Hard to choose among Silvi. Gwyn and Mira.
Least favourite is definitely Margaery. She kept saying she could help but in the end what did… more she do? Like someone else said in another topic
"Telltale ruined Margaery's charaacter by making her a selfish bitch."
Hard to choose among Silvi. Gwyn and Mira.
Least favourite is definitely Margaery. She kept saying she could help but in the end what did… more she do? Like someone else said in another topic
"Telltale ruined Margaery's charaacter by making her a selfish bitch."
Ok, I thought my comment will start some discussion about Elsera (comments with only listing who you like without even a reason is so boring), but noone is willing to discuss with me
Linking Elsera's rather bad photo was kind of joke (several posts above I wrote that my favourite is Beskha, so it's sure evidence that I don't judge GoT girls as miss Westeros).
I'm just curious what you found in Elsera that made her one of your favourite female characters. 5 posts under and above me and still not even one reason xD
Try to be creative and convince me that she can be liked :P
Women characters that I liked (in no particular order):
* Beskha
* Talia Forrester
* Elaena Glenmore
* Elsera (kinda surprised noone mentioned her)
Mira was just ok, and no, I didn't like Gwyn and Sylvi.
(several posts above I wrote that my favourite is Beskha, so it's sure evidence that I don't judge GoT girls as miss Westeros).
But Beskha is very attractive. (At least for me :P) About Elsera, I like her because, unlike other girls, she seems to respect my choices (I was suprised that she didn't even yell at me when I decided to give Nightshade to Cotter. She just walked away and accepted it). She seems very nice and smart.
Ok, I thought my comment will start some discussion about Elsera (comments with only listing who you like without even a reason is so boring… more), but noone is willing to discuss with me
Linking Elsera's rather bad photo was kind of joke (several posts above I wrote that my favourite is Beskha, so it's sure evidence that I don't judge GoT girls as miss Westeros).
I'm just curious what you found in Elsera that made her one of your favourite female characters. 5 posts under and above me and still not even one reason xD
Try to be creative and convince me that she can be liked :P
I liked her because she was pretty nice to my Gared, despite the choices my Gared made (nightshade or the heart). She only was suspicious of Gared when they first met, but started to trust Gared and genuinely be kind to him when Gared revealed he's from the Forrester family (complete opposite to Josera, who scorns and completely distrusting to Gared until Gared finally earns his trust when they fight the wights together).
And Elsera may not be the most attractive character in the game, but like DaveTheArakin said previously, her voice when doing the chant and taking control (and no, I have no problem with Blood Magic), and her commitment to protect the North Grove even when she finds out her father is dead (whereas Josera just wanted to abandon the mission and head south to Ironrath) makes me feel she's one of the most compelling characters in the game.
And besides, from playing the game twice (Rodrik path and Asher path) now, it can be seen Elsera gives Gared some looks during the episode, and smiles at him quite a bit, so if Telltale makes it an option, I may ship them as a couple (to me it sort of mirrors Jon Snow and Ygritte's relationship).
Of course, you're totally free to have your own opinion, but that's how I feel (about Elsera).
Ok, I thought my comment will start some discussion about Elsera (comments with only listing who you like without even a reason is so boring… more), but noone is willing to discuss with me
Linking Elsera's rather bad photo was kind of joke (several posts above I wrote that my favourite is Beskha, so it's sure evidence that I don't judge GoT girls as miss Westeros).
I'm just curious what you found in Elsera that made her one of your favourite female characters. 5 posts under and above me and still not even one reason xD
Try to be creative and convince me that she can be liked :P
Regardless of her intentions for peace, Gwyn did a very piss poor job of it, with her actually asking Rodrik to submit to Gryff (rather than her trying to make an effort to Gryff), and her actually having no objections to Forresters disgracefully becoming Ludd's bannerman (by submitting to him) and producing ironwood for Ludd (most likely until the Forresters have outlived their usefulness, especially when Whitehills learn how to produce ironwood as well as Forresters).
When Rodrik rejects Ludd's terms at High point, this angers Ludd, but all Gwyn says is "Give him time, father." Give my Rodrik time for what? To consider submitting to him? Yeah right. As if that will ever happen.
Come to think of it the only pro-Forrester actions Gwyn did were informing Rodrik of the traitor at their meeting, and sending a messenger to Rodrik saying Ludd will be coming soon with his army (but this is only if Asher is dead). All other times, her actions were that of nonchalant, or worse pro-Whitehill rather than Forrester.
And that's the thing. Almost all her Pro-Whitehill actions were pretty much Con-Forrester. Peace achieved through her means would have never lasted, especially if it meant Forresters submitting to Whitehills like Ludd wanted (ant Gwyn pretty much had no problem with that, as players can see during Rodrik and Ludd's meet at High Point). At best, their peace would have lasted days, before another war broke out.
This is why I don't have much respect for Gwyn's character (despite making her end up with Asher at the end, because it was obvious Asher still has feeling for her). I would have thought since she wants to marry Asher and be part of the Forrester family, she would have at least try to convince her father to treat Forresters as equals. But she made no effort at all and just let her father do whatever he wanted.
She pretty much put Whitehills (well, Ludd's) wants in front of Forresters needs most of the time (not a good idea if she plans to be a future Lady Forrester).
Though many would feel differently (since I can see a lot of people liking Gwyn here), she and Sylvi (her for different reason) were two women characters that I did not like in this game.
To be honest I liked most of the female characters in GoT, mostly Amaya, Mira and Elsera.
Amaya was tough and she went down fighting, Elsera is nice yet uses Blood Magic I think she's a pretty unique character in a sense plus she hasn't held much of a grudge unlike some characters in TTG games :x
As for Mira, I must admit that I'm usually someone who likes being morally good in games but with Mira, I just fucked shit up in King's Landing, I kind of liked being sort of evil as Mira which isn't usually like me xD I was still nice to Sera though and Margaery teed me off, I mean I was starting to like Circe more...
she was pretty nice to my Gared, despite the choices my Gared made
I haven't played ep6 yet, I only watched it on yt and guy chose blood magic there, so I didn't know how Elsera reacts when we disagree.
The way she doesn't care about Gared's choice (or as you said, she could quite easily accept it) about Cotter's heart makes me think she knows blood magic is bad, she doesn't completely trust in this power, but still she goes in using it. It's like ok, you can make my magic stronger for a while, but I will end up with rebellion of my servants anyway. That makes pain and devotion of Cotter completely useless- we will see in next season (knowing Telltale illusion of making choices that can be possible- I'm still frustrated that no matter what I do I would lose Ironwood and have Ethan killed).
I also want to know why she is even controlling these guys- was there any clarification about that? If so, I missed it. They wanted to go away from North Grove so she decided to make them brainless zombies?
mirrors Jon Snow and Ygritte's relationship
Imo when it comes to Jon and Ygritte's relationship- more similar would be Sylvi and Gared. Anyway, that would be nice to let us choose the girlfriend for Gared :P
I liked her because she was pretty nice to my Gared, despite the choices my Gared made (nightshade or the heart). She only was suspicious o… moref Gared when they first met, but started to trust Gared and genuinely be kind to him when Gared revealed he's from the Forrester family (complete opposite to Josera, who scorns and completely distrusting to Gared until Gared finally earns his trust when they fight the wights together).
And Elsera may not be the most attractive character in the game, but like DaveTheArakin said previously, her voice when doing the chant and taking control (and no, I have no problem with Blood Magic), and her commitment to protect the North Grove even when she finds out her father is dead (whereas Josera just wanted to abandon the mission and head south to Ironrath) makes me feel she's one of the most compelling characters in the game.
And besides, from playing the game twice (Rodrik path and Asher path) now, it can b… [view original content]
I also want to know why she is even controlling these guys- was there any clarification about that? If so, I missed it. They wanted to go away from North Grove so she decided to make them brainless zombies?
To protect The North Grove from wights, I think that's pretty obvious.
she was pretty nice to my Gared, despite the choices my Gared made
I haven't played ep6 yet, I only watched it on yt and guy chose b… morelood magic there, so I didn't know how Elsera reacts when we disagree.
The way she doesn't care about Gared's choice (or as you said, she could quite easily accept it) about Cotter's heart makes me think she knows blood magic is bad, she doesn't completely trust in this power, but still she goes in using it. It's like ok, you can make my magic stronger for a while, but I will end up with rebellion of my servants anyway. That makes pain and devotion of Cotter completely useless- we will see in next season (knowing Telltale illusion of making choices that can be possible- I'm still frustrated that no matter what I do I would lose Ironwood and have Ethan killed).
I also want to know why she is even controlling these guys- was there any clarification about that? If so, I missed it. They wanted to go away … [view original content]
Hopefully our unanswered questions about the north grove like that and why Gregor thought it was so important are answered in episode 1 or 2 at the latest in season 2.
I'm thinking those creepy servants she has is the ice river clan that Syvli said never came back after searching for it. Either killed by wights and resurrected with blood magic or the more dark possibility being Elsera did it without their consent.
I also want to know why she is even controlling these guys- was there any clarification about that? If so, I missed it. They wanted to go aw… moreay from North Grove so she decided to make them brainless zombies?
To protect The North Grove from wights, I think that's pretty obvious.
I love Mira more but I actually agree. Beskha's probably one of the best female characters in Telltale history.
"Telltale ruined Margaery's character by making her a selfish bitch."
More so?
I'm still annoyed she doesn't appear in Rodrik's story.
Dont you know Margery's character?
At least she warned Rodrik Ludd is coming, this is because her father killed her boyfriend
How disrespectful, amirite?
You are hella rite, m8 B]
:O NAH-UH! Elsera's beautiful! XD
Ew, "hella"
Yeah, I cringe so much by that word lately.
But I still love Chloe, though. She's one of the few characters that have a great personality in LiS IMO.
I hate Chloe. Well, I hated her until I sacrificed her for the greater good. Zero regrets there. Except I kinda felt bad for Max.
Ok, I thought my comment will start some discussion about Elsera (comments with only listing who you like without even a reason is so boring), but noone is willing to discuss with me
Linking Elsera's rather bad photo was kind of joke (several posts above I wrote that my favourite is Beskha, so it's sure evidence that I don't judge GoT girls as miss Westeros).
I'm just curious what you found in Elsera that made her one of your favourite female characters. 5 posts under and above me and still not even one reason xD
Try to be creative and convince me that she can be liked :P
But Beskha is very attractive. (At least for me :P) About Elsera, I like her because, unlike other girls, she seems to respect my choices (I was suprised that she didn't even yell at me when I decided to give Nightshade to Cotter. She just walked away and accepted it). She seems very nice and smart.
I liked her because she was pretty nice to my Gared, despite the choices my Gared made (nightshade or the heart). She only was suspicious of Gared when they first met, but started to trust Gared and genuinely be kind to him when Gared revealed he's from the Forrester family (complete opposite to Josera, who scorns and completely distrusting to Gared until Gared finally earns his trust when they fight the wights together).
And Elsera may not be the most attractive character in the game, but like DaveTheArakin said previously, her voice when doing the chant and taking control (and no, I have no problem with Blood Magic), and her commitment to protect the North Grove even when she finds out her father is dead (whereas Josera just wanted to abandon the mission and head south to Ironrath) makes me feel she's one of the most compelling characters in the game.
And besides, from playing the game twice (Rodrik path and Asher path) now, it can be seen Elsera gives Gared some looks during the episode, and smiles at him quite a bit, so if Telltale makes it an option, I may ship them as a couple (to me it sort of mirrors Jon Snow and Ygritte's relationship).
Of course, you're totally free to have your own opinion, but that's how I feel (about Elsera).
Regardless of her intentions for peace, Gwyn did a very piss poor job of it, with her actually asking Rodrik to submit to Gryff (rather than her trying to make an effort to Gryff), and her actually having no objections to Forresters disgracefully becoming Ludd's bannerman (by submitting to him) and producing ironwood for Ludd (most likely until the Forresters have outlived their usefulness, especially when Whitehills learn how to produce ironwood as well as Forresters).
When Rodrik rejects Ludd's terms at High point, this angers Ludd, but all Gwyn says is "Give him time, father." Give my Rodrik time for what? To consider submitting to him? Yeah right. As if that will ever happen.
Come to think of it the only pro-Forrester actions Gwyn did were informing Rodrik of the traitor at their meeting, and sending a messenger to Rodrik saying Ludd will be coming soon with his army (but this is only if Asher is dead). All other times, her actions were that of nonchalant, or worse pro-Whitehill rather than Forrester.
And that's the thing. Almost all her Pro-Whitehill actions were pretty much Con-Forrester. Peace achieved through her means would have never lasted, especially if it meant Forresters submitting to Whitehills like Ludd wanted (ant Gwyn pretty much had no problem with that, as players can see during Rodrik and Ludd's meet at High Point). At best, their peace would have lasted days, before another war broke out.
This is why I don't have much respect for Gwyn's character (despite making her end up with Asher at the end, because it was obvious Asher still has feeling for her). I would have thought since she wants to marry Asher and be part of the Forrester family, she would have at least try to convince her father to treat Forresters as equals. But she made no effort at all and just let her father do whatever he wanted.
She pretty much put Whitehills (well, Ludd's) wants in front of Forresters needs most of the time (not a good idea if she plans to be a future Lady Forrester).
Though many would feel differently (since I can see a lot of people liking Gwyn here), she and Sylvi (her for different reason) were two women characters that I did not like in this game.
hella good fam
To be honest I liked most of the female characters in GoT, mostly Amaya, Mira and Elsera.
Amaya was tough and she went down fighting, Elsera is nice yet uses Blood Magic I think she's a pretty unique character in a sense plus she hasn't held much of a grudge unlike some characters in TTG games :x
As for Mira, I must admit that I'm usually someone who likes being morally good in games but with Mira, I just fucked shit up in King's Landing, I kind of liked being sort of evil as Mira
which isn't usually like me xD I was still nice to Sera though and Margaery teed me off, I mean I was starting to like Circe more... 
I AM Vault Tec!
I haven't played ep6 yet, I only watched it on yt and guy chose blood magic there, so I didn't know how Elsera reacts when we disagree.
The way she doesn't care about Gared's choice (or as you said, she could quite easily accept it) about Cotter's heart makes me think she knows blood magic is bad, she doesn't completely trust in this power, but still she goes in using it. It's like ok, you can make my magic stronger for a while, but I will end up with rebellion of my servants anyway. That makes pain and devotion of Cotter completely useless- we will see in next season (knowing Telltale illusion of making choices that can be possible- I'm still frustrated that no matter what I do I would lose Ironwood and have Ethan killed).
I also want to know why she is even controlling these guys- was there any clarification about that? If so, I missed it. They wanted to go away from North Grove so she decided to make them brainless zombies?
Imo when it comes to Jon and Ygritte's relationship- more similar would be Sylvi and Gared. Anyway, that would be nice to let us choose the girlfriend for Gared :P
My bae
Forever and Always. Always and Forever.
I think I fell in love with Gwyn, too...
Welcome to the club!
To protect The North Grove from wights, I think that's pretty obvious.
Hopefully our unanswered questions about the north grove like that and why Gregor thought it was so important are answered in episode 1 or 2 at the latest in season 2.
I'm thinking those creepy servants she has is the ice river clan that Syvli said never came back after searching for it. Either killed by wights and resurrected with blood magic or the more dark possibility being Elsera did it without their consent.
Sylvi is my favourite. Beshka and Mira were cool as well.
I'm really happy for you and imma let yall finish
I love Mira more but I actually agree. Beskha's probably one of the best female characters in Telltale history.
"Keep your cock in your pants little brother, she's likely to chop it off"
best line from her I think, lol
That line is gold ;^)
Asher (yes, Asher is a woman)
I love her exclamations too!!
Love you too, Beskha
He's a woman
Remove the 'wo', m8
He's a wo-man
I find her leather (I assume it is leather) traveling attire quite attractive to look at.