Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I feel my childhood being ruined by that fact.

    Heck if someone can make one out of spongebob I truly believe anything is possibly.....sometimes I hate the Internet...~_~

  • Oh, dear, don't die, cause we need more!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Chapter 4 is up. Dies https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11566055/4/The-Offer

  • Mine died a long time ago once I discovered Tumblr and Deviantart. xp

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I feel my childhood being ruined by that fact.

  • edited December 2015

    It will be a battle sung by the bards, for years upon years to come.

    That so made me think of Mojo Jojo from The Powerpuff Girls, and we will see wont we. ;)

    I would expect a fitting rematch from you, sir. This isn't over. I'll tell you when it is. It'll feel much different than this....

  • Oh, that's what I like to hear. Jack!

    No, like blood and Handsome Jack dark.

  • That is great! Have some <3 to get used to them :)

    Okay, everyone....so I made an account on AO3. Finally, I guess? Was it inevitable? I don't know. Anyway. I know a handful of you are alr

  • I shall have a drink for the memory of our fallen childhoods.

    Mine died a long time ago once I discovered Tumblr and Deviantart. xp

  • Is that Fennekin? THAT IS FENNEKIN!

    Fennekin bester gen 6 starter!

    enter image description here

    Truly beautiful. :0

  • The mead halls will echo with the tales of the blood that was spilled and the valor than was shown.

    I was going for Vallory's lines to Athena, but that works, too!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    It will be a battle sung by the bards, for years upon years to come. That so made me think of Mojo Jojo from The Powerpuff Girls, and we will see wont we.

  • Here,here...

    enter image description here

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I shall have a drink for the memory of our fallen childhoods.

  • Thats sounds so freaking metal. YEAH LETS DO IT!!!!

    Wow that makes so much more sense, I love it

    The mead halls will echo with the tales of the blood that was spilled and the valor than was shown. I was going for Vallory's lines to Athena, but that works, too!

  • Will be bookmarking it when I get off work.

    Okay, everyone....so I made an account on AO3. Finally, I guess? Was it inevitable? I don't know. Anyway. I know a handful of you are alr

  • I'm a pretend doctor im sure I can save her. :)

    Mawula posted: »

    Oh, dear, don't die, cause we need more!

  • I just love that you started stalking me like Winter-Storms xD

    Anyways, it's almost the whole fanfic I thought it was wrong. I pretty much got only the beginning good but after that, I screwed it over. I even fucked up the ending ;_;

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Don't start over, just change the things you don't like. Sounds good tho. Mira better get some action

  • edited December 2015



    Kennybadger posted: »

    Thats sounds so freaking metal. YEAH LETS DO IT!!!! Wow that makes so much more sense, I love it

  • Ha, I can be like Ross Geller:

    • I'm a doctor! (meaning PhD)

    • They meant they needed a real doctor, Ross!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I'm a pretend doctor im sure I can save her.


    Now we need a Viking Rhyiona fanfic...

    TO BATTLE!! TO GLORY!!! Lol.

  • O.O Holy crap your a PhD. ~bows~ I'm unworthy

    Mawula posted: »

    Ha, I can be like Ross Geller: * I'm a doctor! (meaning PhD) * They meant they needed a real doctor, Ross!

  • Wait, are we in an alliance, now? MADNESS, I SAY!

    That....might actually be really, really epic.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    FOR THE HIGHFATHER AND RHYIONA. Now we need a Viking Rhyiona fanfic...

  • I'm old, it must have benefits :)

    Kennybadger posted: »

    O.O Holy crap your a PhD. ~bows~ I'm unworthy

  • Peanut were both Rhyiona so that trumps the petty battles between pepperments and marshmallows.

    I know right have no idea how it could be pulled off, but it would be epic.

    Wait, are we in an alliance, now? MADNESS, I SAY! That....might actually be really, really epic.

  • edited December 2015

    Hell all i got is 4 years of pretend medical school, and I failed 2 years of it. You good lady are awesome. ^.^

    Mawula posted: »

    I'm old, it must have benefits

  • I just love that you started stalking me like Winter-Storms xD

    There are spies everywhere in the Telltale Forums, my dear Wolfenus...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I just love that you started stalking me like Winter-Storms xD Anyways, it's almost the whole fanfic I thought it was wrong. I pretty much got only the beginning good but after that, I screwed it over. I even fucked up the ending ;_;

  • edited December 2015

    AHHH CHAPTER 5 STUFF. Proud of myself, I think listening to an OST really helped. :)

    Weeks flew by since their last date and despite them not going no any dates, Rhys sent checks through the mail for Fiona despite the two not showing their on-screen affection. He knew of her situation and wanted to help her, even if that meant putting a small dent into his already small pay. He even built up the courage to send her a text message every day during his shifts. Those messages were contained either “Good Morning!” or “How are you doing?” He even thought it was nice to send her “Goodnight” messages as well. They weren’t the ideal conversation starters, but it was something. He wanted to get to known her, but Rhys decided it was best to do that in person, it just felt more personal that way.

    Fiona was oddly touched by his mundane messages and replied back with the same. However, when Rhys added hearts, she didn’t follow. She would ask about his long hours at Hyperion and Rhys would describe how his opinion of certain Hyperion employees started to change after noticing their “hygienic habits.” Namely Vasquez, who just seemed to drop every single piece of trash or tray of food in his path.

    After those tiring weeks, Rhys was finally given two days off after Vasquez grew tired of Rhys doing the same thing. Once Rhys got word of this, he immediately texted Fiona offering for the next day to be the day they trained. He also passed word onto Yvette and Vaughn, who agreed to drop by a little bit earlier than planned to discuss something. The next day came by quickly and after hours on the train heading to Helios, which didn’t help because of the seasons change, Fiona finally arrived at Helios.

    “Huh...This is...what I pretty much expected.” Helios, as expected, was small but grand. It was like being in an exclusive club, that’s how one would describe the population of the city. Many people stared at Fiona as she looked down at her phone, reading the text that Rhys sent her over and over again. Buildings were tall and the shops were expansive compared to Hollow Point, it became abundantly clear that an outsider would not be able to find their destination easily. Ignoring their stares, Fiona walked up to a Loader Bot.

    “H-hey, do you know where this apartment is?” She shoved her phone in the robot’s gigantic eye. A few brief moments pass before the robot responded.

    “Yes, I do. That’s where Rhys lives. He actually sent me here for you.” Huh, how convenient and nice of Rhys to do that.

    And with that, I gotta go and get some sleep. Bye :D


    Just for kicks, if I'm ever low on prompts, I'll give Viking-Rhyiona a try.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Peanut were both Rhyiona so that trumps the petty battles between pepperments and marshmallows. I know right have no idea how it could be pulled off, but it would be epic.

  • edited December 2015

    LOADER BOT!!!!!!

    Also, texts with hearts? -melting- That is too adorable.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    AHHH CHAPTER 5 STUFF. Proud of myself, I think listening to an OST really helped. Weeks flew by since their last date and despite them

  • Oh, cool, no one called me lady before :)

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Hell all i got is 4 years of pretend medical school, and I failed 2 years of it. You good lady are awesome. ^.^

  • Yes with your awesome fanfics and my....something, we will destroy the false ship of Rhysha,

    Lol You would do great at it.

    ......yes. Yes it does. THEN THIS SHALL BE THE MIGHTIEST ALLIANCE THE WORLD HAS SEEN. Just for kicks, if I'm ever low on prompts, I'll give Viking-Rhyiona a try.

  • edited December 2015

    Be prewarned I use it a lot, along with sir and bro.

    Also thats horrible.

    Mawula posted: »

    Oh, cool, no one called me lady before

  • Your....your....um....your razor-sharp wit!

    I wouldn't even know where to start...although I did start one for Zer0/Gaige where they were pirates...so it might not be that outlandish...

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Yes with your awesome fanfics and my....something, we will destroy the false ship of Rhysha, Lol You would do great at it.

  • Lol I totally forgot about that post, we cant forget logic and my mad unimporant advice skills,

    Well i'll be here giving you moral support.

    Your....your....um....your razor-sharp wit! I wouldn't even know where to start...although I did start one for Zer0/Gaige where they were pirates...so it might not be that outlandish...

  • Hey, whatever you can bring to the table will be appreciated, man.

    Moral support is the best support.

    I'm almost done with this scene, by the way....I hope you're emotionally ready for this.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Lol I totally forgot about that post, we cant forget logic and my mad unimporant advice skills, Well i'll be here giving you moral support.

  • Lol I can bring the table and flip the rest.

    I always thought so.

    You mean with the siren Rhys one shot or you going to be leaving..either way, I'll fight though the tears.

    Hey, whatever you can bring to the table will be appreciated, man. Moral support is the best support. I'm almost done with this scene, by the way....I hope you're emotionally ready for this.

  • That certainly works, too.


    Both, technically, since I'm dead tired. But I'll post the one-shot in a few minutes.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Lol I can bring the table and flip the rest. I always thought so. You mean with the siren Rhys one shot or you going to be leaving..either way, I'll fight though the tears.

  • five high yeah teamwork

    I'll be eagerly waiting while I eat dinner.

    That certainly works, too. -high-five- Both, technically, since I'm dead tired. But I'll post the one-shot in a few minutes.

  • Here it comes...

    Kennybadger posted: »

    five high yeah teamwork I'll be eagerly waiting while I eat dinner.

  • Here it is. It's not fluffy. I'm not totally happy with the way it turned out, I think the pacing is a little off, but I'll keep working with it. Just wanted to put it up here for you all to see first.

    The Sound of Silence

    There was absolutely no sound from beyond the door. Even the air in the hallway seemed motionless. She reached for the doorknob, turning it slowly. “Rhys...?” The hinges creaked as she pushed the door open, loud amidst the silence. The room on the other side was dark, and she could barely make out a shape slumped against the far wall. A waft of stale air hit her, dusty and sour. She grimaced.

    “Rhys? Hey...” She focused on the familiar silhouette, trying not to stare at the faintly-glowing patterns pulsing across his skin. “Lilith and Maya said...” She trailed off, choked by the sudden lump rising in her throat, and wished her eyes hadn’t adjusted to the dim light.

    To say he looked bad would have been a terrible understatement. No, he looked dead. His clothes, normally so clean and precise, were rumpled, haphazard, and stained. His skin was ashen, his hair was tangled and unwashed, his lips were chapped and cracking. His eyes seemed to have sunk into his skull and he stared straight ahead with an unfocused, glazed expression, as if he wasn’t aware of her presence at all.

    She swallowed, taking a step closer.

    In a sudden flurry of motion, he was on his feet, backing away. His eyes, now focused, were wild, glinting in the low light, darting around the room. From her, to the door, back to her.


    He just shook his head frantically.

    She held out her hands to him. “Rhys, it’s okay—”

    “D-d-don’t. P-please.” His voice was hoarse, his breathing labored. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

    “Hurt me? You saved my life...” She started forward again. “Why would you—”

    “S-stop, please, just—just stop,” he pleaded, still shaking his head and backing away from her. “Fiona, p-please...” His voice dropped to a whisper. “Please...please...”

    Her gut clenched as he looked up at her, desperation evident in his eyes. “I...don’t get it,” she admitted softly.

    Rhys forced out something between a laugh and a sob, but didn’t offer any other answer; just kept shaking his head. After a long minute, he drew in a ragged breath and broke the tense silence. “I can’t control it.” He raised his left hand; slowly, looking at it with distant eyes.

    Fiona could only watch, mesmerized by the erratic flashes of bright blue that twisted down her lover’s arm.

    “Can’t control it,” he repeated, softer, more to himself.

    “But aren’t—”

    “NO! You don’t get it.”

    The change of tone was enough to snap her out of whatever daze she’d fallen into. He was staring directly at her, and for the first time, she felt something cold creep into her chest at the sight of his mismatched eyes. The intensity and focus unnerved her. He looked...dangerous. Feral.

    Yet it passed in an instant. Almost so quickly that she wasn’t sure she’d actually seen it.

    “You know about Jack’s daughter,” he began, voice soft, once again watching his arm with that far-off expression. “She was a Siren, too. You know what she did?” He glanced up at her briefly. “She killed her own mother. When she was just a little girl. Because she couldn’t control what she had!

    Just like that, the edge was back and Fiona found that she was the one stepping away this time.

    “You saw what happened to him. The man who...” He cut himself off with another strange noise. “There wasn’t even enough of him left to leave a bloodstain...” Again, he made eye contact, but it wasn’t like before. All Fiona could see this time was pain. “I won’t let that happen to you.”

    “It won’t, Rhys—”

    “You don’t know that!” he barked. “You...you can’t p-possibly know t-that.” He took a few shaky steps backward and collapsed against the wall. “I’m s-sure Angel loved her m-mother...a-and yet...that wasn’t enough t-to keep it from happening, was it!? Sh-she killed...” He dissolved into tears before he could finish the sentence, sliding back down to the floor.

    Fiona drifted across the room, falling weakly onto a couch, feeling totally helpless for only the second time in her life. But this time was somehow worse than the first. The man she loved was literally falling to pieces right in front of her and so far, she hadn’t been able to do anything to stop it, despite being here, with him, capable and willing. Lilith had said he hadn’t eaten since that day out in the Badlands. That had been three days ago.


    Nothing but sobbing.

    “You’re going to end up killing yourself,” she whispered.

    “S-so let it h-happen,” was the broken mumble. “You’d a-all be b-better off...”

    She drew in a sharp breath, unsure if he was being selfish or selfless. “You have to help me understand. Please.”

    He blinked up at her, tears glistening on his face.

    “When Helios crashed, people died. What makes one man so different from all—”

    “Because it was me,” he cut in. His voice was surprisingly level. “Helios was Jack’s fault. But that man out there in the desert? I was responsible for that. I…vaporized him. I didn’t even have to touch him! It’s inside me, and I don’t want it—”

    “He was trying to shoot me, Rhys!” she countered, standing again. “You weren’t going to let that happen! You were protecting me!”

    “I don’t want this!” he screamed. “It hurts, okay?! It feels like I have acid in my veins and I would gladly bleed myself dry just to make it stop—” He doubled over onto his hands and knees with a moan, gagging up nothing but raw air and bile.

    Fiona couldn’t watch. She shut her eyes and waited until the coughing stopped to open them again. “Tell me how I can help.”

    He didn’t answer for a long time. Just stayed there on the floor, shaking, sobbing, seeming so small. “You can leave.”

    “I’m not leaving—”


    She shook her head firmly. “I know you think there’s no way out of this, but you’re not doing yourself any favors by—”

    “I already told you!” Hysteria was starting to creep into his voice. “You’re not safe around me!”

    “I am not going to leave you here like this—”

    “Get out!”

    I love you, Rhys!

    “GET. OUT!”

    A hush fell over the room as they stared at each other. That same animalistic intensity was back in his tear-stained eyes, but this time, it didn’t scare her. It broke her heart. He truly thought he was taking care of her. Slowly, she backed toward the door. He didn’t say anything, just watched her go.

    The click of the latch was too loud in the quiet and she simply stood there, her heart pounding against her ribs. She'd never seen him in so much pain before. And what made it worse was the fact that it wasn't only physical pain. This was deeper. This was something she couldn't heal. She was losing him because he hadn't wanted to lose her.

    Setting her jaw, she turned back, grabbing the doorknob. She couldn’t let him do this to himself. They hadn’t come all this way to—

    The knob wouldn’t turn. "Rhys?! Rhys!" She tried again. Still stuck. “Dammit, Rhys, I won’t let you do this! I’m going to get Lilith!”

    There was no answer. Even his crying had quieted. However, she heard one last hitched sob before a deafening gunshot pierced through the thick air. When her ears stopped ringing, all she could hear was silence.

  • ......couldn't fight the tears....jeez bravo Peanut bravo

    Here it is. It's not fluffy. I'm not totally happy with the way it turned out, I think the pacing is a little off, but I'll keep working wit

  • I do not have words. Only one.


    But it really gets me in the mood for writing.... to give a good ending through the darkness, and deny this despair claiming my heart right now...

    Here it is. It's not fluffy. I'm not totally happy with the way it turned out, I think the pacing is a little off, but I'll keep working wit

  • I'm looking for ideas for a Rhyiona render. :)

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