THe worst one I got was losing my save file for both TWD S1 and GoT, that is a glitch I just can't forgive, since it's been happening to players for 3 years. If it has a top down camera, it could either be 2 or the original version of 3.
Really? I actually never lost a save file in a Telltale game. xD
I'd still say the Gryff one was worse, since it made a choice look pointless and it makes it seem as if they didn't even beta test the episode.
THe worst one I got was losing my save file for both TWD S1 and GoT, that is a glitch I just can't forgive, since it's been happening to pla… moreyers for 3 years. If it has a top down camera, it could either be 2 or the original version of 3.
I'd still say the Gryff one was worse, since it made a choice look pointless and it makes it seem as if they didn't even beta test the episode.
I have, and I wasn't laughing when it happened. Not sure if it has happened to Minecraft users, but I see a bunch of topics about people not being able to play the episodes. I think I remember a year ago, seeing some people who bouth TWAU's season pass on the 360 not being able to simply download their episodes and had to wait for a fix.
It only took 4 months... something that shouldn't have happened in the 1st place.
THe worst one I got was losing my save file for both TWD S1 and GoT, that is a glitch I just can't forgive, since it's been happening to pla… moreyers for 3 years. If it has a top down camera, it could either be 2 or the original version of 3.
Really? I actually never lost a save file in a Telltale game. xD
I'd still say the Gryff one was worse, since it made a choice look pointless and it makes it seem as if they didn't even beta test the episode.
True dat. At least I'm glad that they fixed it :P
I have, and I wasn't laughing when it happened. Not sure if it has happened to Minecraft users, but I see a bunch of topics about people not being able to play the episodes. I think I remember a year ago, seeing some people who bouth TWAU's season pass on the 360 not being able to simply download their episodes and had to wait for a fix.
Damn... Seriously, I don't know why that kind of thing never happened to me .-.
It only took 4 months... something that shouldn't have happened in the 1st place.
I have, and I wasn't laughing when it happened. Not sure if it has happened to Minecraft users, but I see a bunch of topics about people not… more being able to play the episodes. I think I remember a year ago, seeing some people who bouth TWAU's season pass on the 360 not being able to simply download their episodes and had to wait for a fix.
It only took 4 months... something that shouldn't have happened in the 1st place.
I have, and I wasn't laughing when it happened. Not sure if it has happened to Minecraft users, but I see a bunch of topics about people not… more being able to play the episodes. I think I remember a year ago, seeing some people who bouth TWAU's season pass on the 360 not being able to simply download their episodes and had to wait for a fix.
Damn... Seriously, I don't know why that kind of thing never happened to me .-.
It only took 4 months... something that shouldn't have happened in the 1st place.
Oh... Poor TWAU fans ;_;
Some users are just lucky. The most that happened in TWAU, to me, was Woody's lamp being stuck to his bod
Oh... I actually encounter glitches that there aren't that bad And in TWAU, I don't remember encountering any glitch xD
No I was talking about the Gryff glitch. >.< Should've specified that.
Haha xD Although, it would made me happy if they could fix the glitch immediately when Telltale saw it. I didn't like waiting 4 months so the glitch could be fixed :'c
Some users are just lucky. The most that happened in TWAU, to me, was Woody's lamp being stuck to his body.
No I was talking about the Gryff glitch. >.< Should've specified that.
And I have never said that you were shitting any game whatsoever. I was speaking generally. Of course it had flaws, everything does, I just wanted to know why do you think the dialogue in the game was unrealistic(?).
I never said that I shit on a game. I only said that I criticize it and point out the flaws. And LiS had flaws. And so do Telltale games (yes, and TFTBL).
There are some mad double standards here... I seen people criticize Life is strange just for the fact that they think "the choices didn't matter in the end" Well guess what... TWD has the exact same formula...
That really doesn't matter, its still a reasonable criticism on both sides when a game that is heavy on player choice, buts fails in certain aspects to make those choices matter in terms of narrative branching..
There are some mad double standards here... I seen people criticize Life is strange just for the fact that they think "the choices didn't m… moreatter in the end" Well guess what... TWD has the exact same formula...
The Impact of choices in TTG and Dontnod are just about the same.
Its okay to not like the game.. for me personally I found Life is strange to be the first story I enjoyed immensely since TWD S1 and TLOU.. . I get there are Telltale fanboys on here but don't act like Telltale is any better at "Making choices matter" same goes for Dontnod... Just enjoy both stories for what they are.. and their ability to make us empathise.
After playing all those I can say I could care less about any of the characters in telltales games. LIS is the only game that I have ever p… morelayed that I actually shed a tear in and had a profound impact on me. Again, just opinions and nobody is going to change mine and I'm not going to try and change anyone elses.
Replay value for Telltale games is "0" for me. Where as, LiS I have played about 4 times now trying to find different things I missed each time. It all depends on what you like.
For example, I have never met any teen girl- especially in 2015- of anyone say "Go fuck your selfie" or " sad face" as a serious insult like Victoria did. I wouldn't say all of the dialogue in LiS is unrealistic or even bad, but there were moments for me where it the dialogue sounded like someone from the writing team was taking notes from Beyond Two Souls idea of american teens.
What the hell bruh, characters are probably the best thing about LiS... Also define "unrealistic dialogue". I keep seeing these points everywhere, and yet I never see any proof of it.
Once again I disagree with this.. I actually found Jefferson pretty scary/creepy they did a good job of making me hate him and become curiou… mores about why he did all of this.
But the dialogue between him and Max was ridicously bad! It is even worse than Luke's death in TWD S2.
Telltale has been at it for way longer and have had much more opportunities to test out new ideas and still make the same mistakes even after all the fan complaints and feedback. GOT has been getting horrible feedback... Tales was good.
I guess GOT isn't for everyone
It is true... the dialogue/choices you make in an episode get a slight mention/reaction from certain characters in the next episode.. and sometimes some unique scenes.. they work pretty much the same way... you are just blinded by your love of TTG that you favour those games and feel the need to criticize LIS for doing things no different than TWD.
Who said I never criticiz… [view original content]
I suppose it is something. At least the changes are smoother than like who saves Rodrik or Asher, with the lighting on Bowen/Erik being fuck… moreed up.
I also tend to be very harsh on glitches, and oh boy I could go on for a while on all the glitches I found in GoT PS4. Glitchiest game I played on it since AC Unity tbh. You're in for some craziness if you have MGS2.
For example, I have never met any teen girl- especially in 2015- of anyone say "Go fuck your selfie" or " sad face" as a serious insult li… moreke Victoria did. I wouldn't say all of the dialogue in LiS is unrealistic or even bad, but there were moments for me where it the dialogue sounded like someone from the writing team was taking notes from Beyond Two Souls idea of american teens.
I also tend to be very harsh on glitches, and oh boy I could go on for a while on all the glitches I found in GoT PS4
That weird. Game of Thrones has been running smoothly on my PS4 save for one minor glitch in episode 4
People have been saying wowsers for years. Old people say "wowsers" I can believe that. Anyone who hears "are you cereal" should follow up by saying " I'm not just cereal, i'm part of a complete breakfast."
Apparently, Red Bull Games has LIS up for voting for favorite/game of the year. I think you choose your top three and then they choose who is number one out of the group.
I've seen choice based games that have "tailored" the ending depending on your choices.. But I don't think I have played a game that actually makes all your choices matter in the end.. even Tales.. it happens the same way whoever you choose for your team.. its just model swapped with different dialogue for each character.
So in a way you are criticizing what hasn't really been done that well by any story based game in the first place.
There are some mad double standards here... I seen people criticize Life is strange just for the fact that they think "the choices didn't ma… moretter in the end" Well guess what... TWD has the exact same formula...
That really doesn't matter, its still a reasonable criticism on both sides when a game that is heavy on player choice, buts fails in certain aspects to make those choices matter in terms of narrative branching..
While still not doing the choice mechanic as well as TWAU or TWD . It still has more than two alternate scenarios to some situations and has more knowledge of choices than GOT, TWD S2 and Until Dawn (don't get me started on "cliches" in this one)
People have been saying wowsers for years. Old people say "wowsers" I can believe that. Anyone who hears "are you cereal" should follow up by saying " I'm not just cereal, i'm part of a complete breakfast."
I did play episode 1 but it just felt very similar to everything else they did. It doesn't feel fresh or inovative, it feels like they are just aplying the same formula to every game they do and it's getting real old real fast. The story was good and the characters were interesting but playing TTG games is just becoming repetitive. That's why LIS was so good for me it's because it felt fresh and new and actually had new mechanics that really altered the way you played the game and solved puzzles.
There are some mad double standards here... I seen people criticize Life is strange just for the fact that they think "the choices didn't m… moreatter in the end" Well guess what... TWD has the exact same formula...
The Impact of choices in TTG and Dontnod are just about the same.
Its okay to not like the game.. for me personally I found Life is strange to be the first story I enjoyed immensely since TWD S1 and TLOU.. . I get there are Telltale fanboys on here but don't act like Telltale is any better at "Making choices matter" same goes for Dontnod... Just enjoy both stories for what they are.. and their ability to make us empathise.
Absolutly right! If TTG doesn't recognized LiS As a Competitor, Then they wont get better. And a Really Big reason why LiS sold so good is, Because it's an Original IP. No One expected something Big from it. And the Sales started to rise After EP. 3 Because the Episode was actually good. And pewdiepie played it After EP. 3 so Thats. Reason too. And Thats were the complaints Are coming from. It sold more Then 2x better than TftBL or GoT. so we expected it to Be better. I started playing LiS shortly before EP. 4 released. I Heard soo many Things about it for example that it's the best Story in a videogame or that it's characters Are all amazingly written. I played it And i felt dissapointed. And EP. 5 made it much much worse. Thats where my Complaints Are coming from.
Also, I don't think Telltale considers LiS as competition.
Hmm, I don't know about that. I agree that LIS didn't innovate the genre,… more but LIS sold more on Steam than Tales and GOT... combined. They sold together 680k while LIS sold 708k. Of course, DONTNOD has a long way to go if they want to become as succesful as TTG. Not everything has to be a competition, but we're talking games of the same genre, and at the end of the day what matter the most to gaming companies is sales.
Well i'm gonna make another post here just to clear some things up.
What i said in my previous post is just my opinion. You can totally love TTG stuff and that's fine.
LIS did inovate the genre (or atleast inovate on what telltale did) with the time travel mechanic since it changed the way you made choices and solved puzzles. On the topic of puzzles, why doesn't TT put hardly any puzzles in their games any more? Doing the detective work in episode 4 (i think it was 4) of LIS was really fun.TT also doesn't put any hubs in their game anymore wich is another thing LIS did. To me it feels like LIS just takes everything that made TWD S1 so good and puts a twist on it. Yes it did do a couple of things wrong like that fucking find the bottles section and under-developing one of the endings a bit, but it also did so many things right, one of the best soundtracks EVER, a fresh art-style, it explored new-themes, made me care about the characters and chloe's voice actor did an AMAZING JOB.
IMO TT needs to something new because their games feel like their done all by the same person with the same vision and while that worked for a bit i feel like it's not good enough anymore no matter how good a story they make i can't immerse myself in it because everything just feels so similar. That's why i'm excited for TWD S3 and their Super show. Because i feel like they are gonna bring something new to the table with those 2 games.
Anyway i'm not on this thread to discuss anything TT related so i'm not gonna reply to anyone or make a new post about things TT related on here.
Well i'm gonna make another post here just to clear some things up.
What i said in my previous post is just my opinion. You can totally l… moreove TTG stuff and that's fine.
LIS did inovate the genre (or atleast inovate on what telltale did) with the time travel mechanic since it changed the way you made choices and solved puzzles. On the topic of puzzles, why doesn't TT put hardly any puzzles in their games any more? Doing the detective work in episode 4 (i think it was 4) of LIS was really fun.TT also doesn't put any hubs in their game anymore wich is another thing LIS did. To me it feels like LIS just takes everything that made TWD S1 so good and puts a twist on it. Yes it did do a couple of things wrong like that fucking find the bottles section and under-developing one of the endings a bit, but it also did so many things right, one of the best soundtracks EVER, a fresh art-style, it explored new-themes, made me care about the characters a… [view original content]
I did play episode 1 but it just felt very similar to everything else they did. It doesn't feel fresh or inovative, it feels like they are just aplying the same formula to every game they do and it's getting real old real fast. The story was good and the characters were interesting but playing TTG games is just becoming repetitive. That's why LIS was so good for me it's because it felt fresh and new and actually had new mechanics that really altered the way you played the game and solved puzzles.
That's what he said above ;p And yes. He was talking about Tales.
I did play episode 1 but it just felt very similar to everything else they did. It doesn't feel fresh or inovative, it feels like they are j… moreust aplying the same formula to every game they do and it's getting real old real fast. The story was good and the characters were interesting but playing TTG games is just becoming repetitive. That's why LIS was so good for me it's because it felt fresh and new and actually had new mechanics that really altered the way you played the game and solved puzzles.
That's what he said above ;p And yes. He was talking about Tales.
Has everyone lost their minds on this thread? How is LIS a bad game?
Humm opinions?
Jesus christ LIS is better than anything telltale have done since TWD S1.
Humm opinions?
Everyone has completly gone crazy and has just started criticing this game for no reason.
People are free to criticize whatever they want.
To me it seems that you're with a big butthurt because you found some people with different opinions than yours.
Jesus christ LIS is better than anything telltale have done since TWD S1.
I disagree, LiS has a really simple and predictable plot, it lacks of twists unlike TellTale's stories. On the good side it has very rich side-stories that are IMO a bit unnecessary but is still something that TellTale lacks.
I can understand the complaints that one of the endings is a bit under-developed but people complaining that choices don't matter? Oh yes cause they matter SO MUCH in telltale games.
Choices matter in both games. TellTale tho has done it way better in their games and it's time for you LiS fans realise that they don't mean to give continuation to the plot while TellTale does. That being said they (LiS writers) could've given us A LOT of endings but instead they gave us two underdeveloped endings.
About the choices themselves:
LiS episodes were linear. Seriously one thing that really let me down in Polarized was its replayability. Nothing changed, I felt I was playing the same episode twice.
I never felt that way in any TellTale game!
In The Wolf Among Us I didn't gave the Crooked Man a trail that compeletly changed how things turn out for the rest of the episode. There's also the choice we make along the series that determine what the community will blame us for.
In Game of Thrones I don't feel like I even have to explain myself: two completly different storylines, a determinant protagonist, determinant deaths and also determinant ways things are handeled. You also get different-ish endings.
In The Walking Dead I admit that along the series there aren't many differences but there are still some:
Alvin's fate: you get an alternate scene with him (Carver's ofice)
(This one really pisses me off so sorry if I sound agressive) Sarah's fate: alternate hub with an alternate conversation with her. And you want to know what's funny? Kate got a determinant hub as well and everyone reacted: "OMG DONTNOD IS SO GUD CHOICES MATTER SO MUCH!!!!1!!!!1!! UNLIKE THOSE IDIOTS IN TELLTALE!" and how did people reacted to Sarah's hub? "OMG THIS GAME IS TRASH! WHAT A SHITTY STORY! CHOICES DONT MATTER BOOOOO!" I find this ridiculous. Back to Sarah's consequences you get a longer scene in the desk as well as some more choices and reactions from the group to Sarah's death.
Pizza or IceCream: basically the endings for the Season.
If anyone is able to tell me what has LiS soo special on the terms of choices mattering pls do so, I'm eager to find out.
Now I'm ok if you had a better time playing this than when you played a TellTale game, it's your opinion and I have to respect it, but please if you wanna praise LiS don't shit on TellTale.
Has everyone lost their minds on this thread? How is LIS a bad game? Jesus christ LIS is better than anything telltale have done since TWD S… more1. Everyone has completly gone crazy and has just started criticing this game for no reason. I can understand the complaints that one of the endings is a bit under-developed but people complaining that choices don't matter? Oh yes cause they matter SO MUCH in telltale games. In the TWD S2 only your last choices have an impact on the ending, same for season 1 of TWD. People should be happy that it's not just telltale doing story games because this will bring this genre to the next level and will cause telltale to pick up their game and actually DO SOMETHIG NEW instead of using the same old formula in every single game they do.
Jup. And it's a Big Problem of the "New Generation" of Players. "Why make an own opinion When you can easily read thousands of others". It's Really sad...
LIS did inovate the genre (or atleast inovate on what telltale did) with the time travel mechanic since it changed the way you made choices and solved puzzles.
I actually find the timetravel mechanic Pretty disappointing. It was basically a quick reload And was completely pointless, Because you don't Know the Consequences of your decisions. So you can't Travel back to change the outcome. As of a Part of the Story ist was totally Fine. They actually had a Big opportunity in EP. 5 to use it As a GOOD gameplay mechanic. In the beginning When you're in the Dark Room: how cool would it Be, If you had multiple solutions to escape the Dark room, by useing different photos. For example all the optional photos.
On the topic of puzzles, why doesn't TT put hardly any puzzles in their games any more?
I think they Said: "Puzzles Stopps Story progress" i don't mind it, But i wouldn't Hate it If we had some, either.
Doing the detective work in episode 4 (i think it was 4) of LIS was really fun.
I agree, But it was fun Because it Progresses the Story in some way. TTG shouldn't Do Puzzles for the sake of having Puzzles. Best examples for doing it wrong is the Bottles section in EP. 2.
TT also doesn't put any hubs in their game anymore
100% agreement from my side. I Miss them. And it's actually One of the reasons why i like Minecraft Story Mode so much. You had in Episode 3 2 Hubs. Wich was Awesome.
That's why i'm excited for TWD S3 and their Super show. Because i feel like they are gonna bring something new to the table with those 2 games.
Me too. The fact is, that LiS sold way better than TftBL And GoT. So TTG Need to give us something New And fresh so we don't Walk alway from them.
Well i'm gonna make another post here just to clear some things up.
What i said in my previous post is just my opinion. You can totally l… moreove TTG stuff and that's fine.
LIS did inovate the genre (or atleast inovate on what telltale did) with the time travel mechanic since it changed the way you made choices and solved puzzles. On the topic of puzzles, why doesn't TT put hardly any puzzles in their games any more? Doing the detective work in episode 4 (i think it was 4) of LIS was really fun.TT also doesn't put any hubs in their game anymore wich is another thing LIS did. To me it feels like LIS just takes everything that made TWD S1 so good and puts a twist on it. Yes it did do a couple of things wrong like that fucking find the bottles section and under-developing one of the endings a bit, but it also did so many things right, one of the best soundtracks EVER, a fresh art-style, it explored new-themes, made me care about the characters a… [view original content]
I've seen choice based games that have "tailored" the ending depending on your choices.. But I don't think I have played a game that actual… morely makes all your choices matter in the end.. even Tales.. it happens the same way whoever you choose for your team.. its just model swapped with different dialogue for each character.
So in a way you are criticizing what hasn't really been done that well by any story based game in the first place.
Really? I actually never lost a save file in a Telltale game. xD
True dat. At least I'm glad that they fixed it :P
I have, and I wasn't laughing when it happened. Not sure if it has happened to Minecraft users, but I see a bunch of topics about people not being able to play the episodes. I think I remember a year ago, seeing some people who bouth TWAU's season pass on the 360 not being able to simply download their episodes and had to wait for a fix.
It only took 4 months... something that shouldn't have happened in the 1st place.
Damn... Seriously, I don't know why that kind of thing never happened to me .-.
Oh... Poor TWAU fans ;_;
Some users are just lucky. The most that happened in TWAU, to me, was Woody's lamp being stuck to his body.
No I was talking about the Gryff glitch. >.< Should've specified that.
Oh... I actually encounter glitches that there aren't that bad
And in TWAU, I don't remember encountering any glitch xD
Haha xD Although, it would made me happy if they could fix the glitch immediately when Telltale saw it. I didn't like waiting 4 months so the glitch could be fixed :'c
And I have never said that you were shitting any game whatsoever. I was speaking generally. Of course it had flaws, everything does, I just wanted to know why do you think the dialogue in the game was unrealistic(?).
I disagree. I'm one in the weirdos that thinks Season 2 is really good.
That really doesn't matter, its still a reasonable criticism on both sides when a game that is heavy on player choice, buts fails in certain aspects to make those choices matter in terms of narrative branching..
Cool. What was that moment in LiS that made you shed a tear.
I felt the dialogue they written for Jefferson in ep5 made him less scary and more corny.
" There fucking together in heaven now"
For example, I have never met any teen girl- especially in 2015- of anyone say "Go fuck your selfie" or " sad face" as a serious insult like Victoria did. I wouldn't say all of the dialogue in LiS is unrealistic or even bad, but there were moments for me where it the dialogue sounded like someone from the writing team was taking notes from Beyond Two Souls idea of american teens.
Those must be the whitehills
That weird. Game of Thrones has been running smoothly on my PS4 save for one minor glitch in episode 4
I will say this: LiS has a really slick interface, and I do like the art style of the game.
Maybe these are not very popular, but I've heard my fair share of "are you cereal" and "wowsers".
You're lucky then. I've had glitches from floating objects, subtitle glitches to flickering textures.
People have been saying wowsers for years. Old people say "wowsers" I can believe that. Anyone who hears "are you cereal" should follow up by saying " I'm not just cereal, i'm part of a complete breakfast."
Me too. The art Style was Great. And i Really liked, how many in-door segments were really detailed. It was well Done.
Apparently, Red Bull Games has LIS up for voting for favorite/game of the year. I think you choose your top three and then they choose who is number one out of the group.
I've seen choice based games that have "tailored" the ending depending on your choices.. But I don't think I have played a game that actually makes all your choices matter in the end.. even Tales.. it happens the same way whoever you choose for your team.. its just model swapped with different dialogue for each character.
So in a way you are criticizing what hasn't really been done that well by any story based game in the first place.
Everything in the last episode just fell so short
While still not doing the choice mechanic as well as TWAU or TWD . It still has more than two alternate scenarios to some situations and has more knowledge of choices than GOT, TWD S2 and Until Dawn (don't get me started on "cliches" in this one)
I meant that I heard it from teenagers, not from old people.
I did play episode 1 but it just felt very similar to everything else they did. It doesn't feel fresh or inovative, it feels like they are just aplying the same formula to every game they do and it's getting real old real fast. The story was good and the characters were interesting but playing TTG games is just becoming repetitive. That's why LIS was so good for me it's because it felt fresh and new and actually had new mechanics that really altered the way you played the game and solved puzzles.
LiS is good, but TWD is better simply for one reason. No Chloe.
Absolutly right! If TTG doesn't recognized LiS As a Competitor, Then they wont get better. And a Really Big reason why LiS sold so good is, Because it's an Original IP. No One expected something Big from it. And the Sales started to rise After EP. 3 Because the Episode was actually good. And pewdiepie played it After EP. 3 so Thats. Reason too. And Thats were the complaints Are coming from. It sold more Then 2x better than TftBL or GoT. so we expected it to Be better. I started playing LiS shortly before EP. 4 released. I Heard soo many Things about it for example that it's the best Story in a videogame or that it's characters Are all amazingly written. I played it And i felt dissapointed. And EP. 5 made it much much worse. Thats where my Complaints Are coming from.
Well i'm gonna make another post here just to clear some things up.
What i said in my previous post is just my opinion. You can totally love TTG stuff and that's fine.
LIS did inovate the genre (or atleast inovate on what telltale did) with the time travel mechanic since it changed the way you made choices and solved puzzles. On the topic of puzzles, why doesn't TT put hardly any puzzles in their games any more? Doing the detective work in episode 4 (i think it was 4) of LIS was really fun.TT also doesn't put any hubs in their game anymore wich is another thing LIS did. To me it feels like LIS just takes everything that made TWD S1 so good and puts a twist on it. Yes it did do a couple of things wrong like that fucking find the bottles section and under-developing one of the endings a bit, but it also did so many things right, one of the best soundtracks EVER, a fresh art-style, it explored new-themes, made me care about the characters and chloe's voice actor did an AMAZING JOB.
IMO TT needs to something new because their games feel like their done all by the same person with the same vision and while that worked for a bit i feel like it's not good enough anymore no matter how good a story they make i can't immerse myself in it because everything just feels so similar. That's why i'm excited for TWD S3 and their Super show. Because i feel like they are gonna bring something new to the table with those 2 games.
Anyway i'm not on this thread to discuss anything TT related so i'm not gonna reply to anyone or make a new post about things TT related on here.
Did you play Tales from the Borderlands?
That's what he said above ;p And yes. He was talking about Tales.
Oh, didn't notice the post
Humm opinions?
Humm opinions?
People are free to criticize whatever they want.
To me it seems that you're with a big butthurt because you found some people with different opinions than yours.
I disagree, LiS has a really simple and predictable plot, it lacks of twists unlike TellTale's stories. On the good side it has very rich side-stories that are IMO a bit unnecessary but is still something that TellTale lacks.
Choices matter in both games. TellTale tho has done it way better in their games and it's time for you LiS fans realise that they don't mean to give continuation to the plot while TellTale does. That being said they (LiS writers) could've given us A LOT of endings but instead they gave us two underdeveloped endings.
About the choices themselves:
LiS episodes were linear. Seriously one thing that really let me down in Polarized was its replayability. Nothing changed, I felt I was playing the same episode twice.
I never felt that way in any TellTale game!
In The Wolf Among Us I didn't gave the Crooked Man a trail that compeletly changed how things turn out for the rest of the episode. There's also the choice we make along the series that determine what the community will blame us for.
In Game of Thrones I don't feel like I even have to explain myself: two completly different storylines, a determinant protagonist, determinant deaths and also determinant ways things are handeled. You also get different-ish endings.
In The Walking Dead I admit that along the series there aren't many differences but there are still some:
Alvin's fate: you get an alternate scene with him (Carver's ofice)
(This one really pisses me off so sorry if I sound agressive) Sarah's fate: alternate hub with an alternate conversation with her. And you want to know what's funny? Kate got a determinant hub as well and everyone reacted: "OMG DONTNOD IS SO GUD CHOICES MATTER SO MUCH!!!!1!!!!1!! UNLIKE THOSE IDIOTS IN TELLTALE!" and how did people reacted to Sarah's hub? "OMG THIS GAME IS TRASH! WHAT A SHITTY STORY! CHOICES DONT MATTER BOOOOO!" I find this ridiculous. Back to Sarah's consequences you get a longer scene in the desk as well as some more choices and reactions from the group to Sarah's death.
If anyone is able to tell me what has LiS soo special on the terms of choices mattering pls do so, I'm eager to find out.
Now I'm ok if you had a better time playing this than when you played a TellTale game, it's your opinion and I have to respect it, but please if you wanna praise LiS don't shit on TellTale.
People often confuse popularity with quality and I find it a bit sad when people use it as an "argument".
Jup. And it's a Big Problem of the "New Generation" of Players. "Why make an own opinion When you can easily read thousands of others". It's Really sad...
Once again in other news...
The Official PlayStation Magazine UK(OPM UK) has Life Is Strange as their Best Episodic Adventure and Best Moment
LiS totally deserved both of these.
I actually find the timetravel mechanic Pretty disappointing. It was basically a quick reload And was completely pointless, Because you don't Know the Consequences of your decisions. So you can't Travel back to change the outcome. As of a Part of the Story ist was totally Fine. They actually had a Big opportunity in EP. 5 to use it As a GOOD gameplay mechanic. In the beginning When you're in the Dark Room: how cool would it Be, If you had multiple solutions to escape the Dark room, by useing different photos. For example all the optional photos.
I think they Said: "Puzzles Stopps Story progress" i don't mind it, But i wouldn't Hate it If we had some, either.
I agree, But it was fun Because it Progresses the Story in some way. TTG shouldn't Do Puzzles for the sake of having Puzzles. Best examples for doing it wrong is the Bottles section in EP. 2.
100% agreement from my side. I Miss them. And it's actually One of the reasons why i like Minecraft Story Mode so much. You had in Episode 3 2 Hubs. Wich was Awesome.
Me too. The fact is, that LiS sold way better than TftBL And GoT. So TTG Need to give us something New And fresh so we don't Walk alway from them.
I know. I was saying that old people say "wowsers" too
It doesn't matter whether it was done well or not in the past. Its still reasonable criticism.
Epsiode 2's ending was pretty good. I can see the game winning an award for that.