Telltale, listen to me: Clementine has to be the sacrifice in Season 3

What does it mean? I love Clementine, but unfortunately ... she must be in great danger at the end, she must be sacrifice.
Every season 2, she rescued them all, is the one that does all the tasks and helps adults. she must be more dangers to death in season 3. For balance it. She can not always be the hero that saves everything, right? So, I think, she should not be a hero in season three, only attend on duty ... she must attend. Important role! As season 1. Season 1, she was sacrifice and Lee saved her. I want it back, just without Lee (he died) with Kenny, Jane or another adult around. The best choice is Kenny, why? (I already wrote about it) he does not like too Clementine season 2, there is a reason. They were together only weeks 1 season barely made contact.
Clementine should let the players feel she realistic. She can not ... it is still tiny. And after all the help it has given to adults, they need to give her help and protect it.
Am I right? I really like the Clementine, but we do not have to play again Clementine season 3.
She will be on duty as season 1. The question of who would be the oldest: Kenny, Jane, another adult. Who knows ... maybe even Mike?
Clementine has to protect someone she loves her body at the end, and it is almost to die. It needs to be a victim, she should go into the dangers, she should get sick! (Because it did not make sense, she was not even ice cooling) that hell is 11, she had to get into more danger ... adults need to look responsible.
For example see this video (it is pretty ugly), but his end! Bad Guys Want Clementine ... and Kenny dead ... Lee alive (but that it XD)
and I AM sorry for my english ...
I disagree. TTG has a Big Opportunity with Clem. They Build her up only to die 2 Seasons later? No way. Clementine is probably the only character i Care about in the hole TWD Universe. It would Be devestatingly stupid to kill Off the only reason why we Even Care for the Game. They may have missed some opportunitys in Season 2 But it's Never to Late to deliver. Except for Pizza. That shit needs to Be here on Time.
i don't think so ...
I did not mean for her to die. I meant it to be threats so that she would be the victim, the bad guys will want it.
I Know what you're Saying. I think. Clem was NEVER Really in danger in Season 2 Because WE played her. In Season 1 WE played Lee to Protect her. But TTG could find ways to create Danger for Clementine Even though we Play As her. I want to Play As Clementine in Season 3 And a way to put her in danger could be, that she actually can get hurt If WE missed an QTE. So she gets a Penalty for the Next Episodes.
2 more threads till 100 discussions started here buddy. Thats a new record
You'd be surprised, but it's not a new record.
For him it is :P
Best thread I have seen you make so far. I know you are desperate to get Kenny involved in season 3 and explore his friendship with Clementine further, but characters like him and Jane aren't gonna last long. Once they are dead they are on borrowed time. Clementine should be more of a villain in future games if she is brought back imo. The more I think about it, the more I feel that is the best way to go. It would add some spice and and an unpredictable element to both the series and the character.
Clem is evil ??? no way XDD
No, I want Clem to be that one character that somehow makes it through it all.
Hey,CuteClem, have you ever watched this? I think that you would love it.
Go on YouTube, type in "TWDG Season 2 EP5 secret ending"
God Damnit, I am actually Subscribed to the guy who make these TWD Gmod and now it is spoiled.
I honestly didn't catch an understanding of anything you just said. Considering Season 3 will likely be the final chapter in the series, her fate may be determinant, come the end of it
I really hope this isn't how season three will go.
Sacrifice Clementine?
I think that's the last thing Telltale want to do if they want to keep their fans from rioting. If they got rid of Clementine, there wouldn't be really anybody else left in the game I'd give a damn about, not as much as her. She goes, I'm done with the series.
You did not understand. I did not tell her to die! I told her to be dangers, the big bad guys want it. Somebody help her end! It will be in a critical condition.
Our Goooooooooodddd is an awesome God
I still remember this even though I haven't seen it in forever