'Start to Finish' Mid-Season Finale Episode Discussion



  • I thought so too. But nobody I know has mentioned it, so I assumed nobody noticed it, as people made a pretty big deal out of thinking it was Glenn. I guess most people didn't think it was worth discussing.

    Well yeah. I mean they made that clear didnt they

  • Im preatty sure it will :)

    The midseason season premiere should have the missing comic books scenes i am waiting for ... Can't wait tho.

  • And even before that a few scenes are pretty memorable.........

    I've seen a lot of people say this episode was boring and lame, but trust me, it's the calm before the storm. Negan's gonna fuck shit up soon enough.

  • Most people want to blame Morgan because it's entirely his fault, just like Rick's last ditch effort to distract the herd going bad was entirely his fault for not killing those five Wolves. Hell, even putting aside the whole argument about morality, it's also Morgan's fault because he tied the dude's hands in front of him like a moron, instead of behind his back so he could never grab anything with ease like, say, a stick that he could use to knock someone out (Oh, wait). Or leave him free to fuck around with the binds around his legs, which even then, obviously didn't impede him from standing up. What if he had laid in wait and lunged at Morgan as he came through the door and managed to knock him out? Hell, even Lamson managed to knock Sasha out with his hands behind his back.

    Any argument regarding Morgan's tormented psyche and all that crap can easily be extended to Carol as well, who was clearly emotionally devastated by the attack of the Wolves, the actions she was forced to take, and the innocents whose lives they claimed. Now here comes Morgan trying to save and use up medical resources on the guy who orchestrated the entire attack, who also flat out tells Morgan that he should be killed because the second he gets out he's going to kill more people. He's just as single-minded as Carol, just in the opposite and much stupider direction.

    And this is coming from someone who doesn't like it any more than you do that the show constantly treats Rick and Carol like nothing they do can be wrong in some way. But when it comes down to it, Carol is fighting to kill the remorseless, un-savable murderer to keep him from ever trying something that will get people killed again, and Morgan is fighting to protect the remorseless, un-savable murderer because he wants to prove to himself that he's not a complete shit after all the things he's done wrong in his life, and the lives of innocents be damned. Annoying or not, one side is right, and the other is stupid.

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    I'm with you. Both Carol and Rick have been irritating the shit out of me since they arrived in Alexandria. Most people want to blame Morgan

  • Why did Daryl even stop the truck? they had been ambushed a day earlier, wouldn't you think it would be the same guys? is it the same guys? Either way that fuel truck could have rolled over all six of those bikes without breaking a valve stem. thats what I would have done, motorcycles offer little protection for riders. my wife's uncle was hit by a camry and was in hospital for weeks. so yeah stopping the truck was a bad idea.

  • Human skin offers little protection from bullets.

    Why did Daryl even stop the truck? they had been ambushed a day earlier, wouldn't you think it would be the same guys? is it the same guys?

  • thanks science side of the telltale forum

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Human skin offers little protection from bullets.

  • People were just looking at anything to be glenn, really I think the writers wanted people to think that too. But glenn was revealed so therewas no real point talking about it

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I thought so too. But nobody I know has mentioned it, so I assumed nobody noticed it, as people made a pretty big deal out of thinking it was Glenn. I guess most people didn't think it was worth discussing.

  • It would have been great if the show didnt do this weird split season thing. All that tension built will be lost in two months

    I've seen a lot of people say this episode was boring and lame, but trust me, it's the calm before the storm. Negan's gonna fuck shit up soon enough.

  • Yuuup. Mid-season finale's suck ass.

    It would have been great if the show didnt do this weird split season thing. All that tension built will be lost in two months

  • A-fucking-men to that.

    I've seen a lot of people say this episode was boring and lame, but trust me, it's the calm before the storm. Negan's gonna fuck shit up soon enough.

  • Dude are you bill nye or some shit? That's some amazing science right there.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Human skin offers little protection from bullets.

  • It was 10 seconds away from what would have been one of the most memorable mid-s finales. Oh well, roll on the premiere!

  • edited December 2015

    thats why you don't stop the truck
    and lets not forget that Abraham has an RPG

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Human skin offers little protection from bullets.

  • There's no way they could've gone straight through them without one of them successfully killing them.

    thats why you don't stop the truck and lets not forget that Abraham has an RPG

  • It not the only show that does that. Right now chrismas break is popular since its believed all people watch in this time is chrismas movies.

    It would have been great if the show didnt do this weird split season thing. All that tension built will be lost in two months

  • Also the Rpg is in the back.......which is covered by a wall. Also its not loaded so he would have to load it

    thats why you don't stop the truck and lets not forget that Abraham has an RPG

  • I don't think they want to keep the mindset that mid season finales are the best part. It would maje sense for a premier though.

    It was 10 seconds away from what would have been one of the most memorable mid-s finales. Oh well, roll on the premiere!

  • But it is a finale nonetheless, it shouldn't leave everything for 3 months. If they'd had that scene from the comics (don't wanna say it incase some people don't know, but I think we see eye to eye on it) right at the end and rolled the credits there, the reviews would have been a lot more favourable. I mean, all it's done is make sure the premiere's gonna be bonkers, it just woulda been nice to have something to remember from the episode

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I don't think they want to keep the mindset that mid season finales are the best part. It would maje sense for a premier though.

  • O cmon we had good scenes.

    Morgan vs Carol

    The stair scene

    Deana talking to the group

    But it is a finale nonetheless, it shouldn't leave everything for 3 months. If they'd had that scene from the comics (don't wanna say it inc

  • Fair enough, the Morgan/Carol scene was pretty good.

    Don't get me wrong, the episode was suspenseful and had a fitting ending for Deanna.

    My problem is that there was no final payoff. There was no shock value or a lasting thought, it just seemed to leave everything to the premiere, and I have comic hindsight, some people won't know it's all about to hit the fan. So I can imagine it was a little underwhelming for them

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    O cmon we had good scenes. Morgan vs Carol The stair scene Deana talking to the group

  • Well look at it this way next ep is definetly going to get people talking.....

    Fair enough, the Morgan/Carol scene was pretty good. Don't get me wrong, the episode was suspenseful and had a fitting ending for Deanna.

  • besides in the comic judith definitely gets shot along with Lori, not killed by lori landing on her.

    What worries me is Judith. What if he lands on her after getting shot???? Wow, that'd be how Judith (AKA Judy) died in the comics ac

  • Anyone know when TWD is going to return?

  • Please do not bump old threads like this, just use the edit button.

    besides in the comic judith definitely gets shot along with Lori, not killed by lori landing on her.

  • Before I lock the thread, February 14th I believe is the day.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Anyone know when TWD is going to return?

  • Thanks!! I can't wait :)

    Before I lock the thread, February 14th I believe is the day.

This discussion has been closed.