Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • ;)))))))))

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I forgive your naughty behaviour

  • Rhyiona, of course. Draw Rhyiona!

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Hello, hello, how are you today, guys? The weather is shitty here, raining, snowing and...I'm sitting with a paper and pencil but I dunno what to draw....

  • welcome to the struggle. I've been with the pen and tablet on my desk all day but my brain decided that today I should have no idea on how clothes work.
    Who needs clothes anyway?

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Hello, hello, how are you today, guys? The weather is shitty here, raining, snowing and...I'm sitting with a paper and pencil but I dunno what to draw....

  • Oh I will, but....ideas, ideas....

    Yeah, who needs them, drawing characters without clothes is fun!

    welcome to the struggle. I've been with the pen and tablet on my desk all day but my brain decided that today I should have no idea on how clothes work. Who needs clothes anyway?

  • edited December 2015

    saw it and still have it opened in a tab :)) I have like... 3 fanfiction tabs opened since last week. I also plan on reading the last chapter entirely as you posted it on AO3 and leave a comment. But did not find the time.
    (I hate my horrible skills at time management. )

    Mawula posted: »

    I hope you saw my Jack x you one-shot. There's been much Jack madness the last two nights... hot madness

  • drawing characters without clothes is fun!

    Yes it is indeed.

    enter image description here

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Oh I will, but....ideas, ideas.... Yeah, who needs them, drawing characters without clothes is fun!

  • And I now feel I have too much free time, lol.

    saw it and still have it opened in a tab ) I have like... 3 fanfiction tabs opened since last week. I also plan on reading the last chapter

  • Well, in this case unfortunately Rhys needs clothes because otherwise it would be very awkward.

    But have you ever had that moment when you nailed the anatomy so well that you want to cry because you have to add clothes over and cover all those nicely shaped lines? I am curios if it only happens to me... and then in the end I hate how it looks with the new layers, put it in the junk pile and move on with my life :))

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Oh I will, but....ideas, ideas.... Yeah, who needs them, drawing characters without clothes is fun!

  • edited December 2015

    Are you @Wolfenus54 twin? Your avatars look alike, and these Mira things... :)

    Brodester08 posted: »

    drawing characters without clothes is fun! Yes it is indeed.

  • I envy you so much, luv!

    Mawula posted: »

    And I now feel I have too much free time, lol.

  • I have to convince my sister to draw some Rhys x Fiona without clothes, mmmmmmm oh yes, that's my plan for today >8D

    Brodester08 posted: »

    drawing characters without clothes is fun! Yes it is indeed.

  • Well I am but I'm not really, we both share a love for Mira and her gifs and pictures. Otherwise we are very different.

    Mawula posted: »

    Are you @Wolfenus54 twin? Your avatars look alike, and these Mira things...

  • I even made a thread for sharing photos. Wanna see how other Rhyiona members look?

    I envy you so much, luv!

  • What Brodester said c:

    Although I love Mira a lot. And by 'a lot', I mean way too much.

    Mawula posted: »

    Are you @Wolfenus54 twin? Your avatars look alike, and these Mira things...

  • Best plan ever m8 :)

    enter image description here

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    I have to convince my sister to draw some Rhys x Fiona without clothes, mmmmmmm oh yes, that's my plan for today >8D

  • I just almost took you for him :)

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Well I am but I'm not really, we both share a love for Mira and her gifs and pictures. Otherwise we are very different.

  • edited December 2015

    Yeah @OfficialSheriffMaybe also mistook me for Wolfenus xD

    Mawula posted: »

    I just almost took you for him

  • And again about my sister - she always says that her sketches look far better than finished pictures, I dunno if that's what happens to you too

    Well, in this case unfortunately Rhys needs clothes because otherwise it would be very awkward. But have you ever had that moment when yo

  • each and every time. for me, most of the time the characters look more 'alive' in sketch form. When I look at the finished thing everything looks so... plastic.

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    And again about my sister - she always says that her sketches look far better than finished pictures, I dunno if that's what happens to you too

  • sure! shoot a link pls ;)

    Mawula posted: »

    I even made a thread for sharing photos. Wanna see how other Rhyiona members look?

  • edited December 2015

    She says exactly the same, I'm a traditional artist, and I'm trying to make my charas/commissions more "alive" than when they are just sketches...my sketches are mess, haha!


    Guys, I dunno if it's been mentioned before, but now, while sketching, I started to think about this - we know what happened to Rhys after Helios crashed and stuff, he took over Atlas etc. etc. but....what about Fiona? Any confirmed infos about what was she doing that time? Or some headcanons?

    each and every time. for me, most of the time the characters look more 'alive' in sketch form. When I look at the finished thing everything looks so... plastic.

  • sure! shoot a link pls

  • edited December 2015

    Your sister has an amazing style! I really love her lines and the way she picks colors. If you have a tumblr or dA for your works please do share. Maybe on a private message if you want, because I am really curious.

    As for headcanons.. well until we have a confirmation for what is going to happen next, for me Rhys is the ATLAS CEO and Fiona is a Vault Hunter, completely sponsored by Atlas with weapons, the newest shields and necessary gear :))

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    She says exactly the same, I'm a traditional artist, and I'm trying to make my charas/commissions more "alive" than when they are just sketc

  • Thanks Kenny! :D

    Kennybadger posted: »


  • I felt I was on the verge of tears

    Opps :'D Sorry about that!

    Amazing job

    Thanks Zappy! <3

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Wow, just..wow. This is excellence ★, I felt I was on the verge of tears, amazing job.



  • Sorry about that!

    Nope, Don't apologize, this is when you know your work was fantastic ;)

    You're welcome :D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I felt I was on the verge of tears Opps :'D Sorry about that! Amazing job Thanks Zappy!

  • this is when you know your work was fantastic ;)

    Awwww, thanks!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Sorry about that! Nope, Don't apologize, this is when you know your work was fantastic You're welcome

  • edit (because I read between lines, as usual): for what she's been doing during the events, I think she covers it in the 5th episode. When she said that things went back to normal. So basically scamming people and make a living out of it

    Your sister has an amazing style! I really love her lines and the way she picks colors. If you have a tumblr or dA for your works please do

  • how's everyone today?

  • Good. Just studying :P

    You? ^.^

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    how's everyone today?

  • Lurking and writing. Not bad, thus. How are you?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    how's everyone today?

  • praying to juvia obviously

    pretty good, thank you. :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good. Just studying :P You? ^.^

  • I'm alright, thank you for asking. :) Writing? Sounds promising!

    Mawula posted: »

    Lurking and writing. Not bad, thus. How are you?

  • I'm alright. Working on a project that I had all week to do but just started now.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    how's everyone today?

  • Ayy Wolf Sup! (゚ヮ゚)

    Doing alright just been lurking, sadly there isn't much to lurk on, hopefully it picks up soon before I have to get to work in a couple hours.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    how's everyone today?

  • Procrastination is a guilty pleasure of everyone's. :P

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I'm alright. Working on a project that I had all week to do but just started now.

  • I'm writing my own character for the roleplay. Going to post this short description today :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm alright, thank you for asking. Writing? Sounds promising!

  • Lazy weekend, I'm sure it'll be fine. :P

    Ayy Wolf Sup! (゚ヮ゚) Doing alright just been lurking, sadly there isn't much to lurk on, hopefully it picks up soon before I have to get to work in a couple hours.

  • Nice avatar ;^)

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I'm alright. Working on a project that I had all week to do but just started now.

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