Duncan crouched down across from them. He carefully lit a fire, illuminating a small light in the small barn.”
“My lord, I was able to fetch some water and a pig, I hope you like bacon.” Duncan said as he smiled. He took out his knife and started to gut the dead pig next to him. Rodrik nodded and then put his arm around Talia as she pushed her head into his shoulder, not wanting to have to see the gutting of the pig.
“My apologies, this will only take a little bit.” Duncan said as he continued to dissect the animal as carefully as he could.
Rodrik looked to his side at his small sword, noticing that it was a very dull blade. He thought of the Forrester Greatsword, and wondered what had happened to it. When Royland put him on horseback and got him out of Ironrath, Rodrik wasn’t strong enough to carry the sword, so he dropped it right before fleeing his beloved home.
“I miss Mother, Rodrik.” Talia said, her eyes filled with tears.
“Me too, Talia, me too.” It was silent for a while, until Duncan decided to discuss some important matters.
“The Whitehills are most definitely back at Highpoint by now, or maybe those bastards even have men posted at Ironrath.” He said with a frown. Rodrik nodded.
“Did you see Eleana before you found me by any chance?” Rodrk asked, hoping that they did see her.
“I’m afraid not, my lord.” Duncan answered. Rodrik’s heart sank to his boots.
“What about Royland or Ryon?” He now asked, remembering the last he saw of his sentinel and his little brother.
“I don’t think we saw them either, we were already trying to escape.” Talia answered with sadness.
“Hmph.” Rodrick let out. Duncan started to roast parts of the pig over the fire, cooking their dinner slowly. Rodrik look at Duncan from across the fire, at his filthy face and into his eyes. He remembered when just a few weeks ago he had found out that Duncan had been feeding information to the Whitehills. Rodrik saw that Duncan was devoted now, but still had his doubts.
After some more awkward silence, the bacon was done. All three of them quickly ate the bacon, and it was gone in minutes. After that, Duncan spoke up once more.
“So My Lord, where do we go from here?” Rodrik looked at Duncan, and then to his right at Talia, who had her eyes fixed on him, waiting to hear his decision. Rodrik needed to think carefully on this one. His family was in shambles, and his next decision would most definitely affect the path of the House
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore]
“Yes, excuse myself. Lord Godwyn Maven. Still not used to calling myself that.” Morgryn furrowed his brow.
“You should learn to say your … morename with dignity. I hope that you haven’t lied to me about your blood gain my favor, I hate when I am lied to.” Godwyn swallowed hard, nervous
“Of course, my apologies.” Was all he could manage to say. “Anyways, I couldn’t help but overhear some of your conversation with the Lannister Guard. You’re looking to talk with the queen?”
“That I am. I have very important business. What’s it to you?” He replied.
“Just curious, Lord Morgryn.” Godwyn said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Hmph. Well, I have more business to attend to. Good day.” Morgryn said.
“You too.” Godwyn said as Morgryn walked off. Godwyn stared at Morgryn’s back, a fire prowling in his body. No matter the risks, he had to keep going.
Chapter 2
Rodrik Forrester
“Rodrik, wake up.” Rodrik slowly opened hi… [view original content]
Travel to rillwater crossing and seek help from house glenmore. I agree rodrik won't be fit enough and we'll be killed at first sight. Glenmore's may blame you for Arthur n stuff but I'm sure they'll declare war on the whitehills after we report about his daughter .
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore]
Maybe the Glenmores after all that's happened won't help, but it's still too risky going to Ironrath.
“Yes, excuse myself. Lord Godwyn Maven. Still not used to calling myself that.” Morgryn furrowed his brow.
“You should learn to say your … morename with dignity. I hope that you haven’t lied to me about your blood gain my favor, I hate when I am lied to.” Godwyn swallowed hard, nervous
“Of course, my apologies.” Was all he could manage to say. “Anyways, I couldn’t help but overhear some of your conversation with the Lannister Guard. You’re looking to talk with the queen?”
“That I am. I have very important business. What’s it to you?” He replied.
“Just curious, Lord Morgryn.” Godwyn said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Hmph. Well, I have more business to attend to. Good day.” Morgryn said.
“You too.” Godwyn said as Morgryn walked off. Godwyn stared at Morgryn’s back, a fire prowling in his body. No matter the risks, he had to keep going.
Chapter 2
Rodrik Forrester
“Rodrik, wake up.” Rodrik slowly opened hi… [view original content]
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore] Makes sense that he should go and see his betrothed's family to face the consequences up till now.
“Yes, excuse myself. Lord Godwyn Maven. Still not used to calling myself that.” Morgryn furrowed his brow.
“You should learn to say your … morename with dignity. I hope that you haven’t lied to me about your blood gain my favor, I hate when I am lied to.” Godwyn swallowed hard, nervous
“Of course, my apologies.” Was all he could manage to say. “Anyways, I couldn’t help but overhear some of your conversation with the Lannister Guard. You’re looking to talk with the queen?”
“That I am. I have very important business. What’s it to you?” He replied.
“Just curious, Lord Morgryn.” Godwyn said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Hmph. Well, I have more business to attend to. Good day.” Morgryn said.
“You too.” Godwyn said as Morgryn walked off. Godwyn stared at Morgryn’s back, a fire prowling in his body. No matter the risks, he had to keep going.
Chapter 2
Rodrik Forrester
“Rodrik, wake up.” Rodrik slowly opened hi… [view original content]
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore] I think that's the best option. Seeking help from the house that he was betrothed it's way better than going back to Ironrath where, of course will be Whitehill soldiers.
“Yes, excuse myself. Lord Godwyn Maven. Still not used to calling myself that.” Morgryn furrowed his brow.
“You should learn to say your … morename with dignity. I hope that you haven’t lied to me about your blood gain my favor, I hate when I am lied to.” Godwyn swallowed hard, nervous
“Of course, my apologies.” Was all he could manage to say. “Anyways, I couldn’t help but overhear some of your conversation with the Lannister Guard. You’re looking to talk with the queen?”
“That I am. I have very important business. What’s it to you?” He replied.
“Just curious, Lord Morgryn.” Godwyn said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Hmph. Well, I have more business to attend to. Good day.” Morgryn said.
“You too.” Godwyn said as Morgryn walked off. Godwyn stared at Morgryn’s back, a fire prowling in his body. No matter the risks, he had to keep going.
Chapter 2
Rodrik Forrester
“Rodrik, wake up.” Rodrik slowly opened hi… [view original content]
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore] Going back to Ironrath would be a death sentence. Hopefully, if not for their share of the ironwood (cf; convince Elaena to marry Rodrik) the Glenmores will support the remnants of House Forrester in order to find their kin.
Gared sat against the tree, slowly drinking out of his makeshift water holder made out of animal skins. Next to him sitting down was Sylvi, while to the other side of him Elsera stood in front of her warriors, chanting some ancient spell to strengthen their bond to her. In front of all this was where Josera sat, perched down on a pile of snow with his legs crossed. In front of him was a blue fire crackling from the ironwood. His eyes were nothing but white, signaling that he was in control of his white bear, Shadow. According to him, he was using Shadow to scout out the next few miles out, looking for any danger up ahead.
“My warriors are growing weaker by the day.” Elsera said as she finished chanting.
“Will they be able to get us through The Wall?” Gared asked.
“Of course, as long as we keep moving as fast as we can, but after that, I don’t know.” She replied before looking over at her brother. “I hope he hasn’t found any danger”
“Me too.” Gared said. Elsera nodded at him and then returned to put her warriors on post. After some more silence, Sylvi spoke up.
“Gared, I can’t go through The Wall, it’s not my place.” She said as he looked into his eyes, hoping that he would agree. This was not the first time that she had brought this up, and frankly Gared was getting sick of it.
“I gave Cotter my word that I would protect you! I can’t do that if I leave you here!” He exclaimed, trying to get his point across. He could’ve sworn he saw her flinch at the name of her brother.
“Cotter…Isn’t here now. He never would let me out of his sight, and now he’s gone. I have to make my own choices now without him, and I belong beyond The Wall! Besides, why should I trust you, you let my brother suffer as you cut him open!” She shouted back. Elsera was looking back at them now.
“Sylvi, I-“
“Wights!” Elsera shouted. Gared and Sylvi immediately stood up, alert to the coming danger. Gared drew his sword, looking at the group of about eight wights coming towards them. He heard a roar to his left, and noticed Shadow running through the snow ready to help in the fight. Josera twitched a little as Shadow got closer to his body.
One of the wights jump and slashed his way through the controlled warriors, clashing it’s sword with Gared’s. Gared look at the wight and noticed that it used to be a young girl, with long dark hair and high cheekbones. Now the poor girl was just dead, both inside and out.
Shadow jumped on top of the wight, letting Gared move forward, catching another wight by surprise as he swung at its neck. The wight’s head came clean off, but the body of was still fighting. Gared blocked its attacks, blocking left and then in the middle before kicking it over. He advanced for the campfire in front of Josera, but he tripped back as he looked behind him and noticed the headless wight’s hand was wrapped around his ankle.
Before he could do anything else, Sylvi ran over and stabbed her spear through the wight’s arm, twisting until it let go of Gared and then starting to try and grab Sylvi.
“Just get fire!” She shouted as she held off the headless wight. Gared kept moving towards the fire until he reached it. He pushed back another wight with the help of a warrior before quickly picking up an ironwood torch and dabbing it into the fire right before turning around and lighting a wight on fire. He ran over to Sylvi where he burned the headless wight’s body. Elsera shouted directions to the warriors in a foreign language as they all moved to get torches to light the rest of the wights.
In only another minute, Gared’s group stood victorious. The warriors burned the last of the wights as they cried in pain. “We need to keep moving, more will be coming soon.” Elsera ordered as she gathered up her warriors. Josera stood up and patted Shadow on the back as he nodded at Gared. Gared nodded back before looking at Sylvi, who was cleaning the tip of her spear. She looked up from her work at him with anger in her eyes before following along with Josera. Gared opened his mouth to say something to her, but then decided that it was best to discuss his protection over her later. No matter what happened, he had to remember his promise to Cotter.
Rodrik Forrester
Path To The Rills
Rodrik, Talia, and Duncan walked along the tree line of the forest, trying to make as little noise as possible. Whitehill soldiers usually roamed this area, looking for survivors from Ironrath. Rodrik thought of all the people that he didn’t know the fate of. Royland, Maester Ortengryn, Eleana…He hoped that they were all okay.
Thinking of Eleana led Rodrik to thoughts of what he would tell House Glenmore. They probably already knew, but he wasn’t sure how they would handle it coming from him. He still regretted being too weak to save her as she was dragged off.
He thought about Eleana’s family and their reactions to the battle. He had actually forgot all of the family members of House Glenmore, but he was sure that seeing them again would jog his memory. He still had a clear image of Lord Glenmore. He remembered him being a very large and intimidating man, and he was indeed no coward, which could either be bad or good in Rodrik’s case. He was just hoping that they would agree to help.
The sound of rushing water filled his ears as he scanned the area, looking for the source. “My Lord, we’re close!” Duncan exclaimed, walking alongside the stream of clear water.
“Indeed.” Rodrik said. He looked at Talia and gave her a faint smile. “The Glenmore Keep should be very close.”
“Aye” Duncan replied, turning back and smiling. The trio kept walking up hill, brushing branches and leaves out of their face as they advanced towards the exit of the forest. The closer they got to the light, the more hope Rodrik was filled with. He thought about Ironrath, and what he would have to do to reclaim a home like that. He also thought about how he would be able to spare his family’s name. He thought about what Lord Glenmore would say, and was frankly a little nervous.
“Struff, let’s go! We need to get back to Lord Gryff.” A rough voice was heard to the left. Duncan looked at Rodrik and Talia and then immediately ducked down behind a tree. The other two followed behind him, trying to make no sound. After a couple more seconds, two Whitehill soldiers came into view. They wore their trademark silver helmets as well as their own light silver arm. The one that called out was a little bigger than the other, muscular but not quite as big as Harys. The other, presumably Struff, was a lighter weight man with blonde hair and a determined look on his face. The sword in his sheath also seemed to be a smaller than the other’s.
“I’m coming dammit. Just can’t believe that bastard Morton Glenmore still wishes to defy us, even after we shit on the Forresters!” Struff said angrily.
“The fucker will learn in time.” The bigger man sad, huffing as they walked along. After a few more seconds, they disappeared into the forest. Rodrik let a long breath out as the three of them stood up.
“Those men called Gryff their lord…” Duncan trailed off. Rodrik frowned at the sight of Gryff as the Lord of House Whitehill. He was a bloody fourth – born, but his brothers just weren’t there to take over. Rodrik had another thought of driving his blade through Gryff, a thought he had ever since the beginning of all of this.
“We must not dwell on it now, we just need to be careful.” Duncan explained.
“Rodrik, there could be more soldiers at the Keep.” Talia added with a worried look.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be careful.” Rodrik replied. The three of them kept moving until they could see the Glenmore Keep. It was made out of stone, and large tapestries flowed over the wall with the symbol of the Glenmores. Two orange fires were lit up on torches that hung from the wall above the gate. Two Glenmore guards, both heavily armored and with shields stood in front of the gate.
“I don’t see any sign of the Whitehills.” Duncan said.
“But they could be inside!” Talia said.
“I doubt it, my lady. Lord Glenmore usually isn’t this calm when he has visitors, and he wouldn’t just let the Whitehills in knowing what they did to us. The man is no coward, but he’s also not daft.” Duncan explained.
“It’s our only chance, so let’s go.” Rodrik said. He wondered if Eleana’s family knew of her capture, and what they thought of Ironrath’s fall. Rodrik prayed to the gods that this would work as the trio walked up to the front gate, ready to play their cards right.
That's the guy we were supposed to meet until Morgryn threw us out the litter, right?
I'm likin it so far man.. Can't wait to see more of Godwyn
Yes that's correct. Good I'm glad you're liking it
Mhmm noice. Nice prologue hopefully this Godwin will help house Forrester. Looking forward to see the action in westeros
The first chapter of Episode 1 is coming tomorrow.
Thank you! Keep up the good work.
Awesome man, enjoying it!
Dude, that prologue is such a great way to start of the season. I've been doing a Tales season 2 myself, I'm following this thread until it ends
Glad your enjoying it! I'll definitely follow and support your tales fanfic.
Enjoying it so far. Just like to point out there are no slaves in Westeros slavery only exists in certain parts of Essos
Ah alright sorry about that thanks for the info. Really need to brush up on some lore and history
That's it so far, but I've been working at UNi, so I haven't done much since.
Sorry guys, next chapter is coming today, was a long and tiring day today and I just didn't feel up to it. I promise that it will be released before the week is over tho. This will also give me some time to write some more chapters in advance
Episode One - Fire From Ice Trailer
"I can't go there Gared, it's not my place." Gared looked at her "I gave Cotter my word!"
Godwyn leaned against the wall, listening to Lord Morgryn's conversation with the Lannister family member.
Gared drew his blade as fast as he could, his hands gripping on the handle as he took his first swing at the wight.
"But what about Ryon?!" Talia asked teary eyed. "We'll find him, I'm sure he's still out there." Replied Rodrik, his eyes too welling with tears.
The Whitehill soldiers gathered around smiling. In the center was a man standing tall. "I am your new lord!" He shouted.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
Episode One – Fire From Ice Chapter 1
Gared Tuttle
Icy Forest
Gared dragged his feet across the snow, leaving a trail behind him. He clutched Talia Forresters necklace in his gloved hand. In front of walked Josera and Elsera Snow, the bastard sibilings of Lord Gregor Forrester. He had gotten to know them a little bit better over the course of the last month since they left the North Grove.
To Gared’s side was Sylvi, Cotter’s Wildling younger sister. Gared held her deep in his mind, never forgetting that Cotter wanted him to take care of her. Along with ‘Iron From Ice’, Gared lived by Cotter’s dying wish.
Gared was worried about House Forrester, after all he hadn’t been to Ironrath in months. The situation was grim when he left for the Night’s Watch, and by now everything could have changed drastically. He hoped that everyone was alright. He thought of his Uncle, Duncan, and how he was by now. He thought of Lord Gregor’s words about the North Grove, and how it must never be lost. Gared had been questioning his decision to go back to Ironrath ever since he made it, and he hoped he was doing what Gregor would’ve wanted.
“What will we do once we have to cross under The Wall? They’ll attack us on sight.” Josera said as he slowed his pace to match Gared’s.
“We’ll just have to try and fight our way through, there’s nothing else we can do.” Gared said, then sighed and continued “If I’m killed in some wqay, you and Josera must keep going to Ironrath.”
“You have my word.” Elsera said while smiling. Gared gave her a small smile back and nodded.
Godwyn Maven
King’s Landing
Godwyn leaned against the golden brick wall, listening in on Rickard Morgryn and the Lannister Guard’s conversation.
“I need to speak with the queen right this instant!” Morgryn exclaimed, angrily pointing a finger down.
“I told you, in two days, maybe!” The Lannister guard said back, a sharp edge in his voice. The guard walked away as Morgryn released a long breath to calm himself, soon after walking the other way. As soon as he was out of earshot, Tom ran up to Godwyn.
“My L-… Godwyn, um, did you hear all of that?”
“I did, it seems Morgryn is having trouble.” Godwyn replied.
“And now we wait.” Tom said. Godwyn scratched his chin, a light bulb suddenly appearing in his head.
“I’m going to talk our lord, get a little…acquainted.” Godwyn said.
“But you can’t? That could ruin everything!”
“Keep your voice down, my boy. Think about it, if I can get closer to him we could start gathering information while becoming less suspicious. Go back to doing what you usually do, I’ve got this under my foot.” Godwyn said. With one last worried look, Tom jogged off.
Godwyn went after Morgryn, coming into the marketplace. Scanning the crowd until he caught Morgryn’s blue robes. He speed-walked towards him, finally coming to a stop when he was right behind him. He cleared his throat, alerting Morgryn of his presence.
“What is it you want?” Morgryn said, clearly still agitated.
“Hello Lord Morgryn, beautiful day, isn’t it?” Godwyn said, a fake smile plastered on his face.
“Hmm, I suppose. And you are?”
“Godwyn Maven.” Godwyn said As he held up his hand, waiting for Morgryn to shake it.
“Don’t you mean Lord Godwyn Maven?” Morgryn said with uncertainty in his voice.
[Lie and tell him you are of Noble Blood]
[Tell him the truth]
Lie and tell him you are of noble blood
[Lie and tell him you're of noble blood]
lie and tell him you are noble blood
[Lie and tell him you are of Noble Blood] Lie, lie, lie, and lie some more.
Don't you mean bastard children?
Isn't there a way around the wall? I think there is it'd just take longer. It just seems stupid for them to try and go through it.
Well I wrote bastard siblings because Josera and Elsera are brother and sister, although I see how that sentence could be a bit confusing. Also with The Wall thing, that is actually a result of the choices you guys voted for Season 1. Since you used Cotter for blood magic, Elsera is confident that her warriors are strong enough to fight through the wall and not waste time going around it. If you guys had chosen to just give Cotter the Nightshade poison, then the warriors would not be strong enough and they would have to sacrifice more time by going around The Wall. Hope that clears it all up.
[Lie and tell him you are of Noble Blood]
[Lie and tell him you are of Noble Blood]
[Lie and tell him you are of Noble Blood] This sonufabitch must be lied! And I want to edit that it's a amazing start! Keep going that well!
[Lie and tell him you are of Noble Blood]
Alright Godwyn will [Lie and tell him he is of Noble Blood] Next chapter will be out later today
“Yes, excuse myself. Lord Godwyn Maven. Still not used to calling myself that.” Morgryn furrowed his brow.
“You should learn to say your name with dignity. I hope that you haven’t lied to me about your blood gain my favor, I hate when I am lied to.” Godwyn swallowed hard, nervous
“Of course, my apologies.” Was all he could manage to say. “Anyways, I couldn’t help but overhear some of your conversation with the Lannister Guard. You’re looking to talk with the queen?”
“That I am. I have very important business. What’s it to you?” He replied.
“Just curious, Lord Morgryn.” Godwyn said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Hmph. Well, I have more business to attend to. Good day.” Morgryn said.
“You too.” Godwyn said as Morgryn walked off. Godwyn stared at Morgryn’s back, a fire prowling in his body. No matter the risks, he had to keep going.
Chapter 2
Rodrik Forrester
“Rodrik, wake up.” Rodrik slowly opened his eyes to the darkness, but soon his eyes adjusted. He saw his dear sister Talia’s face looking down at him. Talia put her arm under his back, gently trying to lift him from the ground. With some effort and grunts Rodrik was able to sit up. His skin itched from the golden straws of hay on the ground.
“What is it, Talia?” He asked her as he held onto his side where he had been stabbed by Harys just weeks ago.
“Duncan brought back some food.” She replied. She sat next to him as Duncan crouched down across from them. He carefully lit a fire, illuminating a small light in the small barn.”
“My lord, I was able to fetch some water and a pig, I hope you like bacon.” Duncan said as he smiled. He took out his knife and started to gut the dead pig next to him. Rodrik nodded and then put his arm around Talia as she pushed her head into his shoulder, not wanting to have to see the gutting of the pig.
“My apologies, this will only take a little bit.” Duncan said as he continued to dissect the animal as carefully as he could.
Rodrik looked to his side at his small sword, noticing that it was a very dull blade. He thought of the Forrester Greatsword, and wondered what had happened to it. When Royland put him on horseback and got him out of Ironrath, Rodrik wasn’t strong enough to carry the sword, so he dropped it right before fleeing his beloved home.
“I miss Mother, Rodrik.” Talia said, her eyes filled with tears.
“Me too, Talia, me too.” It was silent for a while, until Duncan decided to discuss some important matters.
“The Whitehills are most definitely back at Highpoint by now, or maybe those bastards even have men posted at Ironrath.” He said with a frown. Rodrik nodded.
“Did you see Eleana before you found me by any chance?” Rodrk asked, hoping that they did see her.
“I’m afraid not, my lord.” Duncan answered. Rodrik’s heart sank to his boots.
“What about Royland or Ryon?” He now asked, remembering the last he saw of his sentinel and his little brother.
“I don’t think we saw them either, we were already trying to escape.” Talia answered with sadness.
“Hmph.” Rodrick let out. Duncan started to roast parts of the pig over the fire, cooking their dinner slowly. Rodrik look at Duncan from across the fire, at his filthy face and into his eyes. He remembered when just a few weeks ago he had found out that Duncan had been feeding information to the Whitehills. Rodrik saw that Duncan was devoted now, but still had his doubts.
After some more awkward silence, the bacon was done. All three of them quickly ate the bacon, and it was gone in minutes. After that, Duncan spoke up once more.
“So My Lord, where do we go from here?” Rodrik looked at Duncan, and then to his right at Talia, who had her eyes fixed on him, waiting to hear his decision. Rodrik needed to think carefully on this one. His family was in shambles, and his next decision would most definitely affect the path of the House
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore]
[Return To Ironrath And Search For Survivors]
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore]
Maybe the Glenmores after all that's happened won't help, but it's still too risky going to Ironrath.
Travel to rillwater crossing and seek help from house glenmore. I agree rodrik won't be fit enough and we'll be killed at first sight. Glenmore's may blame you for Arthur n stuff but I'm sure they'll declare war on the whitehills after we report about his daughter
[Return to Ironrath and search for some survivors]
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore]
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore] Makes sense that he should go and see his betrothed's family to face the consequences up till now.
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore]
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore] I think that's the best option. Seeking help from the house that he was betrothed it's way better than going back to Ironrath where, of course will be Whitehill soldiers.
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore]
[Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore] Going back to Ironrath would be a death sentence. Hopefully, if not for their share of the ironwood (cf; convince Elaena to marry Rodrik) the Glenmores will support the remnants of House Forrester in order to find their kin.
Rodrik, Talia, and Duncan will [Travel to Rillwater Crossing And Seek Help From House Glenmore] Next Chapter is coming very soon!
So.... Yeah, whens that next chapter coming
Tomorrow, sorry for the wait
Gared Tuttle
Snowy Mountains
Gared sat against the tree, slowly drinking out of his makeshift water holder made out of animal skins. Next to him sitting down was Sylvi, while to the other side of him Elsera stood in front of her warriors, chanting some ancient spell to strengthen their bond to her. In front of all this was where Josera sat, perched down on a pile of snow with his legs crossed. In front of him was a blue fire crackling from the ironwood. His eyes were nothing but white, signaling that he was in control of his white bear, Shadow. According to him, he was using Shadow to scout out the next few miles out, looking for any danger up ahead.
“My warriors are growing weaker by the day.” Elsera said as she finished chanting.
“Will they be able to get us through The Wall?” Gared asked.
“Of course, as long as we keep moving as fast as we can, but after that, I don’t know.” She replied before looking over at her brother. “I hope he hasn’t found any danger”
“Me too.” Gared said. Elsera nodded at him and then returned to put her warriors on post. After some more silence, Sylvi spoke up.
“Gared, I can’t go through The Wall, it’s not my place.” She said as he looked into his eyes, hoping that he would agree. This was not the first time that she had brought this up, and frankly Gared was getting sick of it.
“I gave Cotter my word that I would protect you! I can’t do that if I leave you here!” He exclaimed, trying to get his point across. He could’ve sworn he saw her flinch at the name of her brother.
“Cotter…Isn’t here now. He never would let me out of his sight, and now he’s gone. I have to make my own choices now without him, and I belong beyond The Wall! Besides, why should I trust you, you let my brother suffer as you cut him open!” She shouted back. Elsera was looking back at them now.
“Sylvi, I-“
“Wights!” Elsera shouted. Gared and Sylvi immediately stood up, alert to the coming danger. Gared drew his sword, looking at the group of about eight wights coming towards them. He heard a roar to his left, and noticed Shadow running through the snow ready to help in the fight. Josera twitched a little as Shadow got closer to his body.
One of the wights jump and slashed his way through the controlled warriors, clashing it’s sword with Gared’s. Gared look at the wight and noticed that it used to be a young girl, with long dark hair and high cheekbones. Now the poor girl was just dead, both inside and out.
Shadow jumped on top of the wight, letting Gared move forward, catching another wight by surprise as he swung at its neck. The wight’s head came clean off, but the body of was still fighting. Gared blocked its attacks, blocking left and then in the middle before kicking it over. He advanced for the campfire in front of Josera, but he tripped back as he looked behind him and noticed the headless wight’s hand was wrapped around his ankle.
Before he could do anything else, Sylvi ran over and stabbed her spear through the wight’s arm, twisting until it let go of Gared and then starting to try and grab Sylvi.
“Just get fire!” She shouted as she held off the headless wight. Gared kept moving towards the fire until he reached it. He pushed back another wight with the help of a warrior before quickly picking up an ironwood torch and dabbing it into the fire right before turning around and lighting a wight on fire. He ran over to Sylvi where he burned the headless wight’s body. Elsera shouted directions to the warriors in a foreign language as they all moved to get torches to light the rest of the wights.
In only another minute, Gared’s group stood victorious. The warriors burned the last of the wights as they cried in pain. “We need to keep moving, more will be coming soon.” Elsera ordered as she gathered up her warriors. Josera stood up and patted Shadow on the back as he nodded at Gared. Gared nodded back before looking at Sylvi, who was cleaning the tip of her spear. She looked up from her work at him with anger in her eyes before following along with Josera. Gared opened his mouth to say something to her, but then decided that it was best to discuss his protection over her later. No matter what happened, he had to remember his promise to Cotter.
Rodrik Forrester
Path To The Rills
Rodrik, Talia, and Duncan walked along the tree line of the forest, trying to make as little noise as possible. Whitehill soldiers usually roamed this area, looking for survivors from Ironrath. Rodrik thought of all the people that he didn’t know the fate of. Royland, Maester Ortengryn, Eleana…He hoped that they were all okay.
Thinking of Eleana led Rodrik to thoughts of what he would tell House Glenmore. They probably already knew, but he wasn’t sure how they would handle it coming from him. He still regretted being too weak to save her as she was dragged off.
He thought about Eleana’s family and their reactions to the battle. He had actually forgot all of the family members of House Glenmore, but he was sure that seeing them again would jog his memory. He still had a clear image of Lord Glenmore. He remembered him being a very large and intimidating man, and he was indeed no coward, which could either be bad or good in Rodrik’s case. He was just hoping that they would agree to help.
The sound of rushing water filled his ears as he scanned the area, looking for the source. “My Lord, we’re close!” Duncan exclaimed, walking alongside the stream of clear water.
“Indeed.” Rodrik said. He looked at Talia and gave her a faint smile. “The Glenmore Keep should be very close.”
“Aye” Duncan replied, turning back and smiling. The trio kept walking up hill, brushing branches and leaves out of their face as they advanced towards the exit of the forest. The closer they got to the light, the more hope Rodrik was filled with. He thought about Ironrath, and what he would have to do to reclaim a home like that. He also thought about how he would be able to spare his family’s name. He thought about what Lord Glenmore would say, and was frankly a little nervous.
“Struff, let’s go! We need to get back to Lord Gryff.” A rough voice was heard to the left. Duncan looked at Rodrik and Talia and then immediately ducked down behind a tree. The other two followed behind him, trying to make no sound. After a couple more seconds, two Whitehill soldiers came into view. They wore their trademark silver helmets as well as their own light silver arm. The one that called out was a little bigger than the other, muscular but not quite as big as Harys. The other, presumably Struff, was a lighter weight man with blonde hair and a determined look on his face. The sword in his sheath also seemed to be a smaller than the other’s.
“I’m coming dammit. Just can’t believe that bastard Morton Glenmore still wishes to defy us, even after we shit on the Forresters!” Struff said angrily.
“The fucker will learn in time.” The bigger man sad, huffing as they walked along. After a few more seconds, they disappeared into the forest. Rodrik let a long breath out as the three of them stood up.
“Those men called Gryff their lord…” Duncan trailed off. Rodrik frowned at the sight of Gryff as the Lord of House Whitehill. He was a bloody fourth – born, but his brothers just weren’t there to take over. Rodrik had another thought of driving his blade through Gryff, a thought he had ever since the beginning of all of this.
“We must not dwell on it now, we just need to be careful.” Duncan explained.
“Rodrik, there could be more soldiers at the Keep.” Talia added with a worried look.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be careful.” Rodrik replied. The three of them kept moving until they could see the Glenmore Keep. It was made out of stone, and large tapestries flowed over the wall with the symbol of the Glenmores. Two orange fires were lit up on torches that hung from the wall above the gate. Two Glenmore guards, both heavily armored and with shields stood in front of the gate.
“I don’t see any sign of the Whitehills.” Duncan said.
“But they could be inside!” Talia said.
“I doubt it, my lady. Lord Glenmore usually isn’t this calm when he has visitors, and he wouldn’t just let the Whitehills in knowing what they did to us. The man is no coward, but he’s also not daft.” Duncan explained.
“It’s our only chance, so let’s go.” Rodrik said. He wondered if Eleana’s family knew of her capture, and what they thought of Ironrath’s fall. Rodrik prayed to the gods that this would work as the trio walked up to the front gate, ready to play their cards right.